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게시물에서 찾기아바타

Best of Best Series/위대한 선진조국건설, 수도서울을 재건설하자 6.

Let’s Make the Best of Best.

Change is hard, but we can do it.


자기부상 열차 Magnetic levitation Train를 수도 서울에 건설하자!


Imagin! Construct the best transfer along the Han River & Seolak M't, East SEA. You don't need to automobile to go Gangwon tour.


자동차를 타고 여행 해 본 분들 아시겠지만, 동해안 절경 죽이는 곳 많습니다. 설악산은 어떻습니까? 한강은 어떻습니까? 이 꿈의 운송수단이 그 모든 것을 거쳐서 건설된다고 상상해 보십시오. 민자유치해서, 사업해도 충분히 승산이 있습니다.


속초에서 동해, 삼척, 울진 가보셨습니까?해안을 따라서 펼쳐지는 절경이 죽여줍니다. 이거 운전하면서 가려면 보기 힘들죠. 게다가 버스 타고 간다고 해도, 해안 절경을 보기 어렵습니다. 해안 가 도로가 몇군데 안 됩니다. 요걸, 자기부상열차로 커버해 봅시다. 해안가를 따라서 건설해 봅시다.어차피 고도가 높게 고가도로 형태이므로, 건설 위치는 상관이 없을 듯 합니다. 만약 건설된다면, 관광명물이 될 것입니다. 상상해 보십시오. 저기 한강에서 출발한 자기부상열차가, 북한강을 거쳐서 설악산을 관통하고, 다시 속초를 거쳐서, 강릉, 삼척, 동해, 울진까지 이어져 간다면, 말 그대로 끝내주는 관광코스가 될 것입니다.


가는 라인은"완행 관광 라인으로 건설하고"(구간마다, 관광 속도 유지 라인, 직통 쾌속 라인을 구분해서 운영)


돌아오는 라인은 직통 쾌속 라인으로이원화하여 건설한다면, (본래 놀고 돌아 올 때는 빨리 집에 가고 싶은 법이여)


수도권 주민들의 관광수요가 증대함은 물론, 외국인들 단체관광객들에게 우리 나라의 절경, 관광지를 소개하는 모범적 코스가 될 수 있다는 생각을 해 봅니다. 강원도 주민들도 돈벌이 좀 될 듯 싶은데요.


부가적으로, 강원 산간 오지 주민들의 교통불편 문제도 해결가능하다.이래 저래 해 볼만한 사업이다.



역사Station는, 절경지에 건설토록하고, 주변에 깨끗하고 소박하게 리조트를 건설하여, 가족단위 관광객들이 저렴하게 숙박할 수 있도록 구상해 봅시다. 자동차가 필요 없게 됩니다. 가족단위로 타고 놀러갔다가 돌아오기 편하게 관광 위주로 건설한다는 개념입니다. 관광+ 수송.설악산 같은 경우는 기존 콘도나 숙박지와 연결하면 될 듯 합니다.



호주 시드니, 모노레일, 자기부상 방식은 아님, 우리는 자기부상, Magnetic levitation railway 건설로 앞서 갑시다. 어차피 미래 교통 수단은자기부상 방식입니다.

직통으로 호텔 및 복합 쇼핑몰과 연결하자!


Magnetic levitation railway와 기존 모노레일은 다른 개념입니다.


한강 88 올림픽 대로를 따라서 북한강까지 연결하자.(한강 라인, 출퇴근+관광)


이를 다시 설악산을 거쳐 속초까지 연결하자.(강원 관광라인)


다시 속초를 거쳐 동해안 절경을 따라, 저기 동해시까지 연결하자.(동해 관광라인)

(I have confidence to the best business in future!)

남산과 4대문 안에도 연결해 보자. 남산 순환도로를 따라서 건설해 보자! 남산 타워까지 올라가 보자.


강원투어 라인은 위 사진과 유사한 컨셉으로 건설해도 된다는 생각을 해 본다. 물론 여기 나오는 사진들은 아마도 모노레일일 것이다. 내가 주장하는 것은 자기부상 방식의 모노레일이다. 다른 개념이므로 혼동하지 않기 바란다. 


Namsan(NAM Mountain), you can see the Namsan Tower

TBS 교통방송국이 보인다.

서울에서 가장 좋다고 알려져 있는 리라 사립초등학교다. 주로 상류층 자제들이 다니는 학교로 알려져 있다.



오늘은 날씨가 화창하다. 사진 찍기에는 좋은 날씨다.

남산타워와 무선 주파수 송신탑이 보인다. 이 송신탑에서, 각 언론매체의 공중파가 수도 서울을 커버하는 듯.






남산 순환 관광버스의 모습.



남산은 몇 안 되는 서울의 공원지대 중 하나이지만, 어딜 가도, 고즈넉한 호수나 커다란 연못을 지닌 공원이 드물다는 것과, 공원이 있다고 해도, 아름드리 거목들이 시원한 그늘을 만들어 주는, 광릉 수목원 같은 형태의 공원들이 없다는 것이 아쉬운 점이라 할 것이다. 향후 재개발이 이뤄진다면 이런 점이 참조되어, 공원이 건설되면 좋겠다는 생각을 해 본다.


참고로, 독일의 푸랑크푸르트는, 전원도시로서, 도심 다운타운을 제외하면, 도시 전부가 공원 속의 도시, 도시 속의 공원이다. 자고 일어나면 새가 지저귀고, 조용하고 고즈넉하다. 너무도 조용해서, 심심할 정도인 도시가 독일의 푸랑크푸르트이다. 유럽 및 호주, 미국, 캐나다 등의 선진국들의 도시들의 대부분 설계 컨셉은 이렇다고 보여진다.


우리도 최대한 도심 속의 공원과 녹지공간을 확보해야 하며, 좁은 땅 위에서, 그와 같은 일을 하기 위한 대안이 바로 COEX 형 복합 지하 쇼핑몰 건설과 지상 위에 공원 및 호수 도서관 공공건물들을 짓자는 의견인 것이다. 쇼핑몰은 지하로, 지상은 도서관이나 카페 기타 문화휴식 공간으로, 이원화 한다는 관점이다. 영등포 같은 곳도 그렇게 건설한다면, 지역발전에도 상당히 도움이 될 듯하며, 누구나 가고 싶어 하는 서울 속의 소서울이 될 수 있겠다는 의견이다.


영등포는, 대규모 서점도 없고, 공원도 없고, 한마디로 영 아닌 곳이 되어 버린 느낌이다. 서울을 권역별로, 다운타운 화 하되, 각 권역별 "중심 다운타운"을 건설해야 한다는 관점이다. 동경을 참조해 보자. 우리는 강남과 여의도, 세종로 주변에 개발이 치우쳐 있다. 먹물 우대, 대기업 우대, 관공서 우대 정책 때문이다.


청량리, 영등포 등 각 구를 대표하는 핵심 다운타운을 재개발해 보자. 영등포 재래시장 지역도 하나의 시범지구가 될 수 있는데, 충분히 가능하다는 의견이다. 싹 밀어 버리고, 지하에 대규모 복합 쇼핑몰을 건설하고, 지상을 공원 및 도서관, 거대서점 및 시민 종합문화 휴식 공간으로 재 창조해 보자. 재래시장은 농협 하나로 마트 컨셉으로 공사 설립하여, 운영하는 방안을 검토해 보자. 다다익선, 누가 봐도 명분은 충분하다. 22조면 충분히 가능하다. 아마도 10조 정도면 내가 제안하는 자기부상 열차 시스템도 완성될 수 있을 것이다. (추정)


누이좋고 매부 좋고, 대기업 이마트, 홈플러스, 롯데마트와 재래시장이 공정한 경쟁을 벌릴 수 있게 해 준다는 관점, 서울시내를 재개발하여, 공원 및 녹지지역을 확충한다는 관점, 시민 휴식 및 위로 쇼핑 오락 공간을 확충해 준다는 관점이 복합적으로 맞물려, 누가 봐도 반대할 수 없는 대의명분이 여기에 있다. 그리고 결과적으로 대규모 토목 건설공사가 이뤄지고, 경기활성화의 기폭제 역할도 할 수 있다는 점이다. 

케이블 카, 왕복 8천원이다. 이 녀석을 자기부상열차로 대치해 보자. 남산 순환 도로를 타고 건설하여 보자.




















더블클릭을 하시면 이미지를 수정할 수 있습니다



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Devil's Empire SAMSUNG/걸리면 10년 음탕 천국, 죽여주는 섹스마법.



Your personal information can be misused for bad purposes by bad people.


To capture my soul, they put me in other’s Sexual ecstasy continuously. It must be cheat people using ether avartar which was made in hell. It is not real fact. The virtual sex which is called sharing other’s sexual experience is a complete invention.


Those unmitigated villains was forbidden me have a sexual relationship for 7 years in order to put me in severe trouble. Also, they want to capture my soul through starve instinct desire more easily. What a mean dirty trick!It is the LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK.


They have special abilities to make slave for targeting human, as a results of their mind controlling, most of women had been refusing my proposal to make romantic relationship or friendship for 7 years. It was a very skillful disturbing tool, but most of people never understand it. But, I know it. You never understand, if you don’t know behind secret world’s truth.



That’s the reason why called animal for human by them. Most of human don’t know the truth due to ignorance. At the Atlantis civilization, most of people know it very well, but nowadays most of people don’t know it. Why? Why? Why?


Do you have question the reason why SAMSUNG Group’s prosperity? Um…ha ha ha ha….the only crime is the ignorance. Sex? Enjoyment? Pleasure? Heaven? Ha ha ha yeott cheo deu si oh. What is worse, human’s soul is ignorance too.


During 7 years, I was attempted to make girlfriend over 2,200 women, but I never make girlfriend. Why? I’m not stupid man. You know it very well. LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK must bego to hell after dead. 


