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게시물에서 찾기2008/01/21

1개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2008/01/21
    I'm interested in....(7)

I'm interested in....

These days, I've got something new to be interested in.


First, piano....

After watching Japan drama 'Nodame Kantabile',

I hoped to play the piano once again, regretting avoiding piano lessons in my childhood.

So, I bought a digital piano, and two books which have Mozzart and Chopin's musics.


Second, England....

This is all because of DVD "Glastonebury" (music festival)

Now I'm dreaming of studying abroad to London, England.


Hmmm... I have more interesing things.

But I don't rememger them just now.


--- roughly written.... I'll rewrite after a while.


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