사이드바 영역으로 건너뛰기

게시물에서 찾기삼성

Devil's Empire, SAMSUNG/인간노예 7년, 권리를 요구한다.







First of all, in a democratic society, individuals have every right to express themselves freely, both on- and off-line.


정당하고도 적법한 의사표현에 대해서 더 이상 시비 걸지 말라. 이건희 결혼 이벤트 건은 국내외적으로 모르는 사람이 없는 사건이다. 도대체 다 아는 사실을 문제시 하는 것이 무엇이 문제란 말인가? 법이 해결해 주지 못하므로, 대국민 상소문을 인터넷에 올리는 것이다. 삼성과 이건희가 얼마나 교활한 사람들인지 아는 사람들은 안다. 안다면, 내 주장에 대해서 공감할 수 있을 것이다.


요즘 내가 무슨 주제의 글을 적던 무조건 시비를 걸고,아무 것도 할 수 없게 만들려는 악랄하고 교활한 조직적 해코지가 반복되고 있다. 배후가 누구일까? 그들은 늘 “잘못이 없다”고 강변하려 한다. 세상에 잘못이 없는 사람이 누가 있다는 말인가?정신박약아 같은 사고방식, 소아병적인 천박한 사고방식을 지닌 사람들이 있다. 최악의 욕설을 퍼부어 주고 싶지만, 참는다.


나는 더 이상 거지가 아니며, 정당한 대가를 받을 권리를 지닌 사람이다. 더 이상 구걸, 거지, 동냥 같은 듣기 거북한 단어를 사용하여, 사람을 모욕하는 일이 없도록 해 줄 것을 요구한다. 이는 정당한 요구이지, 구걸이 아니다. 이건희 같은 사람?이 보기에도 정당한 일이다. 그러나 그는 자신의 입장에서 그걸 인정하면 안 되기 때문에, 수하들을 시켜서, 구걸이니 동냥이니 하는 표현을 하게 하며, 조롱하는 것 뿐이다. 그 자신도 잘 알고 있다고 나는 생각한다.




Also, they began to ridicule to me, I heard twice “begging” in SBS, KBS1 news. I wrote on my blog today; I ask for them that frontloaded a small part of promised money, because that I would like to get officetel nearby Han River.


They have a definite fastest reply by using broadcasting news always use it.


Of course, it seems that not aimed to me at least outwardly, because that they prefer to use a metaphor to do communicate with enemy. But, it must be aimed that ridicule to me indirectly.


At the same time, by using Ether technologies, they tried to make me the smallest Ether AVATAR(divide by person’s consciousness) in order to move smallest AVATAR of mine to their unknown HQ (I guess that the wickedness reptilians HQ at Ether density). They begin act on the severe violence & abuse of me, when the consciousness of mine fully injected the Ether AVATAR.


Also, they threat me that don’t write any subject. And then, they prefer to dust a person's jacket(give me strong blow) for the Ether AVATAR of mine, if I write specific subject relating them or blame to LEE’s crimes. I have heard that LEE MYUNG BAK & LEE GUN HEE’s voice several times.


I guess that they know it how to pull the wires in the countries. They tried to capture the person & move their HQ without any evidence by using the Ether Technologies, if someone resists their order. And then, they begin the terrible violence & torture for the person, I think that it is becoming the behind controlled ways for human society under nobody notice it.


The major tool is put the person in the sexual ecstasy through the virtual sex or ether AVATAR’s illusions. Of course, it is aimed that put out the person’s consciousness more easily. Never run into the virtual sex.


If not, I’m sure that they are able to use unknown mind control technologies by using smallest bionics chips. Also, unidentified being who’s out of body tried to attack in my face (Ether density level) or ether skull to make the ether illusions by using sharpness fingernail (may be reptilians nail, ether density). I know that the bionics chip may be ether density materials, also human can’t see it.


I suppose that they use strong magnetic field in order to generate the illusions also. The most of people don’t know the hidden technologies.


참 비열한 사람들입니다.

그리고는 계속 나를 조그마한 에테르 아바타로 만들어 놓고, 제 놈들 책상 혹은 본거지로 끌고 가서, “글을 적지 말라”며 폭행과 구타, 모욕과 욕설을 반복하고 있습니다. 아마 이 수법에 알게 모르게 고문 당하고 얻어 터지고, 박살 난 사람들이 수도 없을 것으로 추정됩니다. 저는 피하는 방법을 알기에 그나마 버티지만, 그렇지 않은 사람들은 아무도 모르는 사이에 잡혀 가서 죽거나, 고문당하거나, 무서운 협박을 당하고 있을지도 모른다는 우려입니다. 



Please investigate how much they got ill-gained through the Marriage fraud for 7 years.


I suppose that there were visible and invisible enormous ill-gained for themselves.


And so, I have a right to do ask for them that they should compensate me for my trouble with a large sum of money.


처 웃지 말고, 정직하게 말해라. 이 도둑놈들아. 자꾸 거지 거지 하는데, 나를 이용해서 처 먹은 이득이 하늘에 닿는다. 솔직하게 까발려 보자고. 10억? 지나가던 개가 웃을 금액이다. 당신들이 처 먹은 이득에 비하면 말이다. 자 이래도 내가 거지이고, 구걸하고 있다고 보는가? 양심 좀 가지고 살거라.




한강을 바라보며 살고 싶다. 워커힐 부근의 오피스 텔에 거주지를 얻고 싶다. 그러므로 나는 요구한다. 주어야 할 돈 중 10%를 먼저 지급하여, "최소한의 인간적 품위를 유지하는 가운데, 이 사건을 마무리할 수 있게 조치해 달라"


이는 정당한 요구다. 물론 그들은 정신병자 취급하겠지만 말이다.


이건희가 나를 7년 간 거지 꼴을 하고 살게 만든 이유는, 돈이 없어야, 아무 것도 할 수 없기 때문이고, 그렇게 되어야, 이 악당들이 벌리는 사기범죄에 대항할 수 없기 때문이다. 요즘 내가 약간의 여력이 생겨, 여러가지 기자재를 구입하여 세상에 이 악당 놈들의 악행을 알릴 수 있는 것도, 돈의 힘 때문이다. 그걸 노리고, 계속 거지를 만들고, 인간 이하의 삶을 살게 만들려고 하는 것이다. 국가 인권위원회는 할 일 하고 있습니까? 그들의 말은 믿지 마시오.


Today, I heard that LEE’s people ridicule to me; “you know your place, you don’t want to impossible thing”


One of the psychological warfare toolsfor them is treated me as if playing with toys by using hypnosis or brainwashing through mind control, most of people don’t know how to do mind control for human. It is unknown secret method.


Several days ago, I heard that someone tell me; “LEE make a decision about having my name entered in the family register”


Use so many mirages as a decoy tempted me and waiting that I got tricked.


They begin severe abuse & ridicule to me, if I get the trick. It was the traditional cheating tools for them and it was countless repeatedly for 7 years.


It seems like that the DEVIL’s (or SATAN) strategy. I guess that LEE’s soul was captured by SATAN(DEVIL) or he may be itself.


I witness from lucid dream that LEE’s identity is SATAN at May 2006. At that time, LEE with black mantle showed up to me under a cocksure attitude, at the same time, I see the LEE HAK SU standing next to him, also, I can see unidentified woman there. I never lie, please trust me.


내게도 약간의 초능력 무당 기질이 있습니다. 이건희는 기본적으로, 지옥의 영, 지옥의 존재들에게 사로잡힌 존재이거나, 혹은 그들 자신이라고 저는 생각하고 있습니다. 인간 세상의 숨겨진 진실은 너무도 충격적이라서, 일반 사람들은 잘 모릅니다.


I guess that LEE has several identities such as the Wickedness Reptilians, Devil.


Because that I see another LEE’s identity as wickedness reptilians at Apr 2009. It is very strange thing to me. At any rate, the point is that he is not good person.



이 글을 적는데, 껌SSip는 소리 한다고 조롱합니다. 아바타가 껌을SSip네요. 계속 아바타 연결해 놓고, 보면서 조롱하고 있는 겁니다. 풍선까지 불고 있습니다. ㅎㅎ 좌우지간 하는 짓 보면, 전광석화, 번개불에 콩 볶아 먹습니다. 사람이라면 요렇게 못합니다. 영혼들이거나, 영적 존재, 외계인들 중 하나입니다.사람들이 아니라는 얘기입니다. 사람이 어떻게 이렇게 할 수 있습니까? 저도 대단히 빠른 사람입니다. 그러나 내가 당할 수가 없는데, 이들이 초능력을 가지고 있고 마법을 부리기 때문 입니다. 동등한 능력으로 겨루면, 죽여 버리고 말 줄 알아라.


Fair한 게임을 하자. 비열하게Unfair 하게 굴지 말고. 참 비열한 사람들입니다.



양자를 삼네 뭐 어쩌고 하는 소리들은 2007년부터 읊어대던 거짓들입니다. 물론 지금 그렇게 해 준다고 해도, 거절합니다.그들 세계는 나와 맞지 않으며, 그들 또한 그렇게 할 마음이 없습니다. 한마디로 말하면 가지고 노는 수법입니다.


The key point is that all of proposal from LEE’s is useless mirages in order to deceive to me & another people. It is just strategies to avoid the responsibilities and to secure procedural justification for last 7 years crimes.


I have heard already been that’s an adopted child since 2007 years. Nevertheless, I’m a poorest beggar and perfect bankrupt. Besides, I’m living all alone for 7 years under perfect isolating everyone, everybody. Why?


LEE must be the worst of worst skillful fire fox and villain. Never trust them.


I’m being a fool for pains of mine by so much useless LEE’s mirages last 7 years.


In other words, they put me into slave for them under pretext marriage events for 7 years;the catch phraseis “get good luck for you through get marriage with upper classes woman”


But the getting good luck is not me, one of the main beneficiariesof the events last 7 years are gotten it by themselves. The AVATAR is the major reason.


That’s the reason why I called them as thieves, robbers; and the MAD DOGS.


I think that LEE’s people trying to take advantage of me to do use Ether AVATAR cheating & the virtual sex cheating still. They never keep promise not at all.


Nevertheless, he has the effrontery to keep telling me what to do.

I am deeply offended by his skillful conduct. 감탄사가 나옵니다.


They ask for me that keep silence for that issue continuously, even though they refuse or ignore proposal of mine to get apologize & compensate for me.


Also, they threat me repeatedly that you’d better keep silence, if you don’t want dead or imprison. Who are the criminal? 어처구니가 없습니다.


The law is becoming useless tools for LEE’s people, even though all men are equal in the eye of the law.


It seems that LEE get the absolute authority, the KOREA looks like a lawless world.



Today, I heard threat to me indirectly that someone under pretense talking about; “I will go to the Public Prosecutor's Office and ~~~~” at nearby NAMYEONG Station, PM 5:40, 20 AUG 2012.


