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게시물에서 찾기2012/02/17

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  1. 2012/02/17
    [2.16] '광명성절'기념(^^)
    no chr.!

[2.16] '광명성절'기념(^^)

사용자 삽입 이미지


Y'day "the entire Korean nation in the north and south and the rest of the world celebrated the birth of Generalissimo, the Shining Star and Sun of the 21th century, outstanding thinker and theoretician(...) Kim Jong-il", according to Rodong Shinmun.

사용자 삽입 이미지

And on occasion of this 'great day'(^^), the "Day of the Shining Star", Asia Times(HK) published y'day Kim Myeong-cheol's latest concoction, titled "Kim Jong-il as a guiding light":
- February 16 marks the 70th anniversary of the late North Korean leader Kim Jong-il's birth. With a legacy matching founding father Kim Il-sung's, the Dear Leader lives on through his heir and through the people of Korea, north and south...
- In the eyes of the entire Korean population and the world, Kim Jong-il is arguably the greatest of national heroes...
- His most outstanding contribution to the peace and security of the world lies in adopting the military first policy and building a global nuclear-strike force...
- South Korea, the Japanese archipelago, Guam, Hawaii and the metropolitan US might have been turned into nuclear war theatres and bombed back to the Stone Age...




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    no chr.!

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