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173개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2005/09/14
    Once Again About N. Orleans...(1)
    no chr.!
  2. 2005/09/07
    Palestine: They Demand Freedom and Independence, but...
    no chr.!
  3. 2005/09/06
    우리의 일반적인 투쟁
    no chr.!
  4. 2005/09/04
    U.S.A.: Martial Law Proclaimed (u.d.v.)(1)
    no chr.!
  5. 2005/09/04
    The Entire World Wants to Help The USA...(3)
    no chr.!
  6. 2005/08/25
    mahbub's gallery....
    no chr.!
  7. 2005/08/24
    another comrade wrote this.. (updated)(1)
    no chr.!
  8. 2005/08/24
    hong gil-dong dongji wrote to me today..(1)
    no chr.!
  9. 2005/08/08
    Deported and in exile, but the struggle goes on…(9)
    no chr.!
  10. 2005/05/13
    레온 트로츠키(Leon Trotsky): I really wonder why…(1)
    no chr.!

Once Again About N. Orleans...

First of all US president Bush, beside he is a war criminal, he is just a POLITICAL IDIOT! A good politician, ha, of course there are no good politicians, would use it at least for to show his interest, sympathy and solidarity with the most effected victims. But the Bush administration is even for that to stupid... and of course they are corrupt, reactionary... and so on...

But the result of the disaster is not just the fault of the Bush administration. Since decades everyone who want to know knew about the social situation in the Southeast of the USA, the home for a majority of the poor.

But because the capitalism dont need them anymore, not their manpower, work power and so also not their purchasing power, because they dont have it, the capitalist system gives a shit on them. The system would be happy if the masses of the poor there just disappear. At the best forever!

But this is the result of every capitalist society. Just remember the Maemi disaster in Gangweon Do, Gangneung, or the subway catastrophe in Daegu. There mainly, I am sure, ordinary, poor people were effected. Not the people who are driving Mercedes Benz or life in a rich area. That is just the result of the system of maximum profit, just capitalism.

And this system is producing every day thousands of potential victims of nature or human made disasters!

For example the people in Samgak Suha Dong, Eulchiro 2ga, or Sanseong Shijang Market area: this people, when they will be driven out by the Construction Mafia, beside they will lose their basis of existence, will find cheap places to life only in the poor areas on the edge of Seoul. And the possibility to get hit deadly by the next Maemi, Nabi, or whatever, is very high! Because there the quality of house constructions is very poor, there are is no real infrastructure for an effective help in the case of any next disaster...

On the rally last Sat. many people were asking how to help the most effected, poor people in New Orleans.

So on last Sunday evening I had a discussion about it with the Afro-american who made the speech the day before, I already published it here:


We agreed that it is very helpful to organize meetings to inform the public about the real background, why the disaster was getting so catastrophic. Inform about the social, political and economic background. Try to get in contact with progressive organizations there.

It seems that the New Orleans Peoples Committee and Community Labor United are a self-organized, more autonomous organizations. Just check it out by your self, please.

But we also agreed during the discussion that the most effective help would be to get in contact with people in resistance on the spot, in the areas, countries, where we are living and struggling. Only if we support them, without the ideas just to organize them in so-called left bla, bla.. groups, we can make steps forward to undermine the power of capitalism, to undermine the system of exploitation, oppression and in general the system on inhumanity!

So, the lecture for today is finished! Ha, ha...

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Palestine: They Demand Freedom and Independence, but...

...they just want to create a new system of oppression! According to the German daily “Junge Welt” (9.06) special units of the Police of the Palestinian Authority (the so-called Palestinian Gov’t) attacked a rally of unemployed people, who gathered in front of the city hall of Khan Yunis, demanding more jobs for the poorest. Some of the demonstrators started to throw stones to the cops after they started to attack the protestors. Later on the cops started to shoot with life ammunition in the crowd and injured several of the demonstrators. I think there is no comment necessary!
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

우리의 일반적인 투쟁

It’s now exactly one month ago that f... immigration was deporting me. Just on that day I was pre-editing my next project for MWTV, the report about our common demonstrations against the repression against MTU and against the ongoing war in Iraq, just the weekend before.


Forever we should remember!


Never we’ll give up …our common struggle!


The rest of the pictures you can see also here:


and here:




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

U.S.A.: Martial Law Proclaimed (u.d.v.)


What뭩 going on nowadays in the U.S. its a disaster, just a monstrous drama. Of course the main victims are the poor there (and we should find a way to support them, or at least to show our solidarity). On the other hand the entire system in the U.S.A. (a.k.a. U.S.-Imperialism) got hurt ?and you can believe it ?really hard. Much harder than ever before. In German you cold say: Die sind voll im Arsch!! It seems that the society there, at least in the affected areas, is now collapsing. Such as in Iraq... Its just a process of complete social dissolution! The German media, the bourgeois, but also the 뱇eft?is watching it complete malicious. But believe it, or not ?they뭠l be the next! Already here are disastrous situations (of course especially for the poorest in the 뱒ociety?. And we as the progressive movement have to analyze and use this situation. How? Maybe some one of my comrades has an answer, any idea?!

