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게시물에서 찾기2012/01/31

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  1. 2012/01/31
    김진숙 징역 1년6개월 구형
    no chr.!

김진숙 징역 1년6개월 구형

Now the S. Korean ruling class wants to retaliate (according to yesterday's K. Times):

18-month prison term sought for female labor activist

The prosecution has sought an 18-month prison term for Kim Jin-suk, a labor activist who staged a sit-in on a giant crane in the shipyard of Hanjin Heavy Industries and Construction in Busan for 309 days, on charges of interfering with business.

In a hearing at Busan District Court, Tuesday, prosecutors asked the court to hand down the jail term to Kim, who pled guilty.

“By holding the long-term protest, Kim paralyzed the company’s business, disgraced the firm’s image and created a bad precedent that a person can act illegally to attain their purpose. We want the ruling to show those committing illegal acts should take responsibility,” a prosecutor said.

“The strike at Hanjin Heavy was protracted and became a nationwide issue. Outsiders on Hope Buses also intervened and their actions caused extended chaos in Busan,” he said.

Kim admitted to the accusations but claimed her acts were justifiable in a two-page final statement.

“A company should keep agreements with laborers but Hanjin Heavy failed to do so often. Those not keeping promises should be punished first, then justice can be realized,” said the 51-year-old in a working uniform.

“The suppression of Hope Bus rallies was too harsh. The movement was a social demonstration to prevent a massive layoff, to protect laborers who were abandoned by society,” she said.

Kim was indicted without physical detention on charges of interfering with the company’s business by staging a sit-in inside the operator’s cabin of a 35-meter-high giant crane from Jan. 6 to Nov. 10 last year to protest a massive layoff.

The verdict will be delivered on Feb. 16.



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