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  1. 2008/11/06
    남의 나라 대선(8)
  2. 2008/11/04
  3. 2008/10/31
    끝나지 않은 가을(1)
  4. 2008/10/09
    생활 예술?(8)
  5. 2008/10/01
  6. 2008/09/26
    그 분이 부르신다....(2)
  7. 2008/09/11
    스코틀랜드 방문기(3)
  8. 2008/09/09
    학회 참가 후기(3)
  9. 2008/09/08
    진보신당 보건의료 당원(우) 모임 후기(3)
  10. 2008/09/03
    책 몇 권

영화 세 편

이번 설 연휴에 일거리를 잔뜩 싸들고 올라왔다. 논문과 칼럼을 비롯한 각종 원고들!!! 노트북에 책이랑 자료를 바리바리 싸들고 서울역에 도착해보니, 옷보따리만 안들었지, 영락없는 상경처녀... ㅡ.ㅡ 그러면서도, 밀린 영화를 꼭 보고야말겠다는 야심찬 결의를 했더랬다. 그리하여, 어제 그제 낮에 계속 영화를 보러나갔다. #1. [워낭소리] 이충렬 감독 2008년 작

그저께, 모처럼 4인방이 모여 감상. 언론과 각종 개인 블로그들에서의 평은 더할나위없는 상찬이었음에도 불구하고, 이 찜찜한은 도대체 무엇? 한마디로, 영화가 지나치게 매끈하다는 것이 문제였다. 시골에서 어린 시절을 보내고 이제는 도시 생활의 피로를 절감하면서 부쩍 증폭된 향수를 가진 이들, 딱 그들이 원하는 걸 보여주는 영화가 아닌가 싶었다... 심지어 공사판 장양은 저 9남매를 위한 영화라고까지 '막말'을 했다. ㅡ.ㅡ 농약치고 트랙터로 모심는 옆논의 모습과 철저하게 대비되는 할아버지네 농사모습, 할배할매는 물론, 마을주민과 자식들가지 모두 만날 때마다 소이야기만 하는 모습, 우시장의 부감슛까지... 원래 나는 이 영화가 그냥 '다큐'인 줄 알았었다. 물론 다큐라고 연출이 없지야 않겠으나, 이런 인간극장 식의 감정고양 매끈 연출이 어찌나 부담스럽던지... 더구나 엔딩 크레딧은 이땅의 모든 아버지들과 소에게 이 영화를 바친다고 하니, 도대체 그 뒷바라지 한 이 땅의 모든 어머니와 할머니들은 죄다 어디로 가신게냐??? 물론, 이 모든걸 덮어줄만한 진실의 힘이 없었던 것은 아니다. 경화된 관절로 한발한발 걸음을 옮기는 소의 애달픈 모습, 불편한 다리를 이끌고 '기어다니면서도' 소를 챙겨주는 할아버지의 모습, 이 둘을 향한 궁시렁쟁이 할머니의 애틋함 - 그래도 삶은 지속되며 모든 살아있는 것들 사이의 진심은 통하게 마련이라는 그 서럽고도 애잔한 진실을 내 어찌 폄훼할 수 있을까? 그런데, 죽어라 40년 동안 일만 하다가 스러져간 소는, 할배 할매의 사랑으로 행복했을까?

#2. [더 폴: 오디어스와 환상의 문] 타셈 싱 감독, 2006년 작

결국 못 보고 지나갈 줄 알았는데, 보게 되어 어찌나 다행인지... 아마도, 내 평생 본 판타지 영화 중에 최고??? 우선, 그 초현실적인 영상 - 매 장면은 살바도르 달리의 그림을 뛰어넘고 있었다. 사실, 오프닝 씬에서부터 나는 정신줄을 놓아버렸다. 음악은 또 어떻고? 그리고 도대체 어디에서 나타난거니, 꼬마 알렉산드리아의 감정 연기는 정말... 꼬마아이는 실제로 영화를 찍으며 영어도 배우고, 빠진 앞니도 새로 나고, 그리고 성장했단다. 꼬마의 애처로운 목소리가 아직도 들리는 듯해... 현실과 허구를 연결하는 빼어난 내러티브와 세상에 대한 성찰, 그리고 은근히 귀여운 유머들... 이 감독은 전세계축구 스타들이 공차기로 연결되었던 그 유명한 펩시 광고를 찍은 양반이다. 그렇게 수 년 동안 돈모으고 개인재산 팔아서 이 영화를 찍었단다. DVD가 출시되면 꼭! 장만해두어야겠다... 안 보신 이들.... 어여 보세요. 정말 강추예염... #3. [렛미인] 토마슨 알프레드슨 감독, 2008년작

사실, 친구 M과 함께 이 영화를 본 건 작년 말이다. 여행 떠나는 날 오전에 잠깐... 이것도 금방 극장에서 내릴 줄 알고 서둘러봤는데, 의외로 여태 상영 중이다. 이 영화에 대한 감정은 좀 복잡미묘하다. 인간세계, 혹은 학교라는 정글로부터 외면받은 소년소녀가 서로의 존재를 인정하고 사랑에 빠져가는 모습은 아름답기 그지없다. 그리고 눈과 피, 푸른 어둠... 이 서늘하고도 강렬한 이미지도 잊혀지기 어려운 아름다움. 그런데, 살아남기 위해서라면, 사랑하는 이를 위해서라면 뭐든 해도 좋은 걸까? 주인공 하나 살리기 위해 전 부대가 몰살당하는 헐리우드의 '라이언 일병 구하기'와 이 영화의 플롯은 뭐가 다른 걸까? 본인은 인간임에도 불구하고 뱀파이어 딸 이엘리를 위해 끊임없이 살인을 저지르고, 또 신분을 감추기 위해 스스로 얼굴에 염산을 붓고, 그것도 모자라 마지막으로 딸에게 자신의 피를 먹인 후 빌딩에서 떨어지는 이엘리 아빠의 모습이나, 뱀파이어로 변한 자신의 존재를 견디지 못하고 자살을 택하는 마을 여인의 모습이 그리 쉽사리 지나쳐버릴 수 있는 것일까? 다른 사람이야 어찌 되건말건, 둘이 알콩달콩 행복하게 오래오래 잘 살았더래요... 이건 아니잖아??? 우쨌든, 누군가 초대해주기 전에는 들어갈 수 없는 뱀파이어의 모습 ('나를 들어가게 해줘: let me in')은 비단 그 세계뿐이 아니라, 인간 세계에도 들어맞는 것 같다. 누군가 마음을 열고 불러주기 전까지는, 억지로 혹은 강제로 들어가기란 불가능하니 말이다 ㅡ.ㅡ 이거 같이 보러갔던 친구랑 '바시르와 왈츠를'도 함께 보자고 했었는데 어찌나 시간 맞추기가 어려운지... 영화 내려버릴까봐 걱정일세!!! 혼자 가서 몰래 보면 배신일까???
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기