PS.: Cuba want?s to help the victims in the U.S. Golf Region (Cuba, even usually they?ve nothing, has many well educated doctors). But m... f... Bush said: NO. Cuba wanted to send ?in the shortest time 1000 doctors and 26,4 tons of medicine?, according to the Germans daily Junge Welt. This make it more clear, that the U.S. gov?t don?t want to help the victims, especially the poor, seriously. What they bring about humanity is just BLA, BLA....
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

The Entire World Wants to Help The USA...

...the German daily Berliner Zeitung wrote today... and N.K. wants to send their two nukes - harr, harr. But seriously - it's a really strange situation there. Later I'll post a statement about it, I already wrote y'day. But now I've to continue my work, because today (now since two hours) I've my first camera shooting. Hopefully next week I can edit the stuff and than I'll send it to MWTV.
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

mahbub's gallery....

another comrade wrote this.. (updated)

hello, how've you been? It's (...). Do you remember the song team, Jeong-Myeon-Dol-Pa? I'm one of the singers.(the only female voice) I heard you be arrested and deported by immigration... So sorry. And I also read you message. Yes, we must fight against our enemy. You know Ansan migrants' culture festival will be 11th. Last festival was so big~ but this time? Well, I don't know. We will have on Aug 28. As you know we have a propaganda before and while the festival. Hmm.. May I ask you a favor? You told me that you have a Chinese friend who can speak and write in Korean and Chinese. Until now a volunteer of Ansan Shelter had translated Korean into Chinese three times. From now on it's hard to do it. We're looking for the person who translates Korean into Chinese. Let me know her/his e-mail address or telephone number. I hope you will check out this mail as soon as possible. Take care~ Solidarity, and this i did right now (i sent it to 4 addresses in HK&taiwan): dear colleagues, friends of mine (http://blog.jinbo.net/CINA ) in s. korea are active in the struggle of migrant workers. for the next sunday they are planning a culture festival. for tis event they want to distribute a leaflet in chinese language. is there a possibility that you translate this (until tomorrow, sat.EST)? it would be a really great help for us!!! here is the text: Our Last Hope, MTU (Migrant Workers? Trade Union)! Since living in South Korea, we have been having such painful days. Being treated so badly in the workplaces, we sometimes wished to go back home; however, we have no options but to stay here because of an enormous amount of money which we borrowed to come to Korea. However, we've been changing it little by little. In order to face out reality and solve our problem, we started to make our communities with co-workers and learn how to find our rights by the help of Korean civil organization. Nevertheless, we are still people to be given help and we are still strangers who have no basic working rights. From now on, we finally began to struggle for our labor rights. We began to fight against Ministry of Justice who is human-hunting us by making strange EPS. We also began to fight against our employers who give us such low-wages and make us to heavy work for many hours. Eventually, we revealed our miserable reality of migrant workers and went on a sit-down strike in Myoung-dong Cathedral. We also made Migrant workers Trade Unions to collaborate each other. MTU consist of workers from Nepal, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Phillipines, India across Seoul, Kyoung-ki-do and In-cheon and join with Korean Confederation of Trade Union. In addition, We also demand for legalization of non-resistered migrant workers and Work Permit System and concentrate on struggle for legislation with Korean Democratic Labor Party and several civil organization Have a close look at Employment Permit System (EPS)! The EPS which passed on July 31th 2003 pushed our migrant workers in a deep despair who just hoped to work legally. Korean government is proud of their humble achievements by crying out that they permit our employment and admit us as legal workers. However, the truth is that EPS advocates the half of our working rights and EPS is to deport long-time stayed migrant workers. The Work Permit System(WPS) which MTU try to attain is the system which enables us to work legally with no danger of deportation. Employment Permit System Work Permit System Non-registered workers Permit workers stayed less than 3yrs to work 2 yrs more->workers stayed more than 5 yrs have to be deported. Withour nay restriction, work is legally permitted. Right to change workplace Cannot change workplace. ->Needless to say, if we don't adjust, we are fired. Able to change the workplace After Employment Permit System... After EPS, our working condition is getting awfully worse, cutting down our wage and being kicked out of the dormitory. EPS allows employers to make work-contract annually, therefore, our rights cannot be protected. Henceforth, migrant workers are choosing to be illegal workers rather than to be a legal slave. Migrant workers also want to choose in the place where we want and to be guaranteed three basic working rights and four working insurances. Unfortunately, the national policy is for the sake of people in power and money. Nevertheless, our future