Also, I heard that three older men talking about; “how much divide by six person for 10 billion won?” at NAMYEONG Station, PM 06:00, 20 Aug 2012.


Of course, it is the decoy to deceive to me. Use several mirages as a decoy, catching and hook seems like fun for them last 7 years.


Also, I heard that two person talking about; “I earned money doing grunt work~~~”, at nearby City hall PM 6:30, 20 Aug 2012.


It means that you have to get a job such as grunt work, if you can’t make girlfriend. Of course, I wish I could it, but it was impossible thing to me last 7 years. And then, I explained the reason why it sufficiently.


Those activities mean that the failure was caused by your mistake and we have no any responsibilities. How much the skillful fire foxes?


Also, I heard that some woman under pretense make a phone call; “we ask for in need of money ~~~~” at nearby MYUNG-DONG, PM 07:12, 20 Aug 2012.


Of course, it is the decoy. Do you understand how to they tried to handle with me?


Also, the brother makes a phone call to me, when I begin write the issue on my blog, PM 10: 23, 20 Aug 2012.


He says; “you have to go to a mental hospital, you looks like some strange”


“You need get medical treatment for 2~3 months, I will support the money, if you go there” 


동생까지 동원하여, 정신병자로 몰고 가려는 의도를 보이고 있습니다. 제가 적는 글 어디에서 정신병자의 징후가 보입니까? 글을 이렇게 논리정연하게, 6하 원칙에 맞춰서 잘 적는 사람도 드물죠? 정신병자요? 할 말이 없으니까 정신병자로 몰려고 하는 의도입니다. 그것 몇 푼 된다고 보상해 주고, 끝내면 되는데도, 이 악마들은 절대로 그렇게 못하겠다, 너를 반드시 죽여 버리겠다고 이를 갈고 나오고 있습니다. 이런 놈들입니다.


However hard he tries to explain himself, he cannot clear himself of suspicion.


It seems that they tried to drive me as a mentally deranged person, because it is difficult for them that have been using lame excuses to continue the marriage fraud.


변명하기 어렵게 되자, 정신병자로 몰려고 하고 있으며, 문제도 아닌 것을 문제 삼아 구속처벌 하겠다고 협박하고 있습니다. 도대체 누가 처벌받아야 합니까?


차라리 줄 돈 주고 마무리하면 될텐데 그건 안 된다는 겁니다. 돈이 없어서 그런 것도 아니고 그 악랄한 심성 때문 입니다. 정말 나쁜 놈들입니다. 있는 놈들에겐10억은 돈도 아닙니다. 강남 부자들 앞에서, 10억 가지고 폼 잡다간 웃음거리 됩니다. 그런 사람들이 왜 이렇게 인색할까요? 이상한 사람들입니다.


-. Drive me as a mentally deranged person.

-. Pick a quarrel with problem with non-issues, threat to me that put me into prison.

-. Tried to deceive me & relating people by using Ether AVATAR cheating and the ether illusions, double realities continually.

-. Throw several decoys to deceive me such as “we will get money for you sooner or later & please keep silence”






















더블클릭을 하시면 이미지를 수정할 수 있습니다

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Devil's Empire,SAMSUNG/인간답게 살 권리를 요구한다.




한강을 바라보며 살고 싶다. 워커힐 부근의 오피스 텔에 거주지를 얻고 싶다. 그러므로 나는 요구한다. 주어야 할 돈 중 10%를 먼저 지급하여, "최소한의 인간적 품위를 유지하는 가운데, 이 사건을 마무리할 수 있게 조치해 달라"


이는 정당한 요구다. 물론 그들은 정신병자 취급하겠지만 말이다.


이건희가 나를 7년 간 거지 꼴을 하고 살게 만든 이유는, 돈이 없어야, 아무 것도 할 수 없기 때문이고, 그렇게 되어야, 이 악당들이 벌리는 사기범죄에 대항할 수 없기 때문이다. 요즘 내가 약간의 여력이 생겨, 여러가지 기자재를 구입하여 세상에 이 악당 놈들의 악행을 알릴 수 있는 것도, 돈의 힘 때문이다. 그걸 노리고, 계속 거지를 만들고, 인간 이하의 삶을 살게 만들려고 하는 것이다. 국가 인권위원회는 할 일 하고 있습니까? 그들의 말은 믿지 마시오.


Today, I heard that LEE’s people ridicule to me; “you know your place, you don’t want to impossible thing”


One of the psychological warfare toolsfor them is treated me as if playing with toys by using hypnosis or brainwashing through mind control, most of people don’t know how to do mind control for human. It is unknown secret method.


Several days ago, I heard that someone tell me; “LEE make a decision about having my name entered in the family register”


Use so many mirages as a decoy tempted me and waiting that I got tricked.


They begin severe abuse & ridicule to me, if I get the trick. It was the traditional cheating tools for them and it was countless repeatedly for 7 years.


It seems like that the DEVIL’s (or SATAN) strategy. I guess that LEE’s soul was captured by SATAN(DEVIL) or he may be itself.


I witness from lucid dream that LEE’s identity is SATAN at May 2006. At that time, LEE with black mantle showed up to me under a cocksure attitude, at the same time, I see the LEE HAK SU standing next to him, also, I can see unidentified woman there. I never lie, please trust me.


내게도 약간의 초능력 무당 기질이 있습니다. 이건희는 기본적으로, 지옥의 영, 지옥의 존재들에게 사로잡힌 존재이거나, 혹은 그들 자신이라고 저는 생각하고 있습니다. 인간 세상의 숨겨진 진실은 너무도 충격적이라서, 일반 사람들은 잘 모릅니다.


I guess that LEE has several identities such as the Wickedness Reptilians, Devil.


Because that I see another LEE’s identity as wickedness reptilians at Apr 2009. It is very strange thing to me. At any rate, the point is that he is not good person.



이 글을 적는데, 껌SSip는 소리 한다고 조롱합니다. 아바타가 껌을SSip네요. 계속 아바타 연결해 놓고, 보면서 조롱하고 있는 겁니다. 풍선까지 불고 있습니다. ㅎㅎ 좌우지간 하는 짓 보면, 전광석화, 번개불에 콩 볶아 먹습니다. 사람이라면 요렇게 못합니다. 영혼들이거나, 영적 존재, 외계인들 중 하나입니다.사람들이 아니라는 얘기입니다. 사람이 어떻게 이렇게 할 수 있습니까? 저도 대단히 빠른 사람입니다. 그러나 내가 당할 수가 없는데, 이들이 초능력을 가지고 있고 마법을 부리기 때문 입니다. 동등한 능력으로 겨루면, 죽여 버리고 말 줄 알아라.


Fair한 게임을 하자. 비열하게Unfair 하게 굴지 말고. 참 비열한 사람들입니다.



양자를 삼네 뭐 어쩌고 하는 소리들은 2007년부터 읊어대던 거짓들입니다. 물론 지금 그렇게 해 준다고 해도, 거절합니다.그들 세계는 나와 맞지 않으며, 그들 또한 그렇게 할 마음이 없습니다. 한마디로 말하면 가지고 노는 수법입니다.


The key point is that all of proposal from LEE’s is useless mirages in order to deceive to me & another people. It is just strategies to avoid the responsibilities and to secure procedural justification for last 7 years crimes.


I have heard already been that’s an adopted child since 2007 years. Nevertheless, I’m a poorest beggar and perfect bankrupt. Besides, I’m living all alone for 7 years under perfect isolating everyone, everybody. Why?


LEE must be the worst of worst skillful fire fox and villain. Never trust them.


I’m being a fool for pains of mine by so much useless LEE’s mirages last 7 years.


In other words, they put me into slave for them under pretext marriage events for 7 years;the catch phraseis “get good luck for you through get marriage with upper classes woman”


But the getting good luck is not me, one of the main beneficiariesof the events last 7 years are gotten it by themselves. The AVATAR is the major reason.


That’s the reason why I called them as thieves, robbers; and the MAD DOGS.


I think that LEE’s people trying to take advantage of me to do use Ether AVATAR cheating & the virtual sex cheating still. They never keep promise not at all.


Nevertheless, he has the effrontery to keep telling me what to do.

I am deeply offended by his skillful conduct. 감탄사가 나옵니다.


They ask for me that keep silence for that issue continuously, even though they refuse or ignore proposal of mine to get apologize & compensate for me.


Also, they threat me repeatedly that you’d better keep silence, if you don’t want dead or imprison. Who are the criminal? 어처구니가 없습니다.


The law is becoming useless tools for LEE’s people, even though all men are equal in the eye of the law.


It seems that LEE get the absolute authority, the KOREA looks like a lawless world.



Today, I heard threat to me indirectly that someone under pretense talking about; “I will go to the Public Prosecutor's Office and ~~~~” at nearby NAMYEONG Station, PM 5:40, 20 AUG 2012.


Also, I heard that three older men talking about; “how much divide by six person for 10 billion won?” at NAMYEONG Station, PM 06:00, 20 Aug 2012.


Of course, it is the decoy to deceive to me. Use several mirages as a decoy, catching and hook seems like fun for them last 7 years.


Also, I heard that two person talking about; “I earned money doing grunt work~~~”, at nearby City hall PM 6:30, 20 Aug 2012.


It means that you have to get a job such as grunt work, if you can’t make girlfriend. Of course, I wish I could it, but it was impossible thing to me last 7 years. And then, I explained the reason why it sufficiently.


Those activities mean that the failure was caused by your mistake and we have no any responsibilities. How much the skillful fire foxes?


Also, I heard that some woman under pretense make a phone call; “we ask for in need of money ~~~~” at nearby MYUNG-DONG, PM 07:12, 20 Aug 2012.


Of course, it is the decoy. Do you understand how to they tried to handle with me?


Also, the brother makes a phone call to me, when I begin write the issue on my blog, PM 10: 23, 20 Aug 2012.


He says; “you have to go to a mental hospital, you looks like some strange”


“You need get medical treatment for 2~3 months, I will support the money, if you go there” 


동생까지 동원하여, 정신병자로 몰고 가려는 의도를 보이고 있습니다. 제가 적는 글 어디에서 정신병자의 징후가 보입니까? 글을 이렇게 논리정연하게, 6하 원칙에 맞춰서 잘 적는 사람도 드물죠? 정신병자요? 할 말이 없으니까 정신병자로 몰려고 하는 의도입니다. 그것 몇 푼 된다고 보상해 주고, 끝내면 되는데도, 이 악마들은 절대로 그렇게 못하겠다, 너를 반드시 죽여 버리겠다고 이를 갈고 나오고 있습니다. 이런 놈들입니다.


However hard he tries to explain himself, he cannot clear himself of suspicion.


It seems that they tried to drive me as a mentally deranged person, because it is difficult for them that have been using lame excuses to continue the marriage fraud.


