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게시물에서 찾기2012/03/13

1개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2012/03/13
    RSF: '국가보안법 폐지해야'
    no chr.!

RSF: '국가보안법 폐지해야'

Media Today ("미디어오늘", 3.13) reports that for the fourth year straight, S. Korea has made Reporters Without Borders’(RSF/Reporters sans frontières) list of "Enemies of the Internet" as a nation under surveillance...

Read the RSF report in its entirety here. Not that it will surprise you. Here’s just the conclusion:

The National Security Law in particular, which is now too outdated to deal with the extent to which South Korean has evolved since then and embraced democratic ideals, should be revised or abolished as soon as possible so that the most connected country in the world can stop engaging in outdated and ineffective censorship and allow its citizens to form their own opinions about the futility of North Korean propaganda and freely criticize their political leaders online.



Related article:
한국 4년 연속 ‘인터넷 감시국’ 불명예 (미디어오늘, 3.13)



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