사이드바 영역으로 건너뛰기

마틴아저씨가 환갑을 자축하는 방법들

On November the third I will be 60 years old.

To celebrate this landmark time in my life,
I’m going to visit lots of places,
and attend all sort of events,
which I’ve not done in a long time,
or have never done before.


The idea is to do some of the following with my various friends,
rather than have a just one celebratory party.


- Go to an concert of works by Janaceck and Glazunov.

- Spend a weekend in Lille.

- See a play by Bertold Brecht.

- Take a bus trip out to Hampton Court.

- Spend a day out in Canterbury.

- Go to see one of the light operas by Gilbert & Sullivan.

- Take a day trip to Ely.

- Spend an early evening with a beer at the Cheshire Cheese on
Fleet Street.

- Go to a production of Carmina Burana by Carl Orff.

- See a play at Wilton’s Music Hall.

- Spend a day out in Salisbury.

- Take a visit to the Brompton Cemetery.

- Have a day trip to Calais.

- Go to a production of Faures Requiem.

- Spend an afternoon in the Foundling Hospital.

- Take a day out in Hasting.

- See inside the Temple Church.

- Visit the Dickens Museum.

- See a production at the Royal Opera House Covent Garden.

- Take a day out in Warwick.

- Go see a production of the Mousetrap.

- Revisit  Liverpool and Chester over a long weekend.

- Spend a few days in Paris.

- Visit Dr Johnson’s house.

- Revisit the Sir John Soane’s Museum.

- Go to a concert at Wigmore Hall.

- Revisit the London Transport Museum.


- Shopping at the Vegetarian Shoe shop in Brighton.


So if your an old or new mate of mine,
and you fancy coming along to any of the above,
then  just let me know,
and we can arrange a time in which to do so.





아나키스트 독신남 할아버지라 그런가 60살을 맞이하는 방법도 다른 뭇 사람들과는 다른 것 같다. 저 많은 걸 혼자 하려면 아무래도 외롭긴 할 것 같다. 그래도 여기 저기 친구들을 많이 사귀어 놓은 것 같으니 저 리스트 중에 한 절반 정도쯤 이상은 같이 할 만한 사람들이 있으리라 믿는다. 하나하나가 매력적으로 보이지만 나에겐 이른 저녁 플릿 스트릿의 decent한 곳에서 저녁과 맥주와 치즈를 함께 하는 것이 가장 좋아보인다.

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크