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SULU Solidarity Mission Statement

* 지난 2월, 술루에서는 일가족이 학살당하는 사건이 발생하였다. 이에 필리핀과 국제사회 평화단체들은 조사단을 구성해 지난3월 26~30일까지 진상조사에 나섰다. 이 성명서는 진상조사 후 발표된 것이다.>



“Sulu Solidarity Mission” Statement

March 30, 2005  Jolo, Sulu

There is a state of war in Sulu right now.  Fear and insecurity prevail despite efforts to bring back the situation to normalcy.  A collective insecurity persists despite renewed promises of rehabilitation of houses and construction of roads and bridges.  There is a raging cry for justice, peace and respect for human rights.

We came to Sulu to see for ourselves the real situation there. Following our three day (March 28-30, 2005) intensive study, investigation and dialogue with the actors in conflict including Ustadz Habier Malik, the 104th Brigade and the 3rd Marine Brigade of the Joint Task Force Comet, we outline below the highlights of our impressions, findings and recommendations:

The humanitarian crisis holds the number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) up to 9,879 families or 57,900 persons as of March 24, 2005.  At the height of the fighting in February, almost 15% of the total population fled their homes and farms towards safer grounds enduring the harsh conditions of the evacuation centers while others stayed with relatives and friends.  From the above figure, DSWD revealed that at least 10,000 IDPs still remain inadequately served.  Furthermore, because of on-going military operations and difficulty in documentation, many of those who chose to stay with their relatives did not receive any relief assistance.  While there appears to be no reported casualties and deaths in the evacuation centers yet, the sheer number of people displaced presents to us the real casualties of war.

Triggering the armed conflict is the killing of four residents of Sitio Baunu Ice, Barangay Kapuk Punggul,  Maimbung in the early morning of
February 1, 2005. Tal Padiwan, his wife Nurshida, their son Aldasir, 14, and one Salip Faisal Salim, died from the shooting.  Almujayyal, 7, another son of

Tal and Nurshida, was shot in the hand.  Two of the three other Padiwan children, aged 10 and 3, were also inside the house during the shooting.  Two soldiers from the Bravo Company of the 53rd IB were also killed during the incident.   While there are various versions on what actually transpired in that fateful morning, we are gravely disturbed that civilians, especially a pregnant woman and children have become casualties of the hostilities.  Unfortunately, witnesses to the incident, including Almujayyal, had not been accessible to the peace mission for security reasons.

Considering the gravity of this case and its relationship to the conflict in Sulu, the mission sees the urgent need of an independent probe that would allow witnesses to surface and hold perpetrators accountable.

It is the general impression of the mission that there is a mishandling of the issue by the national government.  There is no categorical policy from OPAPP, AFP and Malacañang for that matter on how the MNLF-Misuari group should be handled.  As far as the Task Force Comet is concerned, there is no more distinction between the MNLF-Misuari group, Abu Sayaf, terrorists and lawless elements.  By so doing, the opportunity was lost to bring in the mainstream MNLF to a moderate approach via  the 1996 Peace Agreement.

The MNLF Misuari group still recognizes the 1996 Peace Agreement. Accordingly, they will only agree to talk and declare a ceasefire if the parties will take up the causes of the war, address the implement-tation of the 1996 Peace Agreement and speedy trial and justice for Chairman Nur Misuari.


The role of the local government units is considered critical in mediating the current conflict.  It is the military which controls decisions and policies regarding peace and order and security issues in the area.  The PNP which is supposed to be under the Mayors, report directly to the military.

From the foregoing, we propose the following recommendations :

1.  For the government and the MNLF Misuari group to hold talks on the status and implementation of the 1996 Peace Agreement on the Misuari issue and on the Sulu situation, the latter discussion to include the  key leaders of the MNLF Misuari group in Sulu.  For the parties concerned to reactivate the tripartite (GRP-MNLF-OIC) mechanism, including the Joint Monitoring Committee;

2.   For the government and the MNLF Misuari group to declare at least a temporary SOMO (suspension of military operations) or SOMA (suspension of offensive military actions) in Sulu.  For the parties, in their talks on the Sulu situation, to explore cooperation in the interdiction of the criminal elements;

3.  For all concerned parties, including international humanitarian organizations, to ensure the effective protection, adequate relief, voluntary return, and sustainable rehabilitation of the
internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Sulu in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on  Internal Displacement (UNGPID);

4.  Conduct of an independent and competent investigation of the February 1 incident which sparked the February hostilities in Sulu, including the consolidation of all existing and available fact-finding reports, testimonies and evidentiary material;

5.   Undertake corrective and preventive action on human rights violations, including whatever possible action on recently documented cases in Sulu.  Establish an office of the Commission of
Human Rights (CHR) in Sulu.  Reinforce the prosecutorial and judicial system in Sulu for the handling of human rights complaints and cases;

6.  Promote and institutionalize education on human rights, United Nations Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement (UNGPID), international humanitarian laws especially with the AFP, PNP, MNLF Misuari group in Sulu tapping for this purpose the CHR, ICRC, PNRC, national IHL committee and various human rights and humanitarian NGOs;

7.  For the constitutional principle of the supremacy of civilian authority over the military to be adhered to both at the national level and in Sulu especially on questions of war and peace. Matters of the peace processes, the MNLF question and Sulu peace and development should not be mainly left in military hands or determined by military minds;

8.  Achieve coherence, consistency and continuity in national policies on the peace process in general and on the Sulu situation in particular. Review the "Road Map for Sulu", particularly as it relates to the MNLF problem;

9.  Require the active presence of the town and barangay officials of Sulu for their effective action for peace and development including local conflict-resolution / mediation efforts and livelihood/business initiatives;

10.  Maximize civil society participation in Sulu peace and development efforts, especially in addressing the conflict between the government and the MNLF-Misuari group and in responding to the Provincial Executive/ Legislative Agenda to "Rebuild Sulu".

Participating Organizations :

MINDANAO PEACEWEAVERS                                                       (Convenor)
Bangsamoro Women Solidarity Forum                                                      (Jolo Host)
Concerned Citizens of Sulu                                                         (Jolo Host)
Sulu Civil Society Assembly                                                          (Jolo Host)
Peace Advocates Zamboanga                                                       (Zamboanga Host)
Balay Rehabilitation Center                                                         - Manila, Cotabato
Consortium of Bangsamoro Civil Society                                               
- Mindanao
Gathering for Peace                                                                                  
- Manila
Initiatives for International Dialogue                                          
- Mindanao
Kadtuntaya Foundation, Inc.                                                        
- Mindanao
Mindanao Peoples Caucus                                                                        - Mindanao
Mindanao Solidarity Network                                                        - Manila
Saligan Mindanaw                                                                                       
- Mindanao
International Observers from
East Timor and South Korea

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