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Sunday, May 1

No Bosses, No Borders:
Into the Streets for Freedom for Immigrants & All Working People!

On International Workers Day, we call for people of Boston and greater New England to take to the streets in opposition to capitalism. Capitalism is the enemy of the working class, the enemy of the immigrant, the enemy of all freedom loving people. We reject its wars, its governments, its immigration laws, and its exploitation and degradation of all life.

We stand for a world free of bosses and borders. One day we will abolish them and take control of our own lives, workplaces, and communities. In the meantime, this May Day, we will take back the streets of this city and stand in solidarity with the struggles of immigrant workers. We will make anti-capitalist resistance visible again. We will give new life to the new world that's in our own hearts and the hearts of working people everywhere.

12:30 - Converge at Boston Common at Park & Tremont St
1:00 - Anti-Capitalist March through Downtown Boston
2:00 - Immigrant Rights Rally at Copley Place
5:00 - Cultural Festival at 45 Mount Auburn St
11:00 - Reclaim the Streets in Harvard Square

Bring friends and fellow workers. Bring pots and pans, drums and instruments, songs and banners and flags. Bring creativity and defiance.

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