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게시물에서 찾기2008/09/11

1개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2008/09/11
    태국 정치위기 관련 국제 블로거 온라인 토론
    아, 넷!

태국 정치위기 관련 국제 블로거 온라인 토론

동/남 아시아의 블로거들이 온라인에 모여 태국의 정치적 위기 상황에 대한 심도깊은 분석을 포함한 토론을 벌인다고 합니다.
이번 금요일(12일) 밤 11시 - 1시(한국시간)에 있는데, 관심 있으신 분은 참여하시길...




Dear fellow bloggers,


We will conduct a virtual meeting of bloggers in the East Asia region
to discuss the political crisis in Thailand. The chat discussion will
take place this coming September 12, Friday, 10pm-12mn.

Last month we also conducted a virtual meeting about the corruption
scandal in Taiwan. (http://globalvoicesonline.org/2008/08/24/taiwan-hopes-in-democracy-in-th...

We hope you can join us on Friday. This will be an opportunity to
deepen our knowledge about the crisis in Thailand, and to interact
with other bloggers from the region.

As a brief background, protesters have occupied Thailand's Government
House for two weeks already. They are demanding the resignation of the
Prime Minister.

Please also help us invite other bloggers from your network to join
the discussion.

We look forward to your participation in this activity.

To join the chatroom:

by the way, irc = 1. get chatzilla in your firefox, 2. join the
freenode network 3. join the globalvoices channel.

or http://www.mibbit.com/. then by finding 'freenode.net' in the
pulldown menu and typing '#globalvoices' in the "channel" field.

Thanks a lot. Mabuhay!


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