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Chavez: for an Anti-imperialist Front

For an Anti-imperialist Front: let's realize the proposal of the Venezuelan
Report on the WSF in Caracas and the anti-imperialist gathering
International Bolivarian Camp

Those who searched for clear answers within the usual multitude if the
Social Forums - this time "polycentric" with Caracas as the point of Latin
American reference - had to wait for the closing speech of Hugo Chavez,
president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela:

"Also you will respect our autonomy to express what we think: I think that
we have to push the Forum to form a big global movement as an
anti-imperialist alternative comprising the entire world which got the
capability of connexion, of growth, of struggle. I also believe that we have
already taken some steps in this direction. We run the risk of a
folklorization of the Forum. A Forum which discusses and debates without
conclusions, for example, for me seems at least strange . if it is decided
that it should be this way, ok, but we are not here to loose time. I what to
insist on this, we are not here to loose time. It is all about saving the
life of the planet, saving the life of the human race by changing the course
of history. For this reason we once again raised the banner of socialism."

Chavez did nothing more than express the discomfort of many revolutionary
forces and popular anti-imperialist movements with the politico-cultural
festivals dominated by NGO professionals and individual political tourists
of middle class background. These characteristics impede a serious exchange
about the real challenges of the resistance against the Yankee empire as
well as an effective coordination of action. In Caracas this contradiction
between a mass of "no global" tourists who are characterised more by their
cloths and styles then by political commitment on one hand and a political
reality which calls from countless posters put up by the Bolivarian
government for the construction of people's power and the socialism of the
21st century on the other hand was more accentuated than during previous
events. The anti-globalisation movement did not succeed in changing the
course of history but history surpassed the movement. The anti-globalists
met in Caracas faced with huge political questions without the capacity to
reach a conclusive answer. What to say confronted with the new left-wing
governments in Latin America, what position to take in front of the
difficulties of the American empire in Iraq and the ferocious resistance of
that people, what to do with anti-imperialist Bolivarianism and the proposal
of socialism of the 21st century? The leading groups of the movement are
conscious about the necessity to take a political decision. But they also
know that this implies that nobody can hide any more behind the abstract
slogan of "another world is possible". It will be revealed that they fear
the real resistance of the peoples much more than they feel sympathy with
those who rise against the empire.

International Bolivarian Camp

From 23rd to 30th of January anti-imperialist militants from different
counties gathered in the combative popular quarter of Caracas by the name 23
de Enero (January 23). Some 500 people permanently established themselves on
the campus of the school Gabriela Mistral while the debates and cultural
activities were attended by more than 1300 people. The initiative was
promoted by the Venezuelan organisations Collective Alexis Vive of the
quarter January 23, the National Peasant Front Ezequiel Zamora, the Popular
Coordination of Caracas, the Feminist Collective Pachamama as well as the
movement Peru People and the Anti-imperialist Camp.

Full report:

Further information on the International Bolivarian Camp:

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