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FallRiver 시 보건부 방문 : 가기전

2000 U.S. Census Figures
Population 91,938  
male: 42,953 46.7%
female: 48,985 53.3%
Median age (in years): 35.7
Total Households: 38,759
Average Household size: 2.32
Average family size: 3.0

In the Battle of Fall River, fought in 1778 during the Revolutionary War in America, the townspeople put up a strong defense against a British force. From 1804 until 1834, Fall River was actually called Troy. The name was officially changed to Fall River in 1834. From the 1870's until the 1920's, Fall River was the largest center in the United States for the manufacture of cotton textiles. Fall River has a Mayor-City Council form of government."1

Healthy City Initiative

Fall River Healthy City Initiative

The Mayor's Office of the City of Fall River, working in cooperation with Partners for a Healthier Community, (
http://www.gfrpartners.com) has launched the development of a Healthy City Initiative. The Healthy Cities approach incorporates a broad definition of health, one that emphasizes prevention of community problems and the development of people. Health encompasses all aspects of people's lives including housing, education, religion, employment, nutrition, leisure and recreation, health and medical care, good transportation, a clean and green environment, friendly people, and safe streets and parks that all help to promote a Healthy City.

Using input gathered from over 1,000 residents during the summer of 2003 and the results of a city-wide voting process in September, the initiative's Design Team is now in the process of developing goals for each of five Action Priority Areas.

Safety & Substance abuse
1) Increased community policing and personal safety
2) A drug-free community, including enforcement of tobacco regulations
3) Reduction of gangs

1) Cleaner streets and parks
2) Increased and improved recreational opportunities for youth and adults
3) Measures to ensure cleaner air and water

Health Education
1) Nutrition and diabetes education
2) Tobacco education
3) Physical fitness education

Adult Education, Job Training & Employment
1) Adult and out-of-school youth education
2) Alternative programs including tutoring, drop-out prevention and after-school programs
3) Youth and senior employment and volunteerism

Community Planning & Housing
1) Affordable housing
2) Waterfront access
3) Improvements in recreation facilities for youth and adults

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