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게시물에서 찾기2012/02

25개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2012/02/29
    no chr.!
  2. 2012/02/28
    해군기지 열사반대(KT기사)
    no chr.!
  3. 2012/02/27
    생명평화 강정마을 (#7)
    no chr.!
  4. 2012/02/26
    no chr.!
  5. 2012/02/24
    'MB취임 4년, 이제그만!'...
    no chr.!
  6. 2012/02/23
    국가보안법 폐지하라!(#3)
    no chr.!
  7. 2012/02/22
    '제주 국제 평화 회의'....
    no chr.!
  8. 2012/02/21
    박정근 무혐의만이 정의!!!
    no chr.!
  9. 2012/02/20
    南사이버테러vs 통'진'당
    no chr.!
  10. 2012/02/19
    버마: 펑크(punk) 반란...
    no chr.!


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While the int'l "Occupy" movement is - more or less - in full retreat, some activists in Seoul are making another attempt to reanimate the movement...

And - consequently(^^) - they're planning to occupy tomorrow evening Seoul's City Hall Plaza by celebrating a "Seoul Occupyers Party"(*)!


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Here's the schedule for the next two days:


Mar 1(Thu), 2012 @Seoul Plaza
  - 6:00 pm Build Tent + Salad & Beer Party
  - 8:00 pm Musical Performances; Hoegidong Danpyunsun etc.
  - Free Salad, Cheap Beer(since when has S.K. "beer" ever been cheap?^^)
  - Bring Your Own Food & Fork


Mar 2(Fri), 2012 @Seoul Plaza
  - 2:00 pm Press Conference



* Hopefully it will be not just a RIOT COP PARTY!!(^^)





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해군기지 열사반대(KT기사)

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Unbef*ckinglievable!! The (bourgeois) Korea Times(KT) in solidarity with the struggle against the Jeju Naval Base?? Just check out its following piece of "agitprop"(^^):

Concert to raise funds for Gangjeong villagers

A benefit concert to highlight the Gangjeong villager’s position will be held at Club Freebird in Hongdae on March 2.

Titled “Rock & Resistance” the event will bring concerned citizens from Seoul and around the country together for a night of solidarity, learning, and live music.

The issue of concern is the government construction of a naval base in the Gangjeong Village on Jeju Island. Villagers and their supporters are steadfast in their opposition to the project.

Nine local bands have decided to donate their musical talent for one night of eclectic and electrifying music.

The concert will feature Jambinai, fresh off their award-winning performance at the EBS Hello Rookie Awards. They will be joined by Korean folk metal rockers Goguryeo Band as well as SmackSoft, Momguamaum, Reska, Cosmos Sound and Billy Carter.

The organizers are a small group of concerned global citizens.

The concert is from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. and entry is a 10,000 won donation...

For more information, visit http://www.savejejuisland.org.




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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

생명평화 강정마을 (#7)

사용자 삽입 이미지

Latest news from the 'frontline'...

Feb. 27: Confrontation at Gangjeong port today's afternoon. . . Police blocked villagers and activists who were preparing kayaks to enter Gurombee rock. Two kayaks were blocked on the sea. . . Two villagers were wounded and 5 were arrested...


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Police blocked kayaks all this afternoon, but two activists entered Gurombee rock through tough struggle. . . (Here you can see some more pics!)

Feb. 26: ‎10 international and 6 Korean activists were arrested today. . .


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Seven Global Network members were also arrested including Bruce Gagnon, Mary Beth Sullivan, Dave Webb, Natasha Mayers and Dennis Apel. Some of them were moved to Dongbu police station... (Here you can watch a documentary!)

Feb. 24 ~26: The 20th annual meeting of the "Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space" is currently being held on the Jeju Island. Upon it, the "International Peace Conference" is held in the Jeju City and Gangjeong village from Feb. 24 to 26...


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About 100~150 people from the various fields of Korea and abroad gathered into the Jeju "4.3 Peace Park" under the theme of ‘Gangjeong for the Life and Peace village, Jeju for the World Peace Island.”... (More info you'll get here!)

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"No Naval Base on Jeju!" -  Reconcilation committee members of Korea Buddhist Jogye

order are reading statement during the 'Int'll Peace Conference'...