새로운 활동?

홍실이님의 [] 에 관련된 글.

그래도 비교적 잘 하는 것 중 하나는, 주제파악이다. 그래서, 내가 잘 못하는 거, 할 수없는 것을 부탁받으면 '진심을 담아' 거절하는 게 보통이다. 대의명분 때문에 어쩔 수없이 뭔가를 떠맡는 경우가 있는데, 대개 결과는 안 좋다. 이름만 걸어놓고 활동 안 하는 걸 엄청 싫어하는데, 가끔씩 자신의 그런 모습과 마주치면 미쳐버릴 것 같다 ㅡ.ㅡ (이를테면, 의료생협 동네 대의원을 억지로 맡았는데 지난 1년동안 한 번도 회의에 못 나갔고, 시당정책위 세미나에도 매번 결석했다. 제대로 못할 것이 뻔히 예상되었는데, 왜 한다고 해서...) 내가 잘 하는 것은 이런 거다. 데이터 분석하고 해석하기 (꼭 학술연구만을 지칭하는 건 아니다),큰 그림잡아 맥락으로 이해하기, 실무기획, 맨정신에 완전 진지한 대화 이끌어내기, 갖가지 고충 상담 (가끔은 다른 이들의 비밀과 내밀한 고민들을 너무 많이 알아 괴롭기도 ㅜ.ㅜ), 조근조근 일대일 꼬드기기, 마감 쪼아대기(???)... (잘하는게 너무 많구나 ㅎㅎㅎ) 못하는 거? 나서는 거 잘 못한다. 그니까 일대일 공략은 잘 하지만, 리더쉽있게 뭔가를 지도하고 조직하는 거에는 젬병... 더구나 싫어하는 사람과 말을 섞고 합의 도출하기, 이런거는 완전 쥐약이다. 즉, 정치력이 바닥이라는 뜻이다... 그렇다고 정책 역량이 있느냐, 그것도 아니다. 이건 원래 없는지, 트레이닝이 안 되어 그런건지 모르겠지만, 일단 못한다 (ㅡ.ㅡ). 특히나 국내 보건의료/복지와 관련해서는 구체적 정책/사업을 모니터링해온게 아닌지라, 원론 수준을 넘어서는 것들은 잘 모른다. 전공과 좀 동떨어져있기 때문이기도 하다. 하지만,사람들은 보건학 분야에 종사하면 이런거 속속들이 다 알고, 잘 하는 줄 안다. 모른다고 하면 심지어 '겸양'이라고 생각하니 환장할 노릇이다. 그런데, 한편으로는, '저는 그거 잘 몰라요, 잘 못해요' 하면서 계속 미루는게 적절한 태도인지 의문이 들기도 한다. 엊그제 ** 활동을 같이 하자는 제안을 받고, 좀 고민이다. 중요한 일이라는 것에는 동의한다. 자꾸만 생활과 투쟁의 현장에서 멀어지는 자신을 담금질한 기회이기도 하다. 하지만 과연 내가 잘 할 수 있을지가 걱정이다. 지금도 헥헥거리며 여기저기 펑크를 내고 있는데... 제대로 못할거면 처음부터 맡지 않는 것이 바람직하다. 도움은 커녕 걸림돌이 될 수는 없지 않나... 뭐 인생을 걸고 하는 것도 아닌디, 너무 오바해서 거창하게 고민하는 거 아닌가 생각되기도 하고...ㅜ.ㅜ 장고 끝에 악수 난다고 했는디, 과연 새해 계획에 중요한 한 줄을 추가하게 될 것인가, 말 것인가..... 기로에 서 있다. 오라클의 신탁이 필요해...
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기

