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웨스트 파푸아 국제회의 성명서

Satement by the fifth international solidarity meeting on West Papua, Manila


1 May 2005



For the first time in its six-year history the International Solidarity Campaign for West Papua faced intimidation at its meeting held in Manila over the weekend of 29 April-1 May 2005.  When the human-rights gatherings were held in Europe and in the Pacific, Indonesian authorities did not dare to attempt to sabotage the meetings. However, when the Meeting was scheduled to be held in Manila, the Indonesian Government tried to put a stop to it. Fortunately, despite direct appeals to the Manila Government for a ban the event went ahead and was a great success.


Philippines host for the meeting, Initiatives for International Dialogue said "We were disturbed that the Indonesian Government tried to get the meeting stopped, but we are pleased that the Philippines Government has hopefully learnt the lesson of East Timor, when they tried to stop a similar meeting at this venue from going ahead."


"It has been reported that the Indonesian authorities complained to the President of the Philippines Senate and also protested to the Department of Foreign Affairs urging that the meeting be banned. The Board of the University of the Philippines was also approached, but we are delighted that they were emphatic that the meeting should take place and allowed it to go ahead on their campus. Our organizers and delegates came under some annoying verbal harassment from pro-Jakarta elements but those problems pale into insignificance once we consider that West Papuan people cannot discuss any issues about their political aspirations without facing military repression."


"We will send a message to thank the University of the Philippines for its commitment to academic freedom, in the face of this unwarranted pressure." The meeting was attended by representatives from fifteen countries with especially strong representation from Asia.


Delegates decided to intensify the international campaign in support of the aspirations of the West Papuan people. They called for open and unfettered access to West Papua. Urgent priority will be given to the international campaign for an end to all military co-operation and all arms sales to Indonesia.


The Meeting called for the release of all West Papuan political prisoners wherever they are being held ­ in West Papua or in Indonesia.


Delegates called for stronger support for West Papuan  women's groups and for the implementation of national and international laws to protect West Papuan women against all forms of violence in the home and from Indonesian state forces.The meeting strongly condemned the decision by the Indonesian authorities to increase the number of Indonesian troops in West Papua, in particular the deployment of KOSTRAD (Strategic Reserve Force) troops there, bringing the planned total number of troops in West Papua to 50,000. It expressed warm support for calls by the West Papuan people for their homeland to become a LAND OF PEACE, in face of the decision by the

Indonesian authorities for the militarization of West Papua.


The Meeting expressed its thanks to Initiatives for International Dialogue for organising the Meeting.



Manila, Philippines, 1st of May 2005

Mark Doris, West Papua Action


Initiatives for International Dialogue
(6382) 2992574/75
(6382) 2992052



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