변명하기 어렵게 되자, 정신병자로 몰려고 하고 있으며, 문제도 아닌 것을 문제 삼아 구속처벌 하겠다고 협박하고 있습니다. 도대체 누가 처벌받아야 합니까?


차라리 줄 돈 주고 마무리하면 될텐데 그건 안 된다는 겁니다. 돈이 없어서 그런 것도 아니고 그 악랄한 심성 때문 입니다. 정말 나쁜 놈들입니다. 있는 놈들에겐10억은 돈도 아닙니다. 강남 부자들 앞에서, 10억 가지고 폼 잡다간 웃음거리 됩니다. 그런 사람들이 왜 이렇게 인색할까요? 이상한 사람들입니다.


-. Drive me as a mentally deranged person.

-. Pick a quarrel with problem with non-issues, threat to me that put me into prison.

-. Tried to deceive me & relating people by using Ether AVATAR cheating and the ether illusions, double realities continually.

-. Throw several decoys to deceive me such as “we will get money for you sooner or later & please keep silence”






















진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Devil's Empire,SAMSUNG/생활고 비관 묻지마 범죄 증가?



The MAD DOGS repeat the same activities TODAY surely.


The KBS1 9 News reported increasing ridiculous crimes because of faced with extreme financial difficulties. Look at the photograph, the criminal appearance is similar with me. What’s the purpose of those reports at KBS1 News?


It is aimed that ridicule to me. Several mad dogs make desperate efforts to cover up last 7 years crimes. They wish they could kill me, but it’s not easy.


And so, the skillful fire foxes & several mad dogs tried to cover up the true and put it into concerning light matter relating private problems mainly


Today, I heard at PM4:00 18 AUG 2012 that some woman tells me “I will return here after make photograph”


Also, some woman tell me; “Please stay in here”  ??


Of course, it was at just asleep or in the lucid dream, not the actual. And then, it seems like that I have a sexual relationship with some woman in turns continuously.


Above mentioned phenomenon repeated gain me experience at first hand last 7 years. Obviously, it must be AVATAR SEX, they used to put out my soul or Ether AVATAR to make a sexual relationship with unidentified being during I’m sleeping last 7 years.


In order to take advantage of me, they had been developed the AVATAR SEX or Virtual SEX technologies since Aug 2008, even though I’m all alone for 7 years.I would have to say that they are the worst of worst villains.


Be sure to put an end to dirty cheating game right now!


They have to finish it and apology & compensate me unconditionally for last 7 years lost right now.








I confirm at the KBS1 News today someone under keep strutting that I’m the powerful man once again 18 Aug 2012.


I don't like him because he is so conceited.





Look at attached photograph. Be sure to know how did they are media manipulation.



Some guy who is similar with me has a random violence in subway. They used to ridicule to me figuratively such as using fictitious accidents, because that he already know what I thought.


I thought that I have got to an accident to solve last 7 years matters sooner or later. Of course, they read it right now, and so ridicule & insult of me by using broadcast news. It is the traditional bullying tools indirectly last 7 years.


As far as I know, the Ether skull overlaps each other(Connect to me) can be catch a person’s mind. In other words, the Ether AVATAR is talking what I thought for them at the same time, if I think about something. Do you believe it?


이건희가 이 수법으로 내 모든 치부와 부끄러운 점을 공개하거나, 다른 사람이 알게 하는 등의 악랄한 인격 모독과 치욕을 가해 왔다는 점도 밝혀 둔다. 물론 인간 세계의 법으로는 다스릴 수 없는 범죄다. 그래서 마법이나 초능력이 무섭다는 것이다.


By using this way, they are able to put me in severe insult & abuse, and dust a person's jacket without proof evidence.


(말려들지 않으면 타격은 거의 없으되, 말려 들면 그 타격은 상상을 초월한다. 사람을 죽일 수도 있다. 즉 차원변경, 밀도 변경으로 현재 물질 육체에서는 환각으로 치부될 일들이 현실화 되고, 그 타격과 고통 또한 현실화 된다는 의미이다. 이들은 섹스의 쾌락을 주며, 사람의 혼을 유인해 들인다. 왜냐하면 그게 가장 쉬운 수법이기 때문이고, 그렇기 때문에, 내 아바타를 이용해서, 수많은 사람들을 노예로 만들 수 있었다는 것이다. 그리고 그것이 이 자들이 이 더러운 사기범죄를 계속 자행하려는 목적이라고 나는 보고 있다.)


In other words, Put out the person’s consciousness from physical body to do face in severe violence or mind controlled slave, or make sexual relationship with Ether AVATAR.


Those skills were developed by them since Aug 2008 to deceive another people. Be sure to remember that it is just only illusions. But, the illusions become to realities because of changing density (the same as out of physical body=Death), if you can’t get out of danger. By using this way, they can make good slave for them.






애국 좀 하려니까 이젠 하지 말랍니다. ㅎㅎ 너무 옳은 소리만 해서 그런감, 아니면 너무 정곡을 찔러서 그러남?





Proof evidence for Hacking.

Obviously, all the latest update for win 7 is finished



But, show me the message need for update repeatedly.






It’s too bad that I can’t make it out here, even though I try to get out here.


I suppose that they’d like to put me in the Matrix to isolate everyone, everything, to do pull up consciousness of mine on the head by using ether technologies.


They had been trying to install countless ether AVATARs in Ether body of mine to make Ether AVATAR to deceive relating people & pull out consciousness of mine since 2008.


They got a great success through the efforts several years that moved me another region to isolate from human society, and then put up the AVATAR instead of me to deceive another people.


Maybe, LEE GUN HEE insists on that the AVATAR is him, also he is dead already, and even though he who lives in other side insists that I’m here.


According to my experience last 7 years, they had been putting up the Ether AVATAR instead of me to deceive relating people under skillful hidden me, and then the most of Ether AVATAR was driven by them. In other words, actually they did it not me, if the AVATAR has a sexual relationship with woman.


I guess so many thieves rob the Ether form of mine from me to do so last 7 years. And then they tried to accuse me unjustly as if I did it.


I ask for them that the criminals must be face severe punishments.


At any rate, I suppose that they tried to cover up the truth as if I did it, because that the AVATAR has same appearance me or skillful disguised regards it as changed me. Of course, I never know it, because of the AVATAR which was driven another being working it.


You never trust them.


I guess that so many thieves & robbers knows it that getting large ill-gained very well, if they got a chance to take advantage of me.


I’ve got to return the normal society of human to get recovery of human rights & to get promised lost gift, so many thieves snatch it from me due to LEE GUN HEE’s hidden strategies. I don’t feel like the AVATAR cheating game anymore.


I guess that I was moved upper density level as it called MATRIX by them.


It is the proof evidence that they are the malignance aliens.



The point is that I’d like to get meaningful quality of life as human, because that’s the promised for me by them 7 years ago.


Why they insist on that must be achieve the goals under miserable state? They reply for it to me, because that I had been blaming them continuously.


It takes a great deal of manly courage to admit that they had been wrong. I think they never admit their wrong activities at the past. What's more pathetic is that they don't even know why I blamed them still.


Why I had been blaming or severe abusing of them?I never do it, if they treated me generously, with a modest & sincere attitude as equal right of person.


Probably, you never know how to they treated me unfairly now and the past.


LEE GUN HEE said at the past; powerful man takes it at all, also, he has his own way everything. You must be get the power or money, if you’d like to complaint it.


Of course, I know that different people have different values. But his values should never have taken the worst of worst immorality in the society of human.I don’t understand how to the person getting great power & riches in South Korea, and so I would have to say that the Astral Plane’s Elders are the same as villains.


Because that the most of human get a programmed life before birth from Astral planes. Be sure to remember that your destiny is already fixed it before birth.It is the human limitation that lives in lower spiritual grade. In other words, it is the only game in town. Obviously, I think that the malignance aliens except for astral planes had been intervening on the human society at the past, focus on to do make going to worse world.


I never understand why most of the powerful & richest people have the immorality & shallow values such as selfish & greedy, arrogance. That’s never happened in the earth, if the astral plane’s elders or Supreme Being manages the matter fairly and focus on to do make going to better world.


There is perhaps no one of our natural passions so hard to subdue as pride.


It was originated from Karma? Fuck you! Fuck Fuck. They must be fucking liars.

I will discuss the matter later more deeply.


I wouldn’t do that if I were you.


To avoid the responsibility for 7 years marriage fraud, LEE GUN HEE prefer to classical cheating strategies such as adopt me as LEE’s son repeatedly, but it is useless skillful cheating also.


Yesterday, I heard after escape from Ether trap that LEE’s voice, he says; “we regards nobody mentioned it, if we can’t capture the guy”


The point is that you are an unqualified person until changed another person. Changed another person means that the same as death me.


His hidden intention never changes, and he never gives up put me to death. His main target is just only two points; one is to take advantage of me under put me into slave to do keep going the marriage fraud crimes, the other is put me to death without proof evidence if it is impossible to do so.


He tried to act on as skillful parrot to avoid the responsibility for the marriage fraud merely. The hidden strategy is put me to death under nobody notice it.


Why did they try to keep playing the cheating game? There are the so much ill-gained for them as golden goose.


Nobody act on me kindly, wherever I will go outside. Most of Korean people act on an unpleasant & unkindly for me, even though there are no reasons. I guess it was caused by LEE’s order. They look like me as strange or weird person; sometimes I feel that they regard me as a beggar or schmegeggy.


In other words, according to LEE’s order, most of Korean people deal with me as a crazy person or pitiable guy. They are able to predict person’s future(It is the proof evidence that LEE GUN HEE is not human), in other words, they already know where I go, what I act on in future. It is the worst unfair game for me.



They deny me entrance for an unsatisfactory reason, when I visit the nearby Korean restaurants today. Obviously, they refused me for no good reason, nevertheless, several customers having a food in the restaurants.


It is the traditional bullying activities for me. It seems like that almost Koreans were mobilized the bullying activities for me by LEE MYUNG BAK & LEE GUN HEE.


Besides, I have received indirect message from them repeatedly; “we would be put you to death, if you become silent”


The Mad Dogs says; “you should be born again”


They tried to force me into death without evidence because of cover up the crimes, even though I’m still alive. They are afraid of come out the true for the marriage fraud, if I return to normal society of human under alive.


Also, LEE GUN HEE (Not human, actually wickedness Reptilians) is aimed that it is impossible to me that I’m living as who I’m. It means that LEE GUN HEE’s hidden intention is just only remove me and never change it since 2008.


Be sure to remember that he must be very skillful fire fox & the worst of worst villain.












진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Devil's Empire,SAMSUNG/상상이 현실화되는 공포의 세계?



I confirm at the KBS1 News today someone under keep strutting that I’m the powerful man once again 18 Aug 2012.


I don't like him because he is so conceited.





Look at attached photograph. Be sure to know how did they are media manipulation.