생활 속의 공포 정치

어제 출근하려고 TV를 끄다가 마주친 '5명 사망' 속보는, 너무나 그로테스크해서 차마 믿기지가 않았다. 책에서나 읽었던 불도저 시장 김현욱 시절의 이주민 폭동 이야기가 문득 떠올랐다. '어쩌다 이런 일이!'보다 '드디어 여기까지!'라는 생각이 들었던 것은 나혼자만이 아니었을 것이다. 어제 저녁에 할머니 제사라 서울 부모님 댁에 갔었다. 아침에, 엄마가 말씀하셨다. 내년 전세 계약이 만료되면 이제는 이사를 가야겠다고. 부모님이 사시는 곳도, 서울 강북의 여느 지역들처럼 재개발 구역으로 지정되었다. 하지만 집주인이나 세입자들이나 비슷비슷하게 형편이 어려운지라, 재개발 반대의 목소리가 엄청 큰 곳이다. 재개발 되었을 때 원 주민이 돌아와 정착할 가능성이 매우 낮다는 것은 상식이다. 바로 앞동네 생뚱맞게 들어선 래미안 아파트는 생생한 증거... (심지어 원주민들 차량 못 다니게 아파트 진입 골목에 바리케이드 설치하고, 원주민 아이들을 아파트 단지 놀이터에서 못 놀게 하는 따위는 막장 드라마에서도 보기 힘든 유치한 작태!) 그래서 재개발 이야기가 나온 것은 꽤 오래되었지만, 굳이 정든 동네를 떠나고 싶지 않아 부모님은 꿈쩍도 안 하고 계셨던 것이다. 그런데, 엄마가, 어제 뉴스가 너무도 무서우셨단다. 우리 동네라고 저런 일 생기지 말라는 법이 없다는 거다. 이런게 바로 생활 속의 공포 정치다. 밥먹으면서 뉴스에서 눈을 못 떼는 나한테 엄마가 묻는다. "저게 드라마보다 뭐 좀 낫다고 그렇게 열심히 보는거냐?" 촛불 정국 때 광고불매 운동했던 시민들에게 징역이 구형되었다는 보도였다. 그러게요... 막장 드라마보다 뉴스가 더 막장일세... 대답 않고 열심히 밥만 먹었다... 자본주의가 세련화될수록 통치 기제도 세련되고 정당성과 합법성을 무기로 권력을 행사할 것이라 생각하지만, 그래서 더 무서울 거라고 생각했지만, 막가파식 공포 정치의 힘은 여전히 강력한 것 같다. 평범한 많은 이들의 일상에, 아주 날것의 힘, 정치의 힘을 보여주니 말이다. * 어제 돌아가신 이들, 결국 우리 할머니와 같은 제삿날을 갖게 되신 이들의 명복을 빈다. 그 분들의 자리가 우리 동네 이웃들, 우리 부모님의 자리일수도 있었다고 생각하면 정말 가슴이 아프다. 이제는 평화를...
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기

그냥 써보는...

확신에 차 있는 것같고, 단호한 결단력과 용기가 있는 것 같고, 항상 포스가 함께 있을 것 같은, 그런 사람도 내밀한 고민이 없는 건 아니며, 하찮아 보이는 소소한 일상에 괴로워하지 않는 건 아니다.
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기

2009 새해맞이 계획

해마다 계획은 참 뻔질나게 세운다. ㅎㅎ 심지어 이번 계획은 해외에서 오랜 기간 고심하며 세웠다... 고민이 유달리 깊어서가 아니라, 생각하다가 자꾸 잠이 들어서 ㅡ.ㅡ

1. 논문/연구 1) 자살 관련 논문들 마무리 - 국내역학/국제비교 2) 실업의 건강효과 논문 마무리 3) 제왕절개 결정요인 및 결과 분석 4) 지역사회 참여연구 논문 마무리 5) 진보신당 보건의료 사유화 책 마무리 6) 번역서 - 예방의학의 전략 * 실업/비정규 고용의 건강효과 질적연구? * 자살 문제 - 젠더/연령 효과 추가 분석 * 의대생 꿈나무(?) 양성 프로젝트 착수!!! * 어린이 손상 - 추가 논의 2. 활동 1) 노건연 - 성수 노동자 건강센터 안정화 (활동량의 70% 투입) 2) 진보신당 건강위원회 (30%) 3) 형평성학회 - 건강 최저 생계비 추계 작업 추진! 3. 삶의 방식 1) 칭찬하기 + 격려하고 응원하기!!! 작년에 칭찬하기를 목표로 세웠건만 충분히 칭찬을 못했다는게 자체 평가. 그리고 칭찬만으로는 부족한 듯.... 열심히 응원하고 격려하는 한 해를 만들자! 2) BBC international 빨리 끝나고 Caminos 로 이동! 3) 최소 2달에 1회 산에 가기!!! 4) 줄넘기는 꾸준히 하되, 날씨에 영향을 크게 받으니, 동네 탁구장 섭외하여 열심히 배우고 연습할 것! 5) 경거망동하지 않기! 말 많이 하지 않기! 작년에 이어, 말은 줄이고 글로 이야기한다는 원칙을 지켜나갈 것! 6) 대금 다시 시작해야 하는디... ㅡ.ㅡ 출장과 외박이 너무 많아... ㅜ.ㅜ 7) 책: Du Bois 평전 마무리하고 프란츠파농 읽기! + SF 프로젝트 완수 (^^) 8) 효도하기! 근데 어떻게 하지???
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기


드디어 집에 돌아왔다. 오늘 이동한 거리만 해도 7백 킬로미터에 달한다 ㅡ.ㅡ 연초부터 어찌나 다사다난한지,새로운 1년을 다 써버린 느낌이다. 지난 며칠 동안... 나는 솔라리스에 와 있다는 생각을 했더랬다. 바다도, 기억도, 사람도...
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기

[평화, 선동, 그리고 약속의 땅]

"I don't care"라는 표현은 과연 이스라엘을 위해 존재하는 것이었더란 말인가! 도대체 뭘 믿고 저리도 막나가냐 싶지만, 그 믿는 구석이란게 보통 든든하게 아니라는... 가입된 메일링리스트에서 지나간 영상 한편의 링크를 전해받았다. [평화, 선동, 그리고 약속의 땅 Peace, Propaganda, and the Promised Land] 아직 앞부분밖에 못봤는데, 사람들의 평대로 꼭 볼만한 내용인 듯 싶다. 미국을 위시한 국제미디어들이 이 지역의 문제를 어떤 식으로 바라보는지, 그래서 많은 이들이 이를 어떻게 수용하고 있는지를 잘 그려내고 있다. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6604775898578139565 뜻하지 아니한 급작스런 장기출장이다. 오늘 이 추운데 집회를 하는 이들, 그리고 무엇보다 공포와 절망 속에서 또 하루를 버텨내고 있을 팔레스타인 이들에게 그저 연대의 마음을 갖는 것만으로 세계시민의 도리를 다해야 한다니 참 거시기하다 ㅡ.ㅡ 자리를 비운 동안, 이 블로그에 들르는 이들은 시간 내서 영상을 꼭 감상해주셨으면.. (대략 1시간 20분 정도 분량) 그리고 퍼나를 수 있다면 널리 퍼뜨려주시길... 자막이라도 달아보려 했는데 내 시간을 내 맘대로 어찌 못하는 피고용인의 신세....
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기

