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미국 노동운동의 분열을 보며

1950년대초였던 것으로 알고 있다. 서로 다른 두개의 노동조합 연맹이었던 AFL과 CIO가 통합한 이후, 미국 노동운동은 냉전과 메카시즘을 거치면서 좌파가 거세되는 암울한 숙청을 겪었고 5-60년대 풍요의 확산에 힘입어 급격히 보수화되었다. 노동운동 지도부는 귀족화되었고 이들은 민주당과 강고한 결속을 보이며 양당체제에 기생해왔다. 
그러던 미국의 노동운동이 조금씩 다른(=상대적으로 급진적인) 목소리를 내기 시작한 것은 90년대 중반부터인데, 한편에서는 80년대 영국의 대처리즘과 더불어 신보수주의의 원조격인 미국의 "레이거노믹스"와 함께 불어닥친 전사회적인 보수화(=노동자들에게 "희생"을 강요하는)와 90년대 들어 본격화되기 시작한 구조조정과 offshoring(=공장들이 통째로 멕시코 등 노동력이 싼 나라로 이전하는 것) 등 신자유주의의 효과들이 나타나기 시작하면서부터이다. michael moore의 다큐멘터리로 잘 알려진 대로 디트로이트를 비롯해 핃스버그 등등 미국 전통의 산업중심지들은 무너지기 시작했고 90년대 중반부터 대규모 파업도 늘기 시작한다.
이런 변화를 제일 잘 간파했던 것은 당시 서비스 연맹(seiu) 위원장이었던 paul sweeny였고 그는 변화하는 노동정세에 맞게 전세계 노동형제들과의 연대를 부르짖고 또 조합내부의 민주주의를 주창하며 미국 노동조합운동에 새바람을 불러일으켰다. 그리고 미국 내외 많은 좌파들은 그가 미국 노동운동의 질적인 변화를 가져다줄 지도자가 아닐까 적지 않은 기대를 걸기도 하였다.
하지만 그가 AFL-CIO의 위원장이 된 후로 당면해야 했던 장애물들은 너무 많았다. 미국 천삼백만 노동자들을 조합원으로 가지고 있는 AFL-CIO 내부 정치의식의 스펙트럼 차이를 조정하는 것은 거의 불가능에 가까왔다. "전지구적 노동연대"라는 구호는 멕시컨들이, 인도인들이, 중국인들이 자신들의 직장을 빼앗아간다고 생각하는 노동자들의 의식과 애초부터 함께 가기 힘들었다. "조합내 민주주의"를 부르짖으며 하나의 정치적 슬로건을 밀어붙이는 것도 어불성설이었다. 정치적 구호의 주창자 뿐만 아니라 조직의 조정자로서의 역할도 떠맡아야 했던 sweeny의 입장이 점점 중도화(혹은 우경화)되는 것은 너무나 당연한 일이었다.
21세기가 되며 UAW(자동차연맹)나 USWA(철강연맹) 등 전통의 노동조합 powerhouse들의 세력이 약해지는 대신 신자유주의의 피해를 직접적으로 보면서도 다른 나라로 보내버릴 수 없는 서비스 업종들과 그 안에서의 문제들이 늘어가면서 서비스 연맹이 새롭게 미국 노동운동의 강자로 떠오르기 시작했다. (sweeny도 서비스 연맹 출신) 1999년 wto 각료회의를 무산시켰던 "시애틀의 전투(the battle of seatle)"에서 혁혁한 공을 세웠던 teamster union(덤프연대와 동격인)과 그 지도자 james hoffa도 큰 목소리를 내기 시작했다.
풀뿌리 조직화 전략을 통해 십년새 노조원을 20만명이나 증가시킨 서비스 연맹과 그 위원장 andrew stern과 트럭연맹의 hoffa로 대표되는 AFL-CIO내 한 무리의 세력은 sweeny의 뜨뜨미지근한 정책방향을 강도높게 비판하기 시작했다. 가장 큰 논쟁은 자원을 어디에 사용할 것인가를 둘러싸고 터져나왔다. 이들은 AFL-CIO가 풀뿌리 조직화의 과제를 업수히 여기고 있으며 민주당에 로비자금으로 퍼붓는 돈을 조직화로 돌려야 한다고 주장한다. (이렇게 주장할 수 있었던 것이 이들이 AFL-CIO 조합원의 1/4을 차지하고 있다는 것, 그리고 분담금의 1/6을 내고 있다는 것에 있었다.)
작년부터 이들의 비판이 거세어지기 시작했고 서비스 연맹의 앤드류 스턴(andrew stern)은 공공연하게 AFL-CIO 탈퇴를 시사하고 나서기 시작했다. 그러면서 이 문제는 AFL-CIO 내부에서의, 그리고 미국 좌파 일반에서 이라크 전쟁에 대한 대응과 더불어 가장 큰 논쟁거리가 되어버렸다.
