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하이티의 미군주둔에 대한 WRL의 성명서



갈수록 번역이 귀찮아지고 있다. 뭔가 뽕을 한번 맞아야 하려나. 인상 깊은 구절들 몇개만.


"It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail." -Abraham Maslow

TIME magazine online, four days after the earthquake, called the U.S. relief effort in Haiti a "compassionate invasion." The article stated that "only the U.S. military has enough aluminum matting to boost the runway capacity of Port-au-Prince airport. Only the U.S. military has the surveillance capability to quickly assess additional Haitian airfields and seaports for use in rescue relief operations. Only the U.S. military has the wide variety of vessels and aircraft to utilize those fields and ports, including air-cushioned vehicles capable of ferrying 60 tons of supplies from ship to shore at 40 knots." But why does "only the U.S. military" have control over these resources and this technology?

What Haiti does need is the cancellation, not intensification, of its burdensome external debt to global financial institutions led by the United States and other rich countries. Haiti currently owes hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign debt.

Instead of re-militarizing and occupying the country, we need to support these initiatives.


기준에 주둔하던 군인을 포함하여 하이티에 파병된 미군의 총 규모는 이제 16,000명. 언제까지 주둔할 것인지에 대해서는 아무도 모른다.


영화 <엘라의 계곡> 생각도 문득 나고. 조선이 해방돼서 미소 양군이 들어왔을 때 이랬을까.

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크