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웨스트 파푸아 긴급 호소문

웨스트 파푸아 긴급 호소문입니다.

(번역을 하지 못했는데....양해해주시기 바랍니다)






28th July 2005




Dear friends of West Papua,


The following report has just been sent to us by contacts in West Papua. The Indonesian army are torturing and intimidating innocent villagers in the Papuan highlands in a new campaign of brutality and intimidation.


Papuans are asking their supporters in the UK and around the world for help. Please follow the instructions at the end of this alert for ways in which you can help them. EVERY PHONE CALL, FAX OR LETTER MAKES A DIFFERENCE. Please do what you can.


Many thanks.



State-sponsored terrorism by the Indonesian army in Moragame village, West Papua.

Widespread torture of Papuan villagers is reported.
Please help now!

Tuesday 8 July 2005:  12 members of the TNI [Indonesian army] began intimidating and torturing innocent Papuan civilians in the little village of Moragame (Pyramid) in Assologoima District, near the town of Wamena .

Sunday 17 July: 10 members of the same units returned to Moragame. The TNI opened fire on the villagers with automatic rifles. The people ran to the jungle to save their lives and are now refugees.

Two Moragame villagers, Yiman Wenda and Abai Wenda, were shot by the army. They fled, wounded, into the jungle. Nobody knows if they are dead or alive.

The army also burnt homes and smashed down fences around the vegetable gardens.

Thursday 14 July: Petto Wenda was tortured by the TNI in the village of Pyramid. Soldiers first slashed his face with a razor and then cut his flesh all over his body with a knife. Finally the TNI poured petrol over his head and set fire to him. Petto Wenda's hair caught fire. He received serious burns to his head and is now in a critical condition. He is not expected to survive.

28 July 2005 The TNI is still occupying the Pyramid region. Military operations are still on going and hundreds of refugees are still hiding in the jungle, without proper food or shelter.

We are asking for urgent international help for the people of
West Papua. Without your attention it will be very dangerous for the people. Unless the army knows that the outside world is watching them, they will carry on with their brutality towards to the innocent people in Moragame.



Please telephone:

Chief of police in Wamena: 00 + 62969 31072
Police Office in Wamena: 00 + 62969 31110
Bupati (Regent) of Wamena: 00 + 62969 31005

This report is direct from Wamena.  We will keep you updated.

Thank you for your support for the West Papuan people during this time of terror.

You can phone
Indonesia from UK for 15p per minute by first dialing 0905 306 0197, then the international number. West Papua is 9 hours ahead of GMT. However the phone will often be answered 24 hours so just ring when you can.

The most important thing is just to say the names of the villages and people a lot, even if they don't understand English, and make it clear you are phoning from abroad.

Some Indonesian phrases you can use (pronunciation guide in brackets):

Saya telepon tentang … (Sy-ar telepon tentang..) -
I am telephoning about ...

Hati hati (Harti harti) -
Be careful

Kami jaga lihat anda sekarang. (Karmee jargar leehat anda seykarang) -
We are watching you now

Saya dari Inggris. (Sy-yar dary Ingrees) -
I am from England

Kami adalah teman mereka. (Karmee ard-ar-lar tayman meraykar) -
We are their friends

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