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게시물에서 찾기2012/02

25개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2012/02/06
    생명평화 강정마을 (#6)
    no chr.!
  2. 2012/02/05
    조선기자동맹: MBC파업...(4)
    no chr.!
  3. 2012/02/03
    ETU-MB ("투쟁역사")
    no chr.!
  4. 2012/02/02
    no chr.!
  5. 2012/02/01
    서울시: '째개발'... (#2)
    no chr.!

생명평화 강정마을 (#6)

사용자 삽입 이미지


Last Friday(2.03) the (somehow famous^^) actor/director Robert Redford(U.S.A.) published in onearth magazine "The Battle for Jeju Island: How the Arms Race is Threatening a Korean Paradise", an essay to support the resistance movement, fighting against the planned naval base on S. Korea's Jeju Island... (*)

And only two days later onearth received the following "reply":

Republic of Korea(R.O.K) Navy's standpoint on Robert Redford's article "The Battle for Jeju Island: How the Arms Race is Threatening a Korean Paradise"

1. The R.O.K Navy extends our regard for your interest and passion on environmental issues. However, we would like to point out that your article only cites few opponents' arguments that are far from the truth.

2. First of all, as the Republic of Korea Government already expressed to the public many times, the Jeju Naval Base is being built for the security of R.O.K and has no relations to U.S. defense policy whatsoever.

3. The Jeju Naval Base has undergone each and every legal and administrative environmental procedure including the assessment of environmental impact. In this assessment of environmental impact, related specialists and the locals participated hand in hand. Furthermore, the R.O.K Navy continues to preserve the environment with utmost interest and effort.

4. Last but not least, the Jeju Naval Base is being built as an "eco-friendly civil-military scenic port" that leads harmony with the locals. The Jeju Naval Base will be a leading model concerning any possible environmental issue."

Possibly there's no comment necessary!!(^^)



* Related articles:
Robert Redford cries out against Jeju naval base construction (K. Herald, 2.06)
Robert Redford protests naval base plan on Jeju (Korea Times, 2.05)


사용자 삽입 이미지


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

조선기자동맹: MBC파업...

Some 500 unionists of S. Korean broadcaster MBC have gone on general strike since last Monday(1.30), to demand the resignation on MBC president Kim Jae-chul over ('alleged', according to the S.K. bourgeois media) biased coverage of major social issues(*).

And now the strike gets the support of one of the most democratic trade unions on earth(^^) - the (North) Korean Journalists Union, as today's KCNA reported:

The trade union of MBC of south Korea went on a general strike for an indefinite period in protest against the Lee Myung Bak group's seizure of the broadcasting service.

A spokesman for the Central Committee of the Journalists Union of Korea in a statement on Saturday said their strike is an eruption of anger and resistance of the south Korean media persons and all other people against the group of traitors abusing media for sycophancy and treachery, fascist rule, actions against reunification and confrontation with compatriots.

The statement accused the Lee group of making a retrogressive revision of laws on media to quell the public mind-set and opinion desirous of independence, democracy and reunification and planting ultra right vicious conservative elements among media and indiscriminately purging those media persons opposed to the moves to put media under government control after it came to power.

Having driven into an abyss of ruin, completely forsaken by the public, the group is setting all reptile media in motion in a last-ditch effort to escape a stern judgment in the upcoming elections through an unlimited false propaganda and spread of misinformation and thus stay in power come what may, the statement said, and went on:

It is quite natural that the fair-minded media persons of south Korea courageously turned out in the actions against the traitors' group to make the media serve it and reactionary, deploring the miserable reality of media reduced to a despicable servant for the puppet conservative group.

The media in the era of independent reunification should be a judge meting out punishment to the group of traitors keen on sycophancy towards the U.S. and confrontation against fellow countrymen and a bugler dynamically encouraging all Koreans in their general advance for independent reunification under the banner of "By our nation itself".

All the media persons in the DPRK are firmly convinced that the south Korean media persons will surely emerge victorious in their actions for bringing earlier an independent and democratic society and giving steady continuity to the trend of the June 15 era of reunification.



* More news/reports about the MBC strike you can read on LabourStart!


And here you can read the complete statement in Korean:

조선기자동맹 중앙위원회 대변인담화

최근 남조선의 《MBC》방송로조가 리명박패당의 방송장악책동에 항의하여 무기한 총파업에 돌입하였다.