Some guy who is similar with me has a random violence in subway. They used to ridicule to me figuratively such as using fictitious accidents, because that he already know what I thought.


I thought that I have got to an accident to solve last 7 years matters sooner or later. Of course, they read it right now, and so ridicule & insult of me by using broadcast news. It is the traditional bullying tools indirectly last 7 years.


As far as I know, the Ether skull overlaps each other(Connect to me) can be catch a person’s mind. In other words, the Ether AVATAR is talking what I thought for them at the same time, if I think about something. Do you believe it?


이건희가 이 수법으로 내 모든 치부와 부끄러운 점을 공개하거나, 다른 사람이 알게 하는 등의 악랄한 인격 모독과 치욕을 가해 왔다는 점도 밝혀 둔다. 물론 인간 세계의 법으로는 다스릴 수 없는 범죄다. 그래서 마법이나 초능력이 무섭다는 것이다.


By using this way, they are able to put me in severe insult & abuse, and dust a person's jacket without proof evidence.


(말려들지 않으면 타격은 거의 없으되, 말려 들면 그 타격은 상상을 초월한다. 사람을 죽일 수도 있다. 즉 차원변경, 밀도 변경으로 현재 물질 육체에서는 환각으로 치부될 일들이 현실화 되고, 그 타격과 고통 또한 현실화 된다는 의미이다. 이들은 섹스의 쾌락을 주며, 사람의 혼을 유인해 들인다. 왜냐하면 그게 가장 쉬운 수법이기 때문이고, 그렇기 때문에, 내 아바타를 이용해서, 수많은 사람들을 노예로 만들 수 있었다는 것이다. 그리고 그것이 이 자들이 이 더러운 사기범죄를 계속 자행하려는 목적이라고 나는 보고 있다.)


In other words, Put out the person’s consciousness from physical body to do face in severe violence or mind controlled slave, or make sexual relationship with Ether AVATAR.


Those skills were developed by them since Aug 2008 to deceive another people. Be sure to remember that it is just only illusions. But, the illusions become to realities because of changing density (the same as out of physical body=Death), if you can’t get out of danger. By using this way, they can make good slave for them.






애국 좀 하려니까 이젠 하지 말랍니다. ㅎㅎ 너무 옳은 소리만 해서 그런감, 아니면 너무 정곡을 찔러서 그러남?




Proof evidence for Hacking.

Obviously, all the latest update for win 7 is finished



But, show me the message need for update repeatedly.






It’s too bad that I can’t make it out here, even though I try to get out here.


I suppose that they’d like to put me in the Matrix to isolate everyone, everything, to do pull up consciousness of mine on the head by using ether technologies.


They had been trying to install countless ether AVATARs in Ether body of mine to make Ether AVATAR to deceive relating people & pull out consciousness of mine since 2008.


They got a great success through the efforts several years that moved me another region to isolate from human society, and then put up the AVATAR instead of me to deceive another people.


Maybe, LEE GUN HEE insists on that the AVATAR is him, also he is dead already, and even though he who lives in other side insists that I’m here.


According to my experience last 7 years, they had been putting up the Ether AVATAR instead of me to deceive relating people under skillful hidden me, and then the most of Ether AVATAR was driven by them. In other words, actually they did it not me, if the AVATAR has a sexual relationship with woman.


I guess so many thieves rob the Ether form of mine from me to do so last 7 years. And then they tried to accuse me unjustly as if I did it.


I ask for them that the criminals must be face severe punishments.


At any rate, I suppose that they tried to cover up the truth as if I did it, because that the AVATAR has same appearance me or skillful disguised regards it as changed me. Of course, I never know it, because of the AVATAR which was driven another being working it.


You never trust them.


I guess that so many thieves & robbers knows it that getting large ill-gained very well, if they got a chance to take advantage of me.


I’ve got to return the normal society of human to get recovery of human rights & to get promised lost gift, so many thieves snatch it from me due to LEE GUN HEE’s hidden strategies. I don’t feel like the AVATAR cheating game anymore.


I guess that I was moved upper density level as it called MATRIX by them.


It is the proof evidence that they are the malignance aliens.



The point is that I’d like to get meaningful quality of life as human, because that’s the promised for me by them 7 years ago.


Why they insist on that must be achieve the goals under miserable state? They reply for it to me, because that I had been blaming them continuously.


It takes a great deal of manly courage to admit that they had been wrong. I think they never admit their wrong activities at the past. What's more pathetic is that they don't even know why I blamed them still.


Why I had been blaming or severe abusing of them?I never do it, if they treated me generously, with a modest & sincere attitude as equal right of person.


Probably, you never know how to they treated me unfairly now and the past.


LEE GUN HEE said at the past; powerful man takes it at all, also, he has his own way everything. You must be get the power or money, if you’d like to complaint it.


Of course, I know that different people have different values. But his values should never have taken the worst of worst immorality in the society of human.I don’t understand how to the person getting great power & riches in South Korea, and so I would have to say that the Astral Plane’s Elders are the same as villains.


Because that the most of human get a programmed life before birth from Astral planes. Be sure to remember that your destiny is already fixed it before birth.It is the human limitation that lives in lower spiritual grade. In other words, it is the only game in town. Obviously, I think that the malignance aliens except for astral planes had been intervening on the human society at the past, focus on to do make going to worse world.


I never understand why most of the powerful & richest people have the immorality & shallow values such as selfish & greedy, arrogance. That’s never happened in the earth, if the astral plane’s elders or Supreme Being manages the matter fairly and focus on to do make going to better world.


There is perhaps no one of our natural passions so hard to subdue as pride.


It was originated from Karma? Fuck you! Fuck Fuck. They must be fucking liars.

I will discuss the matter later more deeply.


I wouldn’t do that if I were you.


To avoid the responsibility for 7 years marriage fraud, LEE GUN HEE prefer to classical cheating strategies such as adopt me as LEE’s son repeatedly, but it is useless skillful cheating also.


Yesterday, I heard after escape from Ether trap that LEE’s voice, he says; “we regards nobody mentioned it, if we can’t capture the guy”


The point is that you are an unqualified person until changed another person. Changed another person means that the same as death me.


His hidden intention never changes, and he never gives up put me to death. His main target is just only two points; one is to take advantage of me under put me into slave to do keep going the marriage fraud crimes, the other is put me to death without proof evidence if it is impossible to do so.


He tried to act on as skillful parrot to avoid the responsibility for the marriage fraud merely. The hidden strategy is put me to death under nobody notice it.


Why did they try to keep playing the cheating game? There are the so much ill-gained for them as golden goose.


Nobody act on me kindly, wherever I will go outside. Most of Korean people act on an unpleasant & unkindly for me, even though there are no reasons. I guess it was caused by LEE’s order. They look like me as strange or weird person; sometimes I feel that they regard me as a beggar or schmegeggy.


In other words, according to LEE’s order, most of Korean people deal with me as a crazy person or pitiable guy. They are able to predict person’s future(It is the proof evidence that LEE GUN HEE is not human), in other words, they already know where I go, what I act on in future. It is the worst unfair game for me.



They deny me entrance for an unsatisfactory reason, when I visit the nearby Korean restaurants today. Obviously, they refused me for no good reason, nevertheless, several customers having a food in the restaurants.


It is the traditional bullying activities for me. It seems like that almost Koreans were mobilized the bullying activities for me by LEE MYUNG BAK & LEE GUN HEE.


Besides, I have received indirect message from them repeatedly; “we would be put you to death, if you become silent”


The Mad Dogs says; “you should be born again”


They tried to force me into death without evidence because of cover up the crimes, even though I’m still alive. They are afraid of come out the true for the marriage fraud, if I return to normal society of human under alive.


Also, LEE GUN HEE (Not human, actually wickedness Reptilians) is aimed that it is impossible to me that I’m living as who I’m. It means that LEE GUN HEE’s hidden intention is just only remove me and never change it since 2008.


Be sure to remember that he must be very skillful fire fox & the worst of worst villain.












진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

국가발전을 위한 제언/Magnetic Levitation Railways와 선진조국 창조 2.

Let's Make the Best of Best.


Change is hard, but we can do it.




Main Blog:   http://poleiades2012.tistory.com


Be all you can be, and join the project for greater country.


KTX 문제점



One of the matters for KTX is more uncomfortable seat than SAEMAUL Trains. I remember it that the past SAEMAUL express train installed on the best compostable & luxurious seat each train. Besides, most of  facilities inner KTX are lagging behind & slightly outmoded state, even though getting on it need very expensive.

KTX Seat




실제 새마을 호 내부는 이보다 더 좋은데, 사진이 없어서 퍼와서 올립니다. 좌석도 월등히 좋습니다.


As far as I know, most of western people prefer to harder seat than eastern people.


In case of automobile, most of western people prefer to harder frame, but almost eastern people dislike it.

KTX have the uncomfortable seat due to introduce original TGV without any change for Korean people.


And then, the front and back seat space is narrower than the past train, and so feeling an oppressive atmosphere. Also, most of facilities going to outmode state for Super High Speed Trains unworthily, on the other hand, the charge is very expensive. Why?


I imagine the Lufthansa airplane from New York to Frankfurt.



철도청은 반성해야 합니다. 고가의 요금을 받는 초고속 열차의 좌석 및 내부 인테리어 등 제반 시설들이 과거 새마을 호만도 못한 현실을초래한 책임이 있습니다. 사진을 보십시오. 오히려 낡고 뒤떨어지고 안 좋아 보이는 객차 시설들입니다. 좌석도 그다지 럭셔리하지 못합니다. 그러나 속도가 빠르다는 이유로 요금만 비싸게 받습니다. 새마을 호와 비교해 보시오. 이게 뭡니까? 조건이 더 좋은 회사를 골라도 되었던 일입니다. 독일 이체에ICE도 있고, 일본 Shinkansen도 있습니다.  




돈 주고 사오는 열차인데도, 주인으로서의 권리 행사조차도 못하는 한국인들입니다. 한국인의 취향에 맞게 개조해서 수입했어야 합니다. TGV도 반성하시오. 남의 나라에 물건을 팔아 먹으려면, 그 나라 사람에게 맞춰서 팔아야 하는 것이 상도덕입니다. 서양인은 엉덩이 살이 풍부해서, 딱딱한게 좋을지 몰라도, 동양인들은 푹신하고 럭셔리한 것을 좋아합니다. 이게 일반적 정서죠. 자동차를 보시오. 유럽 사람들은 하드(딱딱한)한 차체를 좋아합니다. 서로 다릅니다.


제가 볼 때는, 철도청 및 국가기관 공무원들이 사전에 면밀하게 검토하고 검증하여, 소비자 니즈와 국민적 정서를 감안하여, 설계를 변경하고, 한국인의 취향에 맞게 개조하여 수입해도 늦지 않았을 일이었다는 점입니다.일을 제대로 안 했다는 얘기입니다. 제가 주창하는Best of Best 시리즈가 바로 이런 점을 개선해 나가자는 것입니다. 아마추어들이 아닌, 전문가들, 프로급 장인들이 가득한 나라가 되어야만, 세계 일류의 선진국으로 발돋움을 할 수 있다는 사실을 항상 잊어서는 안 됩니다.


