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게시물에서 찾기2012/03/05

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  1. 2012/03/05
    조선중앙통신: 'MB 엿머겅!'
    no chr.!

조선중앙통신: 'MB 엿머겅!'

Well, at least since y'day Pyeongyang's agitprop (via KCNA) - resp. its rants of hate - approached the level of al-Qaeda, Islamic Jihad or any other religious fanatic organisation!

Just 'enjoy' the the following lines (yesterday's 1st KCNA 'commentary'):

Not content with holding the war drills against the DPRK, the Lee Myung Bak group of traitors dare point the finger at the sun. The group is the sworn enemies of the Koreans and hideous traitors to the nation who deserve death.

The army and the people are anxious to wage an all-people war of retaliation to mercilessly punish Lee Myung Bak, Kim Kwan Jin, Jong Sung Jo and all other traitors to the last man.

Time is running out for the group of traitors to stay under the sky.

The world will see what a miserable end the group will meet!


사용자 삽입 이미지

 In plain English(^^): "Lee Myung-bak - F*ck You!!" (Pyeongyang/'김일성광장', 3.04) 


And only few hours later KCNA's 2nd 'commentary' titled "To Finish off Traitor Lee Myung Bak Is Justice" got worse:

The whole world will soon know well that the DPRK's pledge of revenge is not an empty talk.

No one will be surprised to see such mad dogs as Lee Myung Bak, Kim Kwan Jin and Jong Sung Jo bombed to death or their heads to fall down on the ground.

The DPRK has already declared a merciless Holy War of its own style.

The KPA declared that it will chase them to settle accounts with them to the last, be they in Inchon or Seoul or elsewhere in the world.

Don't say this or that about means and form of this Holy War. Don't argue about a war or terrorism.

To finish off traitors is justice and a historic task to be carried out unconditionally with whatever effort.

It is not only a Holy War for freedom but the people's legitimate right to put a definite end to the misfortune of the Korean nation.

The DPRK's merciless sighting shots at the mad dogs will continue till its grudge is fully settled.

It will completely eliminate the barbarians so that the grudge of not only present generation but the generations to come is settled.

The mad dogs running amuck, unafraid of Heaven's punishment, will regret their birth on this earth.   



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    no chr.!

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