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Pleiades Cluster/M45 플레이아데스와 지구 문명 1.

Pleiades Cluster/M45 플레이아데스와 지구 문명 1.





Pleiade cluster. 이 해괴한 문자는 어디 문자인지 아시는 분 좀 가르쳐 주세요.



플레이아데스 성단은, 고대로부터 인류에게"많은 호감과 경외심의 대상이 되었던 성단"입니다.


빌리 마이어 이야기는, 알만한 사람들은 다 아는 이야기일 것이며, 이미 제 블로그에도 상당히 많이 소개된 이야기 들 입니다. 빌리 마이어와 셈야제(일반적으로는 플레이아데스 여성을 지칭하는 고유명사라고 함)와의 접촉은1970년대에 행해졌으며, 이후1980년대 들어서는, 중단되었다고 합니다.


이 당시 컨택 기록과 영상, 사진등이 일본 후지TV에서 방영된 적이 있습니다. 한국이야 워낙 그런 것에 무관심한 나라라서 잘 모르지만, 일본이나 서구 유럽에서는 그래도 많은 사람들이 관심을 가졌던 분야이기도 합니다.


이후, 다시90년 후반 무렵에 플레이아데스 인들이 다시 지구를 찾아왔다고 하는데, 이때부터는 주로"채널링" 형태로 교신했다고 합니다. 사실적인 면으로 본다면, 셈야제 컨택 기록이 가장 사실적입니다. 채널링 형태는, "내용을 읽어 보면 아는데, 뜬 구름 잡는 이야기들이 많습니다"


Jschrjsch Semjase


하지만, 바바라 마시니 액이 저술한"Earth, Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library" 라는 책은 그렇지 않은 것 같습니다. 책은 읽어 보면 상당히 난해합니다. 이해하기 어려운 글이 가득하지만, "적어도 허황된 헛소리는 아니다"라는 개인적 판단이 드는 책입니다. 이들은 셈야제가 살던 시기보다 아주 먼 미래에서 온, 플레이아데스 인들이라고 하는데, "지구인 입장에서는 무슨 잠꼬대 같은 소리냐 할지 모르지만, 어쩌면 가능할 수도 있을 것 같다는 생각을 해 봅니다"


그러니까, 1970년 중, 후반에 행해진 접촉 이후 한동안 접촉이 중단되었다가, 이후90년대 들어서, 다시 접촉이 시작되었는데, 미래에서 온 플레이아데스 인들이라는 것입니다. 종종 머리가 좀 아픈데, 셈야제가 살아 있는 시기에, 다시 미래의 후손들이 지구를 찾아 왔다는 얘기입니다. 이거 어떻게 해석해야 할지 좀 난감합니다만,


이들이 고대에 지구에서는 신으로 숭배된 관리자들이었다는 점을 감안해 본다면, 충분히 가능할 수도 있는 일로 보여집니다. 기독교는 플레이아데스 계통이라고 저는 보고 있습니다. 불교는 아마도 안드로메다 계열일 것이라는 추론을 해 봅니다. 안드로메다 은하계입니다. 은하계 내의 안드로메다 성운이 아니고, 은하계 외부의 안드로메다 은하계를 지칭하는 의미죠. 웬지 모르게 그런 생각이 듭니다.


이 책이 바로 미래에서 온 플레이아데스 인들이 전달해 준 내용이 기술된 책입니다. 셈야제가 전달해 준 어떤 내용들보다 더 심오하고 어렵죠. 그러나 내심, 이 내용이 보다 고차원적인 우주의 진실을 일부 보여주고 있다는 생각을 해 보았습니다. 셈야제는 그런 이야기는 하지 않았다고 보이고, 인류 문명 수준에서 이해할 수 있는 내용만 전달해 주었다는 생각을 해 보았습니다.


매일 같이 안 좋은 글만 적고 욕만 하자니, 진절머리가 납니다. 그래서 화제를 좀 바꾸려고 이런 글을 올려 봅니다.




Billy Meier Pleiadian Contacts

Billy Meier, born February 3, 1937, is a citizen of Switzerland who claims to be a UFO contactee. He is also the source of many controversial UFO photographs, which he states are evidence of his encounters. Meier reports regular contact with extraterrestrials who impart spiritual and philosophical wisdom. He describes the Plejaren (aliens from the Pleiades) as humanoid.


