사이드바 영역으로 건너뛰기

National export control system

South Korea (Republic of Korea)

National legal authority


- Foreign Trade Law along with its secondary legislation, the Enforcement Act.

National policy statement  

International Agreements

- Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls.

Control lists

Proscribed destinations
Equipment lists Public Notice on Export and Import of Strategic Commodities, published each year as an annex to the Foreign Trade Law.

The list of arms and related technology contained in the Public Notice is closely modelled on the Wassenaar Arrangement Munitions List.

Licensing procedures

Licensing authority

Ministry of Industry and Natural Resources.

Consultation procedures Ministry of Defence.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be consulted if the proposed export is to a diplomatically sensitive country.

A regular inter-agency consultative meeting reviews all matters related to export control. The consultative meeting includes experts from industry, research institutes and academic institutions.

Enforcement The Customs Office.
End-user requirements South Korea requires a commitment from the importer not to re-export the item without consent.
Licensing of negotiations or pre-shipment activities There is no requirement to register or apply for a licence in cases of negotiations or pre-shipment activities.
Licensing exemptions None for munitions list items.
Revocation of licences  
Types of licence For munitions list items only individual export licences are used.
Advice to industry  
Licensing for temporary exports  
Penalties for non-compliance  
Number of licenses approved per year (approx.)  
Number of staff involved in licensing  
Information as of:  May 2000


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