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게시물에서 찾기2012/03/06

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  1. 2012/03/06
    생명평화 강정마을 (#9)
    no chr.!

생명평화 강정마을 (#9)

사용자 삽입 이미지


-> Today in the morning(CET) I got the following info by e-mail:

Starting today, Gangjeong is in an emergency situation. Nearly 700 police have arrived from the mainland in Gangjeong village to monitor the blasting of Gureombi, the volcanic rock coastline, and the dredging of the seafloor. Not only will the marine life, including endangered crabs and coral reefs, be swept away, the blast has already impacted the fresh water springs that the majority of the island is dependent upon. 
   Though our numbers are small in the village, we will do our best to fight to stop the blast of Gureombi. It is still uncertain whether the Seogwipo Police will allow the Navy to blast Gureombi on Monday, when the Governor of Jeju Island is supposed to make his decision...

-> And only a short while later I'd to learn (via facebook "No Naval Base on Jeju!") the following: "BLAST PERMITTED! GUN POWDER IS TOLD TO BE CARRIED IN AN HOUR! The village siren is ringing. The police permitted the blast!"

-> 24 hours earlier(resp. y'day) the S. Korean media reported that Jeju's governor called for suspension of naval base construction...

-> On the same day the Asian Human Right Commission issued, regarding the recent developments on Jeju Island, a statement titled "SOUTH KOREA: Ignoring rule of law sign of dictatorship"...


If you have not already done so, please send a letter asap to the following officials(*) to STOP THE BLAST OF GUREOMBI ROCKS! STOP THE NAVAL BASE CONSTRUCTION!


To your Excellency, the President of the Republic of Korea, and to other heads of state, departments and consulates:

People from all over the world are shocked and disturbed that the government of South Korea would consider building a navy base on Jeju Island. It is a moral crime to cover Jeju's fertile farmlands with concrete, and to destroy its rare, soft-coral reef. The Gangjeong villagers depend on their farms to live, and the planet depends on healthy reefs to live.

Jeju-do is sacred to all the people of the world, not only to the Korean people. Please do not allow Jeju Island to become militarized. If current tensions between China and the U.S. escalate in the South China Sea, if there is a naval base, the first target of attack by China will be Jeju Island. Please stop the militarization of Peace Island.

The South Korean government needs to listen to its people and not build a base to port US Navy Aegis missile destroyers and aircraft carriers. Please protect Peace Island and DO NOT BLAST THE GUREOMBI ROCKS! STOP CONSTRUCTION OF THE NAVY BASE!


(your name here)

* Addressees:

Mr. Kim Kwan-Jin

Minister, Ministry of National Defense

No. 1, Yongsan-dong 3-ga

Yongsan-gu, Seoul # zip: 140-701


Fax: +82 2 748 6895 / + 82-02-703-3109

E-mail: cyber@mnd.go.kr



Mr. Lee Myung-Bak


1 Sejong-no, Jongno-gu

Seoul, 110-820


Fax: +82 2 770 4751

Email: foreign@president.go.kr or president@cwd.go.kr or president@president.go.kr



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