Gaza - from ZNet

Inside Gaza: An Eyewitness Report January, 08 2009 By Ewa Jasiewicz WHEN I got there, the gates of Beit Hanoun hospital were shut, with teenage men hanging off them. The mass of people striving to get inside was a sign that there had been an attack. Inside the gates, the hospital was full. Parents, wives, cousins, emotionally frayed and overwhelmed, were leaning over injured loved ones. The Israeli Apache helicopter had attacked at 3.15pm. Witnesses said that two missiles had been fired into the street in Hay al Amel, east Beit Hanoun, close to the border with Israel. With rumours of an imminent invasion this empty scrubland is rapidly becoming a no-man's land which people cross quickly, fearing attack by Israeli jets. But the narrow, busy streets of the Boura area rarely escape the intensifying airstrikes. Eyewitnesses said children had been playing and waiting in the streets there for their parents to finish praying at the nearby mosque. "We could see it so clearly, it was so close, we looked up and everyone ran. Those that couldn't were soon flat on the ground," said Khalil Abu Naseer, who was lucky to have escaped the incoming missile. "Look at this, take it," insisted men in the street, handing me pieces of the missile the size of a fist, all with jagged edges. "All the windows were blown out, our doors were blown in, there was glass everywhere," explained a neighbour. It was these lumps of missile, rock and flying glass that smashed into the legs, arms, stomachs, heads and backs of 16 people, two of them children, who had been brought to Beit Hanoun Hospital on Thursday afternoon. Fadi Chabat, 24, was working in his shop, a small tin shack that was a community hub selling sweets, cigarettes and chewing gum. When the missile exploded, he suffered multiple injuries. He died on Friday morning in Kamal Adwahn Hospital in Jabaliya. As women attended the grieving room at Fadi Chabat's home yesterday to pay their respects, Israeli F16 fighter jets tore through the skies overhead and blasted four more bombs into the empty areas on the border. Two elderly women in traditional embroidered red and black dresses carrying small black plastic shopping bags moved as quickly as they could; others disappeared behind the walls of their homes, into courtyards and off the streets. At Fadi's house the grief was still fresh. Nearly all the women were crying, a collective outpouring of grief and raw pain with free-flowing tears. "He prayed five times a day, he was a good Muslim, he wasn't part of any group, not Fatah, not Hamas, not one, none of them, he was a good student, and he was different," said one of his sisters. She took me to see Fadi's younger brother, who had been wounded in the same airstrike. Omar, eight, was sitting on his own in a darkened bedroom on a foam mattress with gauze on his back covering his wounds. "He witnessed everything, he saw it all," the sisters explained. "He kept saying, I saw the missile, I saw it, Fadi's been hit by a missile'." The memory sets Omar off into more tears, his sisters, mother and aunts breaking down along with him. Nine-year-old Ismaeel, who had been on the street with his sisters Leema, four, and Haya, 12, had been taking out rubbish when they were struck by the missiles. Ismaeel had been brought into the hospital still breathing and doctors at first though he would pull through, but in the end he died of internal injuries. Within the past six days in Beit Hanoun alone, according to hospital records seven people have been killed, among them three children and a mother of ten other youngsters. Another 75 people have been injured, including 29 children and 17 women. As well as the fatalities and wounded, hundreds of homes have had their windows blown out and been damaged by flying debris and shrapnel. Two homes have been totally destroyed. Nearby the premises of two organisations have been reduced to rubble. One of them, the Sons of the City Charity, associated with Hamas, was blasted with two Apache-fired missiles, gutting a neighbouring apartment in the process and breaking windows at Beit Hanoun Hospital. The Cultural Development Association and the offices of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, were levelled by bombs dropped from F16 jets. It is hard to imagine what the Israeli pilots of these aircraft see from so far up in the sky. Do they see people walking; standing around and talking in the street; kids with sticks chasing each other in play? Or are the figures digitised, micro-people, perhaps just blips on a screen? Whatever is seen from the air, the victims are often ordinary people. Last Thursday night saw volunteers from the Palestinian Red Crescent Society in Beit Hanoun take to the streets in an effort to save lives. Like all emergency medical staff in Gaza, they risk death working in the maelstrom of every Israeli invasion, during curfews and night fighting. In one of the ambulances during an evening of total darkness caused by nightly power cuts, I meet Yusri, a veteran of more than 14 years of Israeli incursions into the Beit Hanoun district of Gaza. Moustachioed, energetic, and gregarious, Yusri is in his 40s and a local hero. Seen by people within the community as a man who rarely sleeps, he is a front-line paramedic who zooms through Gaza's streets to reach casualties, ambulance horn blaring as he shouts through a loudhailer for onlookers and the dazed to get out of the way. "Where's the strike?" Yusri asks locals, as we pick our way through a gutted charred charity office and the house of the Tarahan family. Their home, on the buffer zone, has been reduced to a concrete sandwich. There are six casualties, but miraculously none of them are serious. Beit Hanoun Hospital is a simple, 48-bed local facility with no intensive care unit, decrepit metal stretchers and rickety beds. I drink tea in a simple office with a garrulous crowd of ear, nose and throat specialists, surgeons and paediatricians. The talk is all about politics: how the plan for Gaza is to merge it with Egypt; how Israel doesn't want to liquidate Hamas as it serves their goal of a divided Palestine to have a weak Hamas alienated from the West Bank. The chat is interrupted by lulls of intent listening as news crackles through on Sawt Al Shab ("The Voice Of The People"), Gaza's grassroots news station. Almost everyone here is tuned in. It is listened to by taxi drivers, families in their homes huddled around wood stoves or under blankets and groups of men on street corners crouched beside transistor radio sets. It feeds live news on the latest resistance attacks, interspersed with political speeches from various leaders, and fighter music - thoaty, deep male voices united in buoyant battle songs about standing up, reclaiming al-Quds (Jerusalem) avenging fresh martyrs, and staying steadfast. News is fed through on operations by armed wings of every political group active in Gaza; the Qasam (Hamas), the Abu Ali Mustapha Martyrs Brigade (PFLP), the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (which is affiliated with Fatah) and Saraya al-Quds (Islamic Jihad). One thing is widely recognised - the attack on Gaza has brought all armed resistance groups together. However, everybody adds wryly that "once this is all over, they'll all break apart again". One of the surgeons asks me about whether I'm scared, and whether I really think I have protection as a foreigner here. I talk in detail about Israel's responsibility to protect emergency services; to cease fire; to facilitate movement;, to respect the Geneva Conventions, including protection of civilians and injured combatants. The surgeon talking to me is an intelligent man, highly respected in the community, in his late 40s. He takes his time, explaining to me in detail that all the evidence from everything Gazans have experienced points to Israel operating above the law - that there is no protection, that these laws, these conventions, do not seem to apply to Israel, nor does it abide by them, and that I should be afraid, very afraid, because Gazans are afraid. He recounts a story from the November 2006 invasion which saw more than 60 people killed, one entire family in one day alone. About 100 tanks invaded Beit Hanoun, with one blocking each entrance for six days. He remembers how the Red Cross brought water and food and took away the refuse. All co-ordination was cut off with the Palestinian Authority. The same will happen this time, he insists. He remembers too how one ambulance driver, Yusri, a maverick, a hero, loved by all the staff and community, faced down the tanks to evacuate the injured. Yusri, the surgeon says, just drove up to the tank and started shouting through his loudhailer, telling them to move for the love of God because we had a casualty, then just swerved round them and made off. Yusri has carried the injured and dead in every invasion in the past 14 years. He shows me a leg injury sustained when a tank rammed into his ambulance. The event was caught on camera by journalists, and a case brought against the Israel Occupation Forces, but they ruled the army had acted appropriately in self defence. "Look in the back of the ambulance here, how many people do you think can fit in here? I was carrying 10 corpses at a time after the invasion, there was a man cut in two here in the back, it was horrific. But you carry on. I want to serve my country," he says. During a prolonged power cut in that six-day invasion there was no electricity to power a ventilator, and doctors took turns hand pumping oxygen to keep one casualty alive for four hours before they could be transferred. Roads were bulldozed, ambulances were banned from moving, dead people lay in their homes for days, and when permission was finally given for the corpses' collection, medics had to carry them on stretchers along the main street. Today in Gaza everyone is terrified that such events are now repeating themselves, only worse. Gazans now feel collectively abandoned. The past week's massacres, indiscriminate attacks and overflowing hospitals, and the fact that anyone can be hit at any time in any place, has left people utterly terrorised. No-one dares think of what might become of them in these difficult and unpredictable days. As they say in Gaza, "Bein Allah" - "It's up to God". Ewa Jasiewicz is a journalist and activist. She is currently the co-ordinator for the Free Gaza movement and one of the only international journalists on the ground in Gaza