To cheat people related marriage fraud event, the virtual sex or avatar’s sex cheating skill was developed by LEE GUN HEE since 2008. Please trust me.


I suppose that they had been captured so many people’s soul by using cheating tool and make a slave for 7 years. 사형에 처해야 한다. 죽여야 한다는 말이다. They pretty like to play it on a person. They are villains extremely. 대단히 비열한 자들이다. As I know, the same thing was occurred Atlantis civilization’s society by black occults as devil’s power. Please refer to bible’s prediction regards devil’s dragon, SATAN or bad reptilians. It is true. Please believe it. Devil’s power is exist really.


Besides, by using those cheating tools, LEE GUN HEE can be achieved going through USA’s upper classes society by using AVARTAR of mine. It is true! Please investigate it. He is the worst skillful villain in the human’s history. 나를 이용해서 미국상류사회까지 침투해 들어가는데 성공했다. 나는 이러한 메시지를 이미2008년 초에 받았다. 이들은 지금까지와는 전혀 다른 외계행성에서 온 악성 외계종들이라는 것이 내 추정이다. 속지 말라. 절대로 속지 말라. 파충류들이다. 인간으로 위장할 수 있다!


Also, I had been putting the worst poor by them, and so I can’t make a sexual relationship by money. I’m in severe trouble for 7 years. Cheo juk il kae sae ki들이이명박, 이건희입니다. 그러나 오늘 날 이들은 자신들이 가진 권력을 이용해서, 거꾸로 저를 감옥에 보내려 하고, 죽이려 하고 있습니다.


To do snatch soul or spirits from human, they used to unknown ether magic or mind controlling for human. Most of human doesn’t know the facts.


The virtual sex which was developed by LEE GUN HEE is aimed that it is make a slave for targeted human or out do all competitors through snatch the soul or spirits from human. Give the people sexual ecstasy is to capture human’s soul more easily. They must be malignance aliens or devil’s family.




The point is that bad reptilians want to get the human’s soul in order to make a slave. Nowadays, look at the world, LEE GUN HEE who was disguised human form can be achieved the goals by using AVATAR’s SEX.






더블클릭을 하시면 이미지를 수정할 수 있습니다

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Best of Best Series/위대한 선진조국건설, 수도서울을 재건설하자 4.

4대강 사업비 22조! 그들은 무엇이 중요하고, 무엇이 덜 중요한지 모르는 사람들입니다.


Let’s Make the Best of Best.

Change is hard, but we can do it.



Main Blog :  http://poleiades2012.tistory.com


I can’t make sense of it, the reason why "four-rivers" project, as a key policy defining the Lee Myung-bak administration.


디자인은 비행기 동체방식을 적용하여, 유선형으로 하되, 필히 창문을 크게 만들어야 한다는 관점입니다. 선루프 형태로 위쪽 지붕도 개방형으로 좌우측이 트이게 해 주고, 아래쪽 부분도 확장해서, 한강변을 달리며, 한강의 아름다운 경치를 조망할 수 있게 해 주어야 한다는 관점이죠. 설악산도 마찬가지입니다. 차량 형태도, 최고급형 리무진 버스 컨셉으로 품위와 세련됨이 포함된다면, 사람들이 다 좋아할 것이죠.  도시미관에도 상당히 긍정적입니다.


흠 이 녀석을 타고, 한강을 죽~ 달리면서 경치 조망하고, 저기 북한강까지 가서 더 좋은 경치 보고, 저기 설악산까지 연결되고, 다시 동해안까지 직통으로 달려간다면, 자동차 운행댓수 줄이고, 사람들 편하게 좋은 경치보고, 즐길 수 있게 되겠죠. 아마 영동고속도로 건설비보다 더 싸게 먹히지 않을까 합니다. 낙동강에도 건설해 봅시다. 부산지역이죠. 매연 줄이고, 행복지수 높이고, 관광자원 되고, 이보다 좋은 일이 어디에 있습니까? 공항 같은 곳에 한정해서 소극적으로 할 일이 아닙니다. 적극적으로 해야 할 차세대 교통수단입니다. 국가 전략으로 키워야 합니다.


In case of Korean traditional market in large city, I suggest that we’d better operate refer to the Nong hyeop, Hanaro mart to achieve competiveness against large enterprise’s big store, after redeveloped the multi complexes area such as undergrounding traditional market similar with HANARO mart’s concept, people’s park, library, large parking lot and magnetic levitation train station. It must be a policy of mutual back scratching.


I think that it could be make sure to fair gamebetween large enterprise’s big store and traditional market.


Also, construct the magnetic levitation train along the Han Riverfrom Kimpo to Seolak Mountain, I have confidence to magnetic levitation train going to the best business in future, especially Han River line from kimpo to Misari, paldang & Kangwon Tour line from jamsil to sockcho.(including Northern Han river & Seolak M’t).


Let’s make it.


Please investigate attached photograph, I think the most of people in Myung-Dong is showing up its mobilization of men and women for organized by SAMSUNG or LEE’s Administration.


This is the proof evidence for marriage fraud



Myungdong was the most popular place for foreigners. Why? You can find out the reason why, if you go there, you can compare with another region such as Yeongdeungpo, Chungryangri.

명동(明洞)은 대한민국 서울특별시 중구에 있는 번화가이자, 지역 이름이다. 명동1가와 명동2가를 합친 면적은0.91 ㎢이다. 명동1가,2가, 충무로1가,2가, 을지로1가,2가 등을 포함하는 지역이다.


조선 시대에 명례동(明禮洞) 또는 명례방이라 불렸으며, 일제 강점기 때 명치정(明治町메이지쵸[*])이라는 이름의 상업 중심지로 발전한 것이 시작이다. 명치정1정목(明治町一丁目메이지쵸잇쵸메[*]), 명치정2정목(明治町二丁目메이지쵸니쵸메[*])은1943년6월10일에 설치된 중구의 관할로 편성되었다[1]. 1970년대 이전에는 증권회사가 모여있는 한국 경제의 중심지였다.


중화 요리점이 많고 중국인 학교도 있는 등 화교들이 많이 모이지만 차이나타운이라고 하기에는 무리가 있다. 지금의 명동은 서울의 주요 관광지 중 하나이다. 명동은 서울에서 일본어가 어느 정도 통용되는 곳이고, 일본인,중국인 관광객이 늘고 있다.



세계 어디를 가도, 그 세력이 왕성한 화교들이 발을 붙이지 못하는 나라는 대한민국 뿐 입니다. 박정희 대통령 때문 입니다. 좌우지간 이 양반 아니었으면, 이 나라는 필리핀 꼴이 되었을 것이라는 것이 제 생각이죠. 이후 대통령들을 보십시오. 누가 있습니까?




Frankly speaking, I don’t want to go to Yeoungdeungpo area.


Why? That’s the reason why I insist that we have to make it redevelopment for four major gates & HAN River, another underdeveloped area in seoul city.

It makes no difference to me whether do it or not. But, it couldn’t be better than if we can achieve more advanced country, could it?


I anticipate that we can achieve the goals for advanced nation through those activities and it must be give Korean people to highest index happy life, and getting more money from achieved famous tourist attractions such as shopping & tour, and achieve balanced city development, also it can be achieved the prosperity of nation. Also, it can be achieve more balanced the justice of distribution.


Be all you can be, and join the project for greater country.


























People don’t need no more cars to go to Seolak M’t & DongHae- Easthern Sea


I think that it is very attractive business. Please image the cable car at Namsan(Nam Mountain)


Construct the magnetic levitation train by sub transfer in Seoul City.(Large City)


Also, Construct the magnetic levitation train by main transfer for mid-size city.


We’d better get away from subway system in future.


I can’t make sense of it, the reason why "four-rivers" project, as a key policy defining the Lee Myung-bak administration.

















진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Devil's Empire SAMSUNG/그들의 정체는?





I guess that Samsung’s head are not human, most of core person may be reptilians(파충류 형 악성 외계종, 인간 육체로 스며들거나, 아바타를 만드는 수법으로 인간으로 위장할 수 있다)


One of the malignancy aliens is reptilians who can be disguised as a human form by using ether AVATAR skill.  Most of people don’t know it. Please trust me. Be sure to investigate it and must be prevent them.


They are able to mind control for human to make a slave such as sex slave, also, they have ability to make Ether AVATAR which is copied from original human to using replace the human who are notice their identity or resist their policy.


They have ability to choice any human-life as mainly highest upper classes, and so always can be obtain higher political and financial powers, also they can get a free ride on the human’s physical body by using ether technologies to enjoy sex or make a slave.


As a result of their special abilities, they are able to have by the throat women such as famous entertainers’ sex club; they can be easy pickings for any woman and run into the enthusiastic sex party with a drug & group.


It is possible to do everything that they have the political and financial powers in human society. Actually, money and power is everything to human society. Because it is possible to give the people what they wants such as money, women, promotion, enjoyment.


It seems like I witness it unfortunately.


They are putting them lapse into a state of sexual ecstasy, during I’m in severe trouble for 7 years. What is worse, they are put me in semi-slave and organized bullying for the purpose of getting ill-gotten gains. Also they are trying to kill me without evidence by using mind control & ether skills for 7 years.




Nevertheless, they insist that the marriage fraud is a well-meaning attempt and it can be giving me the grateful favor still.




Today, I heard twice at Shinlim subway 2 line stations PM 7:15 that younger people say, “you’d better to go home?”


Once is younger man looks like a college student, the other is younger women too. I have received the same message by them, whenever I go to outside. Why?


We must wonder if that was their true intent.




Above mentioned it, they can speedy get on to a person's curves.


And so, I’m not sure that they are whether human or not. It is impossible to if they were human. It is unfair game extremely.


Have you ever wondered why we failed the marriage event for 7 years?


Have you ever been in a position of power? The most important I’d like to emphasize is that the marriage project was perfect cheating crime by using AVATAR cheating & virtual multiple realities they offer.


