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게시물에서 찾기2012/02/06

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  1. 2012/02/06
    생명평화 강정마을 (#6)
    no chr.!

생명평화 강정마을 (#6)

사용자 삽입 이미지


Last Friday(2.03) the (somehow famous^^) actor/director Robert Redford(U.S.A.) published in onearth magazine "The Battle for Jeju Island: How the Arms Race is Threatening a Korean Paradise", an essay to support the resistance movement, fighting against the planned naval base on S. Korea's Jeju Island... (*)

And only two days later onearth received the following "reply":

Republic of Korea(R.O.K) Navy's standpoint on Robert Redford's article "The Battle for Jeju Island: How the Arms Race is Threatening a Korean Paradise"

1. The R.O.K Navy extends our regard for your interest and passion on environmental issues. However, we would like to point out that your article only cites few opponents' arguments that are far from the truth.

2. First of all, as the Republic of Korea Government already expressed to the public many times, the Jeju Naval Base is being built for the security of R.O.K and has no relations to U.S. defense policy whatsoever.

3. The Jeju Naval Base has undergone each and every legal and administrative environmental procedure including the assessment of environmental impact. In this assessment of environmental impact, related specialists and the locals participated hand in hand. Furthermore, the R.O.K Navy continues to preserve the environment with utmost interest and effort.

4. Last but not least, the Jeju Naval Base is being built as an "eco-friendly civil-military scenic port" that leads harmony with the locals. The Jeju Naval Base will be a leading model concerning any possible environmental issue."

Possibly there's no comment necessary!!(^^)



* Related articles:
Robert Redford cries out against Jeju naval base construction (K. Herald, 2.06)
Robert Redford protests naval base plan on Jeju (Korea Times, 2.05)


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