Related articles:
경찰, 국제평화활동가 무차별 연행 (NewsCham, 2.27)
"내가 죽어 막을 수 있다면"..."힘내요, 함께 할게요" (OMN, 2.26)


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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


Yesterday's headlines in the int'l and S. Korean media: "Nordkorea droht Südkorea und USA mit Heiligem Krieg"(N.K. threatens U.S.A. and S. Korea with Holy War, German bourgeois Die Welt), "N. Korea threatens 'sacred war' against S. Korea, U.S."(Yonhap)...

Well, and all this f*cking BS is based on the following 'statement'(2.25) by the N. Korean(aka D.P.R.K.) National Defence Commission:

The Lee Myung Bak group of traitors has embarked upon the road of kicking off again DPRK-targeted Key Resolve and Foal Eagle joint military exercises in league with the brigandish U.S. imperialists, defying strong domestic and foreign public protest and condemnation.

Huge troops of the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces and their strike means have already been deployed in south Korea and in its vicinity and huge forces of the three services of the puppet army have been put on a wartime posture.

Key Resolve and Foal Eagle are unpardonable war hysteria kicked up by the hooligans to desecrate our mourning period and an unpardonable infringement upon our sovereignty and dignity.

This is, at the same time, a blatant challenge to peace and security on the Korean Peninsula and an undisguised act of disturbing them.

The on-going development goes to prove that the Lee group which is more dead than alive, forsaken by the times, is still resorting to the last-ditch moves for war, backed by its American master.

In view of the prevailing situation, the National Defence Commission of the DPRK clarifies the following principled stand internally and externally:

First. Our army and people will foil the moves of the group of traitors to the nation and warmongers at home and abroad for a new war with a sacred war of our own style.

We have so far made every possible effort to avert a war and defend peace with a high degree of patience and magnanimity.

The Lee group and the warmongers at home and abroad are, however, unhesitatingly plunging to the road of an adventurous war, dreaming of "Egyptian style change" and "Libyan style victory", ignorant of who their rival is.

War maneuvers staged against the belligerent party are, in essence, a silent declaration of a war.

The declaration of the war is bound to be accompanied by a corresponding physical retaliation.

Now that a war has been declared against us, the army and people are firmly determined to counter it with a sacred war of our own style and protect the security of the nation and the peace of the country.

The target of this war is the Lee group and hordes of warmongers at home and abroad.

The Lee group is hordes of traitors for all ages as it is rubbing salt into the wound of the compatriots grieving over the great loss to the nation through a renewed saber-rattling, not content with the high treason it had already committed during that period.

The U.S. imperialists are the sworn enemy keen to launch another war of aggression to impose "American style political mode" upon us, not content with the painful tragedy of division forced upon our nation, the tragedy that has lasted for more than half a century.

The sacred war will make a clean sweep of the Lee group and those warmongers from this land by the war mode of our own style, our strong striking means unknown to the world.

Second. The just struggle of the people in the south and overseas compatriots will be further intensified to bring down the Lee regime under the motto of peace against war.

The Lee group is nothing but human scum which had been forsaken by all Koreans already long ago.

"Myung Bak, quit" and "Let's judge the Lee Myung Bak regime and set up a new government for national reconciliation." This is the shout of the political and social circles in south Korea and the mind-set there.

The Lee regime is little short of a ship in distress which began sinking in face of the stormy waves of the angry public.

We admonished the group enough to make it understand and set an example in the four years of its office and showed it through an actual battle what our strike that turned waters into a sea in flames.

This being a hard reality, the Lee regime is still persisting in sycophancy, submission and treachery, failing to come to its senses.

That is why we branded the group of traitors as the one which should not be let to go scot-free.

In response to the mind-set in the south, our army and people will encourage and firmly back the people in the south and overseas compatriots in their nation-wide struggle to bring down the Lee regime in the idea of attaching importance to the nation and putting it above anything else and from a patriotic stand.

Third. Our army and people will show the U.S. imperialist warmongers hell-bent on war of aggression and intervention what their arms and real war are like.