As you know, I hadn’t been making a sexual relationship with women last 7 years due to their perfect cheating plan. At Sep 2009, LEE GUN HEE said, “You will be not able to get a chance to sexual relationship with women for 10 years after this”


At least, I heard that you may be not able to get a chance to sex several decades after this. It is a threat to me.


To do put me in severe trouble, LEE GUN HEE had been skillful disturbing make girlfriend, even though; they are trying to achieve the goal outwardly.


One of the best ways is forbidden me to get a chance to sex with women for 7 years. LEE GUN HEE must be considered one of the greatest villains in the world history.


He was developed the virtual sex & double realities technologies by using ether magic and mind control technology since 2008. By using this way, they had been gaining a great success against the world’s customer related with marriage fraud for 7 years.


Virtual sex means that they can get a feeling as if real sex, nevertheless they never make real sexual relationship by using physical body. Generally, it is possible to do virtual sex by using ether body or mind controlling. It is not physical body’s sex.


I had been taken hostage for their global cheating for 7 years. Also, I had been becoming semi-slave for their festival last 7 years.


Also, I heard that they could be getting chance to let another men disguised as me doing ether body’s sex or astral rape over twenty thousand womenas the behavior of inducing women into sexual relations under the pretext of marriage by using AVARTAR’s SEX. Most of women must be don't know the truth.


Because that they are able to achieved the cheating goal against twenty thousand women by using technologies for image manipulations & AVATAR’s sex.




Are you mad that you should do such a thing?


I guess, so many people can't keep away from extremely excited ether virtual sex by developing LEE GUN HEE. Maybe special sex club including star performers is being for highest classes’ people in South-Korea. Please investigate it.


They are aimed to other countries such as japan, china, not Korea.


His point is getting support & blind obedience from relating people in south- Korea since 2008.


It is a matter of life and death. I heard that they says “if we can’t kill him, we die” “don’t give me the money ”


I think that person in charge should be receive a death sentence.









Hi Mr LEE, It’s difficult for me to understand why you always have to give an excuse for your crimes.


이명박 대통령과 이건희는 왜 매일 같이 사과만 하는 것일까요? 이해가 안 됩니다. 면피하려는 거죠. 물론 책임은 지지 않는 가운데, 시간을 지연시키고, 아무런 보상도 없이 그냥 넘어가려고만 하는 수법입니다. 반복하는 겁니다. 이건희입니다.



I think they are may be malignance aliens or greedy & selfish people who can make the Ether AVATAR which is copied from human.


What’s the point in working in the marriage project if I never get the money or the promised happy life? There’s no way that I will make it because of skillful disturbing by them. I’d love to, but I’m being subjected to restriction by perfect plan. We must wonder if that was their true intent.


They are not human. It doesn’t matter to me whether make girlfriend or not. There is no doubt about that. This is the worst situation that I’ve ever seen in my fifth years in my life.


I think, may be attached photograph contains so much information how to they had been dealing with me last 7 years. As a result of marriage fraud by LEE GUN HEE for 7 years I have worst of worst time to spend alone without anything which I’ve never had before. And so, the last thing I want to do is get into trouble for something I didn’t do.


As a result of AVATAR cheating, I had been being falsely accused of several suspicions such as rape, sex, misunderstood by them. But I didn’t do. If I did it, it must be AVATAR. They are one of the smartest people I know and they have the perfect cheating plan by using unknown skills.


I can’t make girlfriend and get a chance to sex for 7 years. Why?


It’s high time that I took compensation for 7 years loss, even though they don’t want it.  But one must wonder if that was their true intent, even if they were announced starting marriage project since 2006.


The point is that they lied. The point is that I got the compensation earlier than the end of the year. I wish this project will be finished until the end of the year. Please let me know it.



I think that they are trying to make life of mine difficult so that I surrender through organized bullying activities. It is for 7 years.


And so, I guess that means they should be anticipate some advantage from me, if they will be marriage with me in future. It is not love, it is just business. And so, although, they are pretty enjoying excited sex with other men, that’s because they meet to me speaking, regards the untruth love. That’s the reason why I ask for them that you’d better rather give up the project and give me the money than the untruth love.


Why don’t you review this issue? How much get me angry to see the other person’s sexual experience? I had unable to getting the sexual relationship actually since 2006. KAE SAE KKI (Dog baby) 들아.


What is the best thing to do for these issues? They should be offered the money and finished the game without any preconditions ASAP.










제가 추정하는 바로는, "연예인, 특급모델들과 재벌2세 귀공자들이 놀아나는, 특급 섹스 클럽이 존재합니다"


조사해 보면 나올 것이지만, 분명히 있다는 추론입니다. 말도 못하게 놀아납니다.


이렇게 놀아나면서도, 사람을 7년 간 여자 없이 살게 만든 놈들입니다. 이명박, 이건희를 위시한 대한민국 1% 상류지배계층입니다.


그리고는, 내게는 끊임 없는 최면, 환각을 가하고, 자신들이 과거에 놀아났던 데이터(?)들을 간접 체험하게 하면서, 그게 힐링이고, 그게 마음치유고, 그게 혜택이라고 나불대고 있습니다.


제가 쓰레기 청소부 입니까? 정말 나쁜 놈들입니다.


경고하는데, 올해 안에 안 끝나면, 일 터지는 줄 알아라.



Even if, Mr. LEE insists that most of women related the marriage fraud pretty like to me last 7 years, they pretty like had been having enjoyed exciting sexual relationship each other actually.

지들끼리 신나게 놀아나고, 내게 와서는, 사랑 어떻고 온갖 가증스런 거짓을 일삼게 만든 자들이 삼성이며 이건희이며 이명박입니다. 실제 섹스는 딴 놈들과 신나게 즐기고는, 내 앞에 나타나서는, 도도하게 굴고, 오만하게 굴고, 성자 행세하게 만든 자들입니다.


그리고 나보고는, 그들이 놀아난 과거 데이터 찌꺼기나 핥고 있으라고 합니다. 그리고 그게 힐링, 상처받은 마음을 치유해 주는 선물이며, 은혜라고 주장하고 있습니다. 이건희입니다. 천벌을 받을 인간입니다. 제가 살펴본 바로는, 말도 못하게 놀아났습니다. 그리고 나를7년 간 섹스 못하게 만든 놈이 이건희입니다.


They are a shameless liar.


You can argue as much as you like but you can't hide the facts. Such a far-fetched argument won't work no more.


I witness how much they were enjoying the exciting real sex with dozens of other men; nevertheless, they regards giving me to get a chance sharing their sexual experience as the heeling gift or grateful favor. Grateful favor? Gift? Healing? Um…. Ha ha ha   Go to Hell! Fuck you! Healing? Fuck you.  Fuck!  Fuck! Fuck!


For shame!

Don't be such a hypocrite! Healing? Healing?


If you were me, would you prefer the virtual sex or sharing other person’s sexual experience to your own sexual experience with girl friend?  Fuck!


We might as well take enjoying sex with women or men actually rather than the virtual sex or sharing other person’s experience. Are you stupid man?


If I have a gun, I would like to shoot them, are you understood?


How nice it would be if we could sweep corruption away.


They have no sense of shame.



그들은 가상섹스만을 강요하며, 그것도 아주 큰 은혜이며, 과거에 내가 입은 상처에 대한 보상 혹은 치유라고 강변합니다. 차라리 여자와 실제적인 관계를 가지는 것이 백배 좋습니다. 이 불여우들의 헛소리에 속지 마십시오.


이른바 나눔, 베품, 공유 운동까지 벌립니다. 그리고 그것이 과거 상처를 치유하기 위한 것이라는 주장까지 합니다. 불여우들입니다. 아닙니다. 이들의 주요수법은, 사람을 성적 흥분이나 쾌락으로 유인해서, 그 정신과 혼을 지배하여 노예화하는 것입니다. 기억해 두십시오. 이들은 제가 계속 반 폐인 상태로 살기를 바라며, 장애인을 만들거나 죽이려고 하고 있습니다. 이건희입니다. 목적은 거기에 있지만, 교묘하게 힐링 운운하고, 공유, 나눔, 베품 운운하며 세상을 속이는 것입니다.



LEE GUN HEE, LEE MYUNG BAK’s major strategy.


Skillful disturbing make romantic relationship with women.


At least, it seems like they are trying to achieve the goal outwardly.

But, skillful disturbing it by using mind control l or conspire together actually.

Mainly, lead to LEE GUN HEE.



At recently, they are starting movement it’s called healing camp which having hold people’s sexual experience in common by LEE GUN HEE. It means that another people’s enjoyed sexual experience through to hold me in common by virtual sex


Also, they pretty like emphasize the favor done that I’m able to share other people’s sexual experiences, although I don’t know whether it is true or not.


They regard sharing other’s sexual experience as the favor.  But, it can be only achieved by virtual sex, not actual sex. Also I can’t prove it whether true or not and the feeling is not certain.


It's no use making a transparent excuse. Its actual purpose is to attempt mind controlling to me & cheating people related the marriage fraud.

LEE GUN HEE wants to be crippled or dead for me by mind controlling.


One of the favorite LEE’s strategies is under the disguise of good intentions. Actually they are skillful disturbing make the romantic relationship and put me in the virtual sex state for cheating & mind controlling. Nevertheless they pretty like to intend regards it as the favor or gift or healing.


Fuck you! Healing? According to the abuse of human right by LEE GUN HEE, I had been having sexual relationship for 7 years. They have perfect bullying plan to abuse of human right. Also they are not human. I think they must be reptilians compare with devil. They are able to disguise of human form by using unknown skill. Please trust me.   


If I have an opportunity to revenge, I will have to repay double the size.


LEE GUN HEE is looked upon as a leader of the movement. He must be fire fox.

You are doing yourself proud by giving this small present, aren't you?

Whenever they do anything for me, they expect me to be terribly grateful.