색상도, 서양사람들은 붉은 색상을 선호합니다. 그러나 동양인들은 푸른 색상을 선호하죠.서로 다르다는 점을 명심하고 장사도 합시다. The western people prefer to RED color, But the Eastern people prefer to BLUE color.


Do you understand what I suggest?







Eurostar Group and other companies

The Eurostar International Limited (ex. Eurostar Group) is owned by some of the industrys largest railroad operators Eurostar UK limited (not to be confused with Eurostar itself), SNCF (French National Railways) and SNCB (Belgian National Railways). The Eurostar Group operates slightly improved TGV-type trainsets in the United Kingdom, France, Belgium and occasionally other countries all together to over 100 stations. In the winter time it has been a custom that the Eurostar unit take British skiers to the French side of the Swiss alps snow. There are currently 27 Eurostar (half) units for Eurostar capitals (the international traffic version) and 7 regional Eurostars. While the traffic figures have been growing strongly for years, the company has announced it will acquire new trains like we predicted earlier. For Eurostar as a company this is as much solidifying its market share with the coming competition as coping with the ever groving passenger numbers after the recession. The new trainsets should also be able to achieve 360 km/h (224 mph) speeds where the track allows for connecting London with continent even faster.


The ICE3 routes from Germany now reach all the way to Paris. TGV's and ICE's share the LGV-EST, the eastern super high speed track of France. Picture by Sanna Siissalo 2008, Gare du Nord, Paris.


TGV : Super High Speed Railways for France. TGV is original form for KTX.

ICE : German Super High Speed Railways.

한영 사전사전 본문


High Speed Train Families  

Train families like ICE, Velaro, Shinkansen, TGV, CRH, Pendolino, Zefiro, AGV, etc. form a formidable fleet of super high speed and high speed fleet of several thousand train units.



TGV in France


Shinkansen, Japanese. 

Shinkansen may be the highest charge in the world, it is very expensive.


Shinkansen, Japanese


Pendolino Train Sets of European Operators

Fiat Ferroviaria bought the active tilting technology from the British for it's Pendolino trains and the prototype ETR401 started successfull runs in 1975. It run successfully for years and this created the foundations for the success of the later Pendolino trains that can be found in many countries in Europe: Czech Republic, Finland (operator VR-Yhtyma), United Kingdom (operator Virgin Trains), Italy, Portugal, Romania, Russia (soon with both the RZD (the Russian Railways) and a joint venture Karelia Trains between the RZD and the Finnish State Railways VR-Yhtyma), Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland in the form of Cisalpino (a joint operation between the SBB/CFF of Switzerland and Italian FS) and outside Europe the growing railroad nation China.


The Pendolino class 390


A Finnish variant of the Pendolino


High Speed Railways for Swiss, Original Cisalpino 1 ETR470


The newer generation Italian high speed train









TGV, Franch

ICE, German


ICE, German

ICE, German



ICE, German

ICE, German



DAE JEON Station, South Korea.



For the unknown reason, it is very strange spectacles to me that it look like another world such as Astral planes or the Matrix.


Maybe, out of consciousness of mine is generated the twisting fact by losing natural feeling.


Also, Japanese restaurants refuse dinner for me the reason why closing time, even though ordinary station’s restaurant open all the times. Besides it’s time just PM 09:00. 

It looks like that this world created by wickedness reptilians, LEE GUN HEE.

 해괴하고 기이하며 정신착란 증을 일으킬 정도의 히스테릭한 비인간적 존재들의 세계로 보여진다.


It must be act on by Lee’s order.


It seems that I’m living in very strange world since 2010 years; I guess this world created by wickedness reptilians, LEE GUN HEE.





















Some guy talking about under pretense makes a telephone; “the point is that I have no money, I’m a beggar, hhhhhhhh~”


To be sure, it was Lee’s order always use it. It seems like that LEE is becoming king of world. HHHhhhhhh~~~~









































When you go to Japan, it is a must that you take the Shinkansenat least 1 time. This train is comfortable like business class and very fast too. People from Europe can compare it with the TGV/Eurostar/Thalys, but the Shinkansens look cooler ;p.
But I've really begun to admire the amazing feats that the Japanese have done for the Shinkansen lines. Yesterday I followed the San-yo Shinkansen line from Osaka to Hakata (from central Japan to West-Japan) on Google Earth and I was totally amazed. The first Shinkansen line was made from Tokyo to Osaka in the 1960s (the Tokaido Shinkansen), but the the extension to Hakata came in the early 1970s.
The route from Tokyo to Osaka doesn't have many mountains so they took the shortest route along major cities. Already on this route many of the tracks for the Shinkansen are laid on bridges, over land, water and cities. (the Japanese really know how to build bridges, as they really build almost every train line on bridges or underground).
But the route for the San-yo Shinkansen to Hakata is truly amazing. They litterally took the shortest route between major cities along the way while also avoiding putting track in dense residential areas. But this route means going through many many mountains, as this part of Japan has quite a lot of mountains. This means building many long tunnels and more bridges in between. This must have been an engineers dream and hell to accomplish this extraordinary feat. Oh, and the route is about 600km long. The total route from Tokyo to Hakata is almost 1200km which can be done at the fastest in 5 hours using the Nozomi service, which stops at the least number of stations. But the Nozomi is of course the most expensive one, and not covered by the Japan Rail Pass. They can only take the Hikari or Kodama (which stops in every station) service. Only the Nozomi does the whole route from Tokyo to Hakata without transfer to another service.

A "300 Series" and a "700 Series" Shinkansen at Tokyo Station (picture taken from wikipedia):

(Refer to japanese Blog)


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Best of Best Series/Magnetic Levitation Railways와 선진조국 창조 1.

Let's Make the Best of Best.

Change is hard, but we can do it.



Main Blog:   http://poleiades2012.tistory.com


Be all you can be, and join the project for greater country.


Welcome to the Magnetic Levitation Trains Special Page! While most trains have so far been ordered for conventional rails, for economical and compatibility reasons, megnetic levitation on rails offers many significant advantages. Above all, where 'conventional' super high speed trains  are noisy when running at near full speeds, maglev trains are relatively quiet making their use possible for densely populated areas. Also, there are no moving parts on trains (except for doors and air conditioning ;), which means there are no parts to wear out either. Things that speak against maglev are most often its immense cost of infrastructure and the concerns of safety hasards (not yet known) for the super strong electro magnetic fields created to float the train above the rail.



German Manetic Levitation Trains










Construct the Magnetic levitation Railways along the HAN River.

First; Connect it to Kimpo International Airport.

Second; Construct 4 major gates Line & enlarge entire City.

Basic Concept: Solve the undeveloped region’s transfer needs. 


Large City : Sub transfer concept

Mid-small City : Main transfer concept

Suburbs: Tour + Transfer + Solve the undeveloped region’s transfer needs.


Noth Han River Line + Seolak Line + East Sea Line = The Best of Best tour + transfer tools and solve the undeveloped region’s transfer needs.


Must be construct it, to create the best of best tour & shopping country.



Today, I visited at Expo, DAEJEON CITY to get on the Magnetic Levitation Trans.


Unfortunately, they refused it for the unsatisfactory reasons always use it.


It must be caused by LEE’s bullying activities. LEE GUN HEE has no sense of shame. He wishes me evil.


I have heard that he talking about me; “I will put you in severe trouble that everything is going wrong after this” since 2008.


He had been trying to disturb everything of mine since 2008.


Look at attached photograph, there are a few passengers in Magnetic Levitation Trans. Nevertheless, they refused me to get on the train for the unsatisfactory reason that it was already full seated. Do you understand that’s situation?


I had been facing in troubled about everything what I attempt, what I wants by SAMSUNG’s bullying plan, LEE GUN HEE’s revengeful thoughts.


They would like to trying to organize disturb to all business of mine under pretense good will outwardly, and so it must be caused by LEE’s skillful strategies, even though I tried to work at country now.


LEE’s strategies are putting me in severe trouble under nobody notice it, at the same time he wish to act on as if a benefactor whose good will for me.


He pretty likes to act on as if godfather who has the right to interference with me under pretext marriage events, nevertheless he has not done so yet.


You ought to be ashamed.


Obviously, LEE GUN HEE is the archenemy, not a benefactor of me.


You have no authority to give orders; also you have no right to participation in life of mine. Be sure to remember it.Please get out in my world.


I have seen so many women & their families on the way return to Seoul always, but it is just show in order to deceive another people & skillful bullying activities for me. In other words, it is aimed that psychological warfare as just to annoy me.


They have no any intention to keep their promise still.


I think that they never did the kind of thing such as ridicule, abuse, bullying activities, unkind treatment, if they were intention to keep promise.


Everyone get on the trains, why not me? They had been trying to disturb me even if everyone can do since 2004 by using largest social network, even though it is working for country, it was aimed that good will for people & country.


And so, I regard that the best appropriate representation for them is called the MAD DOGS.


Do you understand above situation?

full seated, Even though there are a few people



I heard the high-pitched noise at the moment the train departure from station at EXPO. The guard explained it to me, “it caused by starting motor”


But, I don’t think so; it may be generated noise by intentionally.


As you know, the china had already been built up the Magnetic Levitation Trains from Shanghai to PUDONG international airport, and then there is becoming actual service as commercial speed 330km/h since 2007.


LEE GUN HEE wish to make me stupid man, and so he want to let another people know the useless thing & tinker's damn whatever I suggest.


They prefer to look down on me still, under keep strutting as if the best of us.



The Guard explained about cost; “we estimate in need of the construction cost under 20% compare with SUBWAY railways system”


And so, the noise can be reduced under 20% compare with subway system. It must be the best transfer, why hesitate it?


Correct errors if any.


While most trains have so far been ordered for conventional rails, for economical and compatibility reasons, megnetic levitation on rails offers many significant advantages. Above all, where 'conventional' super high speed trains  are noisy when running at near full speeds, maglev trains are relatively quiet making their use possible for densely populated areas. Also, there are no moving parts on trains (except for doors and air conditioning ;), which means there are no parts to wear out either. Things that speak against maglev are most often its immense cost of infrastructure and the concerns of safety hasards (not yet known) for the super strong electro magnetic fields created to float the train above the rail.































진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Devil's Empire,SAMSUNG/Endless Bullying Activities, 끝은 어디?







애국 좀 하려니까 이젠 하지 말랍니다. ㅎㅎ 너무 옳은 소리만 해서 그런감, 아니면 너무 정곡을 찔러서 그러남?



Proof evidence for Hacking.

Obviously, all the latest update for win 7 is finished



But, show me the message need for update repeatedly.