lies in our unity and solidarity. Only organized workers struggle can abolish EPS and achieve WPS! after i met today the woman who want to translate the leaflet i wrote this: mi anh hae yo... ...but the translation is in process. i made some small corrections, but i hope it is ok. how was the culture festival??? lpease check out this phone number: ... he (...) is chinese teacher. if i remember well, he was/is also supporting the struggle of cheol-go min (ilsan/pung-dong). i'll send him later also a mail (everything is sooo slow and expensive here...). in solidarity chr. Our Last Hope, the Migrant Workers' Trade Union (MTU)! Since living in Korea, we have been having such painful days. Being treated so badly in the workplace, we sometimes wished to go back home; however, we have no options but to stay here because of an enormous amount of money which we borrowed to come to Korea. However, we've been changing it little by little. In order to face out reality and solve our problem, we started to make our communities with co-workers and learn how to find our rights by the help of Korean civil organization. Nevertheless, we are still people to be given help and we are still strangers who have no basic working rights. From now on, we finally began to struggle for our labor rights. We began to fight against Ministry of Justice who is human-hunting us by making strange EPS. We also began to fight against our employers who give us such low-wages and make us to heavy work for many hours. Eventually, we revealed our miserable reality of migrant workers and went on a sit-down strike in Myeong-dong Cathedral. We also made Migrant workers Trade Unions to collaborate each other. MTU consist of workers from Nepal, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Phillipines, India across Seoul, Gyeounggi-do (province) and Incheon and join with Korean Confederation of Trade Union. We also demand the legalization of non-registered migrant workers and Work Permit System and concentrate on struggle for legislation together with Democratic Labor Party and many other civil organizations Have a close look at Employment Permit System (EPS)! The EPS which passed on July 31 2003 pushed us in a deep despair who just hoped to work legally. Korean government is proud of their humble achievements by crying out that they permit our employment and admit us as legal workers. However, the truth is that EPS advocates the half of our working rights and EPS is to deport long-time stayed migrant workers. The Work Permit System (WPS) which MTU try to attain is the system which enables us to work legally with no danger of deportation. What means Employment Permit System for us? Here just two examples: As workers we have only our man power to sell, and we have to it as expensive as possible. But we have no right to change the work places ? it means we?ve no right to get a better paid job. If we change the work place, we are getting automatically illegal. EPS means that we?re allowed to work 3 years in S. Korea. But it needs a yearly renewing of the visa... and we get it just with the agreement of our employers. But if we?re active for our labor rights, for instance, the employers will not give an agreement for a new visa. And on this way we?ll be illegal too! Work Visa ? this is, what we need! We, the activists and members of Migrant Workers? Trade Union, are struggling since several years for a Work Permit System, which is allowing us to work in S. Korea, without any restrictions for at least 5 years!! After Employment Permit System... After EPS, our working condition is getting awfully worse, cutting down our wage and being kicked out of the dormitories. EPS allows employers to make work-contracts annually, therefore, our rights cannot be protected. Henceforth, migrant workers are choosing to be illegal workers rather than to be a legal slave. Migrant workers also want to choose in the place where we want and to be guaranteed three basic working rights and four working insurance. Unfortunately, the national policy is for the sake of people in power and money. Nevertheless, our future lies in our unity and solidarity. Only organized workers struggle can abolish EPS and achieve WPS! STOP CRACKDOWN! STOP THE HUMAN HUNTING AGAINST MIGRANT WORKERS! LET?S ACHIEVE LEGALIZATION FOR ALL UNDOCUMENTED MIGRANT WORKERS! ABOLISH EPS! WE WANT WPS!! LET?S FIGHT TOGETHER FOR A WORLD WITHOUT EXPLOITATION AND OPPRESSION!! If you have any problems with your employer, or you just want to fight for your rights (AND YOU HAVE THE RIGHT!!!), please contact:





진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

hong gil-dong dongji wrote to me today..

Emm...don't show Hangeul...unhappy... Hi-tec struggle fight is steel. and more powerfully. sam-gag/suha also long fight. don't finish. Everyday front of Seoul city hall struggle. (sometimes Jung-gu office) Yesterday (Monday) Myeong-dong member meet again, dinner...and...(2 jaing & sool) ^^ Park joon, Yeong-seok very well... & Anwar steel Cheong detention center ... 100th day ... 17 Aug Migrant rally, Anwar telephone speech...He voice and talk very strong... Hey Comrade! sooner or later, I will update my new movie! See You!! & Thank You!! ^^ DONGJI, XIE, XIE!!! (i mean thank you...) see also: www.nodong.com/hong
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Deported and in exile, but the struggle goes on…



Now, since y´day (MET) I´m back in Germany.