Healing? Fuck you! Don’t get me wrong. It is just strategies to cheating people.

Can you tell me how to get to make romantic relationship, Mr LEE?

All I need is to get the sexual relationship with women, not virtual sex. I never really want to do virtual sex. Are you joking?


I would rather real sex with women than the virtual sex, are you understood?


I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Healing?


It seems like they pretty like to regard me as a beggar, a dustman? Fuck!


As I have seen it, they must be having enjoyed an exciting sex relationship actually. Besides, someone have the sexual relationship with dozens of people or hundreds of people. Of course, LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK is included someone by a sex maniac.


They are forcing me to do virtual sex only, although they had having enjoyed an exciting sex with dozens of actress or beautiful women by using power, nevertheless they want to intend regards it as a grateful favor. Fuck!!!!! Fuck!!! Fuck!!!, Go to Hell. Healing? Um…..



That’s one more reason to stay single. (forced stay in single)




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Abuses of human rights for 7 Years/힐링캠프와 가상섹스의 속임수







그들은 가상섹스만을 강요하며, 그것도 아주 큰 은혜이며, 과거에 내가 입은 상처에 대한 보상 혹은 치유라고 강변합니다. 차라리 여자와 실제적인 관계를 가지는 것이 백배 좋습니다. 이 불여우들의 헛소리에 속지 마십시오.


이른바 나눔, 베품, 공유 운동까지 벌립니다. 그리고 그것이 과거 상처를 치유하기 위한 것이라는 주장까지 합니다. 불여우들입니다. 아닙니다. 이들의 주요수법은, 사람을 성적 흥분이나 쾌락으로 유인해서, 그 정신과 혼을 지배하여 노예화하는 것입니다. 기억해 두십시오. 이들은 제가 계속 반 폐인 상태로 살기를 바라며, 장애인을 만들거나 죽이려고 하고 있습니다. 이건희입니다. 목적은 거기에 있지만, 교묘하게 힐링 운운하고, 공유, 나눔, 베품 운운하며 세상을 속이는 것입니다.



LEE GUN HEE, LEE MYUNG BAK’s major strategy.


Skillful disturbing make romantic relationship with women.


At least, it seems like they are trying to achieve the goal outwardly.

But, skillful disturbing it by using mind control l or conspire together actually.

Mainly, lead to LEE GUN HEE.



At recently, they are starting movement it’s called healing camp which having hold people’s sexual experience in common by LEE GUN HEE. It means that another people’s enjoyed sexual experience through to hold me in common by virtual sex


Also, they pretty like emphasize the favor done that I’m able to share other people’s sexual experiences, although I don’t know whether it is true or not.


They regard sharing other’s sexual experience as the favor.  But, it can be only achieved by virtual sex, not actual sex. Also I can’t prove it whether true or not and the feeling is not certain.


It's no use making a transparent excuse. Its actual purpose is to attempt mind controlling to me & cheating people related the marriage fraud.

LEE GUN HEE wants to be crippled or dead for me by mind controlling.


One of the favorite LEE’s strategies is under the disguise of good intentions. Actually they are skillful disturbing make the romantic relationship and put me in the virtual sex state for cheating & mind controlling. Nevertheless they pretty like to intend regards it as the favor or gift or healing.


Fuck you! Healing? According to the abuse of human right by LEE GUN HEE, I had been having sexual relationship for 7 years. They have perfect bullying plan to abuse of human right. Also they are not human. I think they must be reptilians compare with devil. They are able to disguise of human form by using unknown skill. Please trust me.   


If I have an opportunity to revenge, I will have to repay double the size.


LEE GUN HEE is looked upon as a leader of the movement. He must be fire fox.

You are doing yourself proud by giving this small present, aren't you?

Whenever they do anything for me, they expect me to be terribly grateful.


Healing? Fuck you! Don’t get me wrong. It is just strategies to cheating people.

Can you tell me how to get to make romantic relationship, Mr LEE?

All I need is to get the sexual relationship with women, not virtual sex. I never really want to do virtual sex. Are you joking?


I would rather real sex with women than the virtual sex, are you understood?


I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Healing?


It seems like they pretty like to regard me as a beggar, a dustman? Fuck!


As I have seen it, they must be having enjoyed an exciting sex relationship actually. Besides, someone have the sexual relationship with dozens of people or hundreds of people. Of course, LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK is included someone by a sex maniac.


They are forcing me to do virtual sex only, although they had having enjoyed an exciting sex with dozens of actress or beautiful women by using power, nevertheless they want to intend regards it as a grateful favor. Fuck!!!!! Fuck!!! Fuck!!!, Go to Hell. Healing? Um…..












더블클릭을 하시면 이미지를 수정할 수 있습니다

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Abuses of human rights for 7 Years/,삼성마피아 7년 아바타 섹스범죄(7/23)




Always, they want to get a chance to a vengeful bullying to me that I’m writing on the internet blog to reveal their marriage fraud.


삼성과 이건희, 국정원은 24시간 내 행위를 관찰하고 감시하고 있는데, 여자와 사귀지 못하게 교묘하게 방해하는 것을 포함하여, 인생 전반에 걸친 교묘한 개입, 해코지, 괴롭힘입니다. 특히 개인적으로, 하는 행위 모든 것에 대해서 전부 알고, 조직원들을 보내서 조롱하고 야유하고 비웃습니다. 여자와 7년간 성교 못했습니다.


그래서 야동 같은거나 보고 사는데, 그것조차도, 따라다니면서, 애들 보내서 면전에서 비웃게 합니다. 사람을 말려 죽이려고 하는 수작입니다. 극한의 악랄성을 보이는 자들이 바로 삼성, 이건희입니다. "그야말로 아무 것도 못하게 만들어 버리는 수법" 그리고 "아바타 섹스, 가상섹스만을 강요하며, 별도의 아바타들을 만들어서, 장애인을 만들려고 하고, 죽이려 하고 있습니다"


One of their cheating skills is skillful disturbing romantic relationships by mind control. First of all, the women are favorably disposed toward me by using their mind control skill.  It is only that’s.


If I want to make romantic relationship with women, they have taken an active hand disturbing it by mind control skill or conspire together at once.


In other words, if I and some woman don’t know each other, the woman is favorably disposed toward me by their mind control technology.


Even if some woman has a good feeling to me, if I will make friend with the woman actually, the woman is followed the mind changing suddenly by using mind-controlling the women to get negative feeling for me.


I have confidence that they had been cheating around countries customer related with marriage fraud by using this way.


The most of major skill was the mind control for human. Please trust me.


After skillful disturbing it, they had been sending AVATAR which is copied human by Ether materials to the woman to play the virtual sex. It is a perfect cheating skill.


Of course, the AVARTAR is driven by another man, and so, it has the only same appearance, but it is not me.


Most of people were cheated by their skillful AVATAR’s cheating last 7 years.


That the reason why they are able to operating this cheating game for 7 years. Person in charge is LEE GUN HEE, LEE MYUNG BAK.


Also, they can be change human’s imaginary to cheat people related with marriage fraud by using mind controlling.


Targeting women are mistaken another man for me by illusion creating from mind controlling. As a result of illusion skills, let people related with marriage fraud to having belief that I will be change another man.   


Besides, I guess that another man who is disguised oneself as me may be getting marriage the women. It is a skill to mistake person’s identity.


I guess, so many another men had been able to getting marriage the women instead to me for 7 years. Please investigate it.


Do you understand their cheating skills?


I guess,


To make people submitting & the best possible collaborator, people were taken gift hooking on the AVATAR sex game by LEE GUN HEE. What is worse, to keep the secret for marriage fraud, people were promoted incest sex by their sex mind controlling.


I witness that brother and sisters were fumbling for the hips or kiss together at subway, street, last 7 years. Maybe they want to be kept silence relating people due to a sense of shame and to prevent people’s resist for them.


LEE GUN HEE, LEE MYUNG BAK must be worst villains


Nevertheless, I haven’t made the sexual relationship with women for 7 years. It is a crime & abuse human right extremely.


Please investigate this issue.



Also, they are organized ridicule to me by used skill when I visited PC café at line 2 subway Kyodae station.


One of the bullying tools is watching me seated or stand on several man or women in front of adults PC café. Why?


Please refer below photograph. You can see several man & women seated at convenience store in front of adults PC Cafe.


Why did seating several men & women in front of adults PC café?


It is the only intention to ridicule to me. You don't have the right to say anything about it. Why?


It's not your business so just butt out. It's none of your business. Are you understood? You mind your own business. Obviously, their activities must be being behind the surveillance activities. It is the abuse of human rights & a crime for 7years. I think LEE GUN HEE should be punished for their abuse & the crime.


























진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Abuses of human rights for 7 Years/,삼성마피아 7년 아바타 섹스범죄(7/21)




I doubt, a bogus blog to cheat  a foreigner was made by SAMSUNG or LEE’s Administration.

Please investigate it.


Please investigate below photograph, it should be find out the proof evidence. 


끊임없는 조직적 해코지, 조롱, 괴롭힘이 24시간, 365일 반복되고 있습니다. 사람을 말려죽이려 하는 사람들입니다. 누구겠습니까?


They are making a personal attack against me by several tools.Personal attack and name calling only lowers public respect for them. Please stop the personal attack.


I have big complaints about the Lee Myung-bak administration related with marriage fraud for 7 years and the deepening polarization of the economy due to large enterprises & over 10% upper classes-oriented policy.  Besides, it seems like he show off his academic career, even though chief of state. It is incredible~~~~~ I’d like to complain about all the troubles in this country by non-boring and superficial human (비루하고 천박한 인간들)


Maybe they have the kitsch soul.


I guess most of them were originated by lower astral level or Hell; there are so many astral planes from hell to heaven.


They says me “거지 xx 주제에 꼴갑하네~” you don’t understand you are a beggar. Um~~~~ ha ha ha


All of the worst insults ASAP that I can’t stand had been having to me for 7 years continuously. A man behind the scenes may be LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK.