It is the U.S. imperialist aggressors who are chiefly to blame for having driven into a phase of war the unstable situation on the peninsula where neither war nor peace has persisted for such a long period. It is again those warmongers who have staged ceaseless provocative war maneuvers in south Korea and in its vicinity, pursuant to their scenarios for a war of aggression against the north to confirm their feasibility.

In view of the intensified moves of the U.S. imperialists to ignite a war against the DPRK, they will shatter reckless military provocations, arms build-up and war maneuvers with increased posture to fight a resolute battle against the U.S. and launch a struggle of high intensify to drive out of this land the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces, the main hurdle lying in the way of achieving peace and security on the peninsula.

They will always keep the bases of the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces and centers for their military operations against the DPRK within striking range and wipe them out at a single blow, should they provoke us.

Nuclear weapons are not the monopoly of the U.S. We have war means more powerful than the U.S. nukes and ultra-modern striking equipment which no one has ever possessed.

The U.S. is sadly mistaken if it thinks it is safe as its mainland is far away across the ocean.

There is no limit to the striking intensity and range of our army and people to wipe out the aggressors.

It is their unchangeable stand to show the enemy what their arms and real war are like.

The ongoing struggle to bury the group of traitors and warmongers at home and abroad is a patriotic struggle on which the destiny of the nation in the new century of Juche year hinges.

No force on earth can overpower the single-mindedly united army and people of the DPRK.

Under the leadership of the peerless brilliant commander of Mt. Paektu they will usher in a new era of national reconciliation and peace and prosperity proudly and forcefully, shattering every war move of the enemy.


Related article:
N. Korean leader threatens retaliation to S. Korea-US drills (Korea Times, 2.26)



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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

'MB취임 4년, 이제그만!'...

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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

국가보안법 폐지하라!(#3)

사용자 삽입 이미지


Last Sunday's Toronto Star(CN) published the following piece, written by Steven Borowiec(*):

South Korean security law takes aim at pro-North activists

When Kim Jong-il died in late 2011, videos of sobbing North Koreans sparked international discussion, as many questioned the sincerity of the theatrical crying.

While it’s impossible to know how North Koreans really feel about the regime in Pyongyang, there is no question about Hwang Seung-ho’s love for North Korea.

“The DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) is the only country that really takes care of its people and is a true democracy,” said 40-year-old Hwang, at a coffee shop in Bundang, a well-off suburb of Seoul. “All the people support one leadership and give their full-hearted support to one goal.”

Hwang isn’t a well-placed North Korean bureaucrat. As manager of Victims of the Korean National Security Law, he is part of a small but persistent community of pro-North activists in South Korea.

While North Koreans must appear invested in the system to avoid the heavy hand of the state, it is illegal to support North Korea in the South. Hwang’s home has been raided by police, who confiscated all his materials on North Korea, and he was fired from his last job as a math tutor for his political activities.

Under South Korea’s National Security Law (NSL), all kinds of people are being swept up, accused of pro-North activities.

On Jan. 31, South Korean authorities arrested Park Jeongguen for retweeting the message “Long live Kim Jong-il” from North Korea’s official Twitter account. Park is accused of helping “the enemy.” He has maintained he retweeted the message to mock North Korea.

“This is not a national security case, it’s a sad case of the South Korean authorities’ complete failure to understand sarcasm,” said Sam Zarifi, Amnesty International’s Asia-Pacific director, in a statement.

Human rights groups have called for the law to be reformed or abolished, saying it is being used to stifle free speech and silence critics.

In 2007, 39 South Koreans were interrogated on suspicion of violating the law, according to the Los Angeles Times. That number had jumped to 151 by 2010.

The paper also reported that prosecutions for online postings perceived to be pro-North Korean also rose dramatically — from five in 2008 to 82 in 2010, according to the government’s statistics. And in the first 10 months of 2011, authorities deleted 67,300 Web posts deemed to be friendly toward North Korea, up from 14,430 in 2009.

To many, this increase in NLS cases appears as a regression to South Korea’s dictatorial past. Until the 1988 Seoul Olympics, South Korea was a military dictatorship. Following a long, bloody protest movement, it is now a functioning democracy. Ten years of liberal rule were broken with the 2008 inauguration of the Lee Myung-bak regime, under which Amnesty International and other groups have documented and voiced concerns over curtailed freedom of expression.

