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게시물에서 찾기2008/03

16개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2008/03/11
    ytn 돌발영상 '마이너리티 리포트' 청와대 삭제
  2. 2008/03/11
  3. 2008/03/07
    나도 자전거 라이더(1)
  4. 2008/03/04
    2/9 The Migrant Workers' Struggle in South Korea and International Solidarity
  5. 2008/03/04
  6. 2008/03/03
    the left 1848-2000 미완의 기획, 유럽 좌파의 역사(2)

ytn 돌발영상 '마이너리티 리포트' 청와대 삭제

완전 쩐다 쩔어.. 와, 이 시대에 언론 탄압이라니...! 국내 언론 모두 올릴 수 없게 만들었단다. 참 나. 그러나, 유튜브가 있는데 어딜!

"발생하지 않게 하려는 어떤 일이 발생할 일에 영향을 주진 못해요."

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


governance란 '알아서 기게 하는 지배'라고 어제 the left 강연에서

강유원 선생이 말씀하셨다. 완전 와닿는다. 사전에도 이런 식으로 기재하면 이해력

급상승 할텐데. ㅋ

예문 :

지금 우리는 신자유주의의 governance 하에 살고있다.

한국 사회는 완전 삼성의 governance 하에 있다.

삼성에서 돈 받아먹고 프로젝트 꾸리면 시민 단체들은 삼성 비판 못하는거다..

보이지 않는 무서운 힘에 의해 지배받는 그들.


서장, 1,2장까지 했는데 민주주의와 좌파 이런건 별로 생각도 안나고

점방이 무엇인지..ㅋ 노무현 전대통령이 담배 피던 동네 점방 얘기

이런 거나 생각 나고 ㅋ 노전대통령이 진짜 시민으로 돌아가 발꼬락 양말

신고 점방에서 담배를 피우는 모습이 한국 민주주의의 표상이라는

것이다, 뭐 이런 얘기만 생각난다. 쩔어..ㅋ

점방은 주인이 같이 소주 마셔주는 곳.이란다. ㅋ

나도 시골 살아서 점방 너무 잘 안다.


에고에고.. mp3 파일 올라오면 다시 듣고 공부해야지...

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

나도 자전거 라이더

드디어 샀다!

생각하고 있던 거지만, 일요일에 있을 자전거 번개에 동하여

내 머리 속에 98%가 자전거로 채워진 이틀이었다.

친구한테도 자전거, 동료한테도 자전거, 애인한테도 자전거 자전거 자전거...

미친애같다는 말을 듣고 친구에게 말했더니 '어, 너 그래보여.' 이런다.


인터넷으로 화곡동과 목동 인근을 찾고, 주인아저씨가 좋아야 한다는

어떤 님의 조언을 생각해서 그나마 주인 좋다고 딱 한번 나온

목동아파트 근처의 자전거 가게를 찾아갔다.

생각한 것보다 초큼 가격이 비싸긴 했지만 앞으로 외출할 때마다

타고 다닐거고 여행도 해야하니 가볍기도 하면서 성능도 좋고, 기어도 24단까지(21단도

충분할 것 같았지만 주인아저씨 말에 혹했음.)있는 걸로 샀다. 사실, 좋은 거 보면

그보다 질 나쁜 건 눈에 들어오지도 않는다. ㅡㅡ;

뒤쪽 의자(겸 짐 받침)는 아저씨가 무상으로 달아주셨고

헬멧과 열쇠고리(?)를 샀다. 가게 앞에서 한번 슝~ 타봤는데 어찌나 기분 좋던지..

그러나, 거기서부터가 문제였다. 아저씨한테 화곡동 가는 길을 대충 듣긴했는데

당췌 모르겠는 거다. 일단 목동아파트쪽으로 가다보니 예전에 와본 적 있는 것

같은 아파트 입구가 나왔다. 생각해보니 회사에 싸가지 없기로 소문 난

문모 대리의 집이 고기였던 것이다. 아~ 대단해 나의 기억력! 딱 한번 갔을 뿐인데.

나 회사 그만둔다고 그 전에 밥이나 한끼 하자고 한 것이 있어 이참에 차나

마시자고 불러냈다. 차값도 이 사람이 내고 ㅋㅋ

회사에선 재수 없지만 밖에선 또 은근 친절한 문모 대리가 목동 오거리까지 데려다줘서

거기서부터는 쉽게 길을 찾을 수 있었으나!

가다가 길 잘못 들어서 홍익병원 근처에서 갔던 길 다시 되돌아와야 했다. ㅠ.ㅠ

굴다리쪽에서 길을 못건너게 된 것이다. 흑

다시 돌아서 길 건너 까치산 쪽으로 갔고, 까치산터널을 건너 집으로 무사히 도착했다.

