최근 글 목록
- 다락방(3)
- ninita
- 2008
- 2008/08/06(1)
- ninita
- 2008
- 혁명적 항거의 권리(2)
- ninita
- 2008
- 2008/07/19(4)
- ninita
- 2008
- 2008/07/06(3)
- ninita
- 2008
4개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.
alfonso asked to me, ¨where is korea? in europe¨
i thought, he was kidding. and i aswered with smile.
¨no, it´s in asia¨
alfonso, at this time, asked to sylvia.
¨sylvia, how many continents are in this world?¨
while sylvia´s been answering to him, i just thought.
i have to be modest, more and more.
old road of inka,
where alfonso was born, and is living.
señor alfonso, sylvia, tiona
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really like this!!!!부가 정보
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gracias!! ^^부가 정보