Gaza Catastrophe January, 08 2009 By Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed Israel claims it is fighting in Gaza to stop Hamas rocket-fire against Israel, the continuation of which constituted a flagrant breach of the six-months ceasefire. Hence, the objective of the military operation is limited by the aim of putting an end to the rocket-fire. In fact, the current outbreak of violence cannot be understood without analysing the asymmetries in military violence between the two parties; the dynamic structure of the conflict in the context of the character of the Israeli occupation; the central role of recent discoveries of substantial natural gas reserves in Gaza; and joint Anglo-American and Israeli attempts to monopolise the lucrative (and strategic) energy resources through a political process tied to a corrupt Palestinian Authority run by Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah Party. Hamas' unprecedented victory in democratic elections in 2006 fundamentally threatened these plans. Operation Cast Lead, the concurrent Israeli military venture, was operationalised as a war plan in early 2008, and already finalised in detail as far back as 2001 by Israeli military intelligence. Its execution in late December 2008 into January 2009 is designed to head-off not only domestic Israeli elections, but more significantly, the outcome of further incoming Palestinian democratic elections likely to consolidate Hamas' power, to permanently shift the balance of geopolitical and economic power in its favour. The long-term goal is the "cantonization" of the Occupied Territories making way for increased Israeli encroachment, and ultimately the escalation of Palestinian emigration. Disproportionate Violence - 700: 4 Who bears primary responsibility for the violence? You decide: Nearly 700 Palestinians are dead, and 3,00 Palestinians injured. At least 13,000 civilians - half of them children - have been forced to flee their homes, now turned to rubble. (Save the Children Alliance, 02.01.09) Israeli human rights groups, like B'Tselem (The Israeli Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories) based in Jerusalem, confirm that the Israeli military is committing war crimes by intentionally targeting the civilian population in Gaza. As I write, here comes news of example: "Israeli shelling kills dozens at UN school in Gaza" reports the London Guardian. More than 40 Palestinians were killed "after missiles exploded outside a UN school" in Jabaliya refugee camp by two Israeli tank shells, "where hundreds of people were sheltering from the continuing Israeli offensive." Several dozen civilians were wounded. The school was clearly marked according to officials. And elsewhere, "at least 12 members of an extended family, including seven young children, were killed in an air strike on their house in Gaza City." Hours earlier, "three young men - all cousins - died when the Israelis bombed another UN school, the Asma primary school in Gaza City," where about 400 Palestinians had sought shelter "after fleeing their homes in Beit Lahiya in northern Gaza." As foreign journalists remain banned from entry into Gaza for for no plausible reason, Israeli human rights groups like B'Tselem are reporting extensively on the deliberate mass destruction of civilian life and infrastructure by Israeli forces. B'Tselem points out that Israeli officials have described how the entirety of Palestinian society can be considered as providing a support network to Hamas, and is therefore a legitimate target. But worse, the stories that B'Tselem brings to light, ignored by mainstream media pundits, are deeply horrifying. Here are some examples: On 1 Jan. 2009, the Israeli army killed four women and eleven children in the Jabalya refugee camp. B'Tselem comments: "Such extensive loss of civilian life constitutes a grave breach of international humanitarian law and cannot be justified on military grounds." (B'Tselem, 4.01.09) The Israeli human rights group documents dozens of eye-witness testimonies confirming. On 4th January, "soldiers opened fire from a tank toward a passenger taxi outside Gaza City. The four children in the taxi witnessed their mother and another woman killed." On 27th December, two Palestinian toddlers "aged three and six, stepped out of their home to feed chickens in the yard. Before they reached the coop, the house was hit by the bombing of a nearby building." The three year old was killed. This barely scratches the surface of what has been done. Other Israeli human rights groups, UN agencies, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, Save the Children, along with dozens of other credible independent organizations confirm that Israeli forces are indiscriminately targeting the entire Palestinian civilian population, blowing up residential areas, destroying power plants, bombing sewage facilities, annihilating hospitals, pummelling roads, all into bloody rubble. Compare the hundreds of Palestinians killed, thousands injured, and tens of thousands made homeless, to the fact that only 4 Israelis have been killed due to Hamas rocket-attacks since the outbreak of conflict in December. (Guardian, 03.01.09) Of course, these deaths are condemnable and outrageous. But they are not cases of massive, systematic massacres of civilians - which are precisely what Palestinians have been experiencing under Israeli politico-territorial domination for the last decade. The Long-Term View - 5000: 14 Consider, for instance, that on 19th September 2007, Israel's security cabinet unanimously declared the entire Gaza Strip an "enemy entity" - solely due to ongoing Hamas rocket-fire. Yet that rocket-fire was and is a response to continued indiscriminate Israeli military bombardments. In January 2007, Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) staged three days of air strikes killing 30 Palestinians, and on the 17th, the Gaza strip was placed under total closure. In response, over 150 rockets and mortars were fired into Israel between the 15th and 18th of that month by Hamas. Yet while these caused no injuries or fatalities to any Israelis, in that same period, nearly 700 Palestinians (including 224 civilians of whom 78 were children) were killed by Israeli extra-judicial executions. Indeed, over the last 7 years of conflict, a grand total of 14 Israelis were killed by Hamas' rocket-fire, compared to an estimated 5,000 Palestinians killed by Israeli forces with advanced American and British-supplied military equipment (Guardian, 30.12.08) "Among those killed in the first wave of strikes", reports the Guardian, "were eight teenage students waiting for a bus and four girls from the same family in Jabaliya, aged one to 12 years old." Who Broke the Ceasefire? It is a matter of historical record that the tentative six-month ceasefire was broken by Israel. On 4th November 2008, Israeli forces raided Gaza late at night killing 6 Palestinians, eliciting Hamas rocket-fire. (Guardian, 05.11.08) By late December, Israel called for a 48-hour truce in retaliatory attacks. An official from the UN Relief and Works Agency reported that Israel flagrantly violated the lull, exploiting the opportunity to drop 100 tonnes of bombs on Hamas government installations. (Ha'aretz, 30.12.08) Root Cause of Palestinian Resistance: Structural Genocide in the Occupied Territories After Hamas came to power in democratic elections, Israel imposed a brutal siege on Gaza in 2005, denying 