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Beatles-reUnion new YouTube version of "Now and Then" sparks debate




New YouTube version of "Now and Then" sparks debate in his blog Monday and makes it clear it's a fake. But he also added another link for a different video with the same audio. It's below.


Update (1/17/08)

  • We received this today regarding our update from 1/16:


    Thank you for the link to my blog iamaphony.blogspot.com. However, I wanted to correct something that was implied in your statement. I am not the artist responsible for the video or audio portions of the mash-up versions of "Now and Then" and "I Found Out." I was intrigued by the Iamaphoney videos on YouTube and created a blog to collect and share information about them. I have never met the artist, but you can find his work and probably communicate with him (or them) via http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=iamaphoney.

    Update (1/16/08) The person apparently responsible for the fake "Now and Then" mentioned us


    Update (1/15/2008)
  • From Charles Crane:


    The YouTube version is obviously a forgery, and not just because the song's instrumentation is inconsistent with a typical Beatles/Jeff Lynne production. The video has several oblique (and occassionally split-second) references to Paul-Is-Dead mythology, both old and new. The user who uploaded the video is named PauIMcCartney (note the a capital 'I' in place of a lower case 'l' - taking advantage of the font YouTube uses to masquerade as an official site), and the other videos uploaded by this user have similar Paul-Is-Dead overtones to them. These vague 'clues' are consistent with the ones on videos made by a user named 'iamaphoney.' All 66 of iamaphoney's videos consist of pictures and audio / video clips taken out of context to insinuate that Paul really did blow his mind out in a car in 1966 and was replaced by an imposter named Billy Shears. Or something.


    So why am I even dignifying this ridiculousness with a mention? Partly because it's pretty well done - the clues can come from pretty obscure sources and exhibit a fairly wide span of Beatle knowledge, so the videos can be somewhat entertaining (if not convincing). Partly because all these mysterious videos seem to be leading up to *something* happening on February 9th (as per the PauIMcCartney profile page). But mostly because many of the comments left on the "Now & Then" video and the PauIMcCartney profile page seem to be convinced that this page is official and sanctioned by Paul himself and are likely to be disappointed on February 9th. Take this with several grains of salt.

    (1/14/2008) A mysterious YouTube video (the first of the two below) has sparked rumors that this is the unreleased treatment of the song that was discussed for release by the Beatles.

    While this sounds very professionally produced, we don't think this is anything more than a clever, but unauthorized, mash, thanks to the overuse of echo and the audio from Beatle songs woven through it. A mash, but a well-done one, at that.
    Here's the original version of the song for comparison. This video is, also, of course, unauthorized.

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