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Devil's Empire,SAMSUNG/인간답게 살 권리를 요구한다.




한강을 바라보며 살고 싶다. 워커힐 부근의 오피스 텔에 거주지를 얻고 싶다. 그러므로 나는 요구한다. 주어야 할 돈 중 10%를 먼저 지급하여, "최소한의 인간적 품위를 유지하는 가운데, 이 사건을 마무리할 수 있게 조치해 달라"


이는 정당한 요구다. 물론 그들은 정신병자 취급하겠지만 말이다.


이건희가 나를 7년 간 거지 꼴을 하고 살게 만든 이유는, 돈이 없어야, 아무 것도 할 수 없기 때문이고, 그렇게 되어야, 이 악당들이 벌리는 사기범죄에 대항할 수 없기 때문이다. 요즘 내가 약간의 여력이 생겨, 여러가지 기자재를 구입하여 세상에 이 악당 놈들의 악행을 알릴 수 있는 것도, 돈의 힘 때문이다. 그걸 노리고, 계속 거지를 만들고, 인간 이하의 삶을 살게 만들려고 하는 것이다. 국가 인권위원회는 할 일 하고 있습니까? 그들의 말은 믿지 마시오.


Today, I heard that LEE’s people ridicule to me; “you know your place, you don’t want to impossible thing”


One of the psychological warfare toolsfor them is treated me as if playing with toys by using hypnosis or brainwashing through mind control, most of people don’t know how to do mind control for human. It is unknown secret method.


Several days ago, I heard that someone tell me; “LEE make a decision about having my name entered in the family register”


Use so many mirages as a decoy tempted me and waiting that I got tricked.


They begin severe abuse & ridicule to me, if I get the trick. It was the traditional cheating tools for them and it was countless repeatedly for 7 years.


It seems like that the DEVIL’s (or SATAN) strategy. I guess that LEE’s soul was captured by SATAN(DEVIL) or he may be itself.


I witness from lucid dream that LEE’s identity is SATAN at May 2006. At that time, LEE with black mantle showed up to me under a cocksure attitude, at the same time, I see the LEE HAK SU standing next to him, also, I can see unidentified woman there. I never lie, please trust me.


내게도 약간의 초능력 무당 기질이 있습니다. 이건희는 기본적으로, 지옥의 영, 지옥의 존재들에게 사로잡힌 존재이거나, 혹은 그들 자신이라고 저는 생각하고 있습니다. 인간 세상의 숨겨진 진실은 너무도 충격적이라서, 일반 사람들은 잘 모릅니다.


I guess that LEE has several identities such as the Wickedness Reptilians, Devil.


Because that I see another LEE’s identity as wickedness reptilians at Apr 2009. It is very strange thing to me. At any rate, the point is that he is not good person.



이 글을 적는데, 껌SSip는 소리 한다고 조롱합니다. 아바타가 껌을SSip네요. 계속 아바타 연결해 놓고, 보면서 조롱하고 있는 겁니다. 풍선까지 불고 있습니다. ㅎㅎ 좌우지간 하는 짓 보면, 전광석화, 번개불에 콩 볶아 먹습니다. 사람이라면 요렇게 못합니다. 영혼들이거나, 영적 존재, 외계인들 중 하나입니다.사람들이 아니라는 얘기입니다. 사람이 어떻게 이렇게 할 수 있습니까? 저도 대단히 빠른 사람입니다. 그러나 내가 당할 수가 없는데, 이들이 초능력을 가지고 있고 마법을 부리기 때문 입니다. 동등한 능력으로 겨루면, 죽여 버리고 말 줄 알아라.


Fair한 게임을 하자. 비열하게Unfair 하게 굴지 말고. 참 비열한 사람들입니다.



양자를 삼네 뭐 어쩌고 하는 소리들은 2007년부터 읊어대던 거짓들입니다. 물론 지금 그렇게 해 준다고 해도, 거절합니다.그들 세계는 나와 맞지 않으며, 그들 또한 그렇게 할 마음이 없습니다. 한마디로 말하면 가지고 노는 수법입니다.


The key point is that all of proposal from LEE’s is useless mirages in order to deceive to me & another people. It is just strategies to avoid the responsibilities and to secure procedural justification for last 7 years crimes.


I have heard already been that’s an adopted child since 2007 years. Nevertheless, I’m a poorest beggar and perfect bankrupt. Besides, I’m living all alone for 7 years under perfect isolating everyone, everybody. Why?