아....서울서 자전거 타기 정말 힘들더라.

목동은 정말 좋은 동네다. 일단 자전거도로가 거의 깔려있다. 그래서 확실히 자전거

이용자도 많다. 다만, 나같은 도시 초보 라이더에게 인도를 점한 노점상이 있을 경우 사람들이 다들 자전거 도로로 다녀서 좀 힘든 점이 있긴 했지만.

어쨌거나, 양천구에서 강서구로 넘어오는 순간 이것은 악몽의 시작인 거다.

인도 자체도 울퉁불퉁하지만 어쩌다보면 인도가 아예 끊겨있기도 하다.

그리고, 까치산역 근처는 인도도 좁은데다 사람까지 붐벼 결국 자전거 타기를 포기하고

끌고가야 했다.

그리고 또 난감했던 건 어느 취객인데. 까치산터널에서 내 앞을 걸어가고 있길래

따르릉~ 이러면서 좀 비켜달라고 했더니 손짓을 하면서 '그냥 가쇼' 이러는거다.

아 근데 자리가 있어야 지나가지~! 비틀비틀거리면서 그러고있다.

결국 또 내려서 옆으로 지나가는 수밖에.

안타던 자전거 꽤나 오랫동안 탔더니 온몸이 쑤셔오는구나..

오늘은 겁이 나서 아주 소심하게 타다가 누구랑 부딪힐 것 같으면 막 내리고

그랬지만 앞으론 좀 과감해지리.

서울시는 예산 다 어디다 쓰나, 아니 강서구에 말해야 하나?

자전거 도로좀 제대로 만들어달라고요~~! 

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

2/9 The Migrant Workers' Struggle in South Korea and International Solidarity

2/9: The Migrant Workers’ Struggle in South Korea and International Solidarity
Released 10 February 2008  By Wol-san Liem - International Solidarity Coordinator, Seoul-Gyeonggi-Incheon Migrants’ Trade Union

The Migrant Workers’ Struggle in South Korea and International Solidarity

Wol-san Liem
International Solidarity Coordinator, Seoul-Gyeonggi-Incheon Migrants’ Trade Union

February 9, 2008

1. Introduction
As the issue of immigration has come to center stage in policy debate in the United States over the last several years, grassroots organizations, NGOs and labor unions have put forth strong calls for increased rights form immigrants, pathways to citizenship and an end to raids and deportations. While organizing, public education and lobbying efforts have been lively, however, as with many movements in the U.S., discussion of the issue’s international dimension has been relatively lacking. In fact, the issues of immigration policy reform and undocumented immigrants/migrants are central to countries across Europe and Asia. At the same time struggles against raids and deportations and for immigrant/migrant workers’ labor and human rights are growing in many of these countries. Of these, the struggle in South Korea is significant for the central role played by undocumented migrant workers organizing as part of the labor movement.

The purpose of this article is to introduce the U.S. immigrant rights movement to the migrant workers movement in South Korea. It focuses on the development and current work of the Seoul-Gyeonggi-Incheon Migrants’ Trade Union, a union build by and for migrant workers regardless of visa status, whose entire leadership is made up of undocumented migrant workers. It also covers the heavy government repression against MTU and ends with a call for solidarity actions in timing with the commemoration of a tragic detention center fire in February of last year and, more widely, greater international solidarity in the immigrant/migrant workers movement worldwide.

II. Background
There are currently roughly 400,000 migrant workers living in South Korea who work in a number of industries, in particular manufacturing and construction, and in services such as restaurants and entertainment. While their numbers may seem small compare to those in the United States, it must be remembered that the history of the current labor migration to South Korea is only twenty-years old, and the country has traditionally implemented strict policies concerning inward migration and long term settlement. In addition, the numbers are steadily rising and migrant workers have become centrally important to the South Korean economy, particularly in specific industries. Migrant workers come from nearly 100 countries including China (Chinese and Chinese of Korean origin), Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Bangladesh, Nepal, and West African countries. While conditions, of course, vary depending on industry, country of origin, gender and visa status, migrant works in general face low wages, poor working conditions, ill-treatment at the hands of employers and racism and discrimination from society at large.