It’s too bad that I can’t make it out here, even though I try to get out here.


I suppose that they’d like to put me in the Matrix to isolate everyone, everything, to do pull up consciousness of mine on the head by using ether technologies.


They had been trying to install countless ether AVATARs in Ether body of mine to make Ether AVATAR to deceive relating people & pull out consciousness of mine since 2008.


They got a great success through the efforts several years that moved me another region to isolate from human society, and then put up the AVATAR instead of me to deceive another people.


Maybe, LEE GUN HEE insists on that the AVATAR is him, also he is dead already, and even though he who lives in other side insists that I’m here.


According to my experience last 7 years, they had been putting up the Ether AVATAR instead of me to deceive relating people under skillful hidden me, and then the most of Ether AVATAR was driven by them. In other words, actually they did it not me, if the AVATAR has a sexual relationship with woman.


I guess so many thieves rob the Ether form of mine from me to do so last 7 years. And then they tried to accuse me unjustly as if I did it.


I ask for them that the criminals must be face severe punishments.


At any rate, I suppose that they tried to cover up the truth as if I did it, because that the AVATAR has same appearance me or skillful disguised regards it as changed me. Of course, I never know it, because of the AVATAR which was driven another being working it.


You never trust them.


I guess that so many thieves & robbers knows it that getting large ill-gained very well, if they got a chance to take advantage of me.


I’ve got to return the normal society of human to get recovery of human rights & to get promised lost gift, so many thieves snatch it from me due to LEE GUN HEE’s hidden strategies. I don’t feel like the AVATAR cheating game anymore.


I guess that I was moved upper density level as it called MATRIX by them.


It is the proof evidence that they are the malignance aliens.



The point is that I’d like to get meaningful quality of life as human, because that’s the promised for me by them 7 years ago.


Why they insist on that must be achieve the goals under miserable state? They reply for it to me, because that I had been blaming them continuously.


It takes a great deal of manly courage to admit that they had been wrong. I think they never admit their wrong activities at the past. What's more pathetic is that they don't even know why I blamed them still.


Why I had been blaming or severe abusing of them?I never do it, if they treated me generously, with a modest & sincere attitude as equal right of person.


Probably, you never know how to they treated me unfairly now and the past.


LEE GUN HEE said at the past; powerful man takes it at all, also, he has his own way everything. You must be get the power or money, if you’d like to complaint it.


Of course, I know that different people have different values. But his values should never have taken the worst of worst immorality in the society of human.I don’t understand how to the person getting great power & riches in South Korea, and so I would have to say that the Astral Plane’s Elders are the same as villains.


Because that the most of human get a programmed life before birth from Astral planes. Be sure to remember that your destiny is already fixed it before birth.It is the human limitation that lives in lower spiritual grade. In other words, it is the only game in town. Obviously, I think that the malignance aliens except for astral planes had been intervening on the human society at the past, focus on to do make going to worse world.


I never understand why most of the powerful & richest people have the immorality & shallow values such as selfish & greedy, arrogance. That’s never happened in the earth, if the astral plane’s elders or Supreme Being manages the matter fairly and focus on to do make going to better world.


There is perhaps no one of our natural passions so hard to subdue as pride.


It was originated from Karma? Fuck you! Fuck Fuck. They must be fucking liars.

I will discuss the matter later more deeply.


I wouldn’t do that if I were you.


To avoid the responsibility for 7 years marriage fraud, LEE GUN HEE prefer to classical cheating strategies such as adopt me as LEE’s son repeatedly, but it is useless skillful cheating also.


Yesterday, I heard after escape from Ether trap that LEE’s voice, he says; “we regards nobody mentioned it, if we can’t capture the guy”


The point is that you are an unqualified person until changed another person. Changed another person means that the same as death me.


His hidden intention never changes, and he never gives up put me to death. His main target is just only two points; one is to take advantage of me under put me into slave to do keep going the marriage fraud crimes, the other is put me to death without proof evidence if it is impossible to do so.


He tried to act on as skillful parrot to avoid the responsibility for the marriage fraud merely. The hidden strategy is put me to death under nobody notice it.


Why did they try to keep playing the cheating game? There are the so much ill-gained for them as golden goose.


Nobody act on me kindly, wherever I will go outside. Most of Korean people act on an unpleasant & unkindly for me, even though there are no reasons. I guess it was caused by LEE’s order. They look like me as strange or weird person; sometimes I feel that they regard me as a beggar or schmegeggy.


In other words, according to LEE’s order, most of Korean people deal with me as a crazy person or pitiable guy. They are able to predict person’s future(It is the proof evidence that LEE GUN HEE is not human), in other words, they already know where I go, what I act on in future. It is the worst unfair game for me.



They deny me entrance for an unsatisfactory reason, when I visit the nearby Korean restaurants today. Obviously, they refused me for no good reason, nevertheless, several customers having a food in the restaurants.


It is the traditional bullying activities for me. It seems like that almost Koreans were mobilized the bullying activities for me by LEE MYUNG BAK & LEE GUN HEE.


Besides, I have received indirect message from them repeatedly; “we would be put you to death, if you become silent”


The Mad Dogs says; “you should be born again”


They tried to force me into death without evidence because of cover up the crimes, even though I’m still alive. They are afraid of come out the true for the marriage fraud, if I return to normal society of human under alive.


Also, LEE GUN HEE (Not human, actually wickedness Reptilians) is aimed that it is impossible to me that I’m living as who I’m. It means that LEE GUN HEE’s hidden intention is just only remove me and never change it since 2008.


Be sure to remember that he must be very skillful fire fox & the worst of worst villain.












진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Devil's Empire,SAMSUNG/배은망덕한 도둑놈들





LEE GUN HEE & cooperators has so many strategies to deceive people such as below;


Those assume of mine may be not exactly or partial wrong, but it must be true that they have not good will for me. I’m in severe trouble last 7 years as poorest beggar, living all alone isolated everyone, starve instinct desire, as it called miserable life extremely. It is true.


1. Using Ether AVATAR (AVATAR means that the CLONE, But it’s the transient being )

 -. Put up similar appearance person.

-. Using Ether AVATAR illusions.

-. Regards another person as me under pretense as if I’m dead and changed

 another person.

 -. Tried to announce another people as if I’m dead, and then put up the ether AVATAR regards it really person.

 -. Make so much ether AVATAR, to do using virtual sex or AVATAR sex.

-. To deceive another people by using Ether AVATAR, it looks like spiritual being or real person. Of course, it is driven by LEE’s people, not me. And then, accuse me of theft unjustly as if I have something to do with the accidents.


In other word, they try to put relating people in regards the criminal as me, if some accidents happened by ether AVATAR which was driven by them. Maybe it is the AVATAR sex or several crimes. But, actually they did it.


 -. To capture human’s soul purposing of making good slave for them more easily, put up me as ether AVATAR in order to disarm targeting person. They are aimed that grasp the power in Korea & around countries by using marriage fraud. Also, they are not human, be sure to remember it.  


-. As I know, they got a great success to achieve grasp upper classes in USA since 2008. By using my image, they did it. I guess that they tried to adapt the same ways to deceive USA people by using another western man as disguised me.  


It is that the smallest ether AVATAR put in another people’s ether body to deceive people regards the person as me; I thinkthe skill is image manipulation.


Obviously, bus driver is not me, but look at the photograph, he looks like me. I think that's the image manipulation's skill.


그들이 무려 7년간 결혼 범죄를 일삼을 수 있었던 이유가 바로 여기에 있다고 보여진다. 전혀 다른 놈을 나로 인식하게 만드는 이미지 조작, 최면 수법으로, 무려 2만 명 이상의 여자들을 건드리고, 결혼까지 하게 만들었다는 추론이 가능하다. 그리고 더 해 처 먹으려고 한다는 의혹이다. 


As I know, they got a great success getting a marriage or having sex to do those ways over twenty thousand women under skillful hidden me. Maybe, so many other men got an ill-gained instead of me, under nobody notice it. And then they prefer to ridicule to me that your physical body is small & tiny, you are a beggar, you don’t know your place, be out of body ASAP.


Their hidden intention is two point that one is taken advantage of those marriage events within the limits of the possible, the other is remove me without evidence if not possible to do so.


And then, they insist on that the country will be perished by me, if I divulge the true. They pretty like to goes too far to cover up those matters as drive me to a traitor. In other words, you don’t have to say those issues never, and then you have to put up with hardship & swallow an insult as a beggar until you dead.


Of course, I ask for them that you should be finished this game after get promised gift for me by unconditional, but they refuse or ignore it.


Also, they prefer to try to put me into prison or kill me without proof evidence instead of apologize & compensate under nobody notice it.


In addition, they insist on that they try to let me know the secret technologies, and so this place is school. But I don’t think so, because that they pretty like to severe beat or abuse of me, if I’m out of physical body according to temp.


This place is not school, just only the prison to isolated me from everyone, everything.


As I know, they try to severe beat & torture the person or kill them, if they can be put out the person’s consciousness from physical body. I guess so many people get dead by using those ways. And so, I suppose their identity must be the malignance aliens or devil’s family. It is the LEE GUN HEE & cooperators.


Their mention or insisting on regards this matter is perfect lie. Don’t trust them.


나쁜 놈들입니다.     


엄청나게 이용해 처 먹었다는 것이 내 추론이다.


At present, they act that consciousness of mine move on to another person’s ether body, at once if I imagine someone or something.


Of course, I’m still here as physical body and not there.


Nevertheless, they prefer to regards another person as me, because of deceiving another people. I guess that the thieves would like to carry out those cheating games at another world at the same time such as Ether density or astral plane including alien’s unknown planet.


I wish I could out of physical body to find out the truth, but it is impossible to me that I got severe abuse of me and severe violence under out of physical body state as Ether density or Ether AVATAR from LEE GUN HEE & cooperators.


I guess that the being which have me to place in trouble may be Ether AVATAR.


First thing I have to do is get a safety guard to avoid so many bullying activities from LEE GUN HEE & cooperators.(Must be skillful fire fox)



You’d better know it; human has four density of body as physical density, ether density, astral density, mental density. You never a physical body, your spiritual essence are mental,not astral body, not physical body, not ether body.


I remember it that LEE GUN HEE had been putted me under severe violence state by using Ether AVATAR, at that time I felt severe pain that so many invisible AVATAR beaten me strongly at Aug 2008.


Obviously, you can’t see anyone, but you can notice or get feel to severe pain from someone. The unidentified being is as it called Ether AVATAR or invisible magic power. Please trust me.


Most of people who live in Earth have not the knowledge for invisible secret world; you should have study & get the knowledge for secret world.


The Earth planet covers up deep spiritual darkness for ignorance. I think the most of elder at astral plane must have the responsibility about it. Maybe, so much spiritual being remember the glorious history over ten thousand years on the ancient earth planet as it called ATLANTIS or LEMURIA.  


