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~Paris Peace Accords
Agreementon Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam, signed in Paris and enteredinto force January 17, 1973.
The Parties participating in the Paris Conference on Viet-Nam,
With a view to ending the war and restoring peace in Viet-Nam on the basisof respect for the Vietnamese people's fundamental national rights and theSouth Vietnamese people's right to self- determination, and to contributingto the consolidation of peace in Asia and the world,
Have agreed on the following provisions and undertake to respect and to implementthem:
Chapter I
TheUnited States and all other countries respect the independence, sovereignty,unity, and territorial integrity of Viet-Nam as recognized by the 1954 GenevaAgreements on Viet- Nam.
A cease-fireshall be observed throughout South Viet-Nam as of 2400 hours G.M.T. [GreenwichMean Time], on January 27, 1973.
At the same hour, the United States will stop all its military activitiesagainst the territory of the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam by ground,air and naval forces, wherever they may be based, and end the mining ofthe territorial waters, ports, harbors, and waterways of the DemocraticRepublic of Viet-Nam. The United States will remove, permanently deactivateor destroy all the mines in the territorial waters, ports, harbors, andwaterways of North Viet-Nam as soon as this Agreement goes into effect.
The complete cessation of hostilities mentioned in this Article shall bedurable and without limit of time.
Article 3
The parties undertake to maintain the cease-fire and to ensure a lastingand stable peace.
As soon as the cease-fire goes into effect:
(a)The United States forces and those of the other foreign countries alliedwith the United States and the Republic of Viet-Nam shall remain in-placepending the implementation of the plan of troop withdrawal. The Four-PartyJoint Military Commission described in Article 16 shall determine themodalities.
(b) The armed forces of the two South Vietnamese parties shall remainin-place. The Two-Party Joint Military Commission described in Article17 shall determine the areas controlled by each party and the modalitiesof stationing.
(c) The regular forces of all services and arms and the irregular forcesof the parties in South Viet-Nam shall stop all offensive activities againsteach other and shall strictly abide by the following stipulations:
- All acts of force on the ground, in the air, and on the sea shall beprohibited;
- All hostile acts, terrorism and reprisals by both sides will be banned.
The United States will not continue its military involvement or intervenein the internal affairs of South Viet-Nam.
Article 5
Within sixty days of the signing of this Agreement, there will be a totalwithdrawal from South Viet-Nam of troops, military advisers, and militarypersonnel, including technical military personnel and military personnelassociated with the pacification program, armaments, munitions, and warmaterial of the United States and those of the other foreign countries mentionedin Article 3 (a). Advisers from the above-mentioned countries to all paramilitaryorganizations and the police force will also be withdrawn within the sameperiod of time.
Article 6
The dismantlement of all military bases in South Viet-Nam of the UnitedStates and of the other foreign countries mentioned in Article 3 (a) shallbe completed within sixty days of the signing of this agreement.
Article 7
From the enforcement of the cease-fire to the formation of the governmentprovided for in Article 9 (b) and 14 of this Agreement, the two South Vietnameseparties shall not accept the introduction of troops, military advisers,and military personnel including technical military personnel, armaments,munitions, and war material into South Viet-Nam.
The two South Vietnamese parties shall be permitted to make periodic replacementof armaments, munitions and war material which have been destroyed, damaged,worn out or used up after the cease-fire, on the basis of piece-for-piece,of the same characteristics and properties, under the supervision of theJoint Military Commission of the two South Vietnamese parties and of theInternational Commission of Control and Supervision.
(a) The return of captured military personnel and foreign civilians of theparties shall be carried out simultaneously with and completed not laterthan the same day as the troop withdrawal mentioned in Article 5. The partiesshall exchange complete lists of the above-mentioned captured military personneland foreign civilians on the day of the signing of this Agreement.
(b) The parties shall help each other to get information about those militarypersonnel and foreign civilians of the parties missing in action, to determinethe location and take care of the graves of the dead so as to facilitatethe exhumation and repatriation of the remains, and to take any such othermeasures as may be required to get information about those still consideredmissing in action.
(c) The question of the return of Vietnamese civilian personnel capturedand detained in South Viet-Nam will be resolved by the two South Vietnameseparties on the basis of the principles of Article 21 (b) of the Agreementon the Cessation of Hostilities in Viet-Nam of July 20, 1954. The two SouthVietnamese parties will do so in a spirit of national reconciliation andconcord, with a view to ending hatred and enmity, in order to ease sufferingand to reunite families. The two South Vietnamese parties will do theirutmost to resolve this question within ninety days after the cease-firecomes into effect.
