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게시물에서 찾기2012/02/02

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  1. 2012/02/02
    no chr.!


Only few hours ago Yonhap reported that "North Korea urged South Korea on Thursday to offer an apology over its attitude towards the death of its leader Kim Jong-il as a key condition of resuming stalled bilateral talks..."

Yonhap's newslet refers to the following "open questionnaire addressed to the south Korean authorities"(original: "공개질문장..." = "open interrogation..."^^), issued today(via KCNA) by the 'Policy Department of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK':

The Policy Department of the DPRK NDC solemnly urges them to answer following open questions as they loudly trumpets about resumption of north-south dialogue and improvement of relations.

1. Are the south Korean authorities ready to deeply repent of their crimes concerning the great loss to the Korean nation and make apologies for them?

2. Have they intention to make public the willingness to implement the historic June 15 joint declaration and the October 4 declaration, its practical program?

3. Can they announce before the world that they would no longer hurt the DPRK over "Choenan" warship case and Yonphyong Island shelling incident?

4. Can they make political decision to stop all big joint military exercises targeted against the DPRK?

5. Are they ready to work for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, away from the wrong view on it?

6. Are they going to keep staging vicious anti-DPRK smear psychological campaign?

7. Do they have true willingness to resume north-south cooperation and exchange and keep them going on in the direction of promoting nation's peace and prosperity and common interests?

8. Can they positively respond to the DPRK's principled demand to replace the present armistice system by peace system?

9. Can they make a decision to repeal traitorous and anti-reunification evil laws such as "Security Law" with immediate effect?


Here you can read the same stuff in Korean:

조선민주주의인민공화국 국방위원회 정책국은 새해정초부터 남조선당국이 북남대화재개와 관계개선에 대하여 떠들어대며 접촉마당에 하루빨리 나와 달라고 하고있는것과 관련하여 2일 남조선당국에 보내는 공개질문장을 발표하였다.

정책국은 공개질문장에서 일단 남조선당국이 제입으로 북남대화재개와 관계개선을 바란다고 광고한 이상 다음과 같은 공개질문에 명백히 대답할것을 촉구하였다.

1.우리 민족의 대국상앞에 저지른 대역죄를 뼈저리게 통감하고 사죄할 결심이 되여있는가.

2.력사적인 6.15공동선언과 그 실천강령인 10.4선언을 전면리행할 의지를 내외에 공식 표명하겠는가.

3.《천안》호사건과 연평도포격전을 걸고 우리를 더이상 헐뜯지 않겠다는것을 세계앞에 공언할수 있는가.

4.우리를 과녁으로 삼고 벌리는 대규모적인 합동군사연습을 전면중지할 정책적결단을 내리겠는가.

5.조선반도의 비핵화에 대한 그릇된 견해를 버리고 비핵화를 위한 실천에 발을 잠글 결심이 되여있는가.

6.악랄한 반공화국심리모략전에 계속 매달릴 작정인가.

7.북남협력과 교류를 진정으로 민족의 평화번영과 공리공영을 도모하는 방향에서 재개하고 활성화할 용의가 있는가.

8.현 정전체제를 평화체제로 바꿀데 대한 우리의 원칙적인 요구에 호응해나설수 있는가.

9. 《보안법》을 비롯한 반민족적이고 반통일적인 악법들을 즉시 철페할 결단을 내릴수 있는가.



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