Last Friday, 8.05, by using lies (“Some officials want to meet you”, so the immigration officers told me) and violence, immigration officers and guards brought me to Incheon Airport with the aim to deport me immediately (it was also the 2nd day of my official declaration of h.s.). But, because of my resistance in the airport, the first attempt to deport me failed…

But before y´day they were able to meet their aim and the result… just I’m back in “old” Europe (more about that in the coming days, because on the computer here it is very difficult to work, because the internet connection is complete poor – just “old” Europe…).


But thanks to my comrades here I have a house, some money and something to dress (I arrived here without any money, just dressed with a t-shirt… and it’s cold and raining here), because actually here I have nothing anymore… everything, what I need, or think to need is “at home” -> in Seoul.

In fact here I start now at the point cero (0)…


Anyway, just I want to promise that, because our struggle is right, I never will give up! And even I’m now 8.000 KM away from my comrades… OUR STRUGGLE IS A COMMON STRUGGLE, OUR ENEMY IS THE COMMON ENEMY – HERE AND EVERYWHERE!









우선 우리 이주노동자들과 연대 동지들 모두에게 감사하다는 말을 전합니다!

지금 저는 독일에 있습니다.
지난 8월 5일 금요일, 출입국 직원들은 “면담을 하고 싶다는 사람이 있다”라고 거짓말을 하고는 저를 강제로 인천 공항에 데리고 갔습니다. 단식에 들어간 지 이틀이 되던 날이었습니다. 제가 완강하게 저항했기 때문에 비행기를 태우려는 첫 시도는 수포로 돌아갔습니다. 하지만 두 번째 시도에서 저는 비행기에 태워져 “구식” 유럽으로 날아가야만 했습니다. (“구식”은, 컴퓨터 쓰기가 너무 불편해서 붙인 표현이고요)

다행히 여기에 있는 몇몇 동지들 덕분에 저는 지낼 곳과 약간의 돈, 옷가지들을 얻었습니다. (처음에 도착했을 때는 티셔츠 한 장만 달랑 입은 채, 밖에는 춥고 비오고 돈도 한 푼 없었습니다.) 사실 여기에서 제가 가진 것이라곤 아무것도 없습니다. 모든 것, 내게 필요한 모든 것, 아니 내가 필요하다고 생각하는 모든 것은, 나의 “집”인 서울에 있습니다. 여기서 다시 0에서 출발해야 합니다.

그러나 저는 약속드리고 싶습니다.
우리의 투쟁이 정당하기에 나는 결코 포기하지 않겠다고!
비록 저는 동지들과 8천 킬로나 멀리 떨어져 있지만...
우리의 투쟁은 모두의 투쟁이고,
우리의 적은 여기에도 거기에도 어디에도 존재하는 공통의 적입니다

착취와 탄압이 없는 세상을 위해 함께 싸웁시다!


전문 번역: (번역=매닉 씨/dongji)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

레온 트로츠키(Leon Trotsky): I really wonder why…

so many left activists are following this wing of the socialist movement (beside the NL fraction, supporting the North).



First of all: what role Trotsky played in the politics in the Far East? I expect NO, except the western socialist propaganda, such as in the GDR (동독일) was blaming the Maoism (毛主義/中國) as a kind of Trotskyism.


What is the different between Stalin and Trotsky (except the fact, that Trotsky was not able to take over the power)?


In the first years of the USSR under Trotskys order the trade unions (in the constitution they were free acting unities) were degraded as transmission belt” of the “ruling class” (a.k.a. the C.P.R/Bolsheviki).


In 1920, when Red Guards (former workers and poor peasants) in the Kronstadt fortress (다함께"leaders" called this a "anarchist inadmissible/illegal rebellion") were uprising against this kind of “new dictatorship”, thousands were killed under the command of the new “commissioner of defense” (no one elected him) L. Trotsky…


Anyway he newer got real power...


After the end of WW2 Yugoslavia was freed. Only short time later (1948/49) the "Titoists" decided to use the way to “socialism”  by "workers self-control of the factories/state". The KomInform (the successor of KomIntern) decided the exclusion of Yugoslavian Communist Party, because of "State Trotskyism”. And guess, what they (the so-called Trotskyists) did in the following weeks/month?


YEAH – they built CONCENTRATION CAMPS on remote islets in the Mediterranean to “isolate”, “reeducate”… (finally to kill)… their old "stalinist" comrades.


FINALLY: WHO WAS/IS BETTER/OR MORE WORSE?? They're (were/are) all the same!!!





착취와 억압이 없는 그날을 위해 투쟁

당신이 그걸 원하고 그것을 위해
투쟁한다면 다른 세상은 가능하다! 투쟁!


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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    no chr.!

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