They pretty like to discriminate against certain persons whether rich or poor, whether a branded school background or not etc.


I witness that I had been going through hardships and privations at LEE GUN HEE’s marriage fraud for 7 years.


One of the most the reason why is school background. And so, I’m a poor, I haven’t the branded school backgrounds, I haven’t a sturdy body.



By sticking to figures with regional, religious and school ties to the chief executive, he often ended up selecting people with inadequate moral and ethical credentials, even having to withdraw nominations at times.



Picking at the past excessively and intentionally could confuse our footsteps into the future.


"지나치게 의도적으로 과거의 흠을 들추는 것은 미래로 향한 우리의 걸음을 혼란스럽게 할 수 있다."


LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK’s aimed that nobody seems to take me seriously in this country.


Whether I go out or stay in, they are able to annoy me, because of the house agent & most of the residents who are collaborators.


Their way of doing things is methodical. It is based on these organized and planned movements behind the surveillance activities. Who? LEE MYUNG BAK & LEE GUN HEE.


For example,


They are used to out of water in a water purifier intentionally, whenever I want to drinking water.  I don’t think the coincidental conjunction rather that they did it intentionally


Some resident who’s none of his business pick up a quarrel with me such as cleaning the kitchen etc. There is no reason that some residents who are a hostile attitude pick a fight with me. It is aimed that annoy to me. Who?


It is aimed to do treated me or a pretext to put keep in custody on bullying projects. I had already kept in custody for 5 days last Feb, March 2012 by LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK. At that time there is no reason that I was kept in custody for 5 days.


South Korea has never been person provide protection for me previously at the Commission on Human Rights despite the fact that egregious violations take place in this country. Because that LEE GUN HEE’s marriage project have to do with wrongdoings by LEE’s governments.


If the fight goes on each other, they will be intended to keep in custody to me as a pretext to fighting, because of put me to silence. Who?


Especially, it is going to worse to treat me, when I have write in the internet blog regards SAMSUNG Group or LEE’s Administration.


Someone occupied there when I go to the bath.


Someone operated the washing machine, when I want to use the washing machine.


Do not operating air con, even though steamy heat


They have so many bullying tools for me, even if stay in house. Um~~


I have nothing to do keep up with the Methodical and cozy, until I have an extremely activities at the risk of my life. It is the LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK.




They are always depends on using indirect message that open their thoughts to me, such as news media, a written advertisement, nearby around people’s conversations & speak over the mobile phone, because of destruction of evidence.


삼성과 청와대는 지나간 7년 간, 늘 간접 메시지 수법으로 자신들의 의중을 내게 전달해 왔습니다. 목적은 증거인멸입니다. 유사시 법적 증거를 남기지 않겠다는 의도입니다. 


























더블클릭을 하시면 이미지를 수정할 수 있습니다

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Best of Best Series/Downtowns in Seoul city 강남역과 삼성역 주변

Let’s Make the Best of Best.

Change is hard, but we can do it.



Main Blog :  http://poleiades2012.tistory.com



I also called on the government to come up with measures to deal with the deepening polarization of the economy.


There was no guaranteeing the nation`s future security without first addressing the wealth gap



Only the wealthy classes were privileged to enjoy beautiful spectacles of Han River in South Korea.



Advanced cityscape around GANG-NAM station


For reference to subway station, there are eight major downtowns & pleasure quarters which is placed in Seoul-city for GANG-NAM station, Shinchon station, Jonggak station, Hongik station, Apgujeong station, Keonkuk station, Myung-Dong station, Hyehwa station(DaeHak street) 


가장 개발이 잘 이뤄진 지역 중 하나인, 강남 역 부근입니다. 서울에는 지하철 역 기준으로 약 8군데의 번화가가 있는데, 명동, 종각 및 종로2가, 강남역 부근, 신촌역 부근, 홍대입구 역 부근, 건대입구 역 부근, 혜화역 부근 대학로, 압구정동 로데오 거리 정도일 것입니다.


기본 컨셉을 보면, 명동은 일본의 긴자 거리, 종로, 종각 거리는 일본의 신주쿠를 모방한 형태라고 보면 되겠습니다. 그러나 규모나 번화함 측면에서 본다면, 일본에 비할 바가 아닙니다. 인구 1억2천과 인구 4천 7백만의 차이일 수도 있습니다만, 명동은 그런대로 발전 유지되고 있으나, 종각,종로2가는 갈수록 퇴색해 가고 있다는 느낌입니다. 종로(종각~동대문)는 버려져 있었다는 것이 그간의 내 견해죠.


수도 서울의 문제 중 하나는, 시민을 위한 복합 문화 오락 쇼핑 휴식 즐김의 공간이 미흡하다는 점입니다. 그간 지적한 바대로, 있기는 있는데, 한국 사람들이 "삶의 질"에 대해서 그다지 신경쓰지 않는 성향이 있기에, 상당히 미흡해 보인다는 점입니다. 게다가 많은 부분에서 "가진 자들 위주로 설계 개발되어 온 도시입니다"


강남에서 살려면 아파트 한채 가격이 보통 10억 이상입니다. 10억 이상의 자산을 보유한 사람은, 대한민국 상위 10%에 해당됩니다. 일반 월급쟁이들은 평생 벌어도 5억 재산 모으기 쉽지 않습니다. 그러므로, 저는, "다수를 위한, 모두를 위한, 전체를 위한" 국가 도시 인프라 구축이 무엇보다도 중요하다고 역설하는 것입니다.


먹물들, 유능하고 학벌좋고 잘난 사람들이 들이미는 여러가지 경제논리에 속지 마십시오. 미국이나 서구 유럽은, 비록 신자본주의라든지 여러 일견 가혹해 보이는 자본주의 경쟁체제를 가지고 있는 듯 보이지만,그게 아닙니다. 그걸 국민들에게 속이고, 안 좋은 것만 들이밀면서, "가진 자 위주의 세상을 건설하려 한 사람들이 재벌 상류층, 집권여당"입니다.


한국의 문화는 개고기, 오리탕으로 불리는 "좋은게 좋은거지~대충 대충~" 문화입니다. 즉, 프로근성, 보다 나은 최고를 만들자는 의지가 약하다는 것입니다. 뭐? 경치가 어떻고, 도시미관이 어떻고, 예술이 어째? 계집애 같은 헛소리 말고, 오늘 개고기 집에나 가서 막걸리 소주에 한잔 하지? 이게 한국적 문화입니다. 그래서 이런 결과가 나오고 있다는 생각을 해 봅니다.


최고란 무엇입니까? 잘 했다고 자화자찬하지 말고, 최고가 되도록 노력해 봅시다.




The crowd passing along the GANG-NAM street.  It is called the street of youth.


보다 풍요롭고 행복한 도시, 국가 인프라를 구축한다는 것은, "있는 놈, 없는 놈 가리지 않고, 국민 모두가 보다 평등해지고, 보다 더 행복해질 수 있음을 의미합니다" 사회 국가의 인프라라고 하는 것은, "우리 모두의 것"이기 때문입니다.


그러나한국은 "우리 모두의 것"이 아닌, "내 것"만 개발해 놓은 나라입니다. 그게 삼성이고, 그게 이명박 씨이고, 그게 집권여당입니다.


일본인들이 지적하는 것은, 서울에는 공원이 부족하다 입니다. 일본인들 개인을 놓고 보면, 선진부국 국민답지 않게 어떻게 보면 가난하게 삽니다. 그러나 그들의 사회 공공의 인프라를 보십시오. 이게 바로 선진국과 후진국의 차이입니다. 우리는 갈림길에 서 있습니다. 정당한 비판을 쓴 약으로 알고, 개선할 생각은 않고, "나라 망신" 운운하는 개고기 성향의 저 높으신 나리들을 보십시오.


돈이 없어요? 영국은 GDP 6천불 수준일때부터, 복지국가 실현에 매진했다고 합니다. 영국만이 아니죠. 독일을 보시오! 스웨덴, 핀란드는 어떻고? 의식 수준입니다. 오늘 날 서양 유럽 미국 등이 전 세계인들의 선망의 대상이 되는 이유가 무엇입니까?


그들은 대한민국의 GDP가 2만불을 돌파했다고 떠듭니다. 그래서요? 그게 국민 모두에게 골고루 혜택이 되어서 돌아가고 있습니까? 복지비율이 8%에 불과한 나라입니다. 이기적이고 자기중심적인 사람들이 집권하고 있는 나라입니다. 배후에 삼성이 있습니다. 그래서 내가 그토록 비판하고 욕을 하는 것입니다.(알고 떠든다고 생각하십시오). 북한은 이 주제에서 명함도 내밀지 마시오.


내 것만 챙기고, 이기적이며 수준 낮은 의식 상태에서는, 결코 세계 최고의 국가를 건설할 수 없습니다.


The crowd passing along the GANG-NAM street.  It is called the street of youth. Smiling people looks like SAMSUNG man?


이와 같이 내가 어디를 가든, 이건희가 동원한 삼성 맨들, 그리고 관련된 사람들로 주변은 둘러싸여 집니다. 인권탄압입니다. 증거는 수도 없습니다. 제가 올리는 사진들을 면밀하게 분석해 보십시오. 어떻게 이렇게 할 수 있는지 저는 2004년부터 의문이었습니다. 왜 그 시간 대에는 이들이 동원한 사람들만 거리를 메우고 있는가 입니다. 서울은 대도시입니다. 이렇게 할 수 없는데도, 이렇게 합니다. 이해가 되십니까?


2006년도에 야단법썩을 떨며, 결혼 이벤트를 진행했을 때도, 이랬습니다. 이후 7년 간 이렇습니다. 한국에는 삼성만 있습니까? 저는 도무지 이해가 안 됩니다. 그래서 저는 이들이 혹시 악성 외계인들이 아니냐는 의문을 계속 던지고 있는 것입니다???


