
from 우울 2004/08/05 09:28
나는 그런게 아니야.
사실은 어떤 숭배도 바라지 않고 누구의 사랑도 바라지 않아.
타인들이 나에게 그런 걸 바라고 있기 때문에
그런 척 하는 것일 뿐이야. 그걸 몰랐어?

나는 인큐베이터 안에서 자라고 있어.
I just need to be cared not be loved.

Frankly, To be honest, I don't wanna be cared.
I don't need anybody.
But I can't handle my life.
I "should" be cared. That's my destiny.
I'm sorry, but I can't change anything.
I don't want to change my life.
It is you who wanna change my life.
Everybody wanna change me because they wanna be loved.

They can't stand me, myself.

"You know, Those writings are just fake."

Please, Do not try to change me.
I'm immature, that's me.

Because I give up everything "easily",
somebody who is more dependant and more responsible than me
finds and cares me "naturally".

But you have to know there are somethings that I can give you.
Those are not that big but no one can give you like those.

No matter what I say, I want you admit me.
I wanna give "me" to you, that's what I want exactly.

If you take care of me, I'll give "me" to you.
I don't wanna be alive but you can keep me alive.

It is easy to get me, but no one can possess me.

You know, I'm a kind of nature (in a incubator).

I miss you.
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크
2004/08/05 09:28 2004/08/05 09:28