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게시물에서 찾기2012/01/16

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  1. 2012/01/16
    용산참사 3주기 추모...(#1)
    no chr.!

용산참사 3주기 추모...(#1)

사용자 삽입 이미지

Today's Hankyoreh published the following piece:

Third anniversary of Yongsan Tragedy

The bereaved family members of five victims in the Yongsan Tragedy and members of civic organizations place flowers in memory of the victims on the site of forced evictions, Jan. 15. They said they would hold a week long memorial until the third anniversary of the incident on Jan. 20. The civic group are demanding a ban on forced eviction of tenants and punishment for those responsible for the incident.

The Yongsan Tradgedy caused the deaths of five protesting tenants and one police officer in a fire that broke out when hundreds of riot police officers and private security forces tried to evict some 30 tenants from a building they had occupied.


Related articles:
용산참사 3년, 박원순 시장에 보내는 명동세입자들의 편지 (NewsCham, 2012.1.15)
The Fire on Dragon Hill (NewsCham, 2009.2.20)





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