이들은 리명박《정권》의 횡포한 언론탄압실상을 폭로하면서 진실을 외면하고 민심을 오도하는 불공정한 방송을 당장 중지하는 한편 언론인의 사명과 임무를 다해나갈것을 다짐하며 방송사 사장을 비롯한 어용분자들을 몰아내고 공정보도를 실현할 때까지 견결히 싸울 의지를 선언하였다.

남조선 《KBS》, 《YTN》(련합TV뉴스)을 비롯한 언론사의 로조들도 이들의 투쟁에 적극 합세해나서고있다.

남조선의 야당들과 진보언론들, 민주언론시민련합과 전국언론로조를 비롯한 각계는 이번 파업이 지난 4년간 지속되여온 괴뢰보수당국의 방송장악과 어용화책동에 파렬구를 내게 될 력사적인 방송거부투쟁이라고 하면서 적극 지지성원해나서고있다.

《MBC》방송로조의 파업은 언론을 사대매국과 파쑈통치, 반통일과 동족대결에 악용하고있는 역적패당에 대한 남조선언론인들과 광범한 민심의 분노와 항거의 폭발이다.

리명박패당은 집권후 자주, 민주, 통일을 지향하는 민심과 사회여론을 말살하기 위하여 언론관련법들을 개악하고 극우악질보수분자들을 언론계에 박아넣었으며 언론의 어용화를 반대하는 언론인들을 가차없이 숙청하는 폭거를 감행해왔다.

또한 역적패당은 미국과의 동맹강화와 반공화국대결책동, 미국산미친소고기수입, 룡산철거민학살, 부정부패행위 등 저들의 반민족적, 반인민적, 반민주적죄행에 대해 언론이 제대로 보도할수 없게 자갈을 물리고 반공화국모략선전의 나팔수로 내몰았다.

그리하여 오늘 남조선은 정의와 진리를 주장하는 량심적인 언론이 사멸되고 불의와 매국을 설교하고 외곡과 거짓을 일삼는 어용언론이 판을 치는 민주언론페허지대로 되였다.

파쑈독재의 꼭두각시로, 시녀로 완전히 전락된 《조선일보》, 《중앙일보》, 《동아일보》를 비롯한 극우보수언론들은 온 겨레의 지향과 념원, 북남공동선언들의 요구에 맞게 북남관계를 개선하고 평화번영을 이룩하려는 우리의 원칙적이며 정당한 립장과 성의있는 노력, 내외반통일세력들의 대결과 전쟁책동에 대처하여 우리가 취한 자위적조치들을 악랄하게 모독하다 못해 인간쓰레기들이 날조한 황당무계한 잡소리들을 퍼뜨리며 초보적인 리성과 분별마저 다 버리고 헛나발을 불어대고있다.

특히 민족의 어버이를 잃은 크나큰 상실의 아픔으로 몸부림치는 동족의 가슴에 칼질하고 가장 비통한 마음이 어린 추모의 눈물까지 악의에 차서 헐뜯는 보수언론들의 경거망동은 오늘 남조선언론이 어느 지경에 이르렀는가를 똑똑히 보여준다.

지금 민심을 완전히 잃고 파멸의 위기에 처한 역적패당은 어용언론들을 총동원하여 무차별적인 여론조작과 외곡보도로 올해 선거들에서 준엄한 심판을 모면하고 어떻게 하나 재집권의 야욕을 실현해보려고 최후발악하고있다.

남조선의 량심적인 언론인들이 괴뢰보수패당의 추악한 하수인으로 전락된 언론의 비참한 현실을 개탄하며 역적패당의 언론어용화, 반동화책동에 반기를 들고 용약 투쟁에 나선것은 지극히 당연한것이다.

언론은 정의와 량심, 민심의 대변자이고 진리와 애국의 전파자이며 시대의 선도자이다.

자주통일시대의 언론은 친미사대와 동족대결에 광분하는 역적무리에 파멸을 선고하는 철추가 되고 우리 민족끼리의 기치밑에 전진하는 겨레의 자주통일대진군을 더욱 힘차게 추동하는 우렁찬 나팔소리가 되여야 한다.

남조선언론인들은 시대와 민족, 인민앞에 지닌 자기의 무거운 사명과 책임감을 깊이 명심하고 보수패당의 더러운 정치시녀인 어용매문가들을 신성한 언론인대렬에서 당장 축출하여야 하며 붓대와 마이크, 촬영기로 리명박패당의 온갖 죄행을 만천하에 낱낱이 고발단죄하고 남조선각계층을 정의의 투쟁에로 적극 불러일으켜야 한다.