그러더니 이번주부터 시카고에서 시작된 AFL-CIO 대의원대회에서 서비스 연맹과 트럭연맹은 탈퇴를 선언하고야 말았다. 주류 언론을 비롯해 많은 이들은 이를 AFL-CIO 위원장 sweeny와 서비스 연맹(SEIU) 위원장 stern 간의 파워게임으로 파악한다.
그리고 그러한 진단은 전적으로 옳다는 것이 나의 견해이다.
그렇게 판단하는 가장 중요한 이유는 미국 노동운동 내의 논쟁이 AFL-CIO의 정책초점을 조직화에 맞추느냐, 지금처럼 의회내의 동맹세력 구축에 힘쓰느냐라는 형식 이외에 어떠한 내용도 담고 있지 못하고 있기 때문이다. sweeny 식의 정책이 기성 보수정당에 대한 노동운동의 의존성을 재생산한다는 점에서 비판당하는 것은 정당하나 이러한 내용은 stern의 비판에선 찾아볼 수 없다. 그는 오로지 미국 노동운동의 위기를 극복하기 위한 조직화만, 숫자를 늘려야 한다는 것만 주장할 뿐 그러한 조직화가 어떠한 내용으로, 어떠한 새로운 노동자의식, 정치의식으로 이루어져야 하는가에 대해선 한마디도 없다. 역설적이게도 stern은 신자유주의의 확산으로 인해 세력을 얻게 된 것일 뿐이지 그는 미국 노동운동에 대한 어떤 새로운 비젼도 제시하지 못하고 있다. 그가 하는 말이야 바른 말처럼 들리지만 이쯤되면 도대체 이 사람 의도가 무엇인지 의심스러워질 수밖에 없는 게다.
그러니 논쟁이 올바른 방향으로 흘러갈 수가 없게 되어버린다. 하여 전에 AFL-CIO의 정책고문을 하던 bill fletcher 같은 좌파는 지금의 논쟁이 "타이타닉에서 의자들을 다시 정렬할 뿐 배가 물에 빠지고 있다는 사실에는 무감한다"는 점을 지적하고 있기도 하다. (맨아래 붙여놓은 글) 한마디로 지금의 분열은, 논쟁은 미국 노동운동의 위기를 극복하기 위한 내용없는 방식상의 차이, 즉 "최대한 의회내 원군 얻기" vs. "일단 조합원 숫자 늘리기"의 차이일 뿐이다. 그리고 내용없는 주장의 대립이 그나마 단일한 미국 노동운동의 조직을 둘로 쪼개고 있는 것이니.. "노동운동 위기 극복"이라는 논쟁의 초점 자체가 허무할 따름이다.
미국 노동운동의 상황은 허무하기 이를데 없지만, 동시에 많은 생각을 (그것도 무거운 걱정을!) 던져준다. 왜냐면, 오늘 미국 노동운동이 겪어나가고 있는 이 허탈한 상황이 결코 남의 일이 아니기 때문이다. 남한도 신자유주의 체제에 밀착흡수되면서 산업구조의 변동을 이미 겪어나가고 있다. 새로운 영역에서 투쟁이 벌어지고 조직화가 이뤄지고 있는 반면 이미 어느정도 힘을 쌓아놓았던 영역에서는 급격한 보수화가 이뤄지고 있다. 금속산업이 언제까지 남한의 주춧돌이 될 수 있을지, 언제 현대중공업이 거제대우조선소가 중국으로 베트남으로 날라갈지 모르는 상황에서 새로운 경제의 핵심으로 자리잡은 IT산업은 철저하게 자본집중적인 분야와 비정규직으로 분산되는 구조 위에서 번성하고 있다. 
수십년을 거치며 30%대에서 10% 노조조직율로 떨어져버린 미국. 이와 별반 차이없는 오늘 남한의 상황. 그러나 남한의 노동운동이 겪어가야할 일들은 아직 더 많은 걸.. 이런 걸 떠올려 보며 마음 무거워지는 것, 걱정스러워지는 것도 무리는 아니렷다. 
정치적 방향타를 잃어버린 노동운동은 이미 생명을 잃은 노동운동, 이익집단으로 전락할 수밖에 없다. 
인간의 행위와 의식이 변화하는 환경의 산물인 것 분명하지만 동시에 인간이 스스로를 둘러싼 환경을 변화시키는 주체이기도 하며 따라서 교육자 자신을 교육시키는 것이 무엇보다 중요하다는 점은 항상 새겨둘 일이다. 맑스는 너무나 옳다..
아래 복사해 붙인 글들:
- washington post 보도기사:트럭/서비스 연맹 AFL-CIO 떠나다 (teamsters, seiu leave afl-cio)
- new york times 분석기사: 야망이 노동의 분열을 촉발하다 (ambitions are fueling a division of labor) 
- znet에 실렸던 bill fletcher와의 인터뷰: 노동운동은 심각한 좌회전이 필요하다-노동운동의 미래가 시대에 뒤떨어진 보수주의의 지배를 받고 있다 (labor needs a hard left turn-bill fletcher says the current debate over labor's future is dominated by an outdated conservatism)




