사이드바 영역으로 건너뛰기

2004년 12월 콩고에서온 편지


Hello Dear,

This is Mr. YIOMBI  THONA  from congo.

First,I'm gonna whish greetings to you in the most wonderful,faithful,precious and highly exalted name of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ,who loved and still loves us;died on the cross of calvery for remission of our sins,rose up again on third day,who is our righteousness,redeemer and who is coming very soon for us to take us away to be with him for ever and ever.

Dear ,

This is the coming of our lord,and every one have to be ready,by cleaning all our sins.even it's difficult but we have to try.We  have to start  by making good conditions from our live.If  you are not living in good conditions; living on troubles,be sure Dear that  the coming of  the lord Jesus will never been prepared  as well as possible.I don't want  to bring you in to philosophy.But let me Dear tell you one thing which is happening some where,may be you don't know because of  distance from Korea,your home country.


Since 1998 to 2003,in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the center of Africa, 4.550.000 humans have  been killed by a group of other human from others countries,by using the republic  of Rwanda Uganda and Burudi,because of money.I don't want to introduce you into  politics,too .But you have to know Dear that  those  countries have because of there strong positions in the world, placed a president in Congo my Home country,without  elections, without Congolese want a young man of 30  years old,whom  is not a sun of Congo.By ageement with the Rwanda Republic,there are killing,killing and killing HUMAN who are like you are Dear.And no one  can say; No one can defend CONGOLESE  by saying a simple  STOP KILLING IN CONGO.And  this is 2 weeks  ago fighting has  began.

Dear, I will not keep you for a long time,this is the time from which every christian is looking peace to prepare the coming of Jesus our lord.Congolese don't  have a result by asking PEACE from POLITICIANS in this world.That's why we are tourning to you Dear,TO HELP  CONGOLESE TO GET PEACE, BY  SAYING STOP KILLING  IN CONGO. To your church;your pastor;friends;yours wife;your husband;to every one you know.



Sincerly,YIOMBI  THONA  REFUGEE  from Congo DR.

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