The Government of the United States of America and the Government of theDemocratic Republic of Viet-Nam undertake to respect the following principlesfor the exercise of the South Vietnamese people's right to self-determination:
(a) The South Vietnamese people's right to self-determination is sacred,inalienable, and shall be respected by all countries.
(b) The South Vietnamese people shall decide themselves the political futureof South Viet-Nam through genuinely free and democratic general electionsunder international supervision.
(c) Foreign countries shall not impose any political tendency or personalityon the South Vietnamese people.
The two South Vietnamese parties undertake to respect the cease- fire andmaintain peace in South Viet-Nam, settle all matters of contention throughnegotiations, and avoid all armed conflict.
Article 11
Immediately after the cease-fire, the two South Vietnamese parties will:
- achieve national reconciliation and concord, end hatred and enmity, prohibitall acts of reprisal and discrimination against individuals or organizationsthat have collaborated with one side or the other;
- ensure the democratic liberties of the people: personal freedom, freedomof speech, freedom of the press, freedom of meeting, freedom of organization,freedom of political activities, freedom of belief, freedom of movement,freedom of residence, freedom of work, right to property ownership, andright to free enterprise.
Article l2
(a) Immediately after the cease-fire, the two South Vietnamese parties shallhold consultations in a spirit of national reconciliation and concord, mutualrespect, and mutual non- elimination to set up a National Council of NationalReconciliation and Concord of three equal segments. The Council shall operateon the principle of unanimity, After the National Council of National Reconciliationand Concord has assumed its functions, the two South Vietnamese partieswill consult about the formation of councils at lower levels. The two SouthVietnamese parties shall sign an agreement on the internal matters of SouthViet-Nam as soon as possible and do their utmost to accomplish this withinninety days after the cease- fire comes into effect, in keeping with theSouth Vietnamese people's aspirations for peace, independence and democracy.
(b) The National Council of National Reconciliation and Concord shall havethe task of promoting the two South Vietnamese parties' implementation ofthis Agreement, achievement of national reconciliation and concord and ensuranceof democratic liberties. The National Council of National Reconciliationand Concord will organize the free and democratic general elections providedfor in Article 9 (b) and decide the procedures and modalities of these generalelections. The institutions for which the general elections are to be heldwill be agreed upon through consultations between the two South Vietnameseparties. The National Council of National Reconciliation and Concord willalso decide the procedures and modalities of such local elections as thetwo South Vietnamese parties agree upon.
Article 13
The question of Vietnamese armed forces in South Viet-Nam shall be settledby the two South Vietnamese parties in a spirit of national reconciliationand concord, equality and mutual respect, without foreign interference,in accordance with the postwar situation. Among the questions to be discussedby the two South Vietnamese parties are steps to reduce their military effectivesand to demobilize the troops being reduced. The two South Vietnamese partieswill accomplish this as soon as possible.
Article 14
South Viet-Nam will pursue a foreign policy of peace and independence. Itwill be prepared to establish relations with all countries irrespectiveof their political and social systems on the basis of mutual respect forindependence and sovereignty and accept economic and technical aid fromany country with no political conditions attached. The acceptance of militaryaid by South Viet-Nam in the future shall come under the authority of thegovernment set up after the general elections in South Viet- Nam providedfor in Article 9 (b).
The reunification of Viet-Nam shall be carried out step by step throughpeaceful means on the basis of discussions and agreements between Northand South Viet-Nam, without coercion or annexation by either party, andwithout foreign interference. The time for reunification will be agreedupon by North and South Viet-Nam-
Pending reunification:
(a)The military demarcation line between the two zones at the 17th parallelis only provisional and not a political or territorial boundary, as providedfor in paragraph 6 of the Final Declaration of the 1954 Geneva Conference.
(b) North and South Viet-Nam shall respect the Demilitarized Zone on eitherside of the Provisional Military Demarcation Line.
(c) North and South Viet-Nam shall promptly start negotiations with aview to reestablishing-normal relations in various fields. Among the questionsto be negotiated are the modalities of civilian movement across the ProvisionalMilitary Demarcation Line,
(d) North and South Viet-Nam shall not join any military alliance or militarybloc and shall not allow foreign powers to maintain military bases, troops;military advisers, and military personnel on their respective territories,as stipulated in the 1954 Geneva Agreements on Viet-Nam.