Migrant workers first began coming to South Korea in the 1980s, when small and middle-sized manufacturing, construction and other companies began to experience severe labor shortages. Migrant workers, most of whom entered South Korea on tourist or other short-term visas, began to fill this need for additional manpower. Because of the economic necessity, the South Korean government condoned and even encouraged the influx of migrant workers through relaxation of immigration procedures after the 1988 Olympics even before drawing up a formal policy to regulate migrant labor. Eventually, the government developed and implemented the Industrial Trainee System, which brought migrants to South Korea as ‘trainees’ as a way to skirt labor laws concerning wages and work conditions, in order to provide cheap and regulated migrant labor to companies experiencing shortages. This system was severely critiqued by civil society for causing vast abuses of human and labor rights and leading to an increase of undocumented migrants. Negative public opinion forced a change in the system. As such, the government implemented the Employment Permit System (EPS) in 2003, claiming it would protect migrant workers’ rights. This is, however, far from the truth.

III. Employer Permit System
The EPS is currently the main system governing migrant labor in South Korea. While unlike the Trainee System, it does legally acknowledges migrant workers as 'workers', it is in fact designed to preserve the benefits business owners received from the previous system by creating a labor force that is cheap and exploitable.

Under the EPS, migrant workers are prohibited from changing their workplaces at will. If a migrant worker wants to change to another job, he/she must obtain consent from his/her employer and apply to the Ministry of Labor. This process is very difficult for many workers, especially because employers are sometimes unwilling to release their employees. What is more, migrant workers are only allowed to change workplaces three times, except in exceptional circumstances. As such, many migrant workers are stuck at companies where they face unsafe working conditions, low or unpaid wages and inhumane treatment. Female migrant workers are often effectively trapped with employers who sexually harass or abuse them. In addition, because migrant workers are required to renew their contracts each year of the three-year period of the three-year residence period allowed them, they become completely subordinated to the will of their employers, making the exercise of labor rights completely impossible. Finally the sort term 3-year residence period is often not long enough to make enough money to pay off debts incurred during migration and save money to support families back home. The EPS system has, as such, also received strong criticism from human rights, social movement and labor organizations in South Korea and the attention of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants.

IV. Undocumented Migrant Workers and the Current Crackdown
There are over 200,000 undocumented migrant workers in South Korea, more than half of the total population of migrant workers. Many migrant workers have become undocumented by overstaying their visas. This is often inevitable because low-wages make it impossible for migrant workers to save enough money to pay off debts or support their families. Migrant workers may also become undocumented because they are forced to flee difficult conditions at their legally registered workplaces. It is clear that in addition to being an effect of war and neoliberal globalization, which have created situations of unemployment and poverty in migrant-sending countries and vast inequality between nations, the high percent of undocumented migrant workers in South Korea is a direct result of the government misguided policy governing the migrant labor force.

While acknowledging undocumented migrants as a serious social problem, the government has made no effort to find a root-level solution. Instead it has, since 2003, carried out a brutal policy of crackdown and deportation against undocumented migrant workers. This, however, has done nothing to reduce their numbers, which continued to increase after the EPS was implemented. Most recently, a mass joint crackdown (carried out by the Ministry of Labor, the Immigration Authorities and the police) was carried out from August to December in 2007 during which thousands were arrested. What is more, the crackdown, which, like raids in the U.S., is carried out using brutal and results in the imprisonment of migrants in detention center that are no better than prisons, has been the result of 100s of deaths and injuries. The most tragic of this was a fire that broke out at Yeosu Foreigners’ Detention Center on February 11, 2007 killing 10 migrant workers and wounding dozens of others. This event received international attention and also became a catalyst for more unified work between migrant organizations.

The truth is the South Korean economy, like the U.S. economy, needs the labor of undocumented migrant workers, and the government is well aware of this. The recent intense crackdown should, then, not be seen as an effort to solve the undocumented migrant problem in entirety, but instead to reduce the number of undocumented migrants (at 230,000 before August 2007), to the level of estimated need. The crackdown is also clearly a fear tactic used to keep documented migrant workers from leaving their assigned workplaces.

4. Migrant Worker Organizing and the Migrants’ Trade Union
Migrant workers have not been passive in the face of the oppression they face in South Korea, and it is in their resistance that MTU’s history is found. Since soon after they began arriving, migrant workers have come together in communities and formed community organizations in order to aid each other in confronting the difficulties they face. After several years of organizing in this fashion and working in alliance with Korean organizations, migrant workers came together with Korean activists to discuss the formation of a union, the result of which was the founding of the Migrants’ Branch of the Equality Trade Union (ETUMB) in 2002. The activities of ETUMB culminated in a sit-in protest at the Myeongdong Cathedral, a historic site of the South Korean democracy and labor movement, calling for an end to the crackdown and deportations and critiquing the EPS. The sit-in began in November of 2003 and continued for 380 days. In the course of this struggle, migrant worker activist came to believe in the importance of forming an independent union by and for migrant workers themselves. As such, these activists came together with migrant community organizations to form the Seoul-Gyeonggi-Incheon Migrants’ Trade Union on 24 April 2005. MTU is the first independent labor union in which all officers, beginning with the president, are migrant workers.