아마도 한국인들끼리 치밀하게 짜고 이렇게 하고 있다고 보입니다. 삼성과 청와대가 배후이므로, 못 할 일은 없다고 보입니다.


The crowd passing along the GANG-NAM street.  It is called the street of youth.


SAMSUNG Group Headquater. They are occupied over 20% GDP in South-Korea.


Paradoxically, one of the causes of deepening polarization of the economy had been happening large enterprises by colossal capital such as SAMSUNG etc.



There was no guaranteeing the nation`s future security without first addressing the wealth gap


아이러니 하게도, 재벌 및 대기업 중심의 경제정책 및 구조로 인하여, 한국 사회는 더 빈부격차가 커지고, 양극화 현상은 심화되고 있습니다. 그러나? 학벌 운운하는 대통령 아래에서 우리 사회가 어디로 가고 있는지는 명확해 보입니다. 가망성이 없어 보인다는 것입니다. 국가원수가 할 말이 있고, 하지 말아야 할 말이 있습니다. 이게 대한민국의 수준이며, 그들의 본심입니다. 그러므로, 90%의 국민들이 더 행복해질 수 있음에도, 제한되는 것입니다. 엘리트 지상주의, 상위 10% 계층만을 위한 사회가 되고 있는 것입니다.


승리한 놈만 잘 먹고 잘 사는 사회, 정글입니다. 그들이 표방하는 논리는 미국식 무한경쟁 자본주의(신자본주의) 논리입니다. 그러나,미국조차도, "공정한 경쟁의 기회가 보장되며" "보다 잘 정비된 국가 사회의 인프라 및 제도가 약자를 보호합니다" 이런 장점들을 빼놓고, 안 좋은 것만 받아 들여서, 자신들에게 유리한 측면으로 왜곡 조작하여 주장하는 자들이 바로 그들입니다.


잘난 척 하는 무리들입니다.


Cityscape around Gangnam station


? ? 

Teheran Street’s cityscape


Cityscape around GANGNAM station



Cityscape around GANGNAM station

Dong Bu steels Headquarter nearby Samsung subway station, Teheran Street

Teheran Street is the national symbols of prosperity in South-Korea.


Generally, we raise our national flag on national holidays including the Memorial Day, Armed Forces Day, and National Liberation Day. But, In case of Teheran street, it had always been hoisting a national flag all year since 2006. Why?


The night view of around GANGNAM subway station

The night view of around GANGNAM subway station

The night view of around GANGNAM subway station

The night view of around GANGNAM subway station

The night view of around GANGNAM subway station

The night view of around GANGNAM subway station

The view of Trade tower building at Convention and Exhibition(COEX)

Cityscape nearby Convention and Exhibition, COEX.


If you have a chance, visit COEX to learn more about Korea and enjoy fun activities. There are the only complex shopping malls in Seoul city.


Cityscape nearby Convention and Exhibition, COEX.


If you have a chance, visit COEX to learn more about Korea and enjoy fun activities. There are the only complex shopping malls in Seoul city.



Korea Electric Power Corp Headquarter

Grand intercontinental hotel nearby Samsung line 2 subway station.


Samsung subway station.


Cityscape nearby Convention and Exhibition, COEX.





Teheran Street is the national symbols of prosperity in South-Korea.

Teheran Street is the national symbols of prosperity in South-Korea.

The view of Star Tower building.



Cityscape at GANGNAM G-Street


It is the national symbols of prosperity in South-Korea, also.



Cityscape at GANGNAM G-Street


It is the national symbols of prosperity in South-Korea, also.


Advanced Bus Stop System.



Cityscape at GANGNAM G-Street


It is the national symbols of prosperity in South-Korea, also.

Advanced Bus Stop System.


Maybe, The crowning achievements of Lee’s Administration are constructed the advanced bus stop system & developed Chunggye-creek in Seoul-city.




Cityscape at GANGNAM G-Street


It is the national symbols of prosperity in South-Korea, also.

Advanced Bus Stop System.

Maybe, The crowning achievements of Lee’s Administration are constructed the advanced bus stop system & developed Chunggye-creek in Seoul-city.



Cityscape nearby Shinsa line 3 subway station

Cityscape nearby Shinsa line 3 subway station

Cityscape nearby Shinsa line 3 subway station

Cityscape nearby Shinsa line 3 subway station

Riverside luxurious apartments nearby HANNAM Bridge, Han River

Cityscape at Bang Bang’s Crossroad, Gangnam G-Street. 

Cityscape at Bang Bang’s Crossroad, Gangnam G-Street

Cityscape at Bang Bang’s Crossroad, Gangnam G-Street

Cityscape at Bang Bang’s Crossroad, Gangnam G-Street



Cityscape nearby Yangjae line 3 subway station, it was called Maljukgeori(Maljuk Street).

When the Choseon Period, this place was used to feed a horse.


Cityscape nearby Yangjae line 3 subway station, it was called Maljukgeori(Maljuk Street).

When the Choseon Period, this place was used to feed a horse.



Cityscape nearby Yangjae line 3 subway station, it was called Maljukgeori(Maljuk Street).

When the Choseon Period, this place was used to feed a horse.


Cityscape nearby Yangjae line 3 subway station, it was called Maljukgeori(Maljuk Street).

When the Choseon Period, this place was used to feed a horse.

더블클릭을 하시면 이미지를 수정할 수 있습니다



Cityscape nearby Yangjae line 3 subway station, it was called Maljukgeori(Maljuk Street).

When the Choseon Period, this place was used to feed a horse.




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Devil's Empire,SAMSUNG 24시간 조직적 괴롭힘 백태.(7/18)



끊임없는 조직적 해코지, 조롱, 괴롭힘이 24시간, 365일 반복되고 있습니다. 사람을 말려죽이려 하는 사람들입니다. 누구겠습니까?


They are making a personal attack against me by several tools.Personal attack and name calling only lowers public respect for them. Please stop the personal attack.


I have big complaints about the Lee Myung-bak administration related with marriage fraud for 7 years and the deepening polarization of the economy due to large enterprises & over 10% upper classes-oriented policy.  Besides, it seems like he show off his academic career, even though chief of state. It is incredible~~~~~ I’d like to complain about all the troubles in this country by non-boring and superficial human (비루하고 천박한 인간들)


Maybe they have the kitsch soul.


I guess most of them were originated by lower astral level or Hell; there are so many astral planes from hell to heaven.


They says me “거지 xx 주제에 꼴갑하네~” you don’t understand you are a beggar. Um~~~~ ha ha ha


All of the worst insults ASAP that I can’t stand had been having to me for 7 years continuously. A man behind the scenes may be LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK.


They pretty like to discriminate against certain persons whether rich or poor, whether a branded school background or not etc.


I witness that I had been going through hardships and privations at LEE GUN HEE’s marriage fraud for 7 years.


One of the most the reason why is school background. And so, I’m a poor, I haven’t the branded school backgrounds, I haven’t a sturdy body.



By sticking to figures with regional, religious and school ties to the chief executive, he often ended up selecting people with inadequate moral and ethical credentials, even having to withdraw nominations at times.



Picking at the past excessively and intentionally could confuse our footsteps into the future.


"지나치게 의도적으로 과거의 흠을 들추는 것은 미래로 향한 우리의 걸음을 혼란스럽게 할 수 있다."


LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK’s aimed that nobody seems to take me seriously in this country.


Whether I go out or stay in, they are able to annoy me, because of the house agent & most of the residents who are collaborators.


Their way of doing things is methodical. It is based on these organized and planned movements behind the surveillance activities. Who? LEE MYUNG BAK & LEE GUN HEE.


For example,


They are used to out of water in a water purifier intentionally, whenever I want to drinking water.  I don’t think the coincidental conjunction rather that they did it intentionally


Some resident who’s none of his business pick up a quarrel with me such as cleaning the kitchen etc. There is no reason that some residents who are a hostile attitude pick a fight with me. It is aimed that annoy to me. Who?


It is aimed to do treated me or a pretext to put keep in custody on bullying projects. I had already kept in custody for 5 days last Feb, March 2012 by LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK. At that time there is no reason that I was kept in custody for 5 days.


South Korea has never been person provide protection for me previously at the Commission on Human Rights despite the fact that egregious violations take place in this country. Because that LEE GUN HEE’s marriage project have to do with wrongdoings by LEE’s governments.


If the fight goes on each other, they will be intended to keep in custody to me as a pretext to fighting, because of put me to silence. Who?


Especially, it is going to worse to treat me, when I have write in the internet blog regards SAMSUNG Group or LEE’s Administration.


Someone occupied there when I go to the bath.


Someone operated the washing machine, when I want to use the washing machine.


Do not operating air con, even though steamy heat


They have so many bullying tools for me, even if stay in house. Um~~


I have nothing to do keep up with the Methodical and cozy, until I have an extremely activities at the risk of my life. It is the LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK.




They are always depends on using indirect message that open their thoughts to me, such as news media, a written advertisement, nearby around people’s conversations & speak over the mobile phone, because of destruction of evidence.


삼성과 청와대는 지나간 7년 간, 늘 간접 메시지 수법으로 자신들의 의중을 내게 전달해 왔습니다. 목적은 증거인멸입니다. 유사시 법적 증거를 남기지 않겠다는 의도입니다. 


Do you think we communicate only through words? I don’t think so.


Here's a clear example




그때는 그랬지 라는 SBS 8시 뉴스 헤드라인 입니다. 의미가 있습니다. 과거 그러니까 2006,2007,2008년에는 네가 여자 사귀려고 하면 우리가 너를 천대 멸시하여, 마구 욕설 퍼붓고, 폭행하고 그랬다는 의미입니다. 그러나 지금은 안 그런다는 거짓말입니다. 지금도 그렇습니다. 이 사람들 하는 말은 절대로 믿지 마십시오. 이건희, 이명박입니다.


