사이드바 영역으로 건너뛰기

[Interforum] Programme

International Invitees


w         Michael Albert, Znet, US (www.zmag.org)

w         IMC (Indy Media Center) (www.indymedia.org)

w         Telesur, Venezuela (www.telesurtv.net)

w         Carlos Martinez, Rebelion (www.rebelion.org)

w         Oiwan, Inmedia, Hong Kong (www.inmediahk.net)




[31st March, 2006]


14:00-15:30 Registration and Opening Ceremony

w         Moderator: Hong Seok Man (General Secretary, Chamsaesang)

w         Introduction to participants and greetings

w         Welcoming Speech: Kim Se Gyun (Chair of Board of Directors, Chamsaesang)


15:30-18:30 Opening Discussion: Neoliberal globalization VS Globalization of social transformation

This session will look into current situation of international struggles against neoliberal globalization, the need for not just alternative globalization, but globalization of social transformation. It will also review the distortion of culture and media under free trade regime, and the role of media activism against capital domination.

w         Facilitator: Lee Gang Taek (KBS Producer / National Association of Producers)

w         Presentations:

The present situation and tasks of anti/alter-globalization movement: Michael Albert (Editor of Znet, US)

Changes in culture and media under free trade regimes and our response: Jeon Gyu

Chan (Professor of Korean National University of Arts, Korea)

w         Panelists: Carlos Martinez (Editor of Rebelion, Spain) / Indymedia Center / Won Young Soo (Power of Working Class, Korea)


18:30-   Welcome Dinner


[1st April, 2006]


In-depth Discussion: Globalizing Social Transformation and Alternative Media

These workshops will focus on the role and tasks of alternative media as part of global movement against neoliberal globalization and imperialism and for social transformation. The first part will focus on tasks of alternative media during specific struggles against neoliberal globalization, the second on alternative broadcasting against imperialism and capital, and third session on tasks of alternative media in the context of development in internet and so-called ‘new media’. The workshops will look into development and objectives according to the difference forms of media and prospects for cross-cutting solidarity among them.


w         Facilitator: Lee Jong Ho (Internet Media Network / President of Ulsan Labour News)


09:30-11:00 Part I: Struggles against neoliberal globalization and independent media

w         History of mobilizations against neoliberal globalization and tasks of independent media (IMC)

w         Struggles against neoliberal globalization in Korea and tasks of alternative media (Media Cultural Action, Korea)

w         Panelists: Korean Women Peasants Association, Buan TV (Korea), Oiwan (Editor of Inmedia, Hong Kong)


11:10-12:30 Part II: People’s Media and Alternative Broadcasting

w         Satellite media against imperialism in Latin America: Significance and tasks – Telesur (Venezuela)

w         Necessity and tasks for radical intervention into broadcasting area – Mediact (Korea)

w         Panelists: Community Radio Study Group “Ssial” / IMC


12:30-13:30 Lunch


13:30-15:00 Part III: Internet and alternative media

w         Internet progressive media crossing borders and continents of Spanish-speaking world (Carlos Martinez, Rebelion)

w         Importance of forming network of progressive media in Asia (Oiwan, Inmedia, Hong Kong)

w         Era of ‘new media’ and role of internet-based progressive media (Yoo Young Joo, Editor of Chamsaesang, Korea)

w         Panelists: Michael Albert (Znet) / Jinbo Network (Korea)


15:00-15:30 Break time


15:30-18:00 Overall Discussion: Alternative media and international solidarity

This final session, which aims to culminate the previous discussions, will look into possibilities of international solidarity, across borders and languages, among alternative media.

w         Facilitator: Joo Kyung Bok, (Chair of Chamsaesang Editing Committee, Co-President of National Association of Professors for Democratic Society)

w         Presentations: Chamsaesang, Znet, Inmedia, IMC, Rebelion, Telesur, and facilitators of each session (Lee Gang Taek, Lee Jong Ho)


18:00-   Closing and dinner
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