Despite the risks, there are activists who openly praise North Korea and want to reunite the Korean Peninsula under Pyongyang’s official ideology, known as juche.

“Throughout 60 years, North Korea has established and maintained the juche ideology and attained its current status as a superpower nation in regard to economy and military and our psychological and philosophical ways, so I admire the DPRK,” Hwang said.

Pro-North activist Kim Dae-hee echoes the North Korean line about the puppet status of South Korea.

“In South Korea we don’t have national sovereignty,” says Kim, who was arrested and sentenced to probation after attempting to hold a vigil commemorating Kim Jong-il on the day of the leader’s death.

“The DPRK has its own final say. In South Korea, we don’t have any power to get this country reunited without the interference of the United States. The United States doesn’t want to see this country reunited because it is against their interests,” said Kim.

The pro-North activists think highly of juche, which means “self-reliance” and is attributed to the country’s first leader Kim Il-sung, though it is said to have been ghostwritten by North Korean defector Hwang Jang-yeop.

“It (juche) is a sort of catch-all for everything the North Korean regime does,” said Brian Myers, a North Korea specialist at Dongseo University in Busan, South Korea. “Anything they do they can point to and say ‘it’s juche’ and that gives it legitimacy. In reality it’s a red herring that distracts from the real ideology, which is something much more scary — a paranoid, race-based nationalism.”

In addressing pro-North activists’ attachment to the doctrine, Myers said, “The South Korean government’s treatment of juche as something seditious has given it a certain cachet. The South Korean nationalist left has a sort of uncomprehending attachment to it, which is understandable, since it’s very difficult for them to access materials from North Korea.”

In South Korea, it is difficult not to conform to social norms surrounding education, employment and family. Parents pressure their children to get into a good university, find a good job and marry. Those with unconventional goals or interests often report feelings of social exclusion or familial disapproval. The pro-North Korea activists are willing to accept this exclusion, however, to remain steadfast in their support for the North.

The conventional South Korean goals seem unimportant to Hwang. “In this country they just want Apple phones and other electronic devices,” he said. “They don’t want articulate, active citizens.”




* Steven Borowiec is deputy English editor for the ('left'-liberal) Hankyoreh newspaper, but he also writes for Yonhap...


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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

'제주 국제 평화 회의'....

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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

박정근 무혐의만이 정의!!!

Park Jeong-geun - indicted on the base of the notorious "Nat'l Security Law" for "serving the interest of the (N. Korean) enemy" - was released y'day on bail. But for his temporary "freedom" he'd to pay 10,000,000 S. Korean Won (resp. USD10,000)!!..

Related article:

농담 리트윗 국가보안법 구속 박정근, 보석 석방 (NewsCham, 2.20)



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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

南사이버테러vs 통'진'당

Well, since several years the S. Korean military, the NIS and many (mainly conservative) lawmakers are warning (possibly not baseless??!!) against North Korean attacks of cyberterrorism against the S. Korea's gov't, the industrial complex and 'hostile' political parties...

But now - surprise, surprise - we'd to learn that (some of) the 'activists' of the consrevative circle (possibly verry close related to the gov't, industrial complex, conservative  parties...) are using... CYBERTERRORISM in S. Korea against S. Korean political parties!!


Since y'day the website of the opposition "Unified 'Progressive' Party" is under cyber attack...

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Related articles:

UPP calls for probe into homepage hacking (K. Times, 2.20)
통합진보당 홈페이지 해킹…북 인공기로 도배 Hankyoreh, 2.20)


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

버마: 펑크(punk) 반란...


Burma, the so-called 'Myanmar', is still one of the most repressive states in the world - although the ruling regime is currently opening a little bit for a kind of "democracy".
But nowadays you'll find there striking workers, first stirrings of a resisting civil society and an alternative, progressive culture...


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And in the underground you'll meet a punk scene, ready to rebel against the ruling class and the (capitalist) system. The concerts are clandestine, the repression is brutal and the penalties are severe. Punk in Burma is not a 'lifestyle' - it's real rebellion!

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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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