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게시물에서 찾기2012/02/08

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  1. 2012/02/08
    용산참사 3주기 추모...(#4)
    no chr.!

용산참사 3주기 추모...(#4)

사용자 삽입 이미지

Yesterday's K. Times reported that "Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon asked President Lee Myung-bak to grant a pardon to eight people convicted of violence during the clash between riot police and tenants over a redevelopment project in Yongsan, central Seoul, back in 2009. The city government said Park sent a written proposal to the President Tuesday, asking him to consider releasing the former tenants and labor activists who are currently in jail..."(*)

Today's Hankyoreh editorial demanded that "Yongsan victims deserve presidential pardon"!




* It seems that Seoul has - for the first time in history - a mayor who's not (only) interested in the wellbeing of the rich(i.e. the ruling class)... Instead he's (at least) trying to show/execute his responsibility for the "ordinary"(i.e. the poorer, but hardworking) citizens! Well, that's just my opinion... And I hope that's not only my wishful thinking!!






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    자본주의 박살내자!
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    no chr.!

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