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Interview with Jeff

우연히 찾은 제프의 라디오 인터뷰..




Program Information
 Stark Raven 
 Jeff Lazar
 Stark Raven Radio  
 For non-profit use only.
 No Advisories - program content screened and verified.
An American filmmaker in South Korea documents the criminalization and imprisonment of young men who refuse to do military service.
Seonok Lee, Stark Raven Media Collective

*This interview is self-contained with intro and extro*

Jeff Lazar is an American filmmaker based in Seoul, South Korea. He talks about his new film which documents the imprisonment of young men who refuse to enter the military... and the growing movement against mandatory military service.

For more information about Jeff Lazar, go to http://coinkoreamovie.blogspot.com/

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