Image for Atlantis battle ship, I guess, May be smilar with it.



As I know, the ATLANTIS civilizationwas retained for 23 thousand years on the ancients Earth. At that time, most of people open the spiritual eyes and they are able to use to ESP, got a telepathy abilities.


As you know the Hermes or Thoth, as it called Hermes Trismegistusrelating Theurgy(신성마법)or white magic, at that time many people got the knowledge for ESP & Theurgy. I think, that’s period is prosperous of human’s civilization compare with present civilization, even though I’m not certain people the period whether human or not. According to Edgar Cache, the people may be same as human’s soul or spiritual being at present.


Theurgy(from Greek θεουργία)describes the practice of rituals, sometimes seen as magical in nature, performed with the intention of invoking the action or evoking the presence of one or more gods, especially with the goal of uniting with the divine, achieving henosis, and perfecting oneself.


And then, harmony and peaceful world was retained about ten thousand year, even though the ATLANTIS was perished by a natural disaster & terrible battle between each civilization about BC 10,000 years.



As I know, in case of human’s soul have it. But I’m not certain whether most of human’s soul have it or not, if they can’t awake from a delusion. You should distinguish the different point between soul and spiritual being. I think it is a different means that in case of soul means transient personality of physical body, but the spiritual being is core for essence of being. It is permanent being with God, but it can be variable to going to better being.    


But most of people at present are unable to use it and going down under animal level. LEE GUN HEE or another dark circle have a strong power in the world, because that the most of people have not any knowledge for secret world.


As I know, LEE GUN HEE had been stolen ideas from me by using telepathy or unknown special abilities since 2002 or before long time ago.


Today, you can’t find out the books relating occults & magic in the book’s store in South Korea. The thieves had been removed it since 2003, 2004 years under nobody notice it, because that they don’t want to common people getting the knowledge for Trudge or occults.


현대판 분서갱유가 일어났지만, 아무도 모른다. 살펴보라. 오늘 날 그들이 남들이 모르는 마법과 최면을 악용하여, 세상을 장악하고 있는 것도, 사람들이 이런 분야를 모르기 때문이다. 


그들은 도둑 놈들로서, 내게서 모든 아이디어와 장점을 도둑질해 가고, 이용해 처 먹었지만, 내게는 아무 것도 되돌려 주지 않고 있는 악질 도둑놈들이다.



I have really got serious harm from LEE GUN HEE & SAMSUNG Group. They must be a very despicable man, the worst of worst villains. And I guess that they must be have related with unknown dark circle or the malignance aliens.


What is worse, they’d like to try to steal everything of mine now. 천하의 나쁜 놈들입니다.



The just only crime is ignorance.





To put me into silence, they prefer to treat me instead of apologize & compensate for 7 years lost.


A cause of credit delinquencies, they had been threatening to me last 7 years continuously. In addition the nonsense of penalty, one of the best treat tools is warning that distress on me of property a cause of credit delinquencies.


The manager of house says; “You are wanted on the phone from credit Information Company” suddenly today PM 05:30.


Of course, I have no any property except for personal computer. I’m a perfect beggar, as results of LEE GUN HEE marriage project.


Maybe, I owed the card company five or seven million won. Also, those debts were caused by LEE GUN HEE marriage project.


They had been forced me into settle down to marriage fraud last 7 years.


It is impossible to me that got a job with a firm & start own business not at all, because that they had skillful disturbed it as perfect organized bullying plan.


There are two purpose; one is that I should be in poor state to get a justified LEE’s project, because the catch praise is get good luck for me if achieve the goals. It is supposed that those games are in need of poor hero.


The other is that SAMSUNG’s hidden intentions were take skillful revenge to me regards stand against SAMSUNG as accused, under nobody notice it.


I have already heard that they talking each other;


We’d like to make him going to perfect beggar without family, and then make him vent men who wander from place to place.


Because that he stand against SAMSUNG Group affectedly, and so we should be act on to punish severely him without proof evidence.


As a result of SAMSUNG’s bullying plan, I became bankrupted and get the defaulter 4 years ago. Also, it is going to worse day after day according to perfect bullying plan, SAMSUNG & cooperators have been taken the one of the effective tools for controlling me.


They prefer to threating tool in order to put me into silence, instead of compensate still. They never change its devil’s mind.




I heard that some older men talking about each other at subway line 3;



“Nobody get the money for him”

아니 누가 돈을 줘~~

“Well, who's going to do it?

그걸 누가 해?



I have got a chance many times to indirect message from LEE GUN HEE & cooperators every day, whenever I go to outside.


Obviously, it is ridicule to me.


Also, I heard that two women says; “he want to so much gift” at nearby Jeong-Dok Library PM 06:41. 기가 막힙니다. 너무 많은 걸 바란답니다.


Also, I witness that young man & woman’s couple show up to me suddenly, when I approached at home PM 08:24.


It seems like that they are waiting to show me that hand and glove with each other. Also, it is aimed that ridicule to me, always use it. 사람 말려 죽이려 듭니다. 솔직히 이제 이 일에서 떠나고 싶군요. 보상하고 끝냅시다. 이렇게 요구해도 묵살하고 계속 반복합니다. 그래서Mad Dogs라는 비난을 하게 됩니다.


Please attached photograph. The same thing had been kept going over 7 years repeatedly. 미칩니다. 이거 왜들 이러세요? 그리고는 내가 말을 걸고 시도하면, 까칠하게 대하고, 제대로 응해주지 않으며, 남자 데리고 나타나고 그럽니다. 그런 후, 에테르 아바타 가지고 노는 겁니다.그러다가 내가 이 문제로 비난하고 그러면, 에테르 아바타를 두들겨 패는 겁니다. 참는데도 한계가 있다고 반복하고 있다. 주인공은 허구, 죄수, 노예, 홀애비를 만들어 놓고, 에테르 아바타를 양산해서, 그걸로 재미 보고, 그걸로 땜질하는 수법입니다. 나쁜 사람들입니다. 저는, 얼굴마담, 미끼 입니다.


Today, I visit the Jeong-Dok Library at Samcheong-Dong, and I saw so many women on the way to Jeong-Dok Library, always use it.


The critical point is that they have not any heartful attitude. I know it very well through the experience last 7 years. It seems like that they lack delicacy and consideration for others. Of course, maybe put them into the haughty attitude & get gay due to LEE GUN HEE’s order.


The ill-bred young people annoyed me greatly. Sometimes, I was driven by an irresistible impulse.


I’m a 49 years-old, but the most of them is under 30 years-old. At 2006 years, I’m a 43 years-old, and then the most of mobilized young people is under 30 years-old, nevertheless, they never care it.


The root cause is that they think light of me as a beggar or having arrogance as render aid to me. Also, it is caused by LEE GUN HEE & SAMSUNG.


Of course, I never get any promised gift not yet, even though, LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK prefer to regards himself as a benefactor for me.


Besides, they would like to kill me without evidence still; also they tried to kill me last 5 years by using unknown Ether skills continuously.


I never have seen any women whose act sincerely towards me last 7 years, it was very strange thing to me that all the women relating this events got a contumelious attitude for me. I have never seen the same thing at the past, even though I’m not an excellent guy. Especially, there are never appeals to force, also there are never severe insults, and there are never abuses of me. Also, it must be not LOVE. Also, it is the common sense. That’s exactly why I called mad dogsfor them.


Of course, the mad dogs never know whether true & sincerely love. I guess that the most of mad dogs must be originated from Hell or lower astral plane.


Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ~~~~~~~~~


It must be the normal state. LOVE never know it.


Do you mistake vanity to love? As I know, she never dirty acts that, if she has fall in love with some guy. Even though, I think that they have orders to do it from LEE GUN HEE & cooperators. It is just only untruth love for MAD Dogs. I regards it as the worst of worst case in the world. 인류 역사에서 두번 다시 없을 극악한 사례이다.


You will never see the same a case in future, also the same cases never see across the ages and in all countries of the world.


Besides, I never have a mind to any woman now and they never got the sincerely mind also. It is impossible to me that make girlfriend or fall in love with someone under the ugly underside now. Love should be unartificial accidents.



Also, I don’t want to try to make girlfriend under the ugly underside now.


That’s the reason why I want to get promised compensate from them without any conditions.


I will go aboard, if they will give it to me.


글을 적는 와중에도 연타로 사람을 구타하고 있는 느낌이다. 에테르 아바타를 여기 저기 만들어 놓고, 마음에 안 드는 글을 적으면 두들겨 패는 악랄한 보복을 자행하고 있다. 도대체 이 자들 정체가 무엇인가? 아마도 아바타를 이용해서, 사람을 두들겨 패고, 괴롭히는 짓을 하고 있다는 추론이다. 에테르 아바타들 세계로 처 박아 놓고, 아바타들을 시켜서 두들겨 패고, 고문하고, 괴롭히고 있다는 말이다. 바로 이 수법이, 이 악마들이 사람을 가지고 노는 수법이라는 점을 반복해서 밝혀 둔다. 즉, 이중 현실이다.


You never out of physical body, it is the just only temp human’s soul to make slave. I think that human soul or core consciousness are moved in Ether AVATAR prison and face up to serious violence or dead by them, if they are out of physical body as Ether AVATAR. Because that human’s soul can be captured by wickedness reptilians as disguised human form.


현재 나를 계속 두들겨 패고, 고문하는 수법이 바로 이 수법이므로, 조심하시오. 





























진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Devil's Empire,SAMSUNG/Mad Dogs와 7년 말려죽이기 탄압



To put me into silence, they prefer to treat me instead of apologize & compensate for 7 years lost.


A cause of credit delinquencies, they had been threatening to me last 7 years continuously. In addition the nonsense of penalty, one of the best treat tools is warning that distress on me of property a cause of credit delinquencies.


The manager of house says; “You are wanted on the phone from credit Information Company” suddenly today PM 05:30.


Of course, I have no any property except for personal computer. I’m a perfect beggar, as results of LEE GUN HEE marriage project.


Maybe, I owed the card company five or seven million won. Also, those debts were caused by LEE GUN HEE marriage project.


They had been forced me into settle down to marriage fraud last 7 years.


It is impossible to me that got a job with a firm & start own business not at all, because that they had skillful disturbed it as perfect organized bullying plan.


There are two purpose; one is that I should be in poor state to get a justified LEE’s project, because the catch praise is get good luck for me if achieve the goals. It is supposed that those games are in need of poor hero.


The other is that SAMSUNG’s hidden intentions were take skillful revenge to me regards stand against SAMSUNG as accused, under nobody notice it.


I have already heard that they talking each other;


We’d like to make him going to perfect beggar without family, and then make him vent men who wander from place to place.


Because that he stand against SAMSUNG Group affectedly, and so we should be act on to punish severely him without proof evidence.