1.5 million Palestinians electricity, fuel, food imports, medical supplies, and vital maintenance goods and spare parts. As water and sanitation services deteriorated, hunger and ill-health intensified, and mortality rates increased. International aid agencies like Oxfam warned of a major public health crisis. The UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories, Richard Falk, said that the siege of Gaza warned that the Israeli siege of Gaza, threatening the lives of an entire civilian population, expressed genocidal intent: "Is it an irresponsible overstatement to associate the treatment of Palestinians with this criminalized Nazi record of collective atrocity? I think not. The recent developments in Gaza are especially disturbing because they express so vividly a deliberate intention on the part of Israel and its allies to subject an entire human community to life-endangering conditions of utmost cruelty. The suggestion that this pattern of conduct is a holocaust-in-the-making represents a rather desperate appeal to the governments of the world and to international public opinion to act urgently to prevent these current genocidal tendencies from culminating in a collective tragedy... But it would be unrealistic to expect the UN to do anything in the face of this crisis, given the pattern of US support for Israel and taking into account the extent to which European governments have lent their weight to recent illicit efforts to crush Hamas as a Palestinian political force." "Here's One I Prepared Earlier..." The siege was a strategy to prepare the ground for a protracted military operation, known as "Cast Lead". Although justified on the grounds of stopping Hamas rocket-fire, the operation was planned over six months before the launch of the operation at the end of 2008. Canadian analyst Professor Michel Chossudovsky from the University of Ottawa has revealed that Operation Cast Lead is in fact the legacy of "a broader military-intelligence agenda first formulated by the government of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in 2001", aiming to produce a "planned humanitarian disaster," designed to inflict mass civilian casualties and terror - that is, to weaken resistance, increase Israeli control, and encourage Palestinian emigration. Contrary to Israeli official rhetoric, military targets are secondary to this principal objective. In this respect, operation beginning in December 08 actually implements what was known as the "Dagan Plan" in 2001 - Operation Justified Vengeance, named after known its founder, retired general and current Mossad commander, Meir Dagan. The operation planned to destroy "the infrastructure of the Palestinian leadership" and collect the arms of "various Palestinian forces and expelling or killing its military leadership." The cumulative impact of this strategy would be to eliminate the viability of Gazan political and military resistance to Israeli penetration, permitting the forcible "cantonization" of the Occupied Territories under the nominal rule of the politically-coopted Fatah faction. Hints that the scope of the operation, already killing and injuring thousands of Palestinian civilians, would be far broader than hitherto admitted, came when Deputy Defence Minister Matan Vilnai told Israeli Army Radio that the Palestinians would "bring upon themselves a bigger Holocaust because we will use all our might to defend ourselves." Post-1999: Gaza as Locus of Resource Conflict The question, of course, is why now? Pundits have pointed at the telling coincidence of imminent Israeli elections, requiring the Olmert cabinet to find new ways to regain some semblance of credibility after the disastrous Hizbullah defeat in southern Lebanon, not to mention the impact of domestic scandals. Yet even more significant is the role of imminent Palestinian elections. As of September 2008, Israeli political observes noted an erupting "constitutional crisis" in the Occupied Territories due to disagreement "between Hamas and Fatah over when the next Palestinian elections will be held." Hamas officials stated that they would "not acknowledge Abu Mazen's legitimacy as President of the Palestinian Authority (PA) after January 2009, when it believes his term in office is due to finish." According to Hamas, "new elections should be held in January 09′ since according to the PA's Basic Law (which also serves as its temporary constitution) Abu Mazen finishes his Presidential term after 4 years." In the event of failure to do so, the Presidency "temporarily passes to the Speaker of the Parliament, Abd al-‘Aziz Dweik." As he is currently imprisoned by Israeli authorities, Hamas would resort to appointing Dweik's deputy "who is also a Hamas member." Given the growing weakness of Abbas and the increasing popularity of Hamas, it was far from likely that the PA would be able to forestall elections until January 2010, as it had wanted to, without severe recriminations and domestic opposition. Both presidential and parliamentary elections were therefore likely in 2009, and would have allowed Hamas to consolidate its power in the Occupied Territories. Israeli military and policy planners clearly recognized that this would create significant difficulties for Israel's own plans for the Occupied Territories. A decade back, the British the oil firm BG International discovered a huge deposit of natural gas just off the Gaza coast, containing 1.2 trillion cubic feet of gas valued at over $4 billion. Controlling security over air and water around Gaza, Israel quickly moved to negotiate a deal with BG to access Gaza's natural gas at cheap rates. The incentives for Israel are obvious - as the Telegraph reports: "Israel's indigenous gas fields - north of the Gaza Marine field - could run out within a few years and the only other long-term source will be a pipeline from neighbouring Egypt." The British Foreign Office, described the reserves as "by far the most valuable Palestinian natural resource." Tel Aviv journalist Arthur Neslen cites an informed British source saying, "The UK and US, who are the major players in this deal, see it as a possible tool to improve relations between the PA and Israel. It is part of the bargaining baggage." The project could provide up to 10 per cent of the Israel's energy needs, at around half the price the same gas would cost from Egypt. The Gaza Strip would be effectively circumvented, as the gas would be piped directly onshore to Ashkelon in Israel. Neslen reports another informed source noting "an obvious linkage" between the BG-Israel deal and "attempts to bolster the Olmert-Abbas political process." Yet this process is designed precisely to marginalise the Palestinian people, as Neslen reports that "up to three-quarters of the $4bn of revenue raised might not even end up in Palestinian hands at all. While the PIF officially disputes the percentages, it will provide no others for fear of a public backlash." The "preferred option" of the US an UK is that the gas revenues would be held in "an international bank account over which Abbas would hold sway." No wonder then, that Ziad Thatha, the Hamas economic minister, had denounced the deal as "an act of theft" that "sells Palestinian gas to the Zionist occupation." Things didn't go quite according to plan. In fact, before any deal could be finalised, Hamas won the 2006 elections to the Palestinian Legislative Council, provoking a bitter power struggle between