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173개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2005/10/17
    민주노총 재해... 생각
    no chr.!
  2. 2005/10/17
    단편 이야기...
    no chr.!
  3. 2005/10/15
    WSF 2004, Mumbai (updated vers.)(1)
    no chr.!
  4. 2005/10/15
    Nothing is Impossible...
    no chr.!
  5. 2005/10/11
    G.W.Bush - the UNIQUE, REAL EVIL...
    no chr.!
  6. 2005/10/05
    PIFF 2005, 이주노동자 ...(3)
    no chr.!
  7. 2005/10/03
    10.3, 15 Years German Reunification
    no chr.!
  8. 2005/09/18
    Germany: BUNDESTAGSWAHL and other stuff..
    no chr.!
  9. 2005/09/17
    oops... it is CHUSEOK!
    no chr.!
  10. 2005/09/17
    What is to be Done, The Left ... and the Battle of N.O.
    no chr.!

민주노총 재해... 생각

If it's true, that KCTU "leadership" want to resign in January (Korea Times wrote some days ago), then - I guess - we'll get a real chaotic situation. But on the other side that's also a great opportunity to renew our trade union. First of all the left, the progressive, internationalist fractions must strengthen their positions in the KCTU! We (ha, actually I can just watch what’s going on...) should - now we have the opportunity - fight for more basic democracy, for more transparency in the KCTU... Many groups, organized in the KCTU, still are fighting for a new, free society (not only for to get more labour rights, more money, and so on)... But for to achieve it we must start now to create this in our own present organization! If we just promise the people that "in the future we will make everything better...", nobody will believe us. We must do it/fill out with life NOW! And if we concentrate all our power NOW on this project, perhaps - just perhaps - we'll get the possibility to change many things in our society sooner or later. At least in the KCTU... This is just the beginning of some thoughts... But perhaps you can think and discuss about it also. Please remember that until January the time is very short!! By the way, if it is really true that Lee Soo-ho and his gang want to resign in Jan. we should demand that they don’t make any statement in the public anymore in the behalf of KCTU!
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

단편 이야기...

I think it was last year on a anti-war rally in Seoul that a comrade told me following short, funny (?) story: "Several years ago the Korean progressive, especially the workers movement was calling Kwon Young-gil the 'Korean Tony Blair' (sic!). Nowadays they call him the 'Korean Lula' ". About Blair we don't have to waste not even one word... Lula, now the president of Brazil, together with his PT, is involved in a deep scandal of corruption... DLP is the 'sole legitimate child' of KCTU (so Lee Soo-ho in a interview with me in 2003)... KCTU, at least since a short time is involved in a deep scandal of corruption...


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WSF 2004, Mumbai (updated vers.)

I found this pic last Saturday in my daily news paper, Junge Welt. A friend of mine when he saw the pic he told to me "Hey, they are looking like our Trotskyists". 하하.., what a surprise!!?

PS 1 The slogan "A better world..." is complete nonsense!! Aeh..., I mean in my opinion... PS 2 Wow, "much better" is the slogan "A Socialist World is Possible"! In the past - some are saying even in the present time - socialist societies were/are possible... and what?? Socialism, if you want to think in that kind of category, is just a transforming society... It's not our final aim. Our final aim is the society without classes (no ruling class anymore, no oppressed classes anymore..), no states, nations, police, miltitary... just call it communism, or however you want. We just want a free society for everyone! And socialism, how we know it, means dictatorship (in the M/L of the proletariat, but in fact it was everywhere, everytime the dictatorship of the party or just of a small criminal gang, like in Romania, or just in our Northern neighborhood (北..)...
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Nothing is Impossible...


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

G.W.Bush - the UNIQUE, REAL EVIL...

