최근 글 목록
- 바스크 나들이_마지막
- hongsili
- 2024
- 바스크 나들이_05
- hongsili
- 2024
- 바스크 나들이_04
- hongsili
- 2024
- 바스크 나들이_03
- hongsili
- 2024
- 바스크 나들이_02
- hongsili
- 2024
1. The Impact of Inequality
리차드 윌킨슨의 신간이 출간되었음. 마지막 장이 "경제에서의 민주주의"인데, 과연 무슨 이야기일까?
In wealthy countries, health is not simply a matter of how material circumstances determine your quality of life and access to health care; it is how your social standing makes you feel. The Impact of Inequality explains why low social status—being devalued and looked down on—is so stressful and can have devastating effects on people's lives and communities. Comparing the United States with other market democracies and one state with another, this book shows why more unequal societies have poorer communal environments, and why the whole social spectrum suffers everything from higher levels of violence to more widespread depression.
The Impact of Inequality presents a radical theory of the psychosocial impact of class stratification, with particular emphasis on health and the quality of societal relations. It addresses people's experience of class and inequality and the pervasive sense that modern societies, despite material success, are social failures. At the same time, it shows that even small reductions in inequality matter, compelling us to pursue greater social and political equality to improve life for everyone.
2. Radicals in Power
브라질 노동자당의 최근 20년간 현장 민주주의의 실현에 대한 일종의 보고서... 이론과 주장이 아니라, 실제 그들이 무엇을 어떻게 했는지 기술하고 있단다
Editorial Reviews
최근 댓글 목록