• 등록일
    2010/02/27 01:40
  • 수정일
    2010/02/27 01:40
  • 분류
    웹web 왑wab

님의 [지각생, 뎡야핑, 우분투 화이팅!] 에 관련된 글.

what the.. i can't write in korean thou i can read it!!!!!! what the!!!!

it was great to study with you. if we had enough time, it would be wonderful for us.
my god.. my OS is "xutuntu" this is kind of fabuous with its amazing speed, but it can't write KOREAN ONLY why?! -_-;;;;; it can write even in armenian, vietnamese, ukurainian, etc. but not in KOREAN!!!!!! I LOVE KOREAN PLZ BRING ME BACK MY KOREAN kkkkkkkkk

but linux is amazing. i like this :) we can learn harder and harder. let's be nice lunxers< kkkkkkkkkkk



* this was just written for comment, but i couldn't regist this shit. FUCK!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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