우리 공화국의 전체 기자, 언론인들은 자주화되고 민주화된 새 세상을 안아오며 6.15통일시대의 흐름을 힘차게 이어나가기 위한 남조선언론인들의 의로운 투쟁이 빛나는 승리를 이룩하게 되리라는것을 굳게 확신한다.


평양, 주체101년 2월 5일





사용자 삽입 이미지



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

ETU-MB ("투쟁역사")


The following text we, activists of ETU-MB, wrote (as far as I remember on demand of LabourNet UK) in spring 2004:

ETU-MB’s struggle history, a short overview

ETU-MB (Equality Trade Union – Migrant’s Branch, a part of Korean Confederation of Trade Unions/KCTU) was founded in the year 2001. Actually the group was a splitting product of JCMK. The activists had to learn that in JCMK they have no own voice and JCMK leadership was/is complete reformist. But the activists wanted a struggle organization where migrant workers can organize themselves.

With the beginning of public discussions about the planned new EPS (Employment Permit System) bill by the government ETU-MB started in spring 2002 with massive activities in the public. After in April a demonstration, around 1000 migrant workers participated, was blocked by riot cops and later the government threaten with more repression against ETU-MB’s activities Kabir and Bidduth, together with some Korean supporters started the first sit-in struggle in the back-yard of Myeong-dong Cathedral. The sit-in struggle lasted 77 days.

After the sit-in struggle the activists concentrated on organizing migrant workers in their home regions (in S. Korea) mainly in the industrial zones in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do(province).

On September 2nd, immigration officers, accompanied by dozens of riot cops, raided two migrant houses in Maseok(Gyeonggi-do) and arrested two of ETU-MB's leading activists. In the beginning of November 2002 they begun a hunger strike and on Dec 1 they were released, but only temporary.

Meanwhile the massive anti-USFK campaign started and also ETU-MB members participated.

In the following period ETU-MB searched for more effective ways to organize migrant workers in the union. In early summer last year we begun with a massive wave of rallies in the different industrial areas in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. The wave reached its apex with a rally in Seoul on October 26, together with Korean irregular workers. Here after the self burning of Lee Yong-seok on the end of the rally short after the beginning of the following demonstration large units of riot cops attacked the demo and arrested Bidduth and Jamal. Later they were transferred to Hwasoeng detention center.

Almost simultaneously we started with a campaign to assist/join workplace-related struggles by migrant workers mainly in the vicinity of Seoul (Gyeonggi-do). And some of our efforts were quite successful!

Meanwhile during the whole 2003 ETU-MB activists participated also in anti-war rallies and demos.

Since beginning of Nov 2003 we were planning activities against the coming crackdown period announced by the government for Nov 16. Several models were in discussions and we finally we decided to occupy Myeong-dong Cathedral’s compound on Nov 15 after a large workers rally on that day. Now since that date we’re occupying this area. During this time we held many protest rallies and demonstrations were we lost three comrades captured by immigration officers with the direct help from riot cops.




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


Only few hours ago Yonhap reported that "North Korea urged South Korea on Thursday to offer an apology over its attitude towards the death of its leader Kim Jong-il as a key condition of resuming stalled bilateral talks..."

Yonhap's newslet refers to the following "open questionnaire addressed to the south Korean authorities"(original: "공개질문장..." = "open interrogation..."^^), issued today(via KCNA) by the 'Policy Department of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK':

The Policy Department of the DPRK NDC solemnly urges them to answer following open questions as they loudly trumpets about resumption of north-south dialogue and improvement of relations.

1. Are the south Korean authorities ready to deeply repent of their crimes concerning the great loss to the Korean nation and make apologies for them?

2. Have they intention to make public the willingness to implement the historic June 15 joint declaration and the October 4 declaration, its practical program?

3. Can they announce before the world that they would no longer hurt the DPRK over "Choenan" warship case and Yonphyong Island shelling incident?

4. Can they make political decision to stop all big joint military exercises targeted against the DPRK?

5. Are they ready to work for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, away from the wrong view on it?

6. Are they going to keep staging vicious anti-DPRK smear psychological campaign?

7. Do they have true willingness to resume north-south cooperation and exchange and keep them going on in the direction of promoting nation's peace and prosperity and common interests?

8. Can they positively respond to the DPRK's principled demand to replace the present armistice system by peace system?

9. Can they make a decision to repeal traitorous and anti-reunification evil laws such as "Security Law" with immediate effect?


Here you can read the same stuff in Korean:

조선민주주의인민공화국 국방위원회 정책국은 새해정초부터 남조선당국이 북남대화재개와 관계개선에 대하여 떠들어대며 접촉마당에 하루빨리 나와 달라고 하고있는것과 관련하여 2일 남조선당국에 보내는 공개질문장을 발표하였다.