Well, that felt horrible.


Above SBS news message means that at that time, even if we did it but we change it now. At that time means from 2006 to 2008 year. It is a tricks.


I fell an easy prey to LEE GUN HEE wiles and lost all of mine last 7 years. I had been being semi-slavery for 7 years still.


This work is all humbug. Person in charge is LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK.


None of your tricks!


저녁 식사하는데, 뱀관련 보도 나오게 만들기, 식사할 시간 미리 알고 준비한 사보타지입니다. 믿으시오.


The SBS 8 o’clock news is reporting regards residential neighborhood in Snakes, when I have a dinner. Why? It is a bullying tools by intention.



최근 내게 가해지는 해코지와 괴롭힘이 북한 소행이라는 암시를 담은 SBS 뉴스. 배후에서 모든 사건을 조작하지만, 실체를 드러내지 않는 이건희, 이명박의 특징입니다. 주로 제 3자를 대리인으로 내세워 해코지하는 수법입니다. 그러나 배후는 이건희 입니다.


Above SBS news gave me an indication North-Korean could be the culprit regards humbling the school backgrounds. But, I don’t think so. It is a LEE GUN HEE, LEE MYUNG BAK. They are the mastermind behind last 7 years. Please trust me.


향후는 퇴직금 중간 정산이 허용되지 않는다는 뉴스 보도, 즉, 네게 일부를 보상해주지만, 향후는 더 보상하지 않겠다는 의미다.


It is SBS news says that severance middle settlement will be forbidden by changing policy, in future


Also, It is a figure of mockery to me.


It is means that MR Lee’s imperious intention had been maintaining for 7 years regards demanding reparation for me.


According to LEE GUN HEE, LEE MYUNG BAK’s marriage fraud, I had been living miserable lives for 7 years. Of course, they have a responsibility to compensate it.


But, to our regret, LEE GUN HEE, LEE’s administration who has the party's arrogance doesn’t change yet. The severance middle settlement means that they have an intention to make a partial compensation for a loss.





대화내용이 들려 옵니다. "앞으로는 똑 같은 내용의 글을 올린다는 구실로 막아버려~"


이게 바로 삼성, 청와대의 언론 통제, 인터넷 통제 수법입니다. 지금까지 7년 간 이런 범죄를 자행한 것입니다.




The emotional wound I received will never heal until the criminals in charge of this issue will be punishing severely. I realize their tactful reply asBottle give about cycle, when I saw the program regards healing mind at MBC news 8 o’clock, Today.



If they have no word in excuse, heirloom sword that pretense good intention was one of the favorite methods of devil’s families




Would you cut the crap? Healing? Um~~~~ ha ha ha



Are you joking to me now?





If I have a great power, must be punishing them severely, because of the almighty dollar principle as a sharp warning.



Also, if they are bad aliens, I want to be prosecuting criminals for the biggest blot in the history of mankind at Galactic Court.




Obviously, most of prosecutors known these matters. Most of Korean prosecutors may want to be a student on a scholarship for SAMSUNG Group because of making a lot of money or fast tracker backed up by SAMSUNG Group.


It is the custom with most of prosecutors in this country to do so. This leads to low self-esteem, shame and disappointment.


Seoul district public prosecutor’s office


In doing so, too, Are you thinks highly of yourself for public prosecutor?



It is impossible to find justice in this country. And so, it is called that Republic of korea as Republic of SAMSUNG.


Most of prosecutors ought to be ashamed


Seoul district public prosecutor’s office


If you want to be a prosecutor, please care for your honor more than for money.


This matter is a question affecting yours honor. Not only prosecutor’s honor but that of all public officials is at stake.


Please distribute this letter all over the worlds.



Lee Myung Bak’s administration or someone force me into doing silence to do using so many tools with the state directly or indirectly, continuously. I am in a critical condition all under constant threat from invisible enemies such as Lee’s Administration, SAMSUNG Group etc.



They tried to destroy the evidence for marriage fraud during 7 years, what is worse; they make an attempt on my life without evidence directly or indirectly.  Please trust me.



Also, Unable to corrupt or deceive me, they have traduced me by investigate history of mine. As there are to be found in the service of envy men of every diversity of temper and degree of understanding, calumny is diffused by all arts and methods of propagation.



As a semi-slave I had received a full portion of psychological & physical beatings included organizational bullying and other humiliations by SAMSUNG Group & Lee Myung Bak’s Administration during 7 years. For the reason why, Lee Kun-hee was away from Samsung Group's boardroom over the past two years(from 2008 to 2010), Taking the blame for the marriage fraud, he resigned Apr 2008 by an external pressure such as Japanese, Chinese. 



But most of Korean people don’t know the fact.



Things came to such a pass that he had to resign at that time.



Mr Lee chairman for SAMSUNG Group avenged his resignation by attempt my life without evidence to using unknown method such as the Mind Control, occults for killing person for 7 years.



Also, they are a saboteur.



Using multiple tricky cheating tools such as AVATAR’s cheating or virtual sex, virtual realities, double realities, image manipulation by generated unknown method, they are sabotaging the marriage event.



Mr Lee chairman for SAMSUNG Group original intent was to avenge me. Another central aim, they used the marriage events as a tool for their own profit under cover of patriotism. I was accused of treason by them


Also, I have been scraping a bare living for 7 year because of their restriction on employment. I think, most of Korean people were apathetic to the injustice done to me or they didn’t know the fact by two Mr Lee’s trick.



It is never OK to hurt others physically, mentally, or psychologically. But they did it obviously. Person in charge of this matter, Chairman Mr Lee for SAMSUNG Group & President Mr Lee. They are an altogether unspeakable villain.



Friendship is one of the most important relationships that we build in our lives. But they are isolating me from everyone, everything in order to keep it secret from people & weaken for Mind Control such as hypnosis, a hallucination for 7 year. It is true.



They formed under two Mr Lee, built a people’s hostile attitude barrier to surrounding me. As a result of perfect bullying plan by LEE GUN HEE, I have been placing under attack from all sides for 7 years. What is worse, I have no sexual relationship with women for 7 years. Mr Lee said “You can’t have sex with women for 10 years” for its abuses of human rights Sep 2009. It was abuses of human rights extremely. Only they want to be in virtual sex or state under hypnosis for me and I was made to do it willy-nilly.



To just to annoy me by LEE GUN HEE’s revengeful thought and taken advantage of marriage events for 7 years, they have tried throwing tantrums, threatening to me, withholding sex, restriction on employment, a slander against me.


I’m in Hell for 7 years.


Sexless life is aimed that have been used to suppress human rights. After deliberating upon the past rights abuse practices using the marriage events as a tool, I insist that the marriage events should be scrapped ASAP.  Also, person in charge of this project must be punishing severely.



Also, they must be indemnifying me for damage last 7 years ASAP.



Please trust me. Do you understand? It is the SAMSUNG Group & LEE MYUNG BAK’s Administration



Sometimes, they picked a quarrel with me over a trifle and hit me related with marriage fraud, when I tried to strike up a conversation several times women who are organized mobilization from SAMSUNG as marriage events to make a romantic relationship.



It called for me to stop slandering Lee Myung Bak’s Administration & SAMSUNG Group.



It says Mr Lee`s move is aimed to buy time to suppress the fact and evasion of responsibility for this issue(marriage fraud for 7 years).




One of the first things Lee did upon taking office four years ago was to take firm control of media companies under direct and indirect influence of the government.



He appears in complete control of the news media & internet system in Korea, especially, they have built up double internet system in order to tighten control freedom of speech on the internet.



As you know,

"Kim Jae-chul, a non-Lee camp man, could take the public broadcaster MBC's top job by reportedly vowing to ""purge"" 80 percent of the leftist program directors and reporters."



According to Lee Myung Bak’s Administration policies for tighten news media, MBC President Ohm Ki-young resigned 2010, becoming the last of the three public broadcaster chiefs forced _ directly or indirectly _ to step down since the incumbent administration took office.



"All this only deepens widespread popular suspicion that the Lee administration cannot stand criticism especially from media outlets under its own control, nor any remnants of progressives within them inherited from what it says as a ""lost decade"" under left-leaning predecessors.



Also, the Samsung Chairman was pardoned by Lee Myung Bak’s Administration 2010.

I guess it goes to show the saying; "Birds of a feather flock together." is ever so true



They might not know what the difference is between a conservative, moderate, and liberal.



Obviously, Lee Myung Bak’s Administration is working for the upper class 10% and large companies, conservatives in South Korea. We can see so many evidences, Todays.



I refuse to bow down before bullying and injustice





























더블클릭을 하시면 이미지를 수정할 수 있습니다

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Best of Best Series/Han-River & Han-River 시민공원 1.

Let’s Make the Best of Best.


Main Blog :  http://poleiades2012.tistory.com


Chicago Skyscraper, USA

Chicago City, USA


미국 등 선진국의 도시 계획을 살펴보면, 스카이 라인이 집중화 되어 있다는 점일 것이다. 특정지역에 몰아서, 오피스 빌딩군을 형성하고 스카이 라인을 잘 조정하여 도시미관을 살려 준다는 점이다. 그리고 나머지 지역은 주로 전원형태의 살기 좋은 도시 공간을 만든다. 물론 아닌 도시도 있다. 모든 도시가 다 그렇다는 것은 아닌데, 대체적으로 선진국의 경우는 그렇다는 점이다.


63 building, DAE HAN insurance, Yeoui-Island


여의도와 한강 시민공원 탐방 시리즈입니다. 오늘은, 여의도 63빌딩 근처와 한강시민공원을 둘러 보았습니다.



63빌딩은 대한민국 서울특별시 영등포구의 여의도에 있는 마천루이다. 지상60층, 지하3층의 규모이며, 지상높이249미터(해발264미터)이다.