Hamas and the pro-west Fatah, fuelled by the input of US and Israeli arms to the latter. Ultimately, the Palestinian Authority split in 2007, with Hamas taking control of Gaza and Fatah taking control of West Bank. Having been excluded from the US-UK brokered gas deal between Israel and the PA, one of the first things that Hamas did after getting elected was to declare that the natural gas deal was void, and would have to be renegotiated. With Hamas declaring the constitutional imperative to hold elections in 2009, as early as January if possible, Israeli military and policy planners recognized the probability of a Hamas win - with all its political implications. At one time even stating its willingness to recognise Israel's right to exist within its 1967 borders, a consolidated Hamas government in control of Gaza's natural resources would fundamentally alter the balance of power in the region, granting Palestinians the prospects of sustained economic growth, foreign investment, unprecedented infrastructure development, and thereby the prospect of a far more equal relationship with Israel, who in coming years needs to increasingly diversify energy supplies. Meanwhile Israel's original Anglo-America sponsored plans for the Occupied Territories - a docile Fatah-controlled patchwork of underdeveloped cantonized Bantustans whose natural resources are controlled by Israel and profited by Anglo-American companies - would be thrown into the sea. Israeli Military Objectives Pundits, slavishly quoting Israeli defence sources, claim that Israel is trying to stop the Hamas rocket-fire, and will keep the operation rolling until they believe that they have degraded Hamas military capabilities sufficiently so as to forever prevent Hamas from firing rockets at Israel again. Ever. Failing this, pundits tend to be confused about the scope of Israel's objectives, noting that the state aim is rather vague and intrinsically impossible to measure. Given the preceding analysis, Israel's official war aim is difficult to take seriously. On the contrary, there is thus little doubt that Operation Cast Lead is aimed at obliterating Hamas as a viable source of politico-military resistance in the Palestinian Territories, paving the way for the "cantonization" of the latter under the erection of the corrupt Abbas-led PA, before imminent 2009 Palestinian elections could consolidate Hamas' socio-political entrenchment. The operation thus has two major objectives: 1) The short-term objective is to allow Israeli and Anglo-American unchallenged monopolisation of the Gaza gas reserves, and continued apartheid-style domination of the Territories. 2) The long-term objective is to create permanent conditions facilitating Israel's re-encroachment on the Territories, encouraging Palestinian emigration and expulsion from their homes, and absorbing their remaining lands under renewed Israeli settler-colonisation programmes. The war on Gaza is, therefore, a war on democracy; a war on the right of peoples to self-determination; a war on the right of peoples' to utilise their own resources for their own benefit. It continues and extends the policies of repression and discrimination perpetrated by Israel in the Occupied Territories since 1948, when three quarters of a million Palestinians were forced from their homes, and hundreds massacred, by Israeli forces in the Nakba (Catastrophe). Since then, Israel has continued to violate UN resolutions, attempted to grab as much territory as possible from the Palestinians, denied them the right to statehood and self-determination, and instituted racist laws to deprive them of civil liberties and human rights. Even Israeli officials like Ami Ayalon, the retired head of Shin Bet, Israel's domestic security service, have condemned these policies as a form of "apartheid": "The things a Palestinian has to endure, simply coming to work in the morning, is a long and continuous nightmare that includes humiliation bordering on despair... We have to decide soon what kind of democracy we want here. The present model integrates apartheid and is not commensurate with Judaism." (Ma'ariv, 05.12.00) Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine is supported by the US, Britain, and Western Europe, through financial aid, extensive supplies of arms and military equipment, diplomatic support. The global social justice movement needs to extend its support for Gaza far beyond marching and demonstrations, by pressuring media, government and civil society institutions to recognize that the Gaza crisis is an outcome of long-term policies that can only be understood in the context of recognizing the reality of Israel as a Setter-Colonial Apartheid regime sponsored by Anglo-American power. Thus, the global social justice movement should look to widening and deepening public understanding of the origins of the current crisis in the contemporary conjuncture of the global imperial system. Yet just as South African apartheid required a massive international campaign of diplomatic and economic boycotting to bring it down, so too will the Israeli Settler-Colonial Apartheid regime require a comprehensive campaign of diplomatic and economic boycotts to weaken the nexus that ties Anglo-American power to Israel, and move toward a meaningful resolution of the conflict based on democracy and equality for Jews and non-Jews, together. Where can we start, practically? An outstanding example is to call for the establishment of an International Criminal Tribunal for Israel (ICTI) under UN Charter Article 22, as has been advocated by the Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC), a London-based NGO with Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. As IHRC Chairman Massoud Shadjareh observed, "The setting up of such a tribunal is long-overdue, and is desperately needed to address the war crimes perpetrated not only in the current attacks on Gaza but in previous campaigns against the Lebanese and Palestinians. The relevant procedures and precedents are in place. It is time for the UN to act if it hopes to regain a shred of credibility amongst the outraged peoples of the world." The IHRC's call for a tribunal resonates with numerous comments from independent experts on Israeli war crimes, such as Francis Boyle, Professor of International Law at the University of Illinois: "The establishment of ICTI would provide some small degree of justice to the victims of Israeli war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide against the Peoples of Lebanon and Palestine--just as the ICTY has done in the Balkans. Furthermore, the establishment of ICTI by the U.N. General Assembly would serve as a deterrent effect upon Israeli leaders such as Prime Minister Olmert, Foreign Minister Livni, Defense Minister Barak , Chief of Staff Ashkenazi and Israel's other top generals that they will be prosecuted for their further infliction of international crimes upon the Lebanese and the Palestinians." So here's something you can do to make the establishment of an ICTI a real possibility - write to the UN General Assembly President, demanding the creation of an Israeli war crimes tribunal under UN Charter Article 22.
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정의가 강물처럼 흘러넘치는 세상까지는 아니더라도, 감당할 수 없는 불의가 해일이 되어 사람들을 삼켜버리는 일은 없기를 바랬다. 이게 그리도 대단한, 도저히 이룰 수 없는 그런 꿈이란 말인가? 즐거운 여행을 마치고 돌아와 앉은 내가 만난 첫 뉴스화면에서는 팔레스타인 어린이가 피를 흘리고 있었다.
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선물 자랑

