사이드바 영역으로 건너뛰기

I am India

어머나...인도에서 쓴 글이 안올라있길래 왜 그런가 싶었더니

그냥 고여있었네요.

영타밖에 못 쓰는 인도에서 이런 글을 썼었어요.

완전.... 콩글리쉬..ㅋㅋ


8.2~8.11 Summerschool will be held in India.

I have to join, otherwise I can't graduate my school.

India is strange place.

Many people has said that India is so hot.

But I can't sleep last night because of cold.

I can't connect internet, so I can't download important data.

Now I am internet cafe.

I find new trouble.

This computer can't download ondisk's file.

I must speech my topic in English with powerpoint.

But my data is Korea, Ganghwa.

My usb is my hometown.

I am real fool.


I'm so sad.


India is very strange.

I want to think that this experience is good for me.

But I miss Korea.

After 12 days, I'll go back to Korea

Till then , happy ending to everyone.

See you then~ ^^


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