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게시물에서 찾기2005/07/20

1개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2005/07/20
    오픈소스 인터넷TV 플랫폼(플레이어 등) 디자인 공모
    아, 넷!

오픈소스 인터넷TV 플랫폼(플레이어 등) 디자인 공모

하, 너무 오랜만에 블로그에... 혹시 관심 있으신 분들 참여해 보십시오... 1천 달러 상금도 있다는데... 영어를 번역을 해야 되는데, 참... 일단 그냥 올려봅니다.. Hello All -- Participatory Culture is pleased to announce -- appropriately enough -- an open-source design competition for our open-source internet TV platform, currently called DTV. You can win cash prizes by designing a new interface for the video player or telling all the designers you know about the contest. This is also a good chance to take a sneak peek at what the video player looks like, so check out the contest -- http://www.participatorycutlure.org/contest. This is a call for socially-minded graphic designers to contribute major design elements of our flagship product, the video player DTV. We're offering $1000 for work on the DTV interface itself, and $300 for work on a DTV logo. You can also win $200 for spreading the word to all your designer friends on your blog or by word of mouth. If your friend/reader happens to win the $1000 prize, we'll give you $200. This contest is a good way to start making internet television feel good and look good. Contest starts now and ends July 31st 2005. Check out http://participatoryculture.org/contest/ for more information and the rules of submissions. We have some pretty good starting points in terms of graphic design, but we're always open to more suggestions, hence the contest. Basically, we're pleased to hold this design contest because it's a natural companion to our work building on open-source code. As the contest website says: we want to create a serious, independent alternative to commercial television that gives everyone access. If you believe that our technology and approach have a real chance to democratize mass media, then we need you to help us design our software at a level that rivals any proprietary, corporate media platform. So please visit http://participatoryculture.org/contest/ , and feel free to contact us at design@ppolitics.org for more information. Thanks and let's make internet TV happen in a thoroughly collaborative manner. Good luck and spread the word, Holmes Wilson Dave Moore Tiffiniy Cheng Nicholas Reville Nick Nassar Morgan Knutson participatoryculture.org
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