(a) The Parties participating in the Paris Conference on Viet- Nam shallimmediately designate representatives to form a Four- Party Joint MilitaryCommission with the task of ensuring joint action by the parties in implementingthe following provisions of this Agreement:
- The first paragraph of Article 2, regarding the enforcement of the cease-firethroughout South Viet-Nam;
- Article 3 (a), regarding the cease-fire by U.S. forces and those of theother foreign countries referred to in that Article;
- Article 3 (c), regarding the cease-fire between all parties in South Viet-Nam;
- Article 5, regarding the withdrawal from South Viet-Nam of U.S. troopsand those of the other foreign countries mentioned in Article 3 (a);
- Article 6, regarding the dismantlement of military bases in South Viet-Namof the United States and those of the other foreign countries mentionedin Article 3 (a);
- Article 8 (a), regarding the return of captured military personnel andforeign civilians of the parties;
- Article 8 (b), regarding the mutual assistance of the parties in gettinginformation about those military personnel and foreign civilians of theparties missing in action.
(b)The Four-Party Joint Military Commission shall operate in accordance withthe principle of consultations and unanimity. Disagreements shall be referredto the International Commission of Control and Supervision.
(c) The Four-Party Joint Military Commission shall begin operating immediatelyafter the signing of this Agreement and end its activities in sixty days,after the completion of the withdrawal of U.S. troops and those of theother foreign countries mentioned in Article 3 (a) and the completionof the return of captured military personnel and foreign civilians ofthe parties.
(d) The four parties shall agree immediately on the organization, theworking procedure, means of activity, and expenditures of the Four-PartyJoint Military Commission.
Article1 7
(a)The two South Vietnamese parties shall immediately designate representativesto form a Two-Party Joint Military Commission with the task of ensuringjoint action by the two South Vietnamese parties in implementing the followingprovisions of this Agreement:
- The first paragraph of Article 2, regarding the enforcement of the cease-firethroughout South Viet-Nam, when the Four-Party Joint Military Commissionhas ended its activities;
- Article 3 (b), regarding the cease-fire between the two South Vietnameseparties;
- Article 3 (c), regarding the cease-fire between all parties in South Viet-Nam,when the Four-Party Joint Military Commission has ended its activities;
- Article 7, regarding the prohibition of the introduction of troops intoSouth Viet-Nam and all other provisions of this Article;
- Article 8 (c), regarding the question of the return of Vietnamese civilianpersonnel captured and detained in South Viet-Nam;
- Article 1 3, regarding the reduction of the military effectives of thetwo South Vietnamese parties and the demobilization of the troops beingreduced.
(b)Disagreements shall be referred to the International Commission of Controland Supervision.
(c) After the signing of this Agreement, the Two-Party Joint Military Commissionshall agree immediately on the measures and organization aimed at enforcingthe cease-fire and preserving peace in South Viet-Nam,
(a) After the signing of this Agreement, an International Commission ofControl and Supervision shall be established immediately.
(b) Until the International Conference provided for in Article 19 makesdefinitive arrangements, the International Commission of Control and Supervisionwill report to the four parties on matters concerning the control and supervisionof the implementation of the following provisions of this Agreement:
- The first paragraph of Article 2, regarding the enforcement of the cease-firethroughout South Viet-Nam;
- Article 3 (a), regarding the cease-fire by U.S. forces and those of theother foreign countries referred to in that Article;
- Article 3 (c), regarding the cease-fire between all the parties in SouthViet-Nam;
- Article 5, regarding the withdrawal from South Viet-Nam of U.S. troopsand those of the other foreign countries mentioned in Article 3 (a);
- Article 6, regarding the dismantlement of military bases in South Viet-Namof the United States and those of the other foreign countries mentionedin Article 3 (a);
- Article 8 (a), regarding the return of captured military personnel andforeign civilians of the parties.
The International Commission of Control and Supervision shall form controlteams for carrying out its tasks. The four parties shall agree immediatelyon the location and operation of these teams. The parties will facilitatetheir operation.
(c) Until the International Conference makes definitive arrangements, theInternational Commission of Control and Supervision will report to the twoSouth Vietnamese parties on matters concerning the control and supervisionof the implementation of the following provisions of this Agreement:
- The first paragraph of Article 2, regarding the enforcement of the cease-firethroughout South Viet-Nam, when the Four-Party Joint Military Commissionhas ended its activities;
- Article 3 (b), regarding the cease-fire between the two South Vietnameseparties;
- Article 3 (c), regarding the cease-fire between all parties in South Viet-Nam,when the Four-Party Joint Military Commission has ended its activities;
- Article 7, regarding the prohibition of the introduction of troops intoSouth Viet-Nam and all other provisions of this Article;
- Article 8 (c), regarding the question of the return of Vietnamese civilianpersonnel captured and detained in South Viet-Nam;
- Article 9 (b), regarding the free and democratic general elections inSouth Viet-Nam;
- Article 13, regarding the reduction of the military effectives of thetwo South Vietnamese parties and the demobilization of the troops beingreduced.