LEE must be the worst of worst skillful fire fox and villain. Never trust them.


I’m being a fool for pains of mine by so much useless LEE’s mirages last 7 years.


In other words, they put me into slave for them under pretext marriage events for 7 years;the catch phraseis “get good luck for you through get marriage with upper classes woman”


But the getting good luck is not me, one of the main beneficiariesof the events last 7 years are gotten it by themselves. The AVATAR is the major reason.


That’s the reason why I called them as thieves, robbers; and the MAD DOGS.


I think that LEE’s people trying to take advantage of me to do use Ether AVATAR cheating & the virtual sex cheating still. They never keep promise not at all.


Nevertheless, he has the effrontery to keep telling me what to do.

I am deeply offended by his skillful conduct. 감탄사가 나옵니다.


They ask for me that keep silence for that issue continuously, even though they refuse or ignore proposal of mine to get apologize & compensate for me.


Also, they threat me repeatedly that you’d better keep silence, if you don’t want dead or imprison. Who are the criminal? 어처구니가 없습니다.


The law is becoming useless tools for LEE’s people, even though all men are equal in the eye of the law.


It seems that LEE get the absolute authority, the KOREA looks like a lawless world.



Today, I heard threat to me indirectly that someone under pretense talking about; “I will go to the Public Prosecutor's Office and ~~~~” at nearby NAMYEONG Station, PM 5:40, 20 AUG 2012.


Also, I heard that three older men talking about; “how much divide by six person for 10 billion won?” at NAMYEONG Station, PM 06:00, 20 Aug 2012.


Of course, it is the decoy to deceive to me. Use several mirages as a decoy, catching and hook seems like fun for them last 7 years.


Also, I heard that two person talking about; “I earned money doing grunt work~~~”, at nearby City hall PM 6:30, 20 Aug 2012.


It means that you have to get a job such as grunt work, if you can’t make girlfriend. Of course, I wish I could it, but it was impossible thing to me last 7 years. And then, I explained the reason why it sufficiently.


Those activities mean that the failure was caused by your mistake and we have no any responsibilities. How much the skillful fire foxes?


Also, I heard that some woman under pretense make a phone call; “we ask for in need of money ~~~~” at nearby MYUNG-DONG, PM 07:12, 20 Aug 2012.


Of course, it is the decoy. Do you understand how to they tried to handle with me?


Also, the brother makes a phone call to me, when I begin write the issue on my blog, PM 10: 23, 20 Aug 2012.


He says; “you have to go to a mental hospital, you looks like some strange”


“You need get medical treatment for 2~3 months, I will support the money, if you go there” 


동생까지 동원하여, 정신병자로 몰고 가려는 의도를 보이고 있습니다. 제가 적는 글 어디에서 정신병자의 징후가 보입니까? 글을 이렇게 논리정연하게, 6하 원칙에 맞춰서 잘 적는 사람도 드물죠? 정신병자요? 할 말이 없으니까 정신병자로 몰려고 하는 의도입니다. 그것 몇 푼 된다고 보상해 주고, 끝내면 되는데도, 이 악마들은 절대로 그렇게 못하겠다, 너를 반드시 죽여 버리겠다고 이를 갈고 나오고 있습니다. 이런 놈들입니다.


However hard he tries to explain himself, he cannot clear himself of suspicion.


It seems that they tried to drive me as a mentally deranged person, because it is difficult for them that have been using lame excuses to continue the marriage fraud.


변명하기 어렵게 되자, 정신병자로 몰려고 하고 있으며, 문제도 아닌 것을 문제 삼아 구속처벌 하겠다고 협박하고 있습니다. 도대체 누가 처벌받아야 합니까?


차라리 줄 돈 주고 마무리하면 될텐데 그건 안 된다는 겁니다. 돈이 없어서 그런 것도 아니고 그 악랄한 심성 때문 입니다. 정말 나쁜 놈들입니다. 있는 놈들에겐10억은 돈도 아닙니다. 강남 부자들 앞에서, 10억 가지고 폼 잡다간 웃음거리 됩니다. 그런 사람들이 왜 이렇게 인색할까요? 이상한 사람들입니다.


-. Drive me as a mentally deranged person.

-. Pick a quarrel with problem with non-issues, threat to me that put me into prison.

-. Tried to deceive me & relating people by using Ether AVATAR cheating and the ether illusions, double realities continually.

-. Throw several decoys to deceive me such as “we will get money for you sooner or later & please keep silence”






















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