As a result of SAMSUNG’s bullying plan, I became bankrupted and get the defaulter 4 years ago. Also, it is going to worse day after day according to perfect bullying plan, SAMSUNG & cooperators have been taken the one of the effective tools for controlling me.


They prefer to threating tool in order to put me into silence, instead of compensate still. They never change its devil’s mind.




I heard that some older men talking about each other at subway line 3;



“Nobody get the money for him”

아니 누가 돈을 줘~~

“Well, who's going to do it?

그걸 누가 해?



I have got a chance many times to indirect message from LEE GUN HEE & cooperators every day, whenever I go to outside.


Obviously, it is ridicule to me.


Also, I heard that two women says; “he want to so much gift” at nearby Jeong-Dok Library PM 06:41. 기가 막힙니다. 너무 많은 걸 바란답니다.


Also, I witness that young man & woman’s couple show up to me suddenly, when I approached at home PM 08:24.


It seems like that they are waiting to show me that hand and glove with each other. Also, it is aimed that ridicule to me, always use it. 사람 말려 죽이려 듭니다. 솔직히 이제 이 일에서 떠나고 싶군요. 보상하고 끝냅시다. 이렇게 요구해도 묵살하고 계속 반복합니다. 그래서Mad Dogs라는 비난을 하게 됩니다.


Please attached photograph. The same thing had been kept going over 7 years repeatedly. 미칩니다. 이거 왜들 이러세요? 그리고는 내가 말을 걸고 시도하면, 까칠하게 대하고, 제대로 응해주지 않으며, 남자 데리고 나타나고 그럽니다. 그런 후, 에테르 아바타 가지고 노는 겁니다.그러다가 내가 이 문제로 비난하고 그러면, 에테르 아바타를 두들겨 패는 겁니다. 참는데도 한계가 있다고 반복하고 있다. 주인공은 허구, 죄수, 노예, 홀애비를 만들어 놓고, 에테르 아바타를 양산해서, 그걸로 재미 보고, 그걸로 땜질하는 수법입니다. 나쁜 사람들입니다. 저는, 얼굴마담, 미끼 입니다.


Today, I visit the Jeong-Dok Library at Samcheong-Dong, and I saw so many women on the way to Jeong-Dok Library, always use it.


The critical point is that they have not any heartful attitude. I know it very well through the experience last 7 years. It seems like that they lack delicacy and consideration for others. Of course, maybe put them into the haughty attitude & get gay due to LEE GUN HEE’s order.


The ill-bred young people annoyed me greatly. Sometimes, I was driven by an irresistible impulse.


I’m a 49 years-old, but the most of them is under 30 years-old. At 2006 years, I’m a 43 years-old, and then the most of mobilized young people is under 30 years-old, nevertheless, they never care it.


The root cause is that they think light of me as a beggar or having arrogance as render aid to me. Also, it is caused by LEE GUN HEE & SAMSUNG.


Of course, I never get any promised gift not yet, even though, LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK prefer to regards himself as a benefactor for me.


Besides, they would like to kill me without evidence still; also they tried to kill me last 5 years by using unknown Ether skills continuously.


I never have seen any women whose act sincerely towards me last 7 years, it was very strange thing to me that all the women relating this events got a contumelious attitude for me. I have never seen the same thing at the past, even though I’m not an excellent guy. Especially, there are never appeals to force, also there are never severe insults, and there are never abuses of me. Also, it must be not LOVE. Also, it is the common sense. That’s exactly why I called mad dogsfor them.


Of course, the mad dogs never know whether true & sincerely love. I guess that the most of mad dogs must be originated from Hell or lower astral plane.


Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ~~~~~~~~~


It must be the normal state. LOVE never know it.


Do you mistake vanity to love? As I know, she never dirty acts that, if she has fall in love with some guy. Even though, I think that they have orders to do it from LEE GUN HEE & cooperators. It is just only untruth love for MAD Dogs. I regards it as the worst of worst case in the world. 인류 역사에서 두번 다시 없을 극악한 사례이다.


You will never see the same a case in future, also the same cases never see across the ages and in all countries of the world.


Besides, I never have a mind to any woman now and they never got the sincerely mind also. It is impossible to me that make girlfriend or fall in love with someone under the ugly underside now. Love should be unartificial accidents.



Also, I don’t want to try to make girlfriend under the ugly underside now.


That’s the reason why I want to get promised compensate from them without any conditions.


I will go aboard, if they will give it to me.


글을 적는 와중에도 연타로 사람을 구타하고 있는 느낌이다. 에테르 아바타를 여기 저기 만들어 놓고, 마음에 안 드는 글을 적으면 두들겨 패는 악랄한 보복을 자행하고 있다. 도대체 이 자들 정체가 무엇인가? 아마도 아바타를 이용해서, 사람을 두들겨 패고, 괴롭히는 짓을 하고 있다는 추론이다. 에테르 아바타들 세계로 처 박아 놓고, 아바타들을 시켜서 두들겨 패고, 고문하고, 괴롭히고 있다는 말이다. 바로 이 수법이, 이 악마들이 사람을 가지고 노는 수법이라는 점을 반복해서 밝혀 둔다. 즉, 이중 현실이다.


You never out of physical body, it is the just only temp human’s soul to make slave. I think that human soul or core consciousness are moved in Ether AVATAR prison and face up to serious violence or dead by them, if they are out of physical body as Ether AVATAR. Because that human’s soul can be captured by wickedness reptilians as disguised human form.


현재 나를 계속 두들겨 패고, 고문하는 수법이 바로 이 수법이므로, 조심하시오. 



































더블클릭을 하시면 이미지를 수정할 수 있습니다



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Devil's Empire,SAMSUNG/Keep going marriage fraud, 무한반복의 음모.

Devil's Empire,SAMSUNG/Keep going marriage fraud, 무한반복의 음모.





I heard that some older men talking about each other at subway line 3;



“Nobody get the money for him”

아니 누가 돈을 줘~~

“Well, who's going to do it?

그걸 누가 해?



I have got a chance many times to indirect message from LEE GUN HEE & cooperators every day, whenever I go to outside.


Obviously, it is ridicule to me.


Also, I heard that two women says; “he want to so much gift” at nearby Jeong-Dok Library PM 06:41. 기가 막힙니다. 너무 많은 걸 바란답니다.


Also, I witness that young man & woman’s couple show up to me suddenly, when I approached at home PM 08:24.


It seems like that they are waiting to show me that hand and glove with each other. Also, it is aimed that ridicule to me, always use it. 사람 말려 죽이려 듭니다. 솔직히 이제 이 일에서 떠나고 싶군요. 보상하고 끝냅시다. 이렇게 요구해도 묵살하고 계속 반복합니다. 그래서Mad Dogs라는 비난을 하게 됩니다.


Please attached photograph. The same thing had been kept going over 7 years repeatedly. 미칩니다. 이거 왜들 이러세요? 그리고는 내가 말을 걸고 시도하면, 까칠하게 대하고, 제대로 응해주지 않으며, 남자 데리고 나타나고 그럽니다. 그런 후, 에테르 아바타 가지고 노는 겁니다.그러다가 내가 이 문제로 비난하고 그러면, 에테르 아바타를 두들겨 패는 겁니다. 참는데도 한계가 있다고 반복하고 있다. 주인공은 허구, 죄수, 노예, 홀애비를 만들어 놓고, 에테르 아바타를 양산해서, 그걸로 재미 보고, 그걸로 땜질하는 수법입니다. 나쁜 사람들입니다. 저는, 얼굴마담, 미끼 입니다.


Today, I visit the Jeong-Dok Library at Samcheong-Dong, and I saw so many women on the way to Jeong-Dok Library, always use it.


The critical point is that they have not any heartful attitude. I know it very well through the experience last 7 years. It seems like that they lack delicacy and consideration for others. Of course, maybe put them into the haughty attitude & get gay due to LEE GUN HEE’s order.


The ill-bred young people annoyed me greatly. Sometimes, I was driven by an irresistible impulse.


I’m a 49 years-old, but the most of them is under 30 years-old. At 2006 years, I’m a 43 years-old, and then the most of mobilized young people is under 30 years-old, nevertheless, they never care it.


The root cause is that they think light of me as a beggar or having arrogance as render aid to me. Also, it is caused by LEE GUN HEE & SAMSUNG.


Of course, I never get any promised gift not yet, even though, LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK prefer to regards himself as a benefactor for me.


Besides, they would like to kill me without evidence still; also they tried to kill me last 5 years by using unknown Ether skills continuously.


I never have seen any women whose act sincerely towards me last 7 years, it was very strange thing to me that all the women relating this events got a contumelious attitude for me. I have never seen the same thing at the past, even though I’m not an excellent guy. Especially, there are never appeals to force, also there are never severe insults, and there are never abuses of me. Also, it must be not LOVE. Also, it is the common sense. That’s exactly why I called mad dogsfor them.

Of course, the mad dogs never know whether true & sincerely love. I guess that the most of mad dogs must be originated from Hell or lower astral plane.


Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ~~~~~~~~~


It must be the normal state. LOVE never know it.


Do you mistake vanity to love? As I know, she never dirty acts that, if she has fall in love with some guy. Even though, I think that they have orders to do it from LEE GUN HEE & cooperators. It is just only untruth love for MAD Dogs. I regards it as the worst of worst case in the world. 인류 역사에서 두번 다시 없을 극악한 사례이다.


You will never see the same a case in future, also the same cases never see across the ages and in all countries of the world.


Besides, I never have a mind to any woman now and they never got the sincerely mind also. It is impossible to me that make girlfriend or fall in love with someone under the ugly underside now. Love should be unartificial accidents.



Also, I don’t want to try to make girlfriend under the ugly underside now.


That’s the reason why I want to get promised compensate from them without any conditions.


I will go aboard, if they will give it to me.


글을 적는 와중에도 연타로 사람을 구타하고 있는 느낌이다. 에테르 아바타를 여기 저기 만들어 놓고, 마음에 안 드는 글을 적으면 두들겨 패는 악랄한 보복을 자행하고 있다. 도대체 이 자들 정체가 무엇인가? 아마도 아바타를 이용해서, 사람을 두들겨 패고, 괴롭히는 짓을 하고 있다는 추론이다. 에테르 아바타들 세계로 처 박아 놓고, 아바타들을 시켜서 두들겨 패고, 고문하고, 괴롭히고 있다는 말이다. 바로 이 수법이, 이 악마들이 사람을 가지고 노는 수법이라는 점을 반복해서 밝혀 둔다. 즉, 이중 현실이다.


You never out of physical body, it is the just only temp human’s soul to make slave. I think that human soul or core consciousness are moved in Ether AVATAR prison and face up to serious violence or dead by them, if they are out of physical body as Ether AVATAR. Because that human’s soul can be captured by wickedness reptilians as disguised human form.


현재 나를 계속 두들겨 패고, 고문하는 수법이 바로 이 수법이므로, 조심하시오. 





































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