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게시물에서 찾기2004/07/14

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  1. 2004/07/14
    [Paul Auster, The New York Trilogy: City of Glass]이런 것은 어떻게 번역되어 있을까?(5)

[Paul Auster, The New York Trilogy: City of Glass]이런 것은 어떻게 번역되어 있을까?


Paul Auster의 City of Glass를 읽다가 아주 이상하면서도, 재미있는 부분이 발견했는데, 읽으면 읽을 수록 이걸 어떻게 번역했을지 무지 궁금하다. 주인공인 Quinn(혹은 Auster 혹은 Max Work)이 그가 미행하고 있는 Stillman과 처음으로 나누는 대화:

"In that case," he said, "I'm happy to oblige you. My name is Quinn."

"Ah," said Stillman reflectively, nodding his head. "Quinn."

"Yes, Quinn. Q-U-I-N-N."

"I see. Yes, yes, I see. Quinn. Hmmmm, Yes, very interesting. Quinn. A most resonant word. Rhymes with twin, does it not?"

"That's right. Twin."

"And sin, too, if I'm not mistaken."

"You're not."

"And also in---one n---or inn---two. Isn't that so?"


"Hmmmm, Very interesting. I see many possibilities for this word, this Quinn, this . . . quintessence . . . of quiddity. Quick, for example. And quill. And quack, And quirk. Hmmm. rhymes with grin. Not to speak of kin. Hmmm. Very interesting. And win. And fin. And din. And gin. And pin. and tin. And bin. Hmmmm. Even rhymes with djinn. Hmmm. and if you say it right, with been. Hmmm. Yes, very interesting. I like your name enourmously, Mr Quinn. It flies off in so many directions at once."

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