Teamsters, SEIU Leave AFL-CIO

By Thomas B. Edsall
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, July 25, 2005; 5:48 PM


CHICAGO, July 25 -- The Teamsters and the Service Employees International unions Monday bolted from the AFL-CIO, splitting organized labor into two factions as the movement struggles to reverse 50 years of declining membership and muscle in the workplace.


"In our view, we must have more union members in order to change the political climate that is undermining workers'''' rights in this country," said Teamsters President James P. Hoffa. He accused the AFL-CIO under the leadership of John J. Sweeney of "throwing money" at Democratic politicians instead of investing in organizing campaigns.


Together, the two unions represent just more than 3 million workers, nearly a quarter of the 13 million members in the 56 unions that made up the AFL-CIO. The Teamsters and SEIU pay a total of $20 million in dues to the AFL-CIO, which has a budget of $120 million.


Sweeney, in a speech to delegates to the AFL-CIO convention here, angrily denounced Hoffa and Andrew L. Stern, the SEIU president.


Sweeney called their action "a grievous insult to all the unions. . . . Most of all, it is a tragedy for working people." The 900 delegates gave Sweeney a standing ovation when he told them "our future should not be dictated by the demands of any group or the ambitions of any individual."


The Teamsters and SEIU were among four major unions that announced Sunday they would boycott the labor convention. The other two unions, which are also considering leaving the AFL-CIO, are the United Food and Commercial Workers and Unite Here, which represents hotel, restaurant and garment workers.


In addition to those four unions, two others, the United Farm Workers and the Laborers International Union, have joined the insurgent Change to Win Coalition. These two unions are not boycotting the convention, but their presidents pointedly did not rule out leaving the AFL-CIO in the near future.


