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게시물에서 찾기2012/01/10

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  1. 2012/01/10
    국가보안법 폐지하라! #1
    no chr.!

국가보안법 폐지하라! #1

사용자 삽입 이미지


"South Korea’s attempts to keep North Korean material from the eyes and ears of its citizens is coming under the global media spotlight as the country launches a new sweep of domestic web sites and discussion forums"(NKT, 1.07)

Well, possibly SK's current (insane) gov't and its (paranoid) NIS don't like it, but...

"South Korea’s National Security Law making headlines"

Only two days ago Choe Sang Hun wrotes in the New York Times(NYT) about the South Korean government snaring satirists in the hunt for Norko spies. The piece looks at Kim Myung-soo and his continuing legal battles since being arrested and later released on bail back in 2007 on charges of “aiding the enemy” by selling used books deemed pro-North Korean.


According to NYT, the net in South Korea is blossoming with sedition while the government works hard to root it out: “During the first 10 months of 2011, the police deleted 67,300 Web posts they believed threatened national security by “praising North Korea and denouncing the U.S. and the government,” a sharp rise from 14,430 posts in 2009.”



While criticizing the U.S. is more sport than crime, Kim says all of the books seized from him as evidence by police are available in government-supported libraries around Seoul... (The Marmot's Hole)

Related articles:
South Korean Law Casts Wide Net, Snaring Satirists in a Hunt for Spies (NYT, 2012.1.07)
In South korea, old law leads to new crackdown (npr, 2011.12.01)
All Quiet on the Northern Front (Foreign Policy, 2011.8.25)


사용자 삽입 이미지

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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    no chr.!

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