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게시물에서 찾기2012/02/28

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  1. 2012/02/28
    해군기지 열사반대(KT기사)
    no chr.!

해군기지 열사반대(KT기사)

사용자 삽입 이미지


Unbef*ckinglievable!! The (bourgeois) Korea Times(KT) in solidarity with the struggle against the Jeju Naval Base?? Just check out its following piece of "agitprop"(^^):

Concert to raise funds for Gangjeong villagers

A benefit concert to highlight the Gangjeong villager’s position will be held at Club Freebird in Hongdae on March 2.

Titled “Rock & Resistance” the event will bring concerned citizens from Seoul and around the country together for a night of solidarity, learning, and live music.

The issue of concern is the government construction of a naval base in the Gangjeong Village on Jeju Island. Villagers and their supporters are steadfast in their opposition to the project.

Nine local bands have decided to donate their musical talent for one night of eclectic and electrifying music.

The concert will feature Jambinai, fresh off their award-winning performance at the EBS Hello Rookie Awards. They will be joined by Korean folk metal rockers Goguryeo Band as well as SmackSoft, Momguamaum, Reska, Cosmos Sound and Billy Carter.

The organizers are a small group of concerned global citizens.

The concert is from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. and entry is a 10,000 won donation...

For more information, visit http://www.savejejuisland.org.




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    no chr.!

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