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게시물에서 찾기2012/01/19

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  1. 2012/01/19
    국가보안법 폐지하라!(#2)
    no chr.!

국가보안법 폐지하라!(#2)

Last Wednesday(1.11) we'd to learn that (according to a facebook source) "Our friend, photographer Park Jeong-geun who has been inspected by the 'National Security Law', became under arrest by 'infringing the National Security Law' today, as accepting an arrest warrent. Jung-geun has been RETWEETING the twitter account @uriminzok (account from North Korea) and made some black humor of 'Viva la Kim...!"(*) 

사용자 삽입 이미지


* Related articles:
In South Korea, Old Law Leads To New Crackdown (npr, 2011.12.01)
South Korean Law Casts Wide Net, Snaring Satirists in a Hunt for Spies (NYT, 2012.01.07)
박정근 “에리카 김 만나 사랑도, 내곡동에 살고 싶기도” (Hankyoreh, 2012.01.17)
정봉주와 박정근, 표현의 자유 ‘그 사이’ (NewsCham, 2012.01.12)

And finally here you can read Jeong-geun's 'open letter' to "His Excellency Mr. President Lee Myung-bak", written three days ago in Suwon Police Detention Center!





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    자본주의 박살내자!
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    no chr.!

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