아즈라엘한테 엄청 신기하고 멋진 선물 받았다. 이름하여 필름 스피커.... 돛단배의 돛 - 투명 필름이 스피커란다. 나름 2.1 채널, 돛대에서는 빛이 난다!!! 컴에 스피커가 없어서 이어폰 꽂고 음악을 듣고는 했는데, 음하하... 멋지다. 뭔가 근사한 받침대를 하나 구해와야 할 듯... 근데, 후배한테 이런거 선물 받아도 되나 몰라...

선물 포스팅 시작한 김에... 벌써(!) 몇 달 전에 fessee 님이 선물해주신 산 세베리아도 인증샷으로 올려본다. 죄송시럽게도, 잎 한가닥이 말라비틀어져 절제수술을 한 상태다... 어여 회복되어야 할텐데.... 사람들이 입을 모아 불사의 식물이라 칭송하던 산세베리아도 나한테는 당하지 못하나봐... ㅜ.ㅜ 아래의 김광석 앨범은 노신에게 선물주려고 사놓은거다. 승용차에 CD 플레이어가 없다고 테이프를 구해오라 해서 망연자실했으나, mp3에 담아 카팩과 전달하면 될 것 같다. 심지어 우편으로 부쳐야해...번거롭다 번거로워... 술 마시면 어찌나 인심이 후해지는지, 평소같으면 절대 안 할 약속을 이렇게 하고 다닌다니까.... 사진기를 들고 보니 후배 K가 사준 장갑도 눈에 띈다. 생각해보니, 후배들 등쳐먹은 일이 드물지는 않았구나. 미국에 있을 때 인편으로 보내온 장갑/목도리 셋트 중 일부다. 본인이 절대로 직접 골랐을 것 같지는 않고 아마도 지금의 부인인 Y씨에게 부탁하지 않았었을까 싶네... 모양도 예쁘고, 편리함도 뛰어난 장갑이다. 조카 우재가 부러워하는... 잠깐, 그러고보니 바탕에 깔린 키보드도 직장 이웃한테 얻어온 구호품 ㅎㅎㅎ 그리고 며칠 전에 친구 M 에게서 받은 핸드폰 장식줄... 고른 사람의 따뜻한 마음이 느껴지는 따뜻한 문양이다. 요즘 날씨에 딱 어울림.
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