1. This picture (I got it from my friend’s, comrade’s or whatever.. blog. Actually partly she should rename her blog to My I Hate Bush Blog... 하하) shows people who don't know, perhaps nothing about the history. Fascism, especially the German fascism was a regime, supported - aeh... elected - by a majority of the German voters, with the one of the only goals to get the world dominion. Another goal was the termination of all so-called "under-humans" (in German Untermenschen), such as Jews, gypsies (Sinti and Roma), bolsheviki/communists, disabled people (so-called "unwertes Leben", in German). For this they used everything from pogroms to the industrial mass termination in the gas chambers. This is/was the REAL fascism! And the only followers of this ideas you find today, beside in the international fascist scene, in Middle East "resistance" movements, mainly in groups such as Hamas, Jihad Islamiya, Hizbollah, Fatah, the so-called Iraqi resistance, and so on... 2. We should know that the capitalism is a bloody "business", it should known by every political progressive person. After the 2nd World War, after the USA, in one front with the other anti-fascist allies, liberated Europe from the fascism (AND ... KOREA FROM THE JAPANESE IMPERIALISM!!!), nearly all US presidents became war criminals. Kennedy in Vietnam, Clinton in Yugoslavia - both were so-called Democrats... 3. Actually we should be happy about Bush, because, beside he is a complete political idiot, he is a real sincere representative of the ruling class. Nobody else says such things so open like him, we just must learn from this/his lectures and...
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PIFF 2005, 이주노동자 ...



Who said that...

A friend of mine in Japan told me that I should inform the revolutionary front, at least in Busan about this...


Kannst ja ueber Dein Blog die revolutionaere Front von Pusan ueber die Show informieren. he wrote...

380 days of sit in strike in Myeong Dong

The movie's directors after our common favourite occupation.. 투쟁과... (PIFF 2001)

Anyway, just have fun... And fight the enemy!!!

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

10.3, 15 Years German Reunification

On Nov. 9, 1989, in the early evening we were sitting at home in West-Berlin (W.B.) and watched, like every day, the news in the East TV. One report went to a press conference in East-Berlin, the capital of the German Democratic Republic (GDR), a.k.a. East Germany. There on the end of the conference one leading figure of the ruling Socialist Unity party of Germany (SED) was reading from a small piece of paper that from “right now” all citizens of the GDR are permitted to visit the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG, a.k.a. West Germany), including Berlin (West) without any restrictions. We were sitting there and only wondering, what was happen right now - that must be just a mistake! But later when we went to downtown W.B. we saw the first East cars with East German plates... and we knew: the wall was falling, definitely! Later in the night to the 10th of Nov. We went to a pub were we met a lot of friends and comrades – and everyone was happy. Everyone was sure that Germany, reunificated soon, will enter a new lucky era. A friend of mine and me we were arguing against it, that especially the East, perhaps will enter an era of "Blood, Sweat and Tears". But no one wanted to listen, on one agreed. Only few months late, on Oct. 3, 1990, logical the two German states were reunited. Now, 15 years later - what is the consequence of the German reunification? Thousands of factories, companies were terminated because the became/were not "marketable", or they just became potential rivals for the West companies (according to the official East German statistic the GDR was the 10th "strongest" industrial state in Europe, at least in the East economic Block it was on the first place in the industrial development). In this process hundred thousands of workers lost their jobs in the East. Entire regions just deserted and desolated. In many regions the unemployment rate is now over 20 %. Until now 2,000,000 people migrated from the East to the West to find work and new homes. In some regions you can see today only old and stupid people... and a lot of neo-fascists. In many regions the fascists are ruling the daily public life now. Between Elbe and Oder (the two border rivers in the West and the East of the former GDR) the new brown (“neobraun”, brown is the symbolic color for the fascist movement) grass root revolution is coming slowly, but continuously .”, yesterday the “famous”, but bourgeois German newspaper Der Tagesspiegel wrote. Anyway... What they have now in the East, an area were everyone can do what ever he/she want. They can move to the West to earn a lot of money or just to life normal. They can move even to the US or to Australia, or wherever... A clean country they left... Before, during the time of the GDR there was nearly everywhere an ecological disaster... Now all this regions are complete clean. The most of the inner cities are complete reconstructed and renewed... But no one want to life anymore there... Visitors from the West, who want to see the beautiful nature, the nice reconstructed old cities in the East are fearing because of criminal, fascist gangs who are attacking everyone who comes from outside, no matter if they come from West-Berlin (actually it is not existing anymore, because now we are a part of East Germany...), Hamburg, Beijing or Seoul.. Finally it is just a lost place, deserted by millions of people... The entire operation of the unification, inclusive the results I wrote about, was a process of “Blood, Sweat and Tears” and it is not finished yet.. But on the other side, only because of the falling of the wall we came to the idea to show N. Korean movies in Europe, as a kind of a trash show (before, especially in West-Berlin we were surrounded by trash states and no one was interested in their “culture”), we got the possibility to visit Pyeongyang and later I got the possibility to visit the other side of the iron curtain in Korea, during PIFF 2001 and I had the great experience to meet... (aehhh.. this another story...) I think just because of that I got the possibility to join the struggles in S. Korea... PS... The entire shit, the unification, they, the Germans, got for the price of only 1,500,000,000,000 Euro. And of course mainly the ordinary tax payers were, are paying for it! And they are not finished with paying... Its just an endless, but expensive fun... Aeh... actually its just a fun for the capitalist class...
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Germany: BUNDESTAGSWAHL and other stuff..

