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게시물에서 찾기2012/03/04

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  1. 2012/03/04
    생명평화 강정마을 (#8)
    no chr.!

생명평화 강정마을 (#8)

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Latest news & reports:

1.) As of today, March 4, movie critic Prof. Yang Yoon-Mo hits his 26th day hunger strike. He has done more than 70 days’ hunger strike including 59 days’ prison fast last year, but being arrested again on Jan. 30 when he protested especially upon violation on human rights - seeing the policemen getting order from the contracted companies’ thugs and ignoring the safety of woman activists - he has started his fast since he was moved to the Jeju Prison on Feb. 6. He says that with the start of main destruction in the Gureombi rock coast, he would stop even water and bits of salt that he has depended on for fast.

2.) Last Wednesday, despite fierce protests by residents, environmentalists and a range of politicians, the Lee Myung-bak administration gave the go-ahead to the long-stalled plan to build the naval base on Jeju Island, insisting on its completion by 2015! (JoongAng Ilbo, 3.01) 


3.) Urgent: Serous violation on human rights - Gangjeong is now under martial law-like (2.28)

The Jeju media reports that the Jeju Solidarity for Participatory Self-Government & Environmental Preservation (http://jejungo.net/main/ ) has made public that 329 people have been arrested in the Gangjeong village struggling against naval base from Jan.18, 2010 to Feb. 27, 2012.

According to an article of the Seogwipo Daily News on Feb. 28, 2012, which cited the organizations’ report, some of the illegal mass arrests under the arbitrary charges are as the below:

On Jan. 18, 2010, 53 people (* including 47 villagers) were arrested under the charge of violation on the law on rally & demonstration and obstruction on execution on government affairs, when they opposed against the navy’s preparing for a groundbreaking ceremony event in the area of naval base business committee building complex.

On Sept. 2, 2011, 35 people were arrested under the charge of obstruction of business etc. when the navy illegally enforced fence in the Joongduk Samgeori (three-way-intersection).

On Dec. 27, 2011, 34 people were arrested under the charge of violation on the law on rally and demonstration etc., when they blocked cement mixer truck in front of main naval base construction gate in order to stop ongoing construction (destruction) enforced by the government despite publicly proved out base layout errors. (*The National Assembly would cut tremendous 96% budget for naval base in 2012 at the end of December, 2011, acknowledging the errors in the base layout and improper procedure in the process of naval base drive.)

On Feb. 26, 2012, 20 people were arrested. It included 10 international peace activists and 6 Korean activists who joined the Jeju International Peace Conference (the 20th annual meeting of Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, as well) and stepped on the Gureombi rocky coast. They were all falsely charged of damage on properties (*simply for the reason of their grasping barbed wire razor to safely cross underneath it). Four people were also arrested in front of the Seogwipo Police station on the same night when people protested against the illegal arrest of 16 people in that morning. An international woman was even demanded by police women of showing her passport when she was out of toilet in the police station. International activists arrested were threatened with forceful finger prints. A navy named Cho Young-Rok tried to spy on the activists, masking him as a translator for an international activist taken away to the Seogwipo police station.


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For reference, beside above, four villages have been arrested on Feb. 27 when the police units of special mobile force from the main land prevented people from putting kayaks on the sea. During the process of resistance against it, a village woman worrier, Kim Mi-Ryang , being pushed back by police, was fallen down over the concrete pavement, along with Benj, a French citizen, who swooned for a while. But the policemen ignored them and continued to push back crowd despite the risk of life threat to them. A policeman among them even pressured a neck of Kim with his foot in the police shoe. When her older brother tried to save her and find the very policeman, the police in group strangling his neck and forcefully folding back his arms, beat him to the bruise of all his body. Her younger brother was also arrested for same reason. Though the younger brother has not been greatly injured, he was very upset to see his sister being violently dealt with and Benj and villagers -being arrested or not- having been gotten small and big injuries during the protest process. (*The same police units began to block even people’s container stored of kayaks on Feb. 28, which is totally illegal)

Recently with the President Lee Myung-Bak’s public announcement to enforce the naval base project on Feb. 22, followed by the Prime Minister Office’s more detailed announcement on Feb. 27 to enforce the project, in which it clearly expressed its will to suppress on the opponents’ resistance, more intimidating violation on human rights are concerned about in coming days...


4.) Impressions from the "Solidarity Concert" to support the struggle against the Jeju Naval Base (Seoul, 3.02):


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For more updated info please check out: No Naval Base on Jeju! (Facebook)



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