Stern, whose SEIU is the largest of the unions in the AFL-CIO, has led the insurrection calling for major reorganization and strengthening of the powers of the AFL-CIO and for the retirement of Sweeney, who was Stern''''s mentor in the labor movement and his predecessor as SEIU president.


Stern contends that to survive, unions must be merged into much larger, but fewer, organizations equipped to take on global companies and large chains, especially Wal-Mart. In addition, Stern contends that union organizing efforts must be carefully segmented by industry sector to prevent wasteful inter-union competition and to ensure that specific unions are given the responsibility to build strength and density in specific areas, such as health care, retail services or transportation.


The labor schism threatens to leave this critical wing of the Democratic Party split for the election of 2006 and probably 2008. Organized labor contributes tens of millions of dollars and workers for Democratic get-out-the-vote efforts.


Sweeney, 71, has rejected calls to retire and Sunday attacked the convention boycott as "an insult [to] union brothers and sisters, and to all working people. . . . It''''s fundamentally wrong to use working people''''s issues as a fig leaf for a power struggle."


The decision to boycott the convention angered leaders and ranking officials of the unions that plan to remain in the federation. Edward J. McElroy, president of the American Federation of Teachers, accused Stern and his allies of bargaining in bad faith. "Their stance was that unless you agree with their position, they won''''t make an agreement," he said.


R. Thomas Buffenbarger, president of the Machinists, said Stern and other dissidents "showed total disrespect for their colleagues who sat through the negotiations."


© 2005 The Washington Post Company

July 26, 2005 (NYT)

Ambitions Are Fueling a Division of Labor

CHICAGO, July 25 - The huge split in organized labor has been fueled by stagnant living standards for many workers, by the ascendancy of the service sector and by labor''s lack of success in politics and unionizing workers. But as much as anything, the schism reflects the conflicting ambitions of two titans of labor, John J. Sweeney, the president of the A.F.L.-C.I.O., and his onetime protégé, Andrew L. Stern, the president of the Service Employees International Union, until now the largest union in the labor federation.


The split was sealed on Monday when Mr. Stern and James P. Hoffa, president of the Teamsters, announced that they were pulling their two unions out of the A.F.L.-C.I.O., just as the federation was beginning its 50th anniversary convention here.

Mr. Stern, 54, who is known for his eloquence, drive and impatience, had for months been pushing his membership, and the leaders and members of other unions, to break away, in a move he insists is needed to reinvigorate labor.


Deepening the rift, two other major unions, the United Food and Commercial Workers and Unite Here, which represents apparel, hotel and restaurant employees, are boycotting the convention and have indicated that they would also leave.


"We are in the midst of the most significant and profound transformative moment in economic history, and workers are suffering," Mr. Stern said at a news conference. "Our goal is not to divide the labor movement, but to rebuild it so working people can once again achieve the American dream."


Mr. Sweeney and Mr. Stern both say their overarching goal is to lift American workers, but they have different visions on how to get there. Mr. Sweeney, 71, has led the federation for a decade and prefers to work by consensus, nudging the federation''s unions to do more organizing. But many have dragged their feet, and Mr. Sweeney says federation rules bar him from punishing them. For him, cooperation and solidarity are paramount.


Mr. Stern, on the other hand, wants far more aggressive recruitment efforts and the ability to crack down on labor leaders who fall short of organizing goals. Mr. Stern and his allies have called for rebating half the federation''s budget to individual unions to spur organizing, but Mr. Sweeney protests that such a move would cripple the federation''s efforts in political campaigns, job safety and other areas.


While Mr. Stern and his allies say their walkout is based on fundamental principles about what is the best course to help American workers and unions, their move has generated huge resentment and anger among other labor leaders. While Mr. Stern says he is charting a much-needed, more aggressive course for labor, other union leaders accuse him of a power grab and fault him for repeatedly rejecting Mr. Sweeney''s offers of compromise.