A farmer born in the town of Bulach in the Swiss Lowlands, Eduard "Billy" Meier's claimed his first extraterrestrial contacts occurred in 1942 at the age of five with an elderly extraterrestrial human man named Sfath. Contacts with Sfath lasted until 1953.

From 1953 to 1964 Meier's contacts continued with an extraterrestrial human woman named Asket Meier says that after an eleven year break, contacts resumed again (beginning on January 28, 1975) with an extraterrestrial human woman named Semjase the granddaughter of Sfath.

In his teens, Meier joined the French Foreign Legion but says he soon left and returned home. He traveled extensively around the world pursuing spiritual exploration, covering some forty-two countries over twelve years. In 1965 he lost his left arm in a bus accident in Turkey.

In 1966 he met and married a Greek woman, Kalliope, with whom he has three children. The nickname "Billy" came by way of an American friend who thought Meier's cowboy style of dress reminded her of "Billy the Kid". This anecdote was told by Meier himself in an interview with Bob Zanotti of Swiss Radio International in June, 1982. (BZ, 1/08).






Meier has accumulated a large collection of controversial photographs showing alleged spaceships (called beamships) as well as alleged extraterrestrials (humanoids called the Plejaren). Meier says that the Plejaren gave him permission to photograph and film their beamships in order to produce some of the evidence for extraterrestrial visitation.



Meier's claims are disputed by UFO skeptics as well as some UFO enthusiasts. Many Meier proponents and believers exist among UFO enthusiasts, and his evidence has seen increased exposure through the efforts of an American representative, Michael Horn, who has appeared on popular late-night paranormal programs such as Coast to Coast AM.







Beginning in 1975, Meier allegedly began his official contacts ("official" in that evidence was to be provided publicly, unlike earlier contacts), communicating both directly (face-to-face) and by telepathy with a core group of the Pleiadians/Plejaren, or Errans as he also refers to them (Erra being their home planet), who gave their names as Ptaah, Semjase, Quetzal, and Pleja, among numerous others. According to Meier in the video documentary 'Contact', his first contact with extraterrestrials began on January 28, 1975.

These visitors reportedly hail from the Plejares star system which is beyond the Pleiades and in a dimension that is a fraction of a second in the future from our own (an alternate timeline). These Plejaren have allegedly afforded Meier a more interesting sampling of evidence than that derived from most such encounters, including highly detailed photography, videos, multi-toned sound recordings, the temporary use of a weapon which he employed for trial on a nearby tree, and metal alloy samples.

Meier claimed the visitors charged him with certain informational and consciousness-raising tasks As he undertook this mission, he met with a great deal of scorn and assassination attempts. Some of these were allegedly initiated by hostile extraterrestrial entities and subsequently defeated largely through the intervention of his Plejaren friends. Meier allegedly was uncomfortable with the megalomaniacal associations some would attach to his role as a representative (such as use of the term "prophet", e.g.) but he undertook the effort nonetheless.

In 1975 he established the Freie Interessengemeinschaft f웦 Grenz- und Geisteswissenschaften und Ufologiestudien ("Free Community of Interests for the Fringe and Spiritual Sciences and UFOlogical Studies") , or FIGU, a non-profit organization for the benefit of researchers into this field, and headquartered it at the Semjase Silver Star Center.






Meier claims that he was instructed to transcribe his conversations with various extraterrestrials, some of which have been published in the German language. These books are referred to as the Contact Notes or Contact Reports.

Currently there are nine published volumes of the Contact Reports (titled Plejadisch-Plejarische Kontaktberichte). Some of the Contact Reports were translated into English, extensively edited and expurgated, and published in the out-of-print four-volume set Message From The Pleiadesby Meier case investigator Wendelle Stevens.

Meier's alleged discussions with the Plejarens are highly detailed and wide-ranging, dealing with subjects ranging from spirituality and the afterlife to the dangers of mainstream religions, human history, science and astronomical phenomena, ecology and environmental dangers, in addition to prophecies of future historic trends and events.