정책국은 공개질문장에서 일단 남조선당국이 제입으로 북남대화재개와 관계개선을 바란다고 광고한 이상 다음과 같은 공개질문에 명백히 대답할것을 촉구하였다.

1.우리 민족의 대국상앞에 저지른 대역죄를 뼈저리게 통감하고 사죄할 결심이 되여있는가.

2.력사적인 6.15공동선언과 그 실천강령인 10.4선언을 전면리행할 의지를 내외에 공식 표명하겠는가.

3.《천안》호사건과 연평도포격전을 걸고 우리를 더이상 헐뜯지 않겠다는것을 세계앞에 공언할수 있는가.

4.우리를 과녁으로 삼고 벌리는 대규모적인 합동군사연습을 전면중지할 정책적결단을 내리겠는가.

5.조선반도의 비핵화에 대한 그릇된 견해를 버리고 비핵화를 위한 실천에 발을 잠글 결심이 되여있는가.

6.악랄한 반공화국심리모략전에 계속 매달릴 작정인가.

7.북남협력과 교류를 진정으로 민족의 평화번영과 공리공영을 도모하는 방향에서 재개하고 활성화할 용의가 있는가.

8.현 정전체제를 평화체제로 바꿀데 대한 우리의 원칙적인 요구에 호응해나설수 있는가.

9. 《보안법》을 비롯한 반민족적이고 반통일적인 악법들을 즉시 철페할 결단을 내릴수 있는가.



사용자 삽입 이미지


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

서울시: '째개발'... (#2)


Seoul's Metropolitan Gov't  announced on Monday that it will re-evaluate its “New Town" projects through a series of feasibility studies that could ultimately determine their fate. During a press conference Seoul's Mayor Park Won-soon said that the city will hear from residents and landlords in 610 areas that have been designated for the project, which aims to create new residential areas after old ones are demolished(*).
Well, as I already said before: that's "possibly(??) a first step in the right direction"...

Today's Kyunghyang Shinmun wrote in its editorial the following:

Seoul's 'New Town' Policy's Concept and Direction Are Correct

Two days ago, Seoul City announced new policies for "New Towns" and development projects that change in an innovative way the existing framework for housing development.

This would change the system to one centered on residents, not land and house owners, and one centered on building communities and villages, not business value or total evictions.

Specifically, the city presented a plan that would lift the designations of the 610 of 1,300 designated new town, redevelopment or rebuilding zones where building plans have yet to be approved and instead push small-scale alternative rehabilitation projects, while strengthening support for places where plans are going well in order to enable them to proceed more quickly.

It also put forth residency right guarantee measures that included supplying public housing to tenants and others marginalized by housing refurbishment projects.

Seoul's new policy is praiseworthy in that it ends or reduces the great harm done by existing housing rehabilitation projects such as real estate speculation, mass production of evictees, rises in rent and the collapse of communities.

The problem is that there are many obstacles to Seoul's policies actually being carried out. This is because of the interests of local residents bitterly entwined in housing rehabilitation projects.

More than anything, the key to the success of the policy is the issue of dealing with sunk costs resulting from the lifting of the designation. In places designated redevelopment zones, local residents have already sunk much money into the projects no matter how little they may have actually progressed.

If Seoul lifts the designations now, it cannot but compensate the residents. Seoul has asked the central government for support, saying it cannot bear the costs given its financial condition, but the solution won't be easy. For the central government to support losses suffered in autonomous projects carried out by local residents requires amending laws and social agreements.

It won't be easy to relax amplified tensions, either, in cases where local residents' opinions differ, in the process of lifting designations.

As Mayor Park Won-soon said, the new policy is not a solution that will satisfy everyone. Still, we think that if it has fewer side-effects than the existing policy and is of a better direction, it's worth pushing somehow.

Seoul City must do its best to put the new policy into practice. If support from the government is necessary, the city shouldn't unilaterally announce the policy without sufficient prior negotiations with the government. It must persuade the government while it bows its head and begs.

The Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs has already said accepting Seoul's request will be difficult. Seoul must keep in mind that if it pushes the new policy with only the justification that good things are good, the policy could flounder as even greater chaos is created. We call on Seoul to do its best.



* Related articles:
New Town projects crumbling (Korea Times, 1.30)
박원순 "서울시 뉴타운사업 610곳 재검토" (views&news, 1.30)
City to re-evaluate its ‘new town’ developments (JoongAng Ilbo, 1.31)




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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    no chr.!

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