‘대한생명63빌딩’이라는 명칭으로1980년2월에 착공하여1985년5월에 완공되었으며(같은 해9월30일 준공식), 완공 당시는 아시아에서 가장 높은 빌딩이었다. 2002년에 대한생명이 한화그룹에 인수되면서63빌딩도 한화그룹의 소유가 되었다. 오랫동안 대한민국에서 가장 높은 건물이었으나, 도곡동 타워팰리스(263.7미터)와 목동 하이페리온(256미터), 송도 더샵퍼스트월드, 송도 동북아무역타워에게 밀려났다.하지만 일반 시민이 자유롭게 출입할 수 있는 건물 중에서는 가장 높은 건물이다. 한국에서 가장 높은 건물은 인천 송도에 있는 동북아무역타워(305미터)이다.


아이맥스 영화관(63 아이맥스), 전망대(63 스카이 아트), 수족관(63 씨월드)등의 다양한 편의시설들을 갖추고 있다.


흔히 잘못알고 있는 사실인데, 63빌딩의63은 지상으로만63층이라서 붙인게 아니라 지상,지하를 모두 합쳐63층이라 붙인것이다. (지상은60층, 지하는3층이다.)



63 building is fourth highest building in South-Korea,

DAE HAN insurance, Yeoui-Island


한강시민 공원에서 바라다 본 63빌딩, 최근 이 건물보다 높은 빌딩이 몇개 생겼지만, 그래도, 이 빌딩이 수도 서울을 상징하는 대명사 격에 속하는 것은 여전하다.



63 building is fourth highest building in South-Korea,

DAE HAN insurance, Yeoui-Island



63 building is fourth highest building in South-Korea,

DAE HAN insurance, Yeoui-Island



63 building is fourth highest building in South-Korea,

DAE HAN insurance, Yeoui-Island



63 building is fourth highest building in South-Korea,

DAE HAN insurance, Yeoui-Island



63 building is fourth highest building in South-Korea,

DAE HAN insurance, Yeoui-Island



63 building is fourth highest building in South-Korea,

DAE HAN insurance, Yeoui-Island



63 building is fourth highest building in South-Korea,

DAE HAN insurance, Yeoui-Island


유감스럽게도, 63빌딩 주변의 한강시민공원 상태는 대체로 불량하다. 한강 대교 북단, 용산 방면의 상태가 최적으로 보여지는데, 여기는, 좀 문제가 많다는 생각이다.




63 building is fourth highest building in South-Korea,

DAE HAN insurance, Yeoui-Island


한강대교에서 바라다 본 63빌딩 전경. 이미 지적했듯, 63빌딩은 수도서울을 대표하는 대명사 격에 속하는 고층빌딩이다. 애초에 이러한 건물을 지을 때, 도시미관이나, 국가의 번영과 발전을 상징하는 의미로서, 이러한 초고층 빌딩을 3개 이상 편대를 이뤄서 지었어야 한다는 것이 내 생각이다. 그러나 우리 나라는, 여기 저기 띄엄 띄엄 지어 놓는다. 전체적인 도시 개발계획, 발전 계획이 미흡하다는 증거다. 되나 가나 짓겠다고 하면 법적인 검토 거치고 대략 승인해 주는 중구난방식 같다는 점이다. 잠실에도 롯데가 초 고층빌딩을 짓고 있지만, 거기도 달랑 하나 서 있을 것 같다. ㅎㅎㅎ 잠실에 하나, 저기 도곡동에 하나, 저기 여의도에 하나, 저기 송도에 하나 이런 식이다. 이래서야~~


고층 건물 군은 지역을 정해서 할당해야 한다. 중국 상하이를 보면 그런 식인데, 그렇다고 해서 여기가 우리보다 잘한다는 건 아니지만, 국가의 위신을 세우는 건물들이라는 점을 고려해서, 시각적으로 보기 좋게 배치해야 할 필요가 있다는 점이다.


이렇게 멀리서 보면, 가장 두드러져 보이는 빌딩이기 때문인데, 현재 상태는 달랑 혼자 서 있는 외로운 형국이다. 그 옆에 좀 높은 빌딜들이 보이기는 하는데, 대칭각, 균형미가 맞지 않는다.


Best of Best란 무엇인가? 살기 좋은 도시, 최고의 사회적 인프라를 구축한다는 것과 더불어서, 심미적인 면, 감성적인 면, 도시의 조망 측면에서도 아름답고 웅장하게 도시가 설계되어야 함을 의미한다.


이런 초고층 건물은 대단히 중요한 상징적 의미를 가지므로, 이러한 점을 고려한 설계는 반드시 필요하다고 본다. 도곡동 타워팰리스가 높다고 하지만, 여기도 대칭각이 맞지 않는다. 멀리서 보면, 무더기로 건물이 몰려 있는 형상으로서, 그다지 아름다워 보이지 않는다.



The Tower Palace, Dogok-Dong, Seoul


여기도 멀리서 보면, 뭐라고 할까, 균형미가 맞지 않다는 느낌, 뭔가 좋아 보인다 혹은 발전되어 보인다는 느낌 외에는, 이게 도시의 미관, 경관 측면에서 영 아니라는 것이다. 무더기로 몰려서, 부자 조폭집단이라도 이루고 있는 느낌, 모여서 웅성웅성거리고 있는 느낌이라고 할 그런 배치라는 느낌이다.  사진을 보라, 타워 팰리스 한 건물만 높게 우측으로 치우쳐 있다. 치우쳐 있으므로, 쓰러질 듯 한 느낌 혹은 오른쪽으로 휘어져 있다는 착시도 든다. 그리고 초고층 건물로서는, 그다지 건물 자체도 아름답거나 멋져 보이지 않는다.


차라리 63빌딩이 미끈하게 잘 지어진 건물이다.


도곡동 타워 팰리스 주변을 가 보라. 고층 아파트와 주상복합 빌딩들이 몰려 있는데, 좁은 공간에 왕창 몰려 있다는 점이다. 그것도 멀리서 보았을 때, 좀 아름답게 보기 좋게, 대칭각이 맞게, 멋진 바벨탑 형상으로 설계해서 배치해야 할 일인데, 걍 몰아서, 무슨 부자들의 집합소를 만들어 놓은 듯한 느낌이다. 먹고 살만하게 된지가 상당히 오래 전이다. 그런데? 이제 좀 대한민국 수도서울의 미적인 경관도 생각해야 하지 않을까?



Yeoui-island, Seoul

63 building is fourth highest building in South-Korea,

DAE HAN insurance, Yeoui-Island


미국의 뉴욕 WTC 건물도 쌍둥이로 설계되었다. 이유가 뭘까? 동경을 봐도 보통 3개 군, 4개 군 배치다. 하다 못해 중국 상하이도, 고층건물 군의 영역이 배당되어 집중적으로 지어진다. 우리는 중구난방, 여기 저기 흩어지게 만든다는 것이 도시 미관 상, 그다지 좋아 보이지는 않는다는 개인 생각을 해 본다.


이렇게 멀리서 보았을 때, 초고층 건물이 적어도 3개 군 이상이 모여서 웅장하게 서 있는 모습을 보인다면, 이명박 씨나 이건희 씨가 말하는 나라 자랑할 수 있는 도시경관이 될 것 같다.


버스를 타고 여의도에 도착하며 찍어 본 63빌딩 전경.

홀로 수십년 간 서 있느라 상당히 외로웠겠다는 생각이다. ㅎㅎ


Wonhyo-Bridge, Han-River, people's Park 

한강 시민 공원에서 바라다 본 원효대교 전경.


Han-River, people's park



원효대교 다리 아래 그늘에서 휴식하는 시민들 모습, 주변에 나무가 없다 보니, 다리 밑에서 쉬는 진풍경을 보게 된다. 뙤약볕 아래 한강시민공원을 걸어서, 한강대교까지 가 본다. 가는 도중, 쉴만한 벤치나 그늘이 전혀 없다. 나무도 없다. 음료수나 간식거리 파는 곳도 없다. 도대체 누가 설계한 공원일까? 퇴약볕 아래서 일광욕 즐기라고 설계한 공원인가?



pleasure boat on the Han-River


유람선이 지나간다. 차라리 유람선 탈 걸~


Wonhyo-Bridge, the Han-River



Paradise? restaurants on the Han-River


물놀이 요트를 빌려주는, 선착장 겸 레스토랑이 보인다.


People's Park the Han-River


멀리 한강대교가 보인다. 한강 주변의 경관은 "한강의 기적"으로 일컬어질만큼, 한국의 발전과 성취를 자랑한다. 아마도 88올림픽을 전후하여 한강변에 대한 개발이 이뤄진 듯한 기억이다.


멀리 남산타워가 보인다.


강물은 어제 내린 비로, 흙탕물 상태.

bridges for railroads over the Han River

People's Park, Han River


이 공원의 문제점은 나무가 없다는 점이다. 벤치도 없고, 나무도 없으며, 그늘도 없다. 고작해야 다리 밑에 들어가서 쉬는 수 밖에 없는 요상한 공원이다.


KTX, New High-Speed Trains to across bridge over the Han River.


People's Park, Han River


황량하게 버려진 불모지 황야 같은 느낌, 혹은 저기 대관령 목초지를 연상하게 하는 한강 시민 공원의 풍경이다. 나무가 없다.


시민들이 텐트 처 놓고 퇴약볕을 피하고 있다. ㅎㅎ


People's park?


연인으로 보이는 남녀가, 몇그루 없는 나무 그늘 아래서 쉬고 있다. 누가 설계한 공원일까? 서울특별시.



People's Park?


대관령 목초지에 온 기분이 든다. 저기 텐트 처 놓고 퇴약볕 피하는 시민들 모습이 보인다. 

Han River, Seoul 

People's Park?


몇그루 안 되는 나무도 가지치기를 하여 흉한 모습이다. ㅎㅎㅎ


people's Park


여기 소나 양 몇마리 풀어서 키우면 될 듯, 목초지를 만든 서울특별시다.











진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크