"It is a grievous insult to all the unions that helped us," Mr. Sweeney said in his keynote speech to the convention. "But most of all, it is a tragedy for working people. Because at a time when our corporate and conservative adversaries have created the most powerful antiworker political machine in the history of our country, a divided movement hurts the hopes of working families for a better life."


Then, in a statement that won rousing applause and that many union leaders said was directed at Mr. Stern in particular, Mr. Sweeney said: "And that makes me very angry. The labor movement belongs to all of us, every worker, and our future should not be dictated by the demands of any groups or the ambitions of any individual."


The pullout by the two giant unions is a major blow to the federation, which until Monday had 56 unions and 13 million members. The departure of the Service Employees International Union, with 1.8 million members, and the Teamsters, with 1.4 million, takes away about one-fourth of the A.F.L.-C.I.O. membership. Those members paid about $20 million a year in dues, representing one-sixth of the federation''s budget.

Standing alongside Mr. Stern at a news conference, Mr. Hoffa seemed to share his impatience. "What was done at the A.F.L.-C.I.O. was not working," he said. "We''re going to do something new. That is our message."


The service employees'' departure is a particular slap at Mr. Sweeney because it is a union that he headed before becoming the A.F.L.-C.I.O.''s president.


In recent months, Mr. Stern has voiced impatience that the labor federation and other unions have had so little success in recruiting members, while his union has jumped to 1.1 million members, from 900,000 a decade ago. That reflects the rapid growth in the service sector, for instance among janitors and nursing home aides, and also reflects the successful unionization tactics of his union.


Many union leaders agree that Mr. Stern has been emboldened to go his own way because of the service employees'' singular success in organizing and because of the explosion in the service sector.


At the news conference, Mr. Stern said, "Today, S.E.I.U. is respectfully making its own choice to go in a different direction that we believe will work for working people."


Many labor leaders have openly said that they attribute Mr. Stern''s departure to arrogance, to a "my way or the highway" approach and to a desire to head a new power bloc.

"This is not about change," said Leo Gerard, president of the United Steelworkers of America. "This is not about creating better lives for our children or grandchildren. This is nothing but a disguised power grab. They should be ashamed of it."

Officials involved in the negotiations that sought to prevent a schism said some union presidents so disliked Mr. Stern that they had pressured Mr. Sweeney not to grant meaningful compromises to him.


At the same time, Mr. Hoffa and Joe Hansen, the president of the food and commercial workers'' union, said Mr. Sweeney had shown far too little willingness to make compromises to prevent unions from quitting the federation.


One issue that separates the sides is how much of the federation''s money is spent on recruiting workers. Mr. Hoffa often asserted that the A.F.L.-C.I.O.''s leaders were spending too much on politics and not enough on organizing.

"They dramatically increased the amount of money to throw at politicians," Mr. Hoffa said on Monday.


But Mr. Sweeney and his allies argued that it was important for unions to spend generously to elect politicians who might help create a climate favorable to unions and union organizing.

Even as Mr. Stern and Mr. Hoffa seceded, they adopted some conciliatory language, saying their unions would not raid other unions to try to recruit workers. And with many Democrats and union officials worrying that the schism in labor would weaken labor''s effectiveness politically, Mr. Stern said he hoped to continue cooperating with the A.F.L.-C.I.O. on politics. Among Democrats, there is considerable fear that the labor split will undercut the A.F.L.-C.I.O.''s role as a highly effective coordinator for the nation''s unions in lobbying and political campaigns.


"There''s a lot of anxiety any time one of your principal allies is split, especially given the amount of resources that the other side has amassed against us," said David Axelrod, a Democratic consultant. "The White House, the Republican Party, would like nothing better than to put labor out of business as a political force."








ZNet | Labor

Labor Needs a Hard Left Turn
Bill Fletcher Says the Current Debate Over Labor''s Future is Dominated by an Outdated Conservatism

by Bill Fletcher and David Bacon; TruthOut; July 23, 2005

Bill Fletcher is president of TransAfrica, a national policy organization in Washington dealing with issues surrounding Africa. After the reform administration of John Sweeney was elected in 1995, Fletcher became the labor federation''s director of education, and later an assistant to AFLCIO President John Sweeney.