The International Commission of Control and Supervision shall form controlteams for carrying out its tasks. The two South Vietnamese parties shallagree immediately on the location and operation of these teams. The twoSouth Vietnamese parties will facilitate their operation.
(d) The International Commission of Control and Supervision shall be composedof representatives of four countries: Canada, Hungary, Indonesia and Poland.The chairmanship of this Commission will rotate among the members for specificperiods to be determined by the Commission.
(e) The International Commission of Control and Supervision shall carryout its tasks in accordance with the principle of respect for the sovereigntyof South Viet-Nam.
(f) The International Commission of Control and Supervision shall operatein accordance with the principle of consultations and unanimity.
(g) The International Commission of Control and Supervision shall beginoperating when a cease-fire comes into force in Viet-Nam. As regards theprovisions in Article 18 (b) concerning the four parties, the InternationalCommission of Control and Supervision shall end its activities when theCommission's tasks of control and supervision regarding these provisionshave been fulfilled. As regards the provisions in Article 18 (c) concerningthe two South Vietnamese parties, the International Commission of Controland Supervision shall end its activities on the request of the governmentformed after the general elections in South Viet-Nam provided for in Article9 (b).
(h) The four parties shall agree immediately on the organization, meansof activity, and expenditures of the International Commission of Controland Supervision. The relationship between the International Commission andthe International Conference will be agreed upon by the International Commissionand the International Conference.
The parties agree on the convening of an International Conference withinthirty days of the signing of this Agreement to acknowledge the signed agreements;to guarantee the ending of the war, the maintenance of peace in Viet-Nam,the respect of the Vietnamese people's fundamental national rights, andthe South Vietnamese people's right to self-determination; and to contributeto and guarantee peace in Indochina.
The United States and the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam, on behalf ofthe parties participating in the Paris Conference on Viet-Nam will proposeto the following parties that they participate in this International Conference:the People's Republic of China, the Republic of France, the Union of SovietSocialist Republics, the United Kingdom, the four countries of the InternationalCommission of Control and Supervision, and the Secretary General of theUnited Nations, together with the parties participating in the Paris Conferenceon Viet-Nam.
(a) The parties participating in the Paris Conference on Viet- Nam shallstrictly respect the 1954 Geneva Agreements on Cambodia's and the 1954 GenevaAgreements on Laos, which recognized the Cambodian and the Lao peoples'fundamental national rights, i.e., the independence, sovereignty, unity,and territorial integrity of these countries. The parties shall respectthe neutrality of Cambodia and Laos.
The parties participating in the Paris Conference on Viet-Nam undertaketo refrain from using the territory of Cambodia and the territory of Laosto encroach on the sovereignty and security of one another and of othercountries.
(b) Foreign countries shall put an end to all military activities in Cambodiaand Laos, totally withdraw from and refrain from reintroducing into thesetwo countries troops, military advisers and military personnel, armaments,munitions and war material.
(c) The internal affairs of Cambodia and Laos shall be settled by the peopleof each of these countries without foreign interference.
(d) The problems existing between the Indochinese countries shall be settledby the Indochinese parties on the basis of respect for each other's independence,sovereignty, and territorial integrity, and non-interference in each other'sinternal affairs.
The United States anticipates that this Agreement will usher in an era ofreconciliation with the Democratic Republic of Viet- Nam as with all thepeoples of Indochina. In pursuance of its traditional policy, the UnitedStates will contribute to healing the wounds of war and to postwar reconstructionof the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam and throughout Indochina.
Article 22
The ending of the war, the restoration of peace in Viet-Nam, and the strictimplementation of this Agreement will create conditions for establishinga new, equal and mutually beneficial relationship between the United Statesand the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam on the basis of respect for eachother's independence and sovereignty, and non-interference in each other'sinternal affairs. At the same time this will ensure stable peace in Viet-Namand contribute to the preservation of lasting peace in Indochina and SoutheastAsia.
This Agreement shall enter into force upon signature by plenipotentiaryrepresentatives of the parties participating in the Paris Conference onViet-Nam. All the parties concerned shall strictly implement this Agreementand its Protocols. Done in Paris this twenty-seventh day of January, onethousand nine hundred and seventy-three, in English and Vietnamese. TheEnglish and Vietnamese texts are official and equally authentic.
(Signed): (Signed):
WilliamP. Rogers TranVan Lam
Secretaryof State Ministerfor Foreign Affairs
(Signed): (Signed):
NguyenDuy Trinh NguyenThi Binh
Ministerfor Foreign Affairs Ministerfor Foreign Affairs
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