First of all today is the parliamentarian election, Bundestagswahl, in Germany. When I was the 5 weeks in Mokdong Holiday In, a.k.a. Mokdong Immigration, better to say deportation, Detention Center, nearly every day new arrested migrants who arrived there were surprised to see someone like me there. Everyone said that I was coming from a sooo rich country... Last Thursday, because I was moving now officially to my new room in another district in Berlin, I also had to register myself in another Work, THERE IS NO WORK ANYMORE!, Agency. What I saw there was the worst what I had to see since I am in Berlin. In the Agency hundreds of job-seekers were waiting for hours... and no one had any hope to get something. You really could see this in their faces! No hope for nothing anymore! Outside of the Agency activists made advertisement for the election campaign of the LINKSPARTEI, the Left party. But no one was interested in this stuff. The Left party, a part of it is the former PDS, Party of Democratic Socialism, in Berlin is in the government with the Social Democrats, is responsible for the most extreme program of social cutting in the last 40 years. So why someone has to elect such a criminal organization... many people, especially the most effected, ask themselves. And on the way back home I saw an official election poster of the LINKSPARTEI. Wage work, YES! In original: LOHNARBEIT, JA! Beside that there is not enough LOHNARBEIT anymore in the capitalism, the duty of the left, of the workers movement should be the struggle for the abolition of the LOHNARBEIT! In that sense:

Boycott elections! For the COMMUNISM! ...the society, without rulers, exploitation and oppression!

...haha PS: Frank Zappa, a famous American musician, said long time ago about the U.S. elections that you have only the choice to choose between hot and cold shit. Later I will write more about the results of the election here.
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oops... it is CHUSEOK!

Dear Dongji, Chingu..., I wish restful and calm holidays!! The next round of class struggle comes with certainy!

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What is to be Done, The Left ... and the Battle of N.O.

A very interesting article I found today in the CounterPunch Magazine:

What is to be Done? The American Left and the Battle of New Orleans

By STEVEN SHERMAN About ten years ago, Michael Moore complained that while US leftists raced to Nicaragua to pick coffee, they did not come to his hometown of Flint Michigan when it was being destroyed by plant closures. ... Now a new situation with some parallels presents itself. While most of the predominantly white peace movement has been energetically preparing for an anti-war march on September 24, a massive natural' disaster has unfolded in New Orleans and the Gulf Region. The horrible spectacle of tens of thousands of people, mostly poor, mostly African American, left behind to wither and die as they waited and waited for a rescue response has powerfully thrust the issue of racism back onto the American political radar. Once again, a predominantly white movement, mostly focused foreign policy issues, is challenged to respond to a domestic crisis involving people who don't look much like those who come to our meetings and demonstrations. To put it bluntly, are we, like the neoconservatives around George Bush, more comfortable with struggles far from the shores of the US than with overcoming differences locally in order to remake and rebuild the American nation? ... The entire article you can read here: http://www.counterpunch.org/sherman09092005.html. And here http://katrina.mayfirst.org/ you find progressive organizations who are supporting the people in the Gulf region in the USA. P.S.: The black bourgeoisie has the duty to take care of the 33 per cent of the black children who are living in poverty. Today the German left daily Junge Welt wrotes. The bourgeoisie, no matter if it is black, white, yellow or green has only one duty: to make maximum profit!!!
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    no chr.!

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