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게시물에서 찾기2012/03/28

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  1. 2012/03/28
    100일을 전세계가 추모(^^)
    no chr.!

100일을 전세계가 추모(^^)

Pyeongyang's KCNA(3.26) "reported" the following:
The 100 days of bitter sorrow since leader Kim Jong Il's untimely passing were a historic period in which the whole world keenly realized that he was the Heaven of not only the Korean people but of all other people and the sun of mankind. At least 190 countries... expressed deep condolences on his demise. Party, state and government heads paid condolence visits to DPRK missions and mourning events such as hoisting of flags at half-mast were held solemnly...

Well, here is one of the most famous examples (recorded Feb. 26 in L.A.):


Related article:
Sacha Baron Cohen empties urn of 'Kim Jong-il's ashes'... (Guardian, 2.27)




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    no chr.!

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