Forced out over his radical politics, Fletcher has since proposed a wide-ranging set of ideas for a truly new direction for US unions. They clearly need it. As the AFL-CIO prepares to meet in Chicago on Monday, the percentage of organized workers in the US (overall 10%) is lower than it''s been since the 1920s. While unions are debating structural changes, and some threaten to leave the AFL-CIO entirely, Fletcher says labor''s problems arise because unions have stopped being the radical organizations they once were. The current debate is too limited, he says. Instead, the labor movement needs a profound change in political direction. He was interviewed this week by labor journalist David Bacon.


Q: I''d like to ask you about the criticism you''ve been leveling at the debate itself, more than either of the two parties in it. You say the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the AFL-CIO itself are not really fighting about the right issues. Quoting from your most recent piece, you say, "these contentious debates make a dangerous assumption: that the decline of unions is largely the fault of the structure of the AFL-CIO and/or how the AFL-CIO has operated." What do you mean by that?


A: First, the bulk of the resources in the union movement don''t exist at the level of the AFL-CIO, while individual unions themselves are responsible for organizing. This is a prerogative they have cherished very deeply. In this debate about the AFL-CIO and its structures, there''s very little discussion about the actual practice of the various affiliate unions.

What I feel is missing from this debate, is a thoughtful, rigorous analysis of the economic and political conditions we''re facing and the implications they have for the kinds of organizing unions should be doing, and the structures they need to accomplish that. In the absence of that analysis you can make all kinds of structural suggestions but they may not necessarily get to the problem.

Our problems include what''s happening externally - the economic and political situation - and the lethargy that exists within the labor movement. Our unions suffer from a profound conservatism, a failure to recognize the kinds of changes that are going on, and therefore our need for a very visionary movement.


Q: You mention the conservatism of the US labor movement. I think for anybody who''s had much contact with unions from South Africa to Central America, even Canada, we seem quite conservative by comparison.
During the Cold War, those people who really did have a radical vision were mostly driven out of our labor movement. So aren''t'' you expecting a lot? Where would a more radical vision, like the one you''re describing, come from?


A: I am expecting a lot, but what I''m suggesting is what I believe is necessary, not simply wishful thinking. If we''re going to have a renewed labor movement, these are steps we need to take. As they say, we can keep rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, but the ship is sinking. My concern is, what do we do? What kind of analysis do we need? And, therefore, what changes do we need in the practice of trade unionism in order to succeed and build power?

Does that mean radical solutions? Damn right it does! We need a different kind of leadership. Most of the leaders in the labor movement really should retire. Unfortunately, people have gotten very comfortable, but, more important than that, they''ve made certain wrong assumptions about the politics and economics of this country. Unions are not accepted in this country by the governing elite. They''re not accepted by capital.


Q: One of the issues you point to is globalization, and how unions approach the way capitalism operates on an international scale. The Service Employees have a proposal in their 10-point list that talks about how unions should conduct their international relationships. It calls for unions to find partners in other countries, even to organize them, in order to face common employers. That''s what I heard AFL-CIO Secretary Treasurer Richard Trumka say in New York ten years ago, when the Sweeney administration was in the process of being elected. At the time this seemed like a big change from the Cold War, that unions would cooperate with anyone willing to fight against our common employers. Now this doesn''t seem so radical. What''s the limitation there that you''re pointing out?


A: You''re right, it''s not radical anymore. A number of unions have been doing this, like the UE and the Steel Workers. It''s an important example of what I call "pragmatic solidarity," and it should be done. But what''s missing from this discussion is a response from the labor movement to US foreign policy.


Q: Like the war for instance?