An additional aspect of the Meier case is the highly controversial book the Talmud Jmmanuel.It is said to be the translation of ancient Aramaic scrolls that were discovered by Meier and a colleague in Jerusalem in 1963. The book claims to be the original teachings and life events of the man named Jmmanuel. Extensive study has been made of the book by James Deardorff.





Criticism and Controversy


The Photographs and Films

Some of the most important evidence for Meier's claims come from his large collection of controversial photographs. These include images of alleged spacecraft in the Swiss countryside, the Apollo-Soyuz 1975 docking and distant astronomical phenomena. Supporters insist that the images are exceptionally high quality and that a one-armed man could not possibly have fabricated them.

Critics such as Stanton Friedman and Jacques Vall럆 believe them to be fakes. Some critics have provided examples of similar faked photos and have pointed out that some of his photos are taken from science fiction books, paintings and television programs.

Meier claims that these photos were altered by intelligence agencies and slipped into his collection in order to discredit his UFO testimony. Other allegations include focus and light-direction problems consistent with cut-and-paste and model techniques.





The Metal Samples

The metal alloy samples are said to have been given to Meier by the Plejarens and then passed on to Wendelle Stevens who then had them tested by chemist Marcel Vogel. Vogel said that in his view the samples could not have been made by means of contemporary earthly metallurgy as they were apparently produced via cold fusion. Vogel also stated that the metal vanished from the IBM laboratory not long after his work was completed which prevented other scientists from performing their own analyses on it.





Meier's Meeting with Jmmanuel

As recounted in the unabridged version of Message from the Pleiades, Vol. 2, Meier was taken back in time by the extraterrestrial Asket where he met personally with Jmmanuel, alleged to be the real Jesus, and who told Meier that Meier's evolution was higher than that of Jmmanuel himself, saying, "Truly, your evolution has proceeded for 2000 years further, which fact I have not considered." (page 512). The contact with Jmmanuel lasted for four days after which Meier was returned to the present time.

Talmud Jmmanuel (TJ)is a purported ancient text in Aramaic that the Swiss UFO contactee Billy Meier, along with an ex-Greek Orthodox priest named Isa Rashid, claimed to have discovered south of the Old City of Jerusalem in 1963. According to Meier, Isa Rashid kept the manuscript and sent him the translation in 1974. The first edition in German came out in 1978. It is described by its promoters as the source text (often termed the Logia, or the Q document) of the Gospel of Matthew, which is claimed to demonstrate extraterrestrial origins for the Bible. The spelling Jmmanuel was allegedly commanded to Meier by extraterrestrials.





World War Three

Billy Meier repeatedly warns of an impending Third World War beginning in November 2006, 2008, 2010, or 2011. He has also denounced the terroristic activities and vigilante behavior of various Muslim extremist groups, which he says only foment the possibility for war.

At one time, Meier suggested November, 2006 as the most likely start of World War III, then revised the date to November, 2008, a period that has also now passed. In any case, Meier states that, in an approaching year, four world leaders will die within seven days of one another, giving a clear sign that within a mere 2 years of these events the long-feared world war will indeed erupt - that is unless terrestrials finally gain mastery over their reason and change their behavior, insisting that these prophecies are all subject to change, as opposed to inevitabilities.

Billy Meier  Wikipedia





The Henoch Prophecies

The Henoch Prophecies basically make the same predictions as all other prophecies which name this as the end of this cycle of time and return to light and consciousness.

  Henoch Prophecies  YouTube






March 2010

All propheciesconverge now. They basically state that if humanity does not give up their evil ways, they are doomed, which is a self-fulfilling prophecy as balance can never be maintained, in physical reality. The Earth is a consciousnesshologram that is about to evolve. Consider yourself a scientist here to study emotions on a planet called Earth as part of a university/universe experiment.

Everything is Myth, Math, and Metaphor following patterns we call sacred geometry.

No matter what Billy Meier claimed the Pleiadians told him many years ago, or what other channelers and psychics discuss, this cycle is ending/evolving as is witnessed by current events.

With the Pleiadians we find Quetzal who is Quetzalcoatlwhich takes us to 2012prophecies. 2012 is a metaphor for the closing of this program and the return to consciousness.









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