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- South Korea’s Ministry of National Defense has temporarily shelved a plan to allow conscientious objectors other ways to serve their country, officials confirmed Wednesday.

- The Lee Myung-bak administration has decided to virtually nullify the plan to allow people objecting to military duty for religious and other conscientious reasons to replace it with various community services beginning next year, citing a ``lack of popular consensus.''

-  the Ministry of Defense of Korea was no longer in favor of revamping the alternative service plan for conscientious objectors. This is an about-face from what the Ministry had originally announced one year earlier.

-South Korea's military indicated on Wednesday it would hold off on a plan for alternative service for conscientious objectors to the armed forces who are now jailed if they refuse conscription.

- Defense Ministry cancels plans for alternative service for conscientious objectors.....In a reversal of a position it held just over a year ago, the Ministry of Defense announced Wednesday that it is too early to introduce an alternative service program for conscientious objectors.

- SKorea stalls on alternative to military service

- this survey could completely annul the alternative service for conscientious objectors announced on September, 2007.

똑같은 내용을 이렇게 다양한 영어로 보고 나니 괜히 주눅이 든다.. 영역 울렁증..-_-
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