5. Labor Repression
Since its establishment MTU has faced continuous repression from the South Korea government. MTU’s notification of union establishment was rejected by the Ministry of Labor on the basis that its leadership was made up of undocumented migrant workers without the same legally protected labor rights as Korean workers. The Ministry of Labor’s rejection initially upheld in a district court, but then overturned by the Seoul Supreme Court on 1 February 2007, which ruled that the right of migrant workers to freedom of association is protected under the South Korean Constitution, regardless of their visa status. Refusing to give up, the Ministry of Justice has appealed this decision to the Supreme Court, where a final ruling is still pending.
In addition to this legal process, the South Korean government has also carried out a targeted crackdown against MTU’s leadership in an attempt to stop the union’s activities. MTU’s first president was arrested in a targeted crackdown, soon after the union’s founding and held in a detention center for nearly a year before he was finally released for medical reasons. During the joint crackdown at the end of last year, dozens of MTU leaders were also arrested and deported.

The government’s attack culminated with the arrest of MTU’s President, Vice President and General Secretary on 27 November 2007 all at roughly the same time in the morning at three different places in Seoul. In each case, several immigration officers lay in waiting in front of the man’s house or workplace in what was clearly a pre-planned effort. The three men were detained in Cheongju Detention Center, two and a half hours outside of Seoul. Despite massive protest from MTU, supporters and the international labor and human rights communities, the men were taken secretly from their cells in the middle of the night, taken out a hole in the fence at the back of the detention center to avoid supporters who were guarding the front gate and then deported early in the morning of December 13th.

6. Fighting Back
After the arrest of the three leaders MTU and supporters from the labor movement and civil society began an ardent campaign to win their release, end the repression against migrant organizing and stop the crackdown and deportation of undocumented migrant workers. This campaign has continued despite the three men’s deportation on December 13. It is February now, two months after the MTU leadership was first arrested and nearing the one year anniversary of the tragic fire at Yeosu Detention Center. As we go into a period of memorial for those who passed away, MTU also seeks to raise awareness of the repression against migrant workers and migrant workers’ organizing in South Korea. We are preparing a series of press conference, panels and rallies beginning on February 11 culminating in a nation-wide protest on February 24th. We are asking organizations in working for immigrants/migrants’ rights in other countries to give this period international significance by organizing solidarity actions in front of South Korean embassies and other significant sites.

7. Conclusion
While it is clear that the situation of migrant workers in South Korea is particular to the country’s history, legal system and society, it should also be clear that there are many parallels between the struggles of migrants here and those of migrant/immigrants in the United States and indeed all around the world. The phenomenon of migration cannot be separated from the process of globalization in which we are all engulfed. Like in most other countries, the response to this reality in South Korea is one of policing borders, illegalizing people and exploiting them as a cheap labor force. The tragic fire in Yeosu and the repression against migrant workers’ organizing, then, should not be seen as merely South Korean problems. Rather, they are representative of the human rights and labor rights abuses against migrant workers everywhere. The struggle to win protection of these rights is a global struggle, to which international solidarity- collective sharing of information, strategizing and action- must become a greater part.


from http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


어쩌면 기록하지 않는 편이 나을지도 모른다.

고민, 불안함, 그 모두가 사실 온전히 내 것이고 그 누구와도 나눌 수

없는 것이기에..

오래된 일기를 다시 읽어보면 그때 마음 아팠던 것들이 다시 새록새록

기억나서 외면하고 싶어지므로...

얼마전 내가 찍어준 사진을 사진 주인공에게 보여주었더니

자기 얼굴을 보며 '우울해보인다.'라고 하던 그 사람의 말이 잊혀지질 않는다.


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

the left 1848-2000 미완의 기획, 유럽 좌파의 역사



원제 : Forging Democracy

저자 Geof Eley, 역자 유강은

장장 천페이지에 달하는 책이다. 어제 교보 가서 직접 봤더니 너무 두꺼워서

베개로도 못쓰겠더군. ㅎ

운 좋게 영어 원문파일을 구했다. 조금 읽었는데 사실 죽을 때까지 읽을 수 있을지

의문스럽지만 느릿느릿 읽고있다. 그리고 오늘 최근 출판된 번역본을 주문했다.

이번 주말까지 서장, 1,2,3장을 읽고 다음주 월요일에 있을 강유원씨

강의를 들으러 갈 생각이다.

유럽 좌파의 역사라니, 생각만 해도 벅차오르는구나..



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크