A: Exactly, like the war, because the international situation is about more than multinational corporations. Corporate globalization and military intervention are intertwined. In the labor movement there''s an absence of understanding about the relationship between the two. That''s why we get manipulated in the response to 9/11, by justifications for the war. Unions in the rest of the world are not simply asking us whether we will stand with them against General Electric, General Motors, or Mitsubishi. They want to know: What is your stand about the US empire, about aggressive wars or coups de etat? If we have nothing to say about these things, how can we expect to have any credibility?


Q: In some ways it seems to me that US corporations operating in a country like Mexico or El Salvador are, in some ways, opportunistic. They''re taking advantage of an existing economic system, and trying to make it function to produce profits. They''ll exploit the difference in wages for instance, or their ability to require concessions from governments in order to set up factories in their countries. The question unions rarely ask is what causes poverty in a country like El Salvador? What drives a worker into a factory that, looking at it from the United States, we call a sweatshop? What role does the US play in creating that system of poverty?


A: You''ve got it. In our union movement, we don''t have that kind of discussion. We destroy education departments, or we turn education into simply a technical matter. We don''t really work with our members to develop a framework to answer these questions. So our movement becomes ineffective in fighting around these issues. This is part of what is missing entirely from this current debate over how our unions are structured. Simple solutions are being put forward for very complex problems, often with a high level of arrogance, from both sides.


Q: I see the AFL-CIO campaigning in Washington against CAFTA, for instance. Labor lobbyists will go up to Capital Hill and mobilize pressure on Congress to defeat it.  To a certain extent, unions will go out to
their local affiliates and will ask that members make phone calls or write letters to Congress. But what seems to be missing is what you''re pointing to - a kind of education at the base of the labor movement.
Actions in Washington often don''t have a lot of force behind them because there''s so little effort to create a conscious, educated union membership that''s prepared to take action.


A: The root of this problem is a kind of American pragmatism that disparages education. There''s also fear that an educated membership may rise up and demand change. But that''s why, in this current situation, people need to demand more from both sides of the debate.

For one, the whole notion of threatening to pull out of the AFL-CIO is, at best, a tactical mistake. Those people who want change lose credibility and the moral high ground. That''s turned this debate towards an extremely personalized exchange, like firing missiles across the demilitarized zone. What''s needed right now, desperately, are voices saying, let''s pull back for a moment and engage in the kind of discussion we need. For example, I read a letter from Tom Buffenbarger, president of the Machinists Union. I disagree with him on virtually everything, but he asked a very important question. What percentage of the workforce do we actually need to unionize to make a qualitative change in our situation? It leads to asking ourselves, what do we mean by power?


Q: You mean people say we need more members, but don''t say how many or in what industries?


A: Exactly, and if you say we need to organize 30% of the workforce to make a qualitative change, that''s an enormous difference from where we are. But at least if you ask the question, then you can start talking about the structure unions might need, or the strategic implication of that objective. Those who are talking a lot about restructuring might have to propose even more radical ideas in order to accomplish a goal like that.
But as the saying goes: if you don''t know where you''re going, any road will get you there. When you have various structural solutions that are put forward in the absence of clear strategic objectives, it''s really just a gut-level response.


Q: Talking about organizing 30% of the workforce seems so far away that I think it''s hard for people to imagine what might really be necessary to make such an advance. Despite the best, even spoken, intentions, since Sweeney came in 10 years ago there was only one year in which the AFL-CIO increased the percentage of union members in the US work force. Every year other than that we''ve still gone down. And I don''t think it''s for lack of trying, although we can talk about what trying consists of, and what the drawbacks to those efforts were. Nevertheless, I remember when I was an organizer in the late 1970s and 1980s. There was no consensus then in the US labor movement that we even needed to organize new members at all. So let''s take one of the barriers that inhibit that kind of growth - racism in the US workforce, and racism in the US labor movement as well. How should the labor movement discuss that issue, that would be different from the kind of debate going on right now?


A: The discussion of gender or race right now mainly ends up focusing on diversity - how many people are at the table, how many people are in leadership? This is a discussion of whether or not the racial and sex complexion of the leadership of the labor movement reflects its base. While that''s important, the more fundamental discussion is one of inclusion. Who is making the decisions? You can have a union executive board where 30% of the leaders are people of color.
But if mostly white people are still making the decisions, it''s basically window dressing.

What I don''t hear is a discussion about changing the culture of unions, so that we change the decision- makers, and are really inclusive. That would represent a dramatic change. Moving against racism, against sexism, means changing the way we do business within unions. The informal networks of the people who actually make decisions now will have to be broken up.


Q: What else would be different?


A: One common experience for most workers of color is that we are often asking community-based organizations to do something for us. But it''s not always a two-way street. We have to start building partnerships with communities of color, and that means back and forth. It does not mean we are going to agree all the time, but it means unions need to be there around issues communities feel are important. Years ago in St. Louis and Boston, union locals actually started and helped to build organizations in working-class communities. They took the issue of race very seriously.

Unions have missed the boat by not taking up an urban strategy. Right now working class people have to fight just to stay in the cities. They''re being driven out, and this has a disproportionate impact on workers of color. Unions and central labor councils need to look at economic development, and issues of housing and job creation. That would start to give us something we lack, a compelling vision - something people will rally to. I find the current debate very disturbing because it often feels technical and corporate. What''s missing is any sense of why hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of unorganized workers should rally to unions. Unions were once a source of inspiration to community-based organizations, particularly in the ''30s and ''40s. You don''t feel that today. We need a very different approach if we are going to organize millions of unorganized workers.


Q: Of course, these days joining a union usually means risking your job.  You talk about what the labor movement puts in from of workers to inspire them to do this. Primarily, the kinds of arguments made to workers are economic - that they need a wage raise, more security, and pensions that aren''t going to disappear. They need healthcare coverage, which is becoming increasingly unavailable. These are all pretty important items. But you''re talking about a kind of vision that goes beyond that, aren''t you?


A: I definitely am. We absolutely need to appeal to people to act on their immediate economic interests. But we''re also talking about a movement that inspires people with a broader vision of social justice, not simply what happens in the workplace. So we also need to be flexible about the forms of organizations people join. Sometimes it might be associations, or groups based on occupation. At other times people join groups based on industry, or craft.


Q: Are you saying that you want workers to be against the system? Do you think that that''s too much?


A: I think we have to take on the system. We have to be prepared to talk about something we''ve been afraid to say out loud - that capitalism is harmful to the health of workers. It crushes workers every day. Our standard of living is declining. People are fighting everyday to pay for health insurance, if they even have it. Workers often have to choose between paying their rent, or their mortgage, and having healthcare. So yes, it means taking on the system. There''s something fundamentally wrong with the priorities of this society, and we have to be courageous enough to say it.


Q: Looking back at labor''s history, there were two eras when a substantial section of the labor movement did say things like that. During the period of the Wobblies in the early 1900s, or the period of the CIO during the 1930s, the left was strong. There were organized political parties critical of capitalism, which called for other kinds of social systems. Today that kind of left in the United States is very weak and small. So who is able to put forth that kind of vision?  The labor movement itself? Who can do what left wing parties did in that earlier time?


A: We need left-wing political parties, desperately. We need a voice that''s explicitly anti-capital, with no apologies. But we can''t sit back and wait to build them, before we can do anything else. Within the union movement, we can have that struggle too. In the past, the Wobblies and the CIO were also influenced by the existence of radical workers, who were looking for radical answers. That''s one reason why we need to be open about having debates about how the way this country, or even the planet, is going.


Q: Do you think the debate that''s taking place in the AFL-CIO now, over structure, could become a larger debate over politics?


A: It has to be revamped. Currently, it doesn''t hold a candle to what we''ve had in the past, or what we need now. The current debate is not only of very little use, but it''s potentially very destructive. In the absence of real political discussion, personal attacks have emerged. So we end up with assaults on John Sweeney, or Andy Stern. The debate ends up becoming very personal, rather than a real discussion of substance, about the future of our unions.


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