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게시물에서 찾기2012/03/14

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  1. 2012/03/14
    생명평화 강정마을 (#11)
    no chr.!

생명평화 강정마을 (#11)

사용자 삽입 이미지


Today in the morning(CET) I'd the following 'conversation' with a comrade who is an activist on the 'frontline' of the anti-naval base struggle on Jeju Island/Gangjeong Village: -> "shit! benj and angie will banished" ->(my reply) "do you mean deported?" -> yeah ->(my reply) f*ck!! -> they're in Immigration now & i think they'll deported tomorrow...

사용자 삽입 이미지

 "Benji" in action, a few days ago...


And only one hour ago we got the following info via "No Naval Base on Jeju!"(facebook):


Deportation and Violation of Human Rights of Foreign Activists in Jeju.

Please spread this information which is a clear violation of the human rights against the foreign activists in Jeju.

15 minutes ago, Benjamin Mannet (Benji) the Jeju Immigration Office and sent to Hwaseong Immigration Detention Center in Hwaseong city in Gyeonggi-do province on the mainland.

He is still wearing his wet suit and has not been allowed to change since his arrest. Additionally, even though it is now 9 p.m. he also was not given any dinner before being sent away.

The order has been given for his deportation from Korea. After he arrives in Hwaseong he will be deported.

His lawyer is currently filing and objection regarding his human rights and against his deportation.

Angie Zelter is currently still in the Jeju Immigration Office and there is no update on her status.

More information will come when it is available. Please spread this information wherever you can.


사용자 삽입 이미지

 Angie Zelter protesting against...


Related articles:
Police seek first arrest warrants for foreigners in naval base protests (Yonhap, 3.14)
Arrest warrants sought for 2 foreign protestors on Jeju (K. Times, 3.14)
이명박 정부, 구럼비 지키던 '노벨평화상 후보' 강제추